Smart devices

My name is Bastian and I am an addict. I confess that I spend too much time with my smart phone. More time than I actually want to spend with it. It often reminds me of my time as a smoker. In the end of my "smoking career" I smoked more unnecessary cigarettes than necessary – if … | Continue reading | 9 years ago

Wild Rice & Sesame Crackers with Ginger Miso Dip {gluten-free}

You do not have to be good. You do not have to walk on your knees For a hundred miles through the desert, repenting. You only have to let the...Categories: SnackTags: gluten-freeMisorice(Read more...) | Continue reading | 9 years ago

Start small, then grow

All of us developers who love what we do have started lots of side-projects. And almost all of us have equally as many side-projects abandoned on some workspace or projects directory, rotting, with no hope of every achieving completion. New projects are dumped there periodically, … | Continue reading | 9 years ago

Comparing Shyp to Time Warner

I pushed the magic button to get a Shyp person here to send out a couple packages I have been procrastinating sending for weeks. After that was settled, I dialed up Time Warner Cable, to get my modem swapped out, a process I’ve been actively trying to get done for weeks. After a … | Continue reading | 9 years ago

Map, Filter, Sort, and Reduce in Objective-C

After practicing Functional Programming in Swift for a few weeks, I decided to try something a little bit different. I decided it was time to experiment with curried functions, map, filter, sort, and reduce in Objective-C. Swift collections implement map, sort, filter, and reduce … | Continue reading | 9 years ago

Map, Filter, Sort, and Reduce in Objective-C

After practicing Functional Programming in Swift for a few weeks, I decided to try something a little bit different. I decided it was time to experiment with curried functions, map, filter, sort, and reduce in Objective-C. Swift collections implement map, sort, filter, and reduce … | Continue reading | 9 years ago

Function Currying in Objective-C

Function Currying and uncurrying have been extensively discussed since Apple introduced Swift last year. I won’t delve into this topic deeply because there are some great resources about it on the Internet. But, briefly, what is currying? It’s a technique that transforms a functi … | Continue reading | 9 years ago

Function Currying in Objective-C

Function Currying and uncurrying have been extensively discussed since Apple introduced Swift last year. I won’t delve into this topic deeply because there are some great resources about it on the Internet. But, briefly, what is currying? It’s a technique that transforms a functi … | Continue reading | 9 years ago

Episode 040 – BuzzFeed and Amazon

In this week’s episode Ben and James discuss BuzzFeed in the context of the Brother Orange story, then talk about Amazon’s Dash Button and Home Services initiative, along with a dive into the technical details of Amazon’s balance sheet (sorry, it’s a bit dry) and why Ben is nervo … | Continue reading | 9 years ago


File: PDF Size: 186.19 Kb | Continue reading | 9 years ago

Divshot Jekyll hosting

I used to host this site on Heroku but have now moved to a platform build for static sites, or as Divshot puts it: Static Web Hosting for Developers. Setting up the site on Divshot was a breeze, took just a couple of seconds from when I started reading the documentation to when I … | Continue reading | 9 years ago

EEXCESS at International Science 2.0 Conference

Continue reading | 9 years ago

Run For Peace?

Does this sound like an admonition? Such as in “run for good health”. Since the writer has experienced the University of Oregon’s legendary Bill Bowermann, moreover, since ever since he stuck to daily running and weight lifting interrupted by reading Russian, such a call would be … | Continue reading | 9 years ago

Run For Peace?

Continue reading | 9 years ago

Participate! Low-cost Multispectral Imaging for Art and Archaeology

“Multispectral Imaging for Art and Archaeology” is the first crowd funded project related to Art Conservation Science.  It was launched by CHSOS (Cultural Heritage Science Open Sou… | Continue reading | 9 years ago

FET-Proactive - towards exascale high performance computing

Identifier: H2020-FETHPC-2014Pillar: Excellent ScienceOpening Date: Deadline: Tue, 25 Nov 2014 17:00:00 (Brussels local time)Modification Date: Tue, 31 Mar 2015Latest information: After the end of the five-month evaluation period and the information of the applicants about the ev … | Continue reading | 9 years ago

