Part 3: Setting up a Kerberos test environment

This is part 3 of a series of posts on setting up Django to use external authentication. This post explains how to setup your own environment to test Django authentication against Apache and Kerberos/Active Directory/LDAP.Setting up your own test environment Naturally, you only c … | Continue reading | 11 years ago

Part 3: Setting up a Kerberos test environment

This is part 3 of a series of posts on setting up Django to use external authentication. This post explains how to setup your own environment to test Django authentication against Apache and Kerberos/Active Directory/LDAP.Setting up your own test environment Naturally, you only c … | Continue reading | 11 years ago

Part 1: Django 1.5 Custom User Models

This is part 1 of a series of posts on setting up Django to use external authentication. This post explains how to setup Django with custom user models for corporate/internal authentication methods.Intro Everyone has or has had a Pointy-haired boss or client, right? micromanageme … | Continue reading | 11 years ago

Part 2: Apache and Kerberos for Django Authentication + Authorization

This is part 2 of a series of posts on setting up Django to use external authentication. This post explains how to setup Apache for Django to use a corporate/internal authentication environment.How do I Apache? Alright, now that my application is done and the custom user is setup … | Continue reading | 11 years ago

Part 1: Django 1.5 Custom User Models

This is part 1 of a series of posts on setting up Django to use external authentication. This post explains how to setup Django with custom user models for corporate/internal authentication methods.Intro Everyone has or has had a Pointy-haired boss or client, right? micromanageme … | Continue reading | 11 years ago

Part 2: Apache and Kerberos for Django Authentication + Authorization

This is part 2 of a series of posts on setting up Django to use external authentication. This post explains how to setup Apache for Django to use a corporate/internal authentication environment.How do I Apache? Alright, now that my application is done and the custom user is setup … | Continue reading | 11 years ago

Alex Trebek on Why 'Jeopardy' Represents the American Dream

The game show host, who died yesterday at age 80, donated items to the Smithsonian in 2013 | Continue reading | 11 years ago

Inequality & Mass Transit in the Bay Area

A friend of mine and I made a mashup over the weekend. It shows median incomes along different mass transit routes in the Bay Area (BART, MUNI, CalTrain). Check it out! UPDATE: Got some play on the New York Times' Bits Blog, KQED, Metafilter, and MUNI Diaries. | Continue reading | 11 years ago

Hypercritical T-Shirts

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Beauty, Truth, and Jony Ive

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The Lottery

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Meillä Suomessa on aukilausum aton näennäinen yhteisymmärrys siitä, että olisimme yksi kansa. Tähän myyttiin kuuluvat kansallisromanttisest... | Continue reading | 11 years ago


Meillä Suomessa on aukilausumaton näennäinen yhteisymmärrys siitä, että olisimme yksi kansa. Tähän myyttiin kuuluvat kansallisromanttisesta ajasta alkavan taideperinteen lisäksi myös esimerkiksi talvisota, käsitys suomen kielestä koko kansan kielenä, käsitys hyvinvointiyhteiskunn … | Continue reading | 11 years ago

Late to the party

Boy, I am sure behind the times with having a tech type of blog, but being late is better than never. I am going to try to use this platform to discuss some of my tech journeys while I delve into my new job as a DBA developer. I have worked on SQL Server in the past, but I will b … | Continue reading | 11 years ago


Just a little blurb…I’m a former web and application developer, and Community Manager who is currently working as a Database Administrator at Stack Overflow. When I’m not at my desk, I’m probably running or pretending to be a woodworker. I can be reached via email at taryn.e.prat … | Continue reading | 11 years ago

Camera Viruses!!! OMG!!! (Fear-mongering)

Now that we’re finally starting to see some mainstream cameras that can run apps (see previous discussion here) I suppose it’s time to talk a little bit about one of the potential downsides of such a scenario. Because as soon as you allow people to download and run third-party so … | Continue reading | 11 years ago

Using Faceship the Way it Wasn’t Intended

So we’ve got this fun little app called Faceship out there – It is, as the name would imply, very face-centric in the sense that it provides a bunch of effects that are intended to be applied to people’s faces. Stuff like this: (These were all done by o … | Continue reading | 11 years ago

Code Hard or Go Home

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Technological Conservatism

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Writing type parametric functions in Go

Go’s only method of compile time safe polymorphism is structural subtyping, and this article will do nothing to change that. Instead, I’m going to present a package ty with facilities to write type parametric functions in Go that maintain run time type safety, while also being co … | Continue reading | 11 years ago

The Website That Never Was

Expiring domain names make me sad. Those expiry emails are a constant reminder that I had an idea I didn't execute on (sometimes for the better). After my most recent expiry, I thought I'd take a trip through my expired domains and see what could have been. I've to … | Continue reading | 11 years ago

