What Are The Best Times To Post On Facebook

What’s the best time to post on Facebook? When your audience is there, of course. Finding the best time to post can increase your engagement, your reach, and even your sales. In this article, I’ll breakdown how to find the times that work best for both your brand and audience. It … | Continue reading

@ignitevisibility.com | 6 years ago

Pioneer’s new DJ controller brings a club-style layout to a portable unit

Just ahead of the National Association of Music Merchants (NAMM) show, Pioneer DJ has unveiled its newest controller, the DDJ-1000. Meant for dedicated use with its rekordbox dj software, the DDJ-1000 is designed to look almost exactly like the standard setup a DJ would encounter … | Continue reading

@theverge.com | 6 years ago

4 Tactics for a Better LinkedIn Content Strategy

LinkedIn is often overlooked when it comes to leveraging content strategy. Tactics include using a showcase page and leveraging sponsored content. | Continue reading

@blog.socialfusion.com | 6 years ago

Villarroel Apartment in Barcelona / Raul Sanchez Architects

In summary, from the client's predetermined conventional organization, the Villarroel apartment proposes adding layers of complexity to the interior experience of the house, ... | Continue reading

@homeworlddesign.com | 6 years ago

BNR 175: Offline influence is more important than online influence

Are we all so focused on our online influence that we’ve forgotten actual human interaction is not just important but an incredibly effective way to market? PR Warrior Trevor Young joins Nic and Sarah for a conversation about taking your online influence offline in order to marke … | Continue reading

@lushthecontentagency.com | 6 years ago

Apple supplier workers have been exposed to toxic chemicals, report finds

An Apple supplier in China has once again been flagged for having poor factory working conditions by a report today from non-profit China Labor Watch, which Bloomberg added original reporting to. The report details working conditions at a Catcher Technology factory, which manufac … | Continue reading

@theverge.com | 6 years ago

Lawsuit filed by 22 state attorneys general seeks to block net neutrality repeal

 A lawsuit filed today by the attorneys general of 22 states seeks to block the Federal Communications Commission’s recent controversial vote to repeal Obama era Net Neutrality regulations. The filing is led by New York State Attorney General Schneiderman, who called rollback a p … | Continue reading

@techcrunch.com | 6 years ago

BMW and Mercedes-Benz will also try out subscription plans for new cars

Not to be left out by rivals, BMW and Mercedes-Benz appear to be joining the world of automotive subscription models that cover all of the fees required with car ownership or leasing under one payment. Both BMW and Mercedes are expected to announce pilot programs for a subscripti … | Continue reading

@theverge.com | 6 years ago

Waterfront Modern Retreat Overlooking Peconic Bay in the Hamptons

Situated atop a bluff overlooking the Peconic Bay, this waterfront modern retreat offers dramatic views across the bay into the horizon; yet, it is decidedly humble with its natural surrounding. The five-bedroom house is designed for a multi-generational French family as their va … | Continue reading

@homeworlddesign.com | 6 years ago

22 state attorneys general sue to block net neutrality rollback

In the first high-profile attempt to block the FCC’s rollback of net neutrality rules through the courts, 22 state attorneys general have filed a lawsuit challenging the agency’s repeal plan. Led by New York Attorney General Eric Schneiderman, the petition asks a court to find th … | Continue reading

@theverge.com | 6 years ago

Marijuana-friendly states ask Congress to make banking legal for the weed industry

 Recreational marijuana might be having its moment, but that doesn’t mean that all the kinks are worked out. Due to laws that still classify it as an illicit substance on the federal level, the banking industry has yet to warm up to the burgeoning weed business for fear of crimin … | Continue reading

@techcrunch.com | 6 years ago

U.S. security concerns could stall Huawei’s and ZTE’s 5G expansions

ANALYSIS: Will U.S. citizens get their first 5G phones from Huawei or ZTE? Not if Congress has its way. Over the last week, members of Congress have been getting tough on the two Chinese companies, formally identifying both as threats to national security following years of inves … | Continue reading

@venturebeat.com | 6 years ago

You can assemble this paper booklet to create electronic music toys

An interactive booklet called Papier Machine is making beautiful STEM toys that are actually fun and accessible, by combining paper with electronic circuitry. The booklet contains pages silkscreened with conductive silver ink that can be assembled to create six electronic paper t … | Continue reading

@theverge.com | 6 years ago

Expanding into new markets, Namely adds former Box exec, Graham Younger, as President

 Graham Younger, a former executive vice president of Box and longtime enterprise software executive, is joining the human resources services provider Namely as its new President. The New York-based company which provides human resources management software for mid-sized companie … | Continue reading

@techcrunch.com | 6 years ago

Rheinische Post: Kommentar / Kein Herz für den Brexit = Von Matthias Beermann

Rheinische Post: Düsseldorf (ots) - Der Brexit ist für die Beziehung zwischen der EU und Großbritannien so etwas wie das Beziehungs-Aus in einer alten Ehe. Man verspricht sich eine gütliche Scheidung mit Gütertrennung, aber dann laufen die Dinge doch auf einen ... | Continue reading

@presseportal.de | 6 years ago

Rheinische Post: Kommentar / Mehr Personal - wofür? = Von Thomas Reisener

Rheinische Post: Düsseldorf (ots) - Deutschland wird weltweit um seinen gut funktionierenden Staat beneidet. Grundlage dafür sind die Parlamente im Bund und in den Ländern. Allen Unkenrufen zum Trotz arbeitet die große Mehrheit der Politiker dort hart und gut. Auch ... | Continue reading

@presseportal.de | 6 years ago

Stuttgarter Nachrichten: Kommentar zur Grundsteuer

Stuttgarter Nachrichten: Stuttgart (ots) - Die Grundsteuer ist in ihrer jetzigen Form verfassungswidrig. Allerdings: Was danach kommt, ist völlig offen - und ob es besser werden wird, das ist keinesfalls gesagt. Vermutlich wird der steuerpolitische Dauerbrenner auch nach ... | Continue reading

@presseportal.de | 6 years ago

Rheinische Post: Kommentar / Eine Steuer auf Abruf = Von Martin Kessler

Düsseldorf (ots) - Fast alle zahlen sie, kaum jemand kennt sie richtig: die Grundsteuer. Einmal im Jahr kommt der Bescheid. Dann können Immobilienbesitzer, Firmeneigentümer oder... | Continue reading

@presseportal.de | 6 years ago

Honey Season is Over, But You’re Just in Time for Honey Vodka Season

We had left Baku to return to northwestern Azerbaijan, only a band of mountains away from with the Russian border, in search of something we had found the previous summer. The post Honey Season is Over, But You’re Just in Time for Honey Vodka Season appeared first on Roads & King … | Continue reading

@roadsandkingdoms.com | 6 years ago

How Electric Dreams updates Philip K. Dick’s Cold War stories

Between his first published story in 1952 and his death in 1982, Philip K. Dick produced dozens of novels and more than a hundred short stories. Moving past famous works like A Scanner Darkly or The Man in the High Castle, Amazon Video’s anthology show Philip K. Dick’s Electric D … | Continue reading

@theverge.com | 6 years ago

A Congressman has new questions for chipmakers about Meltdown and Spectre response

Congress is starting to ask hard questions about the fallout from the Meltdown and Spectre vulnerabilities. Today, Rep. Jerry McNerney (D-CA) sent a letter requesting a briefing from Intel, AMD, and ARM about the vulnerabilities’ impact on consumers. Embedded below, the letter in … | Continue reading

@theverge.com | 6 years ago

Americans and the Media: Disappointment and Distrust

Most Americans expect the media to inform them, but a majority (58%) think it's harder than ever to rely on the media for objective news,... | Continue reading

@blog.themightycopywriter.com | 6 years ago

Ethical AI happens before you write the first line of code

GUEST: As internally developed artificial intelligence systems move from lab to deployment, the importance of creating unbiased, ethical systems is greater than ever. The challenge is that there is not a simple solution for companies to build ethical consideration into AI algorit … | Continue reading

@venturebeat.com | 6 years ago

‘Everything Sucks!’ 90s kid nostalgia-fest arrives on Netflix February 16

I know this trailer is meant to evoke a connection with all the dumb shit I remember from elementary and high school, and it does. But it’s also just depressing. The show could be good though (we’ll find out when all episodes arrive streaming on February 16), and maybe you’re hap … | Continue reading

@techcrunch.com | 6 years ago

Westfalen-Blatt: Das Westfalen-Blatt (Bielefeld) zur Autoshow Detroit

Westfalen-Blatt: Bielefeld (ots) - Auch wenn sich Detroit langsam aus den finanziellen Ruinen zu erheben scheint - den Stellenwert als Autometropole hat die Stadt verloren. Nicht zuletzt deshalb geht vermutlich die Zahl der Aussteller auf der so traditionsreichen ... | Continue reading

