Send us video/phot/drawing/whatever coffee postcard and get some free flatwhites or beans. lets do it. you can send us your mini-work by uploading your vid or photo on our photostream on this very www ! hannes - Iceland lukasz - Japan | Continue reading
the fox who longed for grapes, beholds with pain the tempting clusters were too high to gain; grieved in his heart he forced a careless smile, and cried ,‘they’re sharp...Categories: Libations Rare SaladTags: grapeslemon basilverjus(Read more...) | Continue reading
Founded in 1990, Louisiana Cultural Vistas documents the unparalleled culture and diverse history of Louisiana. Our writers, scholars, photographers and artists continue to explore our state’s communities, delivering stories, photographs and reflections on what it means to live h … | Continue reading
In this episode we take on the validity of Disruption Theory in three parts: A discussion of Jill Lepore’s New Yorker article attacking disruption, as well as the debate that surrounded the article Ben’s article from last fall “What Clayton Christensen Got Wrong” A deeper discuss … | Continue reading
Für nutzerbezogene Daten steht in WordPress die Klasse WP_User_Query() zur Verfügung. Üblicherweise gibt man dort einen Schlüssel mit und bekommt die entsprechenden Werte zum User zurück. Durch ein Entwicklungsthema ist mir eine Besonderheit in der Query aufgefallen, die diesen k … | Continue reading
With multiple similar git repositories, for example where a base repository contains a framework or base system installation and other repositories are created from that repository, it's possible to save some time when cloning down another repository by using the reference option … | Continue reading
There’s a bit of a consensus building post WWDC: Apple has grown up, and it’s great. But is it great? Is it possible that something essential has been lost? After all, a lot of the praise being heaped on Apple and Tim Cook was once used for another company – Microsoft. In this ep … | Continue reading
With the successful EC review on Jun. 13, the TOSCA-MP has now ended. We enjoyed working on this project and thank all partners for their contributions. We are happy about the results achieved. You can find more details on the outcomes of the project here. Some of these results w … | Continue reading
A set of recommendations on how Git UI can be improved not on a cosmetic, but on a very fundamental level. We aim at making Git more usable, powerful and easier to learn by radically simplifying its interface and keeping compartibility with the implementation | Continue reading
Anyone that has run a server for any length of time quickly learns that the Internet is full of spammers, bots and other characters you would prefer didn’t exist. A firewall is key to keeping these guys out and Linux comes with a Kernel level firewall called iptables that can… | Continue reading
Joel Unger: Design ecosystems mimic biological ecosystems: Whenever a new trend takes hold or an old one reemerges in the world of design, patterns emulate competitive systems in nature. Resource-intensive adaptations often achieve substantial competitive advantages. Interessante … | Continue reading
How to Upload a File using PHP cURL Anthony Bouch Sat, 06/14/2014 - 03:14 How to Upload a File using PHP cURL Placeholder for Submitted Info Share Placeholder for Feature Image or Video Here's how to upload/transfer a file server-to-server using PHP cURL (this is not a 'client' w … | Continue reading
Our partners at Bellwether Technology continue to provide excellent IT services for our staff at Turners’ Hall. And at the YLC’s Wednesday’s at the Square in New Orleans, they provided incredible hospitality! At the summer’s final concert at Lafayette Square on June 11th, the Bel … | Continue reading
July 2 marks the 50th anniversary of the 1964 Civil Rights Act. On Tuesday, July 1, the LEH commemorates the landmark legislation with a screening of “Freedom Riders,” the award-winning documentary included in the LEH’s 2013 “Created Equal” grant from the National Endowment for t … | Continue reading
❤ Die Frage nach der Lieblingsfarbe konnte ich der Tochter schon so oft nicht beantworten. Den Schmerz kann ich als Vater zweier Kinder zum Glück nicht nach empfinden. In Gedanken bin ich aber bei euch, in Gedenken an Rebecca. It’s so easy to do, there’s no reason not to. Go to T … | Continue reading
The TOR project has proven itself an important tool in the fight to protect the anonymity of people online. The project obviously needs servers to route traffic through for the project to achieve its goals though. So contributors are needed to donate relays nodes ensuring a free … | Continue reading
In this episode we discuss why James was less excited by WWDC than was Ben, why the Beats acquisition may actually be a textbook response to the Innovator’s Dilemma, whether Apple has every truly faced disruption, as well as James’ review of Michael Lewis’ Flash Boys Links Ben Th … | Continue reading
The new issue of Louisiana Cultural Vistas hits mailboxes and newsstands this month. We’ll celebrate the issue with a publication party on Thursday, June 26, at the Louisiana Humanities Center in New Orleans. Contributors (and regular LCV columnists) Richard Campanella and Matt S … | Continue reading
Recently I noticed a few of my servers had stopped serving my sites, with 502 errors being to visitors. I took a look at my site logs and noticed that they were full of the “Permission Denied” errors below: 2014/06/09 09:45:17 [crit] 11453#0: *22 connect() to unix:/var/run/php5-f … | Continue reading
I finally got around to making a website. I decided to use Hugo with a slightly-modified Hyde theme Someday I'll make my own theme, probably using Stylus for CSS processing. But for now, this will do. The more important thing is just to create some content. | Continue reading
