Über den Las Vegas Strip im selbstfahrenden Smart Vision EQ

Als Mercedes-Benz letztes Jahr sein Konzeptvehikel Smart Vision EQ erstmals präsentierte, wurde an dieser Stelle schon mal darüber fantasiert, wie entspannt es sein muss, von so einem vollautonomen, knuddeligen Elektrovehikel durch die Gegend... | Continue reading

@de.engadget.com | 6 years ago

How to Get in the Zone and be More Productive - #Infographic

Think back to the last time you were watching a movie and the main character was working on an important project. Time speeds up and the camera rotates around her, while numbers and equations flash onscreen in illuminated colors. At the end of the scene, she sits back with a big, … | Continue reading

@digitalinformationworld.com | 6 years ago

"Die Sendung mit der Maus" vollständig barrierefrei / jetzt auch mit Audiodeskription

WDR Westdeutscher Rundfunk: Köln (ots) - "Die Sendung mit der Maus" ist als erste Sendung des WDR komplett barrierefrei. Neu ist seit Januar 2018 eine Audiodeskription-Version für Blinde und Menschen mit Sehbehinderungen, ein sogenannter Hörfilm. Ein Sprecher beschreibt die ... | Continue reading

@presseportal.de | 6 years ago

Das Magazin 'auto motor und sport' wird aufgefrischt

new business: Hamburg (ots) - Die traditionsreiche Zeitschrift 'auto motor und sport' (Verlag: Motor Presse Stuttgart) geht inhaltlich und optisch neue Wege und passt sich den veränderten Leserbedürfnissen an. Das berichtet das Hamburger Medienmagazin 'new ... | Continue reading

@presseportal.de | 6 years ago

'Dittsche' kommt zurück - Ab April wieder im WDR-Fernsehen

new business: Hamburg (ots) - Die Comedy-Sendung 'Dittsche' mit dem Schauspieler Olli Dittrich kehrt nach fast einjähriger Pause im April ins Westdeutsche Fernsehen zurück. Das meldet das Hamburger Medienmagazin 'new business' (www.new-business.de) in seiner am ... | Continue reading

@presseportal.de | 6 years ago

Top-Empfehlung für Camper: ADAC Verlag zeichnet 109 Superplätze in Europa aus / 16 Campingplätze in Deutschland erhalten 5 Sterne / Relaunch ADAC Campingwelt

ADAC SE: München (ots) - Weit über 100.000 Kilometer legen die ADAC Inspekteure jedes Jahr zurück, um sich vor Ort persönlich ein Bild von den Campingplätzen in Europa zu machen und ihre Bewertung abzugeben. Die bis zu 300 Einzelinformationen fließen dann in ... | Continue reading

@presseportal.de | 6 years ago

Galaxy X: Samsung zeigt sein FaltPhone im CES-Hinterzimmer

Auf der Consumer Electronics Show in Las Vegas hat Samsung den aktuellen Prototyp seines legendenumwobenen FaltPhones mit biegbarem Display dem Vernehmen nach fleißig im Hinterzimmer vorgeführt, und obwohl das unter strengster Verschwiegenheit... | Continue reading

@de.engadget.com | 6 years ago

neues deutschland: Ex-LAGeSo-Chef Muschter: "Viele Behörden verstehen sich als Abarbeitungsmaschine"

neues deutschland: Berlin (ots) - Grund für das Verwaltungschaos um die Aufnahme und Registrierung von Geflüchteten in Berlin war fehlende vorausschauende Planung. Das sagte Sebastian Muschter der in Berlin erscheinenden Tageszeitung "neues deutschland" ... | Continue reading

@presseportal.de | 6 years ago

NOZ: NOZ: Richterbund fordert von einer neuen Bundesregierung Investitionsschub für die Justiz

Osnabrück (ots) - Richterbund fordert von einer neuen Bundesregierung Investitionsschub für die Justiz Geschäftsführer: Justiz darf nicht zum Nadelöhr bei der Strafverfolgung... | Continue reading

@presseportal.de | 6 years ago

NOZ: NOZ: Handwerk kritisiert "Zwei-Klassen-Lösung" beim Wegfall des Solidaritätszuschlags

Osnabrück (ots) - Handwerk kritisiert "Zwei-Klassen-Lösung" beim Wegfall des Solidaritätszuschlags "Für alle muss der Soli weg" - Generalsekretär Schwannecke: Sorge über... | Continue reading

@presseportal.de | 6 years ago

NOZ: NOZ: Peter Heppner sieht wenig Chancen für Reunion seiner Erfolgsband Wolfsheim

Neue Osnabrücker Zeitung: Osnabrück (ots) - Streit mit Ex-Partner: Peter Heppner sieht wenig Chancen für Reunion seiner Erfolgsband Wolfsheim Hamburger Sänger verweist auf fehlendes Vertrauen - "Kann mir nicht vorstellen, unter welchen Umständen das funktionieren sollte" ... | Continue reading

@presseportal.de | 6 years ago

Tiens Group Chairman Li Jinyuan nahm an Chinas fünftem globalem Entwicklungsforum für kleine und mittlere Betriebe teil

Tiens Group: Hangzhou, China (ots/PRNewswire) - Am 10. Januar 2018 fand Chinas fünftes globales Entwicklungsforum für kleine und mittlere Betriebe (Fifth China SME Global Development Forum) und Markeninnovations- und Entwicklungsforum (Fifth China Brand ... | Continue reading

@presseportal.de | 6 years ago

NOZ: CDU-Politiker Middelberg: Abgeltungsteuer für Dividenden bleibt

Neue Osnabrücker Zeitung: Osnabrück (ots) - Middelberg: Abgeltungsteuer für Dividenden bleