Practical Persistence in Go: SQL Databases

This is the first in a series of tutorials about persisting data in Go web applications. In this post we'll be looking at SQL databases. I'll explain the basics of the database/sql package, walk through building a working application, and explore a couple of options for cleanly … | Continue reading | 9 years ago

Episode 048 — An Exhausting Week

In this week’s episode, Ben and James discuss Dick Costolo stepping down as CEO of Twitter, Apple’s seeming war on Google, and the concerning launch of Apple Music. Links Ben Thompson: Dick Costolo Out as Twitter CEO, Costolo’s Key Shortcoming, Twitter’s Next CEO — Stratechery Da … | Continue reading | 9 years ago

KIM-Portal: The hidden treasures of Baselland (Switzerland)

Continue reading | 9 years ago

好想读《洛丽塔》,又好想读王小波的《黄金时代》(以及时代三部曲!)How long do I still have to wait? | Continue reading | 9 years ago

The CSS Image Values Spec

The CSS Image Values Spec allows you to cleanly blow up pixel art on the web. | Continue reading | 9 years ago

Fastest MEAN stack install on Ubuntu

Fastest MEAN Stack Install on Ubuntu If you’re looking for a server stack that’s more JavaScript-friendly than your everyday LAMP stack, MEAN (MongoDB, Express.js, AngularJS, and Node.js) is a great option to consider. This stack is mostly written in JS and integrates nicely with … | Continue reading | 9 years ago

Episode 047 — Apple, Google, and Privacy

In this week’s episode, Ben and James briefly discuss Jony Ive’s promotion, the future of Apple, Google I/O, and Tim Cook’s speech on privacy. Links Ben Thompson: The Apple Car and Jony Ive — Stratechery Daily Update Ben Thompson: Google IO: Android and Serving the World; Photos, … | Continue reading | 9 years ago

Finding a Mentor

Finding a mentor isn't always as explicit as it seems. | Continue reading | 9 years ago

开始收看动画版《阿尔斯兰战记》,似乎进度会比漫画单行本快一点的样子? 入新坑《食戟之灵》。 购入当日在力源家看到的Decision Maker……然而并不是很好玩。以及Levitron的Anti-gravity top,目前仍然没有研究出要怎么玩orz。 基本确定六月底去日本玩——希望最后能成行! | Continue reading | 9 years ago

The State of SVG Animation

Continue reading | 9 years ago

Horizon Prize – Breaking the optical transmission barriers

Identifier: H2020-OpticalPrize-2015Pillar: Industrial LeadershipOpening Date: Deadline: Tue, 15 Mar 2016 17:00:00 (Brussels local time)Modification Date: Wed, 3 Jun 2015Latest information: Opening of registration and entry submission is postponed to  2nd of July 2015, aligned wit … | Continue reading | 9 years ago

Naming your color variables

Using variables for colors is awesome; naming those variables can be…complicated. I’ve worked through a few different methodologies and wanted to share a bit about what I’ve learned along the way. Need an into to WHY colors and Sass are awesome? I wrote about this and gave some e … | Continue reading | 9 years ago

Living Styleguide and automated visual tests with DSS and Galen

tl;dr: My team was tasked to convert a client’s white label platform from a desktop-first, fixed width layout to a fully responsive one and also to improve frontend code quality throughout the project. A living styleguide and automated visual regression tests helped us to meet ou … | Continue reading | 9 years ago

The Epic Failure of Thomas Edison's Talking Doll

Expensive, heavy, non-functioning and a little scary looking, the doll created by America's hero-inventor was a commercial flop | Continue reading | 9 years ago

在Milpitas找到一家不错的书店——有许多漫画!购入了荒川弘X田中芳树的《阿尔斯兰战记》漫画台版前三卷(即目前全部出版的单行本)。题材上毫无新意,但期待剧情上和人物上能有突破。 早先订购的初音未来-Tell Your World(与Chrome合作的广告中出现的形象)手办已到,颇为满意。择日上图。 重温《中国合伙人》。Despite all the controversy, it’s still a memorable movie to me, and probably the best gift of my college graduation, … | Continue reading | 9 years ago

Hello world!