Call for Nanotechnologies, Advanced Materials and Production

... | Continue reading | 9 years ago

Introducing Todoman

Inspired on memo and khal, todoman is a simple todo manager, (or task manager), designed to take note and keep track of pending tasks, that runs as a cli application on almost any Unix-like system (this includes Linux, BSD and probably other OSs from the Unix family). Todoman is … | Continue reading | 9 years ago

Episode 039 – Lando Calrissian Publishers

In this week’s episode Ben and James follow up on last week’s episode, introduce the Toilet Bowl philosophy of career development, and then dive into the future of publishers in the world of Facebook. Due to some technical issues there is a rather abrupt stop at the end – sorry a … | Continue reading | 9 years ago

AEM (CQ 5.6) Front-end Workflow for LESS updates

I've recently joined a project where all front-end work is done directy in the CQ trunk instead of using a stand-alone approach with Handlebars as I was used to. What surprised me is the need to deploy everything if you want to see your CSS (LESS) or JS changes applied to your lo … | Continue reading | 9 years ago

Do you really understand CSS linear-gradients?

Want a nice gradient background on your site? background-image: linear-gradient(red, blue); BOOM, done! Ok, it’s a little boring. So if you want more, I recommend this css-tricks article and MDN page. Still here? Alright, let’s go and have a look at some of the details of how lin … | Continue reading | 9 years ago

Things That Have Almost Killed Me

I’m celebrating my 30th birthday November 4th. I am completely flabbergasted that I have lived this long. So in honor of my 30th I’d like to put out to the world a list of things that could have killed me, or could have led to situations that could have killed me. Fell off a clif … | Continue reading

@localhost | 9 years ago

Things That Have Almost Killed Me

My thoughts on how to do a better code review, basically in template form... hoping to find some enlightenment with a tough part of the job | Continue reading | 9 years ago

Swift in Production: Scenery

Continue reading | 9 years ago

Understanding the CSS box model for inline elements

A blog post by Patrick Brosset: Understanding the CSS box model for inline elements | Continue reading | 9 years ago


Identifier: H2020-ECSEL-2015-2-IA-two-stage-MasterPillar: Industrial LeadershipOpening Date: Deadline: Tue, 12 May 2015 17:00:00 (Brussels local time)Modification Date: Mon, 23 Mar 2015Latest information: The submission session is now available for: ECSEL-10-2015(ECSEL-IA), ECSEL … | Continue reading | 9 years ago


Identifier: H2020-ECSEL-2015-1-RIA-two-stage-MasterPillar: Industrial LeadershipOpening Date: Deadline: Tue, 12 May 2015 17:00:00 (Brussels local time)Modification Date: Mon, 23 Mar 2015Latest information: The submission session is now available for: ECSEL-01-2015(ECSEL-RIA), ECS … | Continue reading | 9 years ago

Swift Generators and Sequences

I was going to write a blog post about how to create and use Swift generators and sequences. But while I was trying to understand them myself, I found this post over at iOSDeveloperZone | Continue reading | 9 years ago

Episode 038 – Feeds and Speeds for Life

In this week’s episode Ben and James discuss why California is unique, diversity and inequality, James’ work on “How Will You Measure Your Life”, making decisions, and whether or not business school was worth it for us. Links Clayton Christensen, James Allworth, Karen Dillon: How … | Continue reading | 9 years ago

Cooperation with the European Trade Promotion Organisations active in business internationalisation and business missions abroad

Identifier: COS-ETPO-2015-2-01Pillar: Improving access to marketsOpening Date: Deadline: Thu, 9 Apr 2015 17:00:00 (Brussels local time)Modification Date: Wed, 18 Mar 2015Latest information: The submission session is now available for: COSME-01-2015(COSME-GA), COSME-02-2015(COSME- … | Continue reading | 9 years ago

Open source your website

Unless your business’s value is actually on your website code itself, there’s little reason not to share your site’s code. I understand why facebook or gmail won’t release the code to their site (I understand, without condemning nor condoning), but if you’ve got a blog, an instit … | Continue reading | 9 years ago

ICT 2014 - Information and Communications Technologies

Identifier: H2020-ICT-2014Pillar: Industrial LeadershipOpening Date: Deadline: Wed, 23 Apr 2014 17:00:00 (Brussels local time)Modification Date: Mon, 16 Mar 2015Latest information: An overview of the evaluation results (Flash Call Info) is available under the tab "Call documents" … | Continue reading | 9 years ago

What Is Wrong Here?

