From n00b to Engineer in 1 year

It is my great pleasure (and squee!) to share with my friends, family, PyLadies, twitter nerds, Women Who Code’rs, DevChixen, Systers, and everyone else that I can now say: I am an Engineer. Yes, the same person that once did not know the difference between a compiler and an inte … | Continue reading | 12 years ago

More Interface Builder

Continue reading | 12 years ago

Digital Media Preservation - Why Media Organizations Can’t Archive

Digital Media Preservation - Why Media Organizations Can’t Archive Anthony Bouch Mon, 09/17/2012 - 18:59 Digital Media Preservation - Why Media Organizations Can’t Archive Placeholder for Submitted Info Share Placeholder for Feature Image or Video Earlier this year I was fortunat … | Continue reading | 12 years ago

Save Homicide Watch

Continue reading | 12 years ago

Introducing NFLGame: Programmatic access to live NFL game statistics

As a programmer and a fantasy football addict, I am embarassed by the means through which we must expend ourselves to get data in a machine readable form. This lack of open source software cripples the community with sub-standard tools, and most importantly, detracts from some re … | Continue reading | 12 years ago

Introducing NFLGame: Programmatic access to live NFL game statistics

As a programmer and a fantasy football addict, I am embarassed by the means through which we must expend ourselves to get data in a machine readable form. This lack of open source software cripples the community with sub-standard tools, and most importantly, detracts from some re … | Continue reading | 12 years ago

The Top 10 Political Conventions That Mattered the Most

As the two parties shift their conventions to be mostly virtual, we look at those conventions that made a difference in the country’s political history | Continue reading | 12 years ago

Watching Movies on the iPhone 5

I’ll admit it… I have, on occasion, actually watched a movie or two on my iPhone. Forgive me David Lynch (Hell, I’ll even condemn myself to a deeper circle of hell by admitting that I actually watched one of the most glorious wide-screen movies ever – Lawrence of Arabia* – on an … | Continue reading | 12 years ago

Masochistic pleasure: Technical Interviews

When I was in high school, I was in “IB” math - the international equivalent to AP courses, except harder. I really, really, really enjoyed math. My teacher would always mispronounce my name (“Wynn!”), but nonetheless, I loved the challenge. I was the only one to receive 100% on … | Continue reading | 12 years ago

Masochistic pleasure: Technical Interviews

When I was in high school, I was in “IB” math - the international equivalent to AP courses, except harder. I really, really, really enjoyed math. My teacher would always mispronounce my name (“Wynn!”), but nonetheless, I loved the challenge. I was the only one to receive 100% on … | Continue reading | 12 years ago

Using composer with MAMP's version of PHP

After my laptop has been running really for a couple of weeks now, I have decided to order some new RAM and do a clean install of Lion. This has given me a great opportunity to configure my development environment in a cleaner and more organised way. As a developer I do install a … | Continue reading | 12 years ago

Cosmoprof North America: Ten years of succes

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Using MAMP and Pow on the same machine

I've been playing with Ruby on Rails recently and I've been using Pow as a rack server for the applications I'm working on. So I don't have to keep running "rails server" when I want to test an app out. It's a brilliant little tool from 37 Signals that they describe as a zero-con … | Continue reading | 12 years ago

Traveling alone

Continue reading | 12 years ago

About My Mountain Lion Review

Continue reading | 12 years ago

Apple Tablet Prototype

Just saw this article on AppleInsider where a photo of one of the original apple tablets prototypes is shown. Quick story about my very brief interaction with this thing. Although the article says that it may have been developed sometime between 2002 and 2004, I’m almost positive … | Continue reading | 12 years ago

Arduino Ethernet Board

The main microcontroller is based on the ATmega328 microcontroller like the Arduino Uno Board itself. There are 14 digital input and, respectively, output pins, 6 analog inputs, a 16 MHz crystal oscillator, an ICSP header, a power jack, a reset button and of course, for the Ardui … | Continue reading | 12 years ago

Locking down WordPress

I just came across a free eBook called Locking Down WordPress from CodePoet featuring Rachel Baker, Brad Williams, and John Ford. It's an interview style book asking the 3 pro's how they handle security for their sites and is a must for anyone who uses WordPress for their clients … | Continue reading | 12 years ago

CAMERA FEATURES I WANT (And that really really shouldn’t be all that hard to implement)

Since camera manufacturers continue to annoy me with their unwillingness to add the features I want (yes, I’m taking this personally) I guess I’m about due for another blogpost ranting/whining about it. I’ve covered some of these things before in this blog (and quite often on the … | Continue reading | 12 years ago

Running Archlinux on the Lenovo Thinkpad T430

In sum, Archlinux is working beautifully. What follows is a rough run down of my notes while installing, configuring, tuning and using Archlinux on the Lenovo Thinkpad T430. | Continue reading | 12 years ago