This is your very first post. Click the Edit link to modify or delete it, or start a new post. If you like, use this post to tell readers why you started this blog and what you plan to do with it. Happy blogging! | Continue reading | 9 years ago

Monads in Swift

Continue reading | 9 years ago

Please Update Picturefill (JS polyfill for responsive images)

All hands on deck! Older versions of Picturefill can net you broken images in both Microsoft Edge and Webkit Nightly. There’s already an issue logged for the problem. Why is that an issue? The community is afraid that browser vendors like Microsoft will renege on their pledge to … | Continue reading | 9 years ago

EU And US: A Relationship Of Concern

Continue reading | 9 years ago

EU And US: A Relationship Of Concern

Much to their detriment, Americans like to ignore the world. Accordingly, they do not appreciate reminders that, like it or not, the rest of the world is out there. Worse, some of its “leading leaders” have rabies and “bite”. Aware of the provocation, Duly Noted has often indulge … | Continue reading | 9 years ago

Metrics-Driven Development: See the forest for the trees

This post is an accompaniment to my Metrics-driven development talk at Open Data Science Conference in Boston in May 2015. Slides here and video here.At Spotify, data is quite important. We track user-generated data, like sign ups, logins, activity within the application, even tw … | Continue reading | 9 years ago

Metrics-Driven Development: See the forest for the trees

This post is an accompaniment to my Metrics-driven development talk at Open Data Science Conference in Boston in May 2015. Slides here and video here.At Spotify, data is quite important. We track user-generated data, like sign ups, logins, activity within the application, even tw … | Continue reading | 9 years ago

See webinar presentation of the tranScriptorium project and Transkribus

See webinar about tranScriptorium and Transkribus at this link. See additional information at this link. | Continue reading | 9 years ago

Go: The price of interface{}

Go’s empty interface{} is the interface that everything implements. | Continue reading | 9 years ago

Raspberry Pi 2 Bitcoin Node

Not long ago I set up a Bitcoin node on a Debian Wheezy VPS to teach myself about Bitcoin and the blockchain in general. It was a great learning experience but the memory requirements of the Bitcoin software kept causing my VPS instance to run out of memory. So the… | Continue reading | 9 years ago

Raspberry Pi 2 Bitcoin Node

Not long ago I setup up a Bitcoin node on a Debian Wheezy VPS to teach myself about Bitcoin and the blockchain in general. It was a great learning experience but the memory requirements of the Bitcoin software kept causing my VPS instance to run out of memory so the… | Continue reading | 9 years ago

The Product Strategy behind Intercom with Des Traynor of Intercom [Interview]

Des Traynor, co-founder of Intercom, talks with us about how they make difficult product decisions in respect to adding and removing features, changing pricing, and packaging the product. He talks about how he sees others struggle with weighing feedback, data, and instinct to mak … | Continue reading | 9 years ago

This is the Most Important Site For Entrepreneurs Today |

Sometimes the hardest part of starting a new business is just getting people to know it exists. This site has changed that. | Continue reading | 9 years ago

Sell What Your Product Can Do, Not What It Is

A couple of days ago, I watched this session with Des Traynor, a cofounder of Intercom. He gives lots of startup advice, and I warmly… | Continue reading | 9 years ago

Springtime at Sörby

Have some thoughts? Send me an email. | Continue reading | 9 years ago

Ch Ch Ch Changes are afoot

Well it’s been an interesting couple months and there are quite a few changes going on in my life, but before I get into what’s coming up, I feel that I need to give a bit of an overview of my journey thus far.I never thought about becoming a developer. When I was growing up, I l … | Continue reading | 9 years ago

Episode 046 — Everything Has a Price

In this week’s episode, Ben and James discuss ad-blockers, both personal ones and the rumored carrier-implemented one, as well as and the moral quandary that is the Internet. Links Ben Thompson: Carriers to Implement Ad-Blocking — Stratechery Daily Update (members-on … | Continue reading | 9 years ago

Getting Sassy with variables and colors

Back in the days when I was still intimidated by the command line, the lure of variables convinced me to figure out how to start using Sass in my projects. Just like I no longer memorize phone numbers because they’re all pre-programmed into my cell phone, I also don’t have to mem … | Continue reading | 9 years ago