Those that peruse numerous news sources run into reports that cannot be true, should not be true, but that are, nevertheless, true. In time, a bouquet accumulates to be shared with those that can laugh even if it hurts. 1. The “EU is ready with sanctions if Ukraine ceasefire viol … | Continue reading | 9 years ago

What Is Wrong Here?

Continue reading | 9 years ago

The Apple Watch and Luxury

Just leaving this here for later, feel free to call me out on it if I’m wrong. The Watch isn’t about Apple selling luxury products, it’s about making something nice looking enough that you’ll actually wear it. | Continue reading | 9 years ago

Using Core Data with Swift

Over the past month or so I’ve been diving into Swift, after many years of working with Objective-C on Macs and iOS. It’s been a change but, gradually, I’m learning the Swift way of doing things. On the way I’ve run into a few bumps in the road when dealing with Core Data, and I … | Continue reading | 9 years ago

Episode 037 – Apple Watch, Take Two

In this week’s episode Ben and James discuss the recent Apple Event, including the MacBook and Apple Watch Links Ben Thompson: Mobile First – Stratechery Ben Thompson: “Geeks are not just unqualified to explain the new MacBook, they’re anti-qualified” – Twitter Ben Thompson: How … | Continue reading | 9 years ago

Annual Meeting of the General Membership

March 30, 2017 at 7:00 pm McPherson County Community Foundation 206 N Main, McPherson All CKC members are welcome 2017 membership dues must be paid for members prior to voting. Mail, pay in person or online here. Proxy voting also available: CKC Proxy Ballot       | Continue reading | 9 years ago

EU Prize for Women Innovators

Identifier: H2020-WIPRIZE-2015Pillar: Science with and for SocietyOpening Date: Deadline: Tue, 20 Oct 2015 17:00:00 (Brussels local time)Modification Date: Tue, 10 Mar 2015Latest information: The submission session is now available for: WIP-01-2015(RPr) | Continue reading | 9 years ago

Fight against crime and Terrorism

Identifier: H2020-FCT-2014-2015Pillar: Societal ChallengesOpening Date: Deadline: Thu, 27 Aug 2015 17:00:00 (Brussels local time)Modification Date: Mon, 9 Mar 2015Latest information: Guidelines for the classification of research results are uploaded under the Information Package … | Continue reading | 9 years ago

Justice And Common Sense

For long, a plea for the recognition of a Kurdish entity has been in “Duly Noted’s” pipeline. The Kurd’s impressive valor and the injustices meted out to them to create “stable conditions”, constitute a moral imperative to present this piece. It is tempting to plead here what can … | Continue reading | 9 years ago

Justice And Common Sense

Continue reading | 9 years ago

The Boring Choice

Continue reading | 9 years ago

Django, uWSGI, Nginx on Freebsd

Setting up Django on Freebsd using uWSGI and Nginx | Continue reading | 9 years ago

Selected Ambient Works 85–92

One of my all time top favorite music albums is “Selected Ambient Works 85-92” by the enigmatic Aphex Twin. I purchased it right after it came out (1992) at a small record store in Amsterdam. Had no idea who or what the record was about, I purely bought it for the cover art. Appa … | Continue reading | 9 years ago

Vango yourself!

Continue reading | 9 years ago

Health Co-ordination activities

Identifier: H2020-HCO-2014-2015Pillar: Societal ChallengesOpening Date: Deadline: Tue, 15 Apr 2014 17:00:00 (Brussels local time)Modification Date: Tue, 3 Mar 2015Latest information: A total of 27 proposals were submitted in response to this call. The number of proposals for each … | Continue reading | 9 years ago

Quotes from veteran software engineers

The software industry is the most fashion-conscious industry I know of. | Continue reading | 9 years ago