Running Archlinux on the Lenovo Thinkpad T430

In sum, Archlinux is working beautifully. What follows is a rough run down of my notes while installing, configuring, tuning and using Archlinux on the Lenovo Thinkpad T430. | Continue reading | 12 years ago

The dangers of search and replace in WordPress

This week I learnt an important lesson when using Search and replace in WordPress. When I'm working on a site in development I have WordPress running on a dev domain so the client can view the website and make any changes via the dashboard. When the site is ready to go live I go … | Continue reading | 12 years ago


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ACCADUEO 2012: Success for the first Post-Quake Fair at the Ferrara Exhibition Centre

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Warren Buffett’s Newspaper Purchase

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Finding My Most Influential Twitter Followers

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18,192 visits: Lamiera comes to an end confirming the positive trend of the metal forming technology sector. Satisfaction for Organisers and Exhibitors

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3D Printing

I bought a Prusa kit on October 2014, and have been merrily twiddling its various bits over the years with considerable delight, since it’s a nice, slow(ish) hobby. I’ve since used a few more printers, and these are a few (somewhat dated) resources I’ve found useful. Resources Ca … | Continue reading | 12 years ago

BolognaFiere and the Future Film Festival launch ExpoPixel, the exhibition devoted to digital entertainment. ExpoPixel will be held from 15 to 17 April 2013 in Bologna, simultaneously with the next edition of the Future Film Festival.

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Changing Tech Education

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Radical Friendship

Continue reading | 12 years ago

COSMOFARMA EXHIBITION 2012 Excellent success for this edition with numbers on the increase compared to previous ones.

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Ok so I've finally got my site live and its a great feeling. It has only taken me a year, if anyone says its been longer than this, well they are probably right! I'm not a designer, which has been one of the major road blocks for me as I've never been that happy with a design tha … | Continue reading | 12 years ago

Syncing MAMP with Dropbox

I use MAMP as my local development environment. MAMP is brilliant as it installs the software (Apache, MySQL and PHP) used to run a web server similar to a LAMP server. This is great as it means you can test your files locally without having to upload them first. As I work betwee … | Continue reading | 12 years ago

Daemonizing Go Programs (with a BSD-style rc.d example)

Go, by its very nature, is multithreaded. This makes a traditional approach of daemonizing Go programs by forking a bit difficult. To get around this, you could try something as simple as backgrounding your Go program and instructing it to ignore the HUP signal: | Continue reading | 12 years ago

Daemonizing Go Programs (with a BSD-style rc.d example)

Go, by its very nature, is multithreaded. This makes a traditional approach of daemonizing Go programs by forking a bit difficult. To get around this, you could try something as simple as backgrounding your Go program and instructing it to ignore the HUP signal: | Continue reading | 12 years ago

Starting new projects

Continue reading | 12 years ago

Adding Thread Safety to the X Go Binding

The X Go Binding (XGB) is a low level library that provides an API to interact with running X servers. One can only communicate with an X server by sending data over a network connection; protocol requests, replies and errors need to be perfectly constructed down to the last byte … | Continue reading | 12 years ago

Adding Thread Safety to the X Go Binding

The X Go Binding (XGB) is a low level library that provides an API to interact with running X servers. One can only communicate with an X server by sending data over a network connection; protocol requests, replies and errors need to be perfectly constructed down to the last byte … | Continue reading | 12 years ago

Dynamic desktop workspaces

Do you have dynamic workspaces in your window manager? You might be wondering: what in the world are dynamic workspaces? A dynamic workspace model allows one to add, remove or rename workspaces on the fly. Comparatively, in a typical window manager (or desktop environment) config … | Continue reading | 12 years ago

Grouping validations

I’m pretty satisfied with how Rails handles common tasks like routing, validations, internationalization. There is one thing though I’m not happy with. And it’s, of course, grouping validations. I’m talking about the simple situations where you have a model that needs to group va … | Continue reading | 12 years ago

The 2012 Children's Book Fair: 27,000 visitors and over 15,000 foreign professionals (+ 17%)

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Roberto Clemente: The King of Béisbol

The sports superstar and humanitarian transcended baseball's borders | Continue reading | 12 years ago

Tmux for rails developers

There has been a lot of buzz about tmux recently. The fine pragmatic programmers folks published a very good book about it and on twitter, at least on my stream, there are a lot people in love with it. | Continue reading | 12 years ago

Berlin Tech Meetups

Continue reading | 12 years ago

Cosmoprof Worldwide Bologna: confirms its worldwide leadership with more than 170,000 attendees

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Learning HTML

In January 2011 a user at StackOverflow asked, if he should start learning HTML5 / CSS 3 or begin with the older versions. In quite a length I answered the question by explaining my way to web development over the years. I think, that the answer might serve others well, too, who … | Continue reading | 13 years ago


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