Individual Fellowships (IF)

Identifier: H2020-MSCA-IF-2014Pillar: Excellent ScienceOpening Date: Deadline: Thu, 11 Sep 2014 17:00:00 (Brussels local time)Modification Date: Thu, 21 May 2015Latest information: A number of 1256 grant agreements have been successfully signed so far. Negotiation of proposals in … | Continue reading | 9 years ago

Art-Directing SVG Images With The viewBox Attribute: How-To, Notes, Tips and Why We Need A viewBox Property in CSS

Continue reading | 9 years ago

EXPO opens the International Organic Forum

File: PDF Size: 905.87 Kb | Continue reading | 9 years ago


File: PDF Size: 79.42 Kb | Continue reading | 9 years ago

Reflective societies: cultural heritage and European identities

Identifier: H2020-REFLECTIVE-2014-2015Pillar: Societal ChallengesOpening Date: Deadline: Tue, 3 Jun 2014 17:00:00 (Brussels local time)Modification Date: Wed, 20 May 2015Latest information: 20/05/2015: In the proposal template for Research and Innovation Actions (RIA) and Innovat … | Continue reading | 9 years ago

FCH2 JU call for proposals 2015

Identifier: H2020-JTI-FCH-2015Pillar: Societal ChallengesOpening Date: Deadline: Thu, 27 Aug 2015 17:00:00 (Brussels local time)Modification Date: Tue, 19 May 2015Latest information: The submission session is now available for: FCH-01.1-2015(FCH2-RIA), FCH-01.2-2015(FCH2-RIA), FC … | Continue reading | 9 years ago


Identifier: H2020-BBI-JTI-2015-01Pillar: Societal ChallengesOpening Date: Deadline: Tue, 15 Sep 2015 17:00:00 (Brussels local time)Modification Date: Tue, 19 May 2015Latest information: The submission session is now available for: BBI.VC1.F1(BBI-IA-FLAG), BBI.VC2.F2(BBI-IA-FLAG), … | Continue reading | 9 years ago

File Coordination Fixed!

Continue reading | 9 years ago

File Coordination Fixed!

Continue reading | 9 years ago

File Coordination Fixed!

I wrote a post a few months ago about sharing data between iOS apps and app extensions in which I recommended using NSFileCoordinator and NSFilePresenter. But I had to update the post to remove that portion when some helpful people pointed me to Apple Tech Note 2408 | Continue reading | 9 years ago

Blogging with Middleman

True story: I wrote my first lines of Ruby in February and used that wee bit of knowledge that to motivate myself to start this blog using a Ruby-on-Rails-based static site generator (Middleman FTW!) and used that experience to give a talk to the Bmore on Rails meetup…46 days aft … | Continue reading | 9 years ago

Episode 045 — It’s a Watch that Does Stuff

In this week’s episode, Ben finally has an Apple Watch: James has lots of questions about it. (And yes, we should have talked about Google Now.) Links Horace Dediu: The Battle for The Wrist — Asymco Ben Thompson: Mobile Makes Facebook Just an App; That’s Great News – Stratechery … | Continue reading | 9 years ago

Webinar presentation of the tranScriptorium project and Transkribus

tranScriptorium team will present recent results next Tuesday, May 26, 2015 from 11:00am to 12:45pm EDT in a webinar. See additional information at this link. | Continue reading | 9 years ago

Talk from tranScriptorium team at UCL Centre for Digital Humanities

Next June 1st, tranScriptorium team will give a talk at the UCL Centre for Digital Humanities about recent results of tranScriptorium project on Interactive Handwritten Text Recognition and Indexing of Historical Documents | Continue reading | 9 years ago

Supporting Competitive and Sustainable Growth in the Tourism Sector

Identifier: COS-TOUR-2015-3-04Pillar: More favourable conditions for business creation and growthOpening Date: Deadline: Tue, 30 Jun 2015 17:00:00 (Brussels local time)Modification Date: Wed, 13 May 2015Latest information: The submission session is now available for: COSME-05-201 … | Continue reading | 9 years ago