@presseportal.de | 6 years ago

Westfalen-Blatt: das Westfalen-Blatt (Bielefeld) zur Großen Koalition

Westfalen-Blatt: Bielefeld (ots) - Die SPD hat das phänomenale Talent, die eigenen Erfolge konsequent schlecht zu reden und zugleich mit ganz großer Geste dem (noch) nicht Erreichten nachzutrauern. Das ist einmalig in der deutschen Parteienlandschaft und dieser Tage ... | Continue reading

@presseportal.de | 6 years ago

Westfalen-Blatt: das Westfalen-Blatt (Bielefeld) zum Unwort des Jahres

Bielefeld (ots) - Gestern wurde das 27. »Unwort des Jahres« verkündet. Erinnern Sie sich noch an eines? An das von 2011 vielleicht? Döner-Morde. Geprägt im denunziatorischen... | Continue reading

@presseportal.de | 6 years ago

The New Character Length for Google SERP Snippets & Meta Descriptions

The new maximum length for a snippet in Google search results is 320 characters (with spaces and snippet features) so, I recommend a length of 300 characters for a Meta Description. And, if you want Google to actually use your Meta Descriptions, write them to better answer user q … | Continue reading

@portent.com | 6 years ago

Edwardian Weatherboard House Renovated by Sheri Haby Architects

Abbott St House is an Edwardian weatherboard house in Sandringham. Typical of many of the period houses in the area, a previous extension had added a room on the back incorporating main bedroom, ... | Continue reading

@homeworlddesign.com | 6 years ago

WhatsApp is reportedly testing alerts to stop users from forwarding spam messages

In an attempt to curtail spammy content, WhatsApp seems to be testing out notifications that alert users if they receive a message that has been forwarded many times, or if they are about to forward one of these messages themselves, as reported by TechCrunch. Several WhatsApp sit … | Continue reading

@theverge.com | 6 years ago

Börsen-Zeitung: Steuergeschenke, Kommentar zur US-Berichtssaison von Stefan Paravicini

Börsen-Zeitung: Frankfurt (ots) - Der Dow Jones Industrial Average hat es schon wieder getan. Innerhalb von gerade sechs Handelstagen hat der US-Leitindex erneut die Distanz von 1.000 Punkten durchmessen und erstmals die Schwelle von 26.000 Punkten übertroffen. Den ... | Continue reading

@presseportal.de | 6 years ago

MirraViz shows off a revolutionary way to do split-screen gaming

 MirraViz wants to bring an end to gamers screen peeking. The startup’s display technology lets different people watch different things on the same projector screen depending on where they’re sitting. The best part of this is that only you can see what’s happening on your screen. … | Continue reading

@techcrunch.com | 6 years ago

China’s Chery will use Nvidia-powered ZF ProAI for Level 3 autonomous cars

 Chinese automaker Chery will be building cars with Level 3 autonomous features powered by supplier ZF’s ProAI platform, which itself uses Nvidia GPUs for its driving intelligence. The partnership was announced at the North American International Auto Show today in Detroit, and f … | Continue reading

@techcrunch.com | 6 years ago

With all 49 Democrats on board, Senate leaders sound off on plan to restore net neutrality

 Democrats in the Senate have achieved unanimous party support of the plan to undo the FCC’s recently passed order gutting net neutrality. All 49 Democratic Senators and one Republican are ready to officially disapprove the Restoring Internet Freedom rule, requiring only one more … | Continue reading

@techcrunch.com | 6 years ago

Ferrari will make an electric supercar (and an SUV)

Ferrari will build a battery-electric supercar in a bid to challenge Tesla for a piece of the high-end, eco-conscious luxury market. CEO Sergio Marchionne, who also heads Fiat Chrysler, said that the Italian racecar company would also make a Ferrari SUV — after previously dismiss … | Continue reading

@theverge.com | 6 years ago

Lyft Concierge, its ride-booking service for businesses, opens to all

 Lyft today announced it’s expanding its Concierge program – the service that allows organizations to schedule rides for other people – to more business customers. First announced in 2016, the service was originally designed to help patients get to medical appointments, particula … | Continue reading

@techcrunch.com | 6 years ago

Uber will require UK drivers to take long breaks after 10-hour shifts

A new Uber policy will mandate that drivers in the UK take at least a six-hour break after working a continuous shift of 10 hours, according to Reuters and Bloomberg. The limit on the amount of time that drivers can spend picking up and dropping off passengers will go into effect … | Continue reading