Relevance in Microblogs: Enhancing Tweet Retrieval using Hyperlinked Documents

Twitter serves over 1.6 billion searches each day, ranking tweets for display to the user in reverse-chronological order. However, finding relevant tweets can be a challenging task, since the relevance of a tweet is dependant both on its content and whether it links to a useful d … | Continue reading | 11 years ago

Explain like I’m 5: Kerberos

Explain like I’m 5 years old: Kerberos – what is Kerberos, and why should I care?While this topic probably can not be explained to a 5 year-old and be understood, this is my attempt at defragmenting documentation with some visual aids and digestible language.In a nutshell Basical … | Continue reading | 11 years ago

Explain like I’m 5: Kerberos

Explain like I’m 5 years old: Kerberos – what is Kerberos, and why should I care?While this topic probably can not be explained to a 5 year-old and be understood, this is my attempt at defragmenting documentation with some visual aids and digestible language.In a nutshell Basical … | Continue reading | 11 years ago

University of Glasgow at TREC 2012: Experiments with Terrier in Medical Records, Microblog, and Web Tracks

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University of Glasgow at TREC 2012: Experiments with Terrier in Medical Records, Microblog, and Web Tracks

In TREC 2012, we focus on tackling the new challenges posed by the Medical, Microblog and Web tracks, using our Terrier Information Retrieval Platform. In particular, for the Medical track, we investigate how to exploit implicit knowledge within medical records, with the aim of b … | Continue reading | 11 years ago

University of Glasgow at TREC 2012: Experiments with Terrier in Medical Records, Microblog, and Web Tracks

In TREC 2012, we focus on tackling the new challenges posed by the Medical, Microblog and Web tracks, using our Terrier Information Retrieval Platform. In particular, for the Medical track, we investigate how to exploit implicit knowledge within medical records, with the aim of b … | Continue reading | 11 years ago

Beautiful code does not make a beautiful product

If the purity of a codebase would suffer from a change that enhances the experience of users, then the code should suffer. | Continue reading | 11 years ago

A Gentile’s Guide to Keeping Kosher for Passover

Pizza and pasta are pretty obviously out, but what are the other no-nos? | Continue reading | 11 years ago

Abandoning Rubygems

Since the initial release of Vagrant in 2010, Vagrant has grown to be used by hundreds of companies and thousands of people. While I don't have hard numbers to back this up, a majority of the Vagrant users I meet are not Ruby developers. | Continue reading | 11 years ago


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What to know before joining a startup

Your stock options are unlikely to make you rich, so make sure you enjoy the work enough to make it through the tough times. | Continue reading | 11 years ago

The New Coder: A Path to Software Engineering

This post contains all the sources and thoughts behind my PyCon 2013 talk launching The video and slides are available.If the influx of private, independent schools for learning how to code is any indication, the ever-growing list of moocs, or the financial smack in … | Continue reading | 11 years ago

The New Coder: A Path to Software Engineering

This post contains all the sources and thoughts behind my PyCon 2013 talk launching The video and slides are available.If the influx of private, independent schools for learning how to code is any indication, the ever-growing list of moocs, or the financial smack in … | Continue reading | 11 years ago

Gillian Flynn – Gone Girl

Gillian Flynn’s Gone Girl is a breakout success, so much so that she is apparently writing a screen version of it at the moment. I have read her debut novel, Sharp Objects, and found it a cynical and bleak thriller about broken people who break others (that is not a complaint, by … | Continue reading | 11 years ago

The Children’s Book Fair celebrates its 50th anniversary

File: PDF Size: 53.74 Kb | Continue reading | 11 years ago

Bologna: City for Children’s Books – Events in the City

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Bologna the City for Children’s Books

File: PDF Size: 43.56 Kb | Continue reading | 11 years ago

The Case for a True Mac Pro Successor

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Fear of a WebKit Planet

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APPLE: My Key to Success

Mitchell Hashimoto About Writing Misc Mitchell Hashimoto APPLE: My Key to Success March 4, 2013 No, not the company or the fruit. APPLE is an acronym ingrained into every Apple store employee before they ever even step on the retail floor. And it has continued to guide me ever si … | Continue reading | 11 years ago

Setting up a cheap Redmine server using Unicorn and Apache

Redmine is an excellent web-based project management tool. It’s open source, free and is built using Ruby on Rails. We use Redmine as our main tool for planning, issue tracking and documenting processes. It’s an everyday tool so we need to have an always ready Redmine instance wi … | Continue reading | 11 years ago

Annoyance-Driven Development

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How to keep your classes small and clean

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Dungeon World: My first pen-and-paper RPG

To start out, I’ve got a confession to make: I’m a pretty big nerd. I know, I know, it’s hard to believe, but it’s true. I also like games, which might be a little easier to swallow. Beyond the tabletop board and card games I’ve been writing about here, I’m also a fan of video ga … | Continue reading | 11 years ago