Bart Vander Sanden Freelance app and web developer in Leuven, Belgium Home Web Development Photography Blog English Nederlands Home › Blog › My desktop... My desktop... Posted on 04 March 2010. About me Hi, I'm Bart, a freelance web developer based in Leuven, Belgium. I create we … | Continue reading
I just moved to this new site, so feel free to have a look around. | Continue reading
When I was last in Florida, I enjoyed a few marvelous moments of unexpected urban birding. As I was heading back at the end of the day, I spotted a Great Egret (Ardea alba) just outside of the hotel where I stayed. This would make a fine advertisement for the hotel. 15 December 2 … | Continue reading
While his name is Tiresias, I do not expect him, after being transformed into a woman for a finite time, to report that the female Zebra Finches enjoy sex 10x more than the males. Tiresias is not only blind; he hatched without fully developed eyes. This is a case of congenital un … | Continue reading
Himalayan Greenfinch (Carduelis spinoides) Saffron’s day out, 25 October 2009 His name is Saffron (and to avoid confusion, at least in my mind, I refer to the Saffron Finches as the “Flaveolas.”) He was purchased at Bird Crazy about 4 years ago, at a significant discount owing to … | Continue reading
A DC Bird Blogger wrote: “It is important to look up to see birds, but some interesting sights are at your feet, too.” He was referring to ice crystallization patterns, and unless he was trying to back out temperature and humidity from ice microstructure, I do not know for what s … | Continue reading
The first* (and second) positively identified bird of the New Year for me was a Black-billed Magpie (Pica hudsonia), spotted alongside Hwy 160 on the way to Wolf Creek ski area. And that was the first time, to my conscious memory, to see them! This was not the first sighting. Thi … | Continue reading
Have you ever had habichuelas con dulce? Well, then be prepared to be pleasantly surprised by this amazing Dominican sweet cream of beans. This is a strange combination of ingredients for a dessert, but we Dominicans absolutely love this Lenten tradition! The post Habichuelas con … | Continue reading
It has always surprised us that of all our recipes, Habichuelas con Dulce is the most popular. This is a strange combination of ingredients for a dessert, but Dominicans love it! | Continue reading
Have you ever had habichuelas con dulce? Well, then be prepared to be pleasantly surprised by this amazing Dominican sweet cream of beans. This is a strange combination of ingredients for a dessert, but we Dominicans absolutely love this Lenten tradition! The post Habichuelas con … | Continue reading
The objective of StarFighter is to fly and blast through asteroids and space debris, making it to the end of the level with a high score. The ship is controlled entirely with the mouse. Lasers are fired by clicking the mouse button. The ship can also launch bombs by holding down … | Continue reading
Last week, I was at the 3rd ICMOBT in Clearwater Beach, FL. There, I finally met Professor Julian Vincent, whom I knew until then only from his text. He is a biologist among mechanical and materials engineers who, after having spent quite some time studying insects, has crossed i … | Continue reading
Here's an idea that is just begging to be implemented as a Firefox extension. You know how there's a while-you-type spell checker that's al... | Continue reading
Bart Vander Sanden Freelance app and web developer in Leuven, Belgium Home Web Development Photography Blog English Nederlands Home › Blog › Class Class Posted on 07 December 2009. About me Hi, I'm Bart, a freelance web developer based in Leuven, Belgium. I create websites and ap … | Continue reading
Having discovered that my mother’s cockatiel, Tookie, is a choreographic prodigy, we contacted Dr. Aniruddh Patel, who led the study of Snowball’s moves. He and Dr. John Iversen of the Neurosciences Institute took an interest in Tookie’s stylistic and selective interpretation of … | Continue reading
A quick review of current unix distributions. Ubuntu was the best of those tried for a novice desktop. FreeBSD was the only other system with network card support. | Continue reading
My latest CS184 project is now complete and ready for viewing. We had to take in Bezier patches and use tessellation to create triangles using OpenGL. But I know what you really want to see: videos. | Continue reading
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Yesterday I attended a biweekly meeting of an informal a UC Berkeley group devoted to Python in science (Py4Science), organized by Fernando ... | Continue reading
A few weekends ago, my friends Dave (who was, by the way, the photographer of the wild Cut-throat Finch I posted before) and Misha (who watches girls rather than birds) invited me to go climbing with them in San Bernardino National Forest. Dave had asked me, “Have you climbed bef … | Continue reading
We were tasked with creating a raytracer. Images are followed by the command line which produced them, as well as the scene file describing the setup. All times were calculated using the linux time program. All images on this page were output using my raytracer. .raytraced { … | Continue reading
ENAT Projects PortalThis page gives access to information and websites about ongoing or completed projects managed by ENAT or where ENAT is a partner.Go to list of current ENAT projects.Go to list of past ENAT projects.Go to list of more Projects and Good Practices (not only ENAT … | Continue reading
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I just heard from Bill Xu in China. His book "Lovely Python", an introduction to Python in Chinese, was just published and shot to the top-5... | Continue reading
Read the ENAT Code of Good Conduct Go to Sign-up page ( - for ENAT Members only) Go to ENAT Code of Good Conduct Background Information View list of companies and organisations who have signed the Code of Good Conduct What is the ENAT Code of Good Conduct? Launched in October … | Continue reading
The ENAT Code of Good Conduct is a commitment label and certification scheme for public and private enterprises and organisations, recognising their efforts to promote accessible travel and tourism. It is the first and only international labelling scheme for the promotion of ethi … | Continue reading
?uestlove could be one of the busiest people on the planet... what system does he use to manage his time? | Continue reading
So I was reading this esquire article … and I stumbled onto a particularly good little nugget: Mr. Ahmir Khalib Thompson (a.k.a. ?uestlove) believes that a human being can really only do 4 things a day (possibly as many as 6, but 4 is the reality). As an example here is what was … | Continue reading
The potential of subtitling to encourage foreign language learning and improve the mastery of foreign languages | Continue reading
In yesterday's post I mentioned reading George Lakoff 's book, The Political Mind. While I agree with the politics of the book in almost ev... | Continue reading
[Warning: loose thoughts ahead!] Microsoft's Eric Meijer gave a talk at Google yesterday, and afterwards I had lunch with him. One of his r... | Continue reading
The story of evolution spans over 3 billion years and shows how microscopic single-celled organisms transformed Earth and gave rise to complex organisms like animals | Continue reading
While CPython still rules on python-dev, especially with the excitement around Py3k, Python's alternative implementations are growing up: Py... | Continue reading
I still read a few print publications, including IEEE Computer. Today's issue contained a high and a low: Today's high point was a detailed... | Continue reading
At Google I/O I received a copy of Using Google App Engine by Charles Severance, published by O'Reilly. I haven't kept track, but this appe... | Continue reading
You’re an object – Stand up straight and act like one! Imagine you have this code: | Continue reading
There's never a lack of books to use for learning Python. I occasionally receive books for review, but I don't have a particularly good yard... | Continue reading
A lot of people remarked that in my post on Tail Recursion Elimination I confused tail self-recursion with other tail calls, which proper T... | Continue reading
It's Grumpy Saturday. If I didn't respond to your email or "friend" request, maybe you fall in one of the following categories. 1. People ... | Continue reading