Watch: Five gaming mysteries that keep us up at night

Everyone loves a mystery, don't they? I mean, why else would news about the discovery of Loch Ness Monster bones be trending on my Facebook feed right now?Mysteries are of course not confined to the real world; there are plenty of unanswered questions out there in video game land … | Continue reading | 8 years ago

6 Tips to create content for Snapchat for better business marketing.

You have probably heard about Snapchat. It is one of the famous mobile messaging apps. Recently, it is becoming a valuable marketing tool and also the second-largest social network. Snapchat is a purely social application, and it carries several business benefits. It is the best … | Continue reading | 8 years ago

How to Build a Neuron: Exploring AI in JavaScript Pt 2

In this series, we’re discussing a topic that will transform the world we live in over the course of the next 25 years. We’re going to see…Continue reading on JavaScript Scene » | Continue reading | 8 years ago

Why I love video game credits

In a wood in the south of The Witcher 3's Toussaint lies a cemetery called Mere-Lachaiselongue. Perhaps you've been there, and perhaps you took the time to read the the inscriptions on its tumbling gravestones. If you did, they might have given you pause. They don't really fit in … | Continue reading | 8 years ago

Good Branding Will Build Your Business

If you might be into enterprise you’d certainly really feel the necessity to hire a Creative Video Production company for the duration of time. It is all about seizing an opportunity and the way you make the most out of it. One such opportunity is utilizing the t-shirts that can … | Continue reading | 8 years ago

Thunder add Griffin to staff, promote Bhavnani, Ivey

The Thunder have added Adrian Griffin an assistant coach and also promoted Vin Bhavnani and Royal Ivey as assistant coaches. | Continue reading | 8 years ago

John McAfee-Led Company To Launch Hydro-Powered Bitcoin Mining Operation

MGT Capital Investments, which is seeking to diversify its portfolio of cyber technologies, has secured a location in central Washington to launch a bitcoin mining operation. The company has secured a location with low-cost hydro power to establish a facility to generate more tha … | Continue reading | 8 years ago

Revealed: Samsung Galaxy Note 7 press renders leak

The leak legend, Even Blass, has procured what appear to be pictures for press purposes showcasing Samsung's Galaxy Note 7. | Continue reading | 8 years ago

Kickstarting a Windows 10 phone is a terrible idea, yet someone is doing just that

Who out there is excited for a new Windows 10 Mobile phone? Did your eyes just light up and your heart skip a beat? You're in the very small minority that cares about Windows 10 Mobile then.For some reason, the Japanese company NuAns is kickstarting a Windows 10 Mobile phone. It … | Continue reading | 8 years ago

Five companies considered buying LinkedIn

A new SEC filing posted Friday gives more clarity about what led up to Microsoft acquiring LinkedIn for over $26 billion. And they prove that Microsoft wasn’t the only prospective buyer. It shows that the talks between LinkedIn CEO Jeff Weiner and Microsoft CEO Satya Nadella bega … | Continue reading | 8 years ago

Twitch now lets you watch people eat. That’s enough internet for today.

It’s Friday, but before I can wrap up my shift, power down the laptop (before inevitably powering it back up because I forgot something) and head away from the computer to enjoy a long weekend on the beach — I discover… this. If you need a good reason to get away from the compute … | Continue reading | 8 years ago

Blizzard pays tribute to Overwatch fan killed in accident day before launch

Blizzard has paid tribute to Overwatch fan Wu Hongyu, who passed away on 23rd May, the day before the game's launch. As reported by Redditor rebirdhk,… | Continue reading | 8 years ago

We're Streaming iOS Games Live on Mobcrush [FishdixGaming Fridays]

We're streaming live on Mobcrush right now. There's a couple different ways you can watch the stream, and they all work equally well and it's really just a matter of personal preference as to which method you prefer. The easiest way to watch is just watching the embedded player r … | Continue reading | 8 years ago

The TouchArcade Show - 264 - Just Make it Premium

We kick off this week's show with a whole lot of sighing surrounding the community reaction to Galaxy on Fire 3 in or forums, as needless to say... Folks aren't taking the soft launch well. From there we liven things up a bit with some first impressions on Pokemon Go along with a … | Continue reading | 8 years ago

Samsung thinks you aren’t pretty enough, airbrushes selfies automatically

A popular health and fitness blogger has noticed that her Samsung device automatically filters out her freckles and blemishes when she takes a selfie. | Continue reading | 8 years ago

If You Like TouchArcade, Please Support Our Patreon

Hey everyone, it's Friday and we're close to the end of the week of TouchArcade blasting stories out (unless anything cool happens over the weekend we need to cover), but the fact still remains: To survive, we very much need your support. The business of running a web site is tri … | Continue reading | 8 years ago