@theverge.com | 6 years ago

BERLINER MORGENPOST: Rückkehr zur Normalität - Kommentar von Miguel Sanches

BERLINER MORGENPOST: Berlin (ots) - Die Regierung wird hoffentlich nicht erwarten, dass alle mit Konfetti werfen. Es ist löblich, dass sie die Hauptprobleme der Flüchtlingskrise in den Griff bekommen hat, wie Innenminister Thomas de Maizière (CDU) es ausdrückt. Aber ... | Continue reading

@presseportal.de | 6 years ago

Anthony Levandowski’s former nanny accuses him of stealing trade secrets

The saga of ex-Uber engineer Anthony Levandowski continues to get stranger, with fresh accusations of stealing trade secrets. This time, they’re coming from the somewhat surprising source of Erika Wong, the former nanny for Levandowski’s two children from December 2016 to June 20 … | Continue reading

@theverge.com | 6 years ago

BERLINER MORGENPOST: Ein erwartbares Ergebnis - Kommentar von Gilbert Schomaker

BERLINER MORGENPOST: Berlin (ots) - Das Ergebnis ist wenig überraschend: Der vom Senat bestellte "neutrale" Gutachter kommt zu dem Schluss, dass der Flughafen Tegel nicht geöffnet bleiben kann. Ein Flugbetrieb auch nach der Eröffnung des BER in Schönefeld sei nur ... | Continue reading

@presseportal.de | 6 years ago

Neue Westfälische (Bielefeld): EU verschärft Kampf gegen Plastikmüll Im Zeitalter des Kunststoffs Marina Kormbaki, Berlin

Neue Westfälische (Bielefeld): Bielefeld (ots) - Steinzeit, Bronzezeit, Eisenzeit - Abschnitte der Menschheitsgeschichte wurden nach jenen Materialien benannt, aus denen die Zeitgenossen ihre wichtigsten Güter herstellten. Folglich leben wir in der Plastikzeit. Kunststoffe haben … | Continue reading

@presseportal.de | 6 years ago

Neue Westfälische (Bielefeld): Erhöhung der Mitarbeiterpauschalen für Landtagsabgeordnete Unsensibel Lothar Schmalen, Düsseldorf

Neue Westfälische (Bielefeld): Bielefeld (ots) - Es ist wie so häufig in der jüngeren Vergangenheit, wenn es um die finanzielle Ausstattung der hauptberuflichen Politiker in deutschen Parlamenten geht. Regierung und Opposition machen gemeinsame Sache und lassen die nötige ... | Continue reading

@presseportal.de | 6 years ago

Stuttgarter Zeitung: zur Grundsteuer

Stuttgarter Zeitung: Stuttgart (ots) - Dass sich die neuen Regeln für den Einzelnen günstiger auswirken, ist zweifelhaft. Der Dreiklang aus Einheitswert, Hebesatz und Steuermessbescheid bestimmt letztlich die individuelle Steuerlast. Die Politik steht vor einer großen ... | Continue reading

@presseportal.de | 6 years ago

Facebook commissions fairy-tale horror series about a handless girl

Facebook has ordered a 10-episode drama series from Blumhouse Television and two of the team members behind HBO’s True Blood. Facebook’s director of development, Ricky Van Veen, made the announcement today at the National Association of Television Program Executives (NATPE) confe … | Continue reading

@theverge.com | 6 years ago

Der Tagesspiegel: Frauenmangel bei Berliner Salafisten

Berlin (ots) - In Berlin sind die Salafisten nach Informationen des Berliner "Tagesspiegels" (Mittwochausgabe) älter, als die vielen Meldungen über junge Attentäter aus der... | Continue reading

@presseportal.de | 6 years ago

Hawaii’s emergency alert interface looks straight out of the ’90s

 No one who’s used a long-running government website expects such things to be fancy — just functional. But there’s a limit to what can be tolerated, and I believe we’ve reached it with Hawaii’s emergency alert system, which is so dated that it would be hilarious if it hadn’t jus … | Continue reading

@techcrunch.com | 6 years ago

Ferrari is planning an all-electric supercar

 Ferrari is going to going to build an EV that will aim to have no peer – including from the likes of Tesla. Fiat Chrysler CEO Sergio Marchionne said that its planning to both build its first electric supercar, and debut its first ever SUV, with the latter arriving sometime in ei … | Continue reading

@techcrunch.com | 6 years ago

If your Wi-Fi is acting wonky, your Google Home and Chromecast could be to blame

If your internet connection has been going down, your Google Home and Chromecast devices could be to blame. The issue initially seemed to be relegated only to those who owned the Google Home Max speaker and TP-Link Archer C7 router. New issues have been reported involving other d … | Continue reading

@theverge.com | 6 years ago