Dori Prata: De acordo com a editora, esta versão contará com gráficos melhorados, novos efeitos de iluminação, água e texturas, além de suporte a diversos recursos do serviço da Valve, como cartas, conquistas e salvamento do progresso na nuvem, isso sem falar em partidas online e … | Continue reading
Adapted from a presentation by Cosmo Wenman to the Los Angeles County Museum of Art | Continue reading
If - like me - you're working on a responsive website project which still has IE8 in the browser matrix, you may find my failsheet helpful during development. It simply lists all the techniques that IE8 does not support natively and keeps you on your toes when you're about to get … | Continue reading
File: PDF Size: 43.02 Kb | Continue reading
This episode surprised us; through a discussion of who is at fault in the latest series of new vs old-world spats, we realized that not only has the Internet fundamentally changed winners-and-losers, but also the very nature of economic competition and the type of regulation that … | Continue reading
Imagine driving from Denver, Colorado, to Death Valley National Park. You get on I-70 and head west, climb the front range, cross the high peaks of the Rockies, descend Colorado’s western slope into Grand Junction and then make your way across the Utah dessert to Fishlake Nationa … | Continue reading
Fixie fahren, da wo es nicht besser geht. Erstmalig trete ich eine Tour auf einer Bahn. Es hat mich begeistert. Das Geschenk war überraschend und hat mich glücklich gemacht. Parallel kam ich so in den Genuss ein passendes Rad aus meiner Kinderzeit zu fahren – Fixie, made in GDR. … | Continue reading
Are the recent debates on net neutrality, the protests of Google buses, even SOPA a sign of things to come? Building on Ben’s article The Net Neutrality Wake-up Call Ben and James discuss the intersection of technology and politics. Why do people in technology tend to dislike pol … | Continue reading
A vegan whipped cream made from coconut cream. All you need is a can of full fat coconut milk, some vanilla extract and your sweetener of choice! Use this vegan whipped cream to make: Black | Continue reading
A few days ago I was given the job of changing the caching engine used in a Zend Framework based application from a simple flat file system based caching system to a memcached based object store that could be used by multiple servers. After extending the existing application boot … | Continue reading
This episode is all about the (alleged) Apple Beats acquisition. While it may make a certain amount of business sense, does it signify a small but significant change in Apple’s priorities, and is it a cause for concern? Topics covered include: The rationale for the acquisition Th … | Continue reading
This episode was actually recorded on February 18; however, due to circumstances, we had to hibernate Exponent and the episode was never actually edited and posted. Now that the show is back – for good this time – we wanted to post the “missing episode” plenty of folks have asked … | Continue reading
Martin Brinkmann: Each update by a subscribed channel would be displayed directly to you on YouTube. If you wanted, you could also subscribe to a public RSS feed that would deliver those video updates to your favorite RSS reader. If you have done that in the past, you may have no … | Continue reading
Yesterday I couldn’t attend the opening of Glyph Graves’ new installation at Inworldz Translation sim. The sim wouldn’t allow me to connect to it. I tried and tried, using three different viewers. I was able to get onto the SecondLife LEA21 sim for SL’s side of the multi-grid com … | Continue reading
The LEH thanks the Greater New Orleans Foundation and our many supporters for making GiveNOLA Day a rewarding twenty-four hours. We kicked things off at WWL-TV, moved onto Dee’s Coffee… …then stopped at Lafayette Square before pouring daiquiris in Jackson Square. Our terrific PRI … | Continue reading
I’m having this printed onto a 16×20 inch canvas. I think it will look marvy in my bathroom over the toilet. | Continue reading
This post is a compilation of publicly available information, Datomic docs and google group answers about Datomic internals. Intention is to help others understand implementation model and use Datomic more efficiently. | Continue reading
Practical ARIA Examples has some handy snippets and approaches, e.g. for accessible hamburger menu icon, tab navigation and alerts (among others). | Continue reading
The internet decided last week, the iPad is dying. Too bad, I really enjoyed using mine. Well, not really for the first 4 years, but when Apple released the iPad Mini, it became my computing partner. Supposedly the Mac is sitting in the corner rapping “don’t call it a comeback.” … | Continue reading
10 BIKE 20 EAT 30 WORK 40 EAT 50 SLEEP 60 GOTO 10 Update: SYNTAX ERROR | Continue reading
Identifier: H2020-EINFRA-2014-2015Pillar: Excellent ScienceOpening Date: Deadline: Tue, 2 Sep 2014 17:00:00 (Brussels local time)Modification Date: Wed, 30 Apr 2014Latest information: Proposal templates and evaluation forms for RIA and CSA are available in the Topic Conditions & … | Continue reading
The art and science of creating chance This post was originally published on Medium in 2015. In 2014 I was lucky enough to speak at Morning Prayers, a secular Harvard tradition that has existed since its founding in 1636. Below is a copy of my remarks. Harvard University · Senior … | Continue reading
I'm leaving Iowa State in a few weeks, which is both a bummer and very exciting. | Continue reading
Datomic introduced a data structure model: entity-attribute-value store, transaction format, Datalog query language dialect. As you get familiar with it, you notice that this model has a lot of nice properties and is, in fact, more thought-out than it may appear at the first glan … | Continue reading