Samsung's Galaxy Note 7 revealed in leaked images

Samsung's Galaxy Note 7 has yet to receive an official announcement, but the device has already accumulated its fair share of leaks and rumors. The latest news is a set of product images from reputable leaker Evan Blass showing off the Note 7 in three different finishes, includin … | Continue reading | 8 years ago

Watch someone complete Dark Souls 3 without getting hit

Earlier this year dedicated Dark Souls player The_Happy_Hob finished From Software's cult classic without taking a single hit. Now he's met his match as Twi… | Continue reading | 8 years ago

TouchArcade Game of the Week: 'Crypt of the NecroDancer Pocket Edition'

The idea behind the TouchArcade Game of the Week is that every Friday afternoon we post the one game that came out this week that we think is worth giving a special nod to. Now, before anyone goes over-thinking this, it doesn't necessarily mean our Game of the Week pick is the hi … | Continue reading | 8 years ago

Invoxia’s Voice Bridge puts your landline in your pocket

If you’ve ever wished you could roll out a five-mile extension cable for your home phone so you can get your calls when you’re out and about, Invoxia’s new Voice Bridge may be the solution to your globetrotting woes. It’s a virtual phone that connects your landline to your Wi-Fi, … | Continue reading | 8 years ago

Proxying HTTP requests in ASP.NET Core using Kestrel

Continue reading | 8 years ago

Apple buying Tidal would be great for Tidal

I’ll be honest, my gut reaction – when hearing the reports that Apple is in exploratory talks to acquire Tidal, was "well, that would be great for Tidal."After all, the music service owned by Jay Z, has been besieged by issues in its first year. After a disastrously tone-deaf lau … | Continue reading | 8 years ago

Google talks up its self-driving cars’ cyclist-detection algorithms

Today might be conspicuous in the annals of autonomous vehicles for a more serious reason, but another month is over and Google has issued its self-driving car report for June. In it are some interesting details about the system’s ability to detect and avoid cyclists. Read More | Continue reading | 8 years ago

Apple fires back at Spotify over app update dispute

Apple has fired back after Spotify took the company to task for rejecting an app update.In a letter sent by Apple's top lawyer, the Cupertino company accuses the music streaming platform of asking for special treatment while blasting it for "rumors and half-truths."SEE ALSO: Appl … | Continue reading | 8 years ago

ESPN will air the Street Fighter V world championship later this month

Fans of Street Fighter V will be able to watch the final matches of the world championship televised live on ESPN, the sports network announced today. The addition of the Evolution Championship Series, a fighting game tournament held annually in Las Vegas, is yet another signal f … | Continue reading | 8 years ago

BMW, Intel and MobilEye to bring fully autonomous car to the roads by 2021

BMW, Intel and MobilEye have teamed up to make fully autonomous cars a reality by 2021.The companies are combining forces and know-how to build a 'future-proofed' platform for automated driving vehicles.Although the first production creation from the trio won't be ready for five … | Continue reading | 8 years ago

Go All Jean Claude Van Damme on Your iOS Device with 'Split Masters'

Everyone knows that Jean Claude Van Damme is the true Master of the Splits, but now you can a master of splits yourself and you (probably) won't even pull a muscle trying. Split Masters [Free] is a new high-score game that is best described as a vertical Daddy Long Legs [Free]. Y … | Continue reading | 8 years ago

Top security researcher recommends you only buy Nexus or Samsung devices

In light of ongoing research, some security experts are saying that the only safe Android devices to buy are Nexus and Samsung products. | Continue reading | 8 years ago

Marrakesh Treaty will limit copyright, easing book access for blind and print-disabled worldwide

It’s difficult enough already for the visually impaired to read the books and publications sighted people take for granted, but it’s downright impossible when the content isn’t even available in accessible formats. Fortunately, a global agreement aimed at alleviating the problem … | Continue reading | 8 years ago

Exploiting machine learning in cybersecurity

While more and more jobs are being forfeited to robots and artificial intelligence, is it conceivable to convey to machines a responsibility as complicated as cybersecurity? The topic is being hotly debated by security professionals, with strong arguments on both ends of the spec … | Continue reading | 8 years ago

Wynd is an air purifier for your personal space

Wynd is an intelligent portable air purifier that can remove allergens and other pollution from your personal space. The tiny purifier, which looks like a tiny version of Google's OnHub router with more vents, can detect and automatically filter out dust, allergens, smoke, and po … | Continue reading | 8 years ago

NASA's Dawn spacecraft won't be leaving dwarf planet Ceres

The Dawn probe, which has been orbiting the dwarf planet Ceres, won’t be visiting another object in the asteroid belt, as the engineering team had hoped. Instead, the spacecraft will remain at Ceres, where it has been stationed for the past year. Continue reading… | Continue reading | 8 years ago

Tesla and Mobileye disagree on lack of emergency braking in deadly Autopilot crash

Tesla has begun to share some information from the investigation the May crash of a Model S with Autopilot active. In its blog post yesterday, the company said that the Autopilot system failed to differentiate the white side of a tractor trailer that was crossing in front of the … | Continue reading | 8 years ago

Tesla Autopilot victim may have been watching 'Harry Potter' during crash

Florida Highway Patrol found a portable DVD player inside the Tesla Model S that collided with a tractor trailer on Wednesday, according to reports. The driver was killed when both he and the Autopilot system failed to see the truck crossing the highway.The driver of the truck in … | Continue reading | 8 years ago

Phones are for conversation: Why bots will replace apps

GUEST: In just eight years, the smartphone has changed how people interact with the world and with businesses, from customer service to commerce to content and beyond. And more change is coming. Every company that has a mobile app or call center is going to have to interact with … | Continue reading | 8 years ago

Games company Paradox Interactive raises $11.8M from the crowd

Paradox Interactive, best known for developing and publishing a series of popular games including Hearts of Iron, Stellaris and Europa Universalis, today announced it raised more than $11.8m from the crowd on the new Swedish equity crowdfunding platform Pepins. Read More | Continue reading | 8 years ago

Florida declares algae emergency

Ordinarily, businesses in South Florida would be preparing for a swarm of tourists this holiday weekend. This year, they're worried the only living thing on their beaches come the Fourth of July might be some putrid blue-green algae.The algae, which the Washington Post compared t … | Continue reading | 8 years ago

Kellogg's Opens Cereal Cafe in New York's Times Square

Kellogg's opens its first-ever restaurant, a cereal café, in New York City's Times Square on July 4. The menu features playful recipes developed by Momofuku Milk Bar chef Christina Tosi, and build-your-own-bowl options. Video: Carly Marsh/The Wall Street Journal, Photo: Whitney T … | Continue reading | 8 years ago

BlackBerry allegedly working on 3 new Android smartphones, God bless ‘em

Inspired by childhood readings of The Little Engine that Could, BlackBerry has summoned the gusto to develop three new Android smartphones. | Continue reading | 8 years ago

Tesla crash victim once praised Autopilot for saving his life

In a bizarre twist of fate, the first known fatality involved with a Tesla Model S with Autopilot engaged was the same man who posted a video to YouTube back in early April showing what he described as the semi-autonomous driving system avoiding a collision.SEE ALSO: What the fat … | Continue reading | 8 years ago

Infinity:One is OLPC XO's bigger, more responsible sibling

Remember One Laptop Per Child? They distributed a few million cheap, brightly-colored XO laptops running a weird version of Linux called "Sugar OS," and then... what happened?Well, I'm not sure actually. But OLPC Australia is carrying the torch, sort of. This offshoot now calls i … | Continue reading | 8 years ago

College Humor bit about Facebook’s ‘Algorithm Mafia’ is surprisingly accurate

Is it life imitating art, or art imitating life? I can’t ever be sure, but one thing is for certain: what was once satire is now becoming eerily accurate representations of real-world occurrences. Silicon Valley, for example, was once just HBO’s way of poking fun at the tech worl … | Continue reading | 8 years ago

The silver lining of Google’s diversity efforts

Google has had a big week around diversity. The company gifted a $2.8 million office space inside its New York City building to Black Girls Code, appointed Roger Ferguson, an African-American finance executive, to its board of directors, and released its latest diversity report.M … | Continue reading | 8 years ago

13 TechCrunch stories you don’t want to miss this week

This week, Airbnb sued the city of San Francisco, details about a fatal Tesla autopilot crash came to light, and Facebook changed the News Feed again. Here are the top tech stories of the week. Read More | Continue reading | 8 years ago

The Huawei MateBook is no Surface Pro

Huawei's MateBook will draw the inevitable copycat comments from fans of both the Microsoft Surface Pro and the iPad Pro.But really, who copied who? Everyone copied Microsoft. The original Surface, as big a flop as it was, had the new portable-PC concept right from the start.SEE … | Continue reading | 8 years ago

NASA extends the New Horizons mission to fly by another small world beyond Pluto

Today, New Horizons team received official confirmation that they will get extra funding from NASA to continue doing science with their faraway spacecraft, which visited Pluto in the summer of 2015. During this extension, which will last to 2021, New Horizons will conduct another … | Continue reading | 8 years ago

NASA captures enormous aurora on the largest planet in the solar system

Days before the Juno spacecraft is scheduled to arrive, astronomers have captured an enormous aurora at the north pole of Jupiter. The imagery, released this week, was taken back on May 19 using NASA’s Hubble Space Telescope as part of a program to study how solar wind affects au … | Continue reading | 8 years ago

Vehicular Zombie Survival Game 'Dead Venture' Launching July 7th, New Trailer Released

More vehicular combat-related news coming out today, as Dogbyte Games have announced that their zombie-survival-driving game Dead Venture, which we first talked about a few weeks ago, is all set to launch next Thursday, July 7th. Dead Venture is an isometric game where you'll dri … | Continue reading | 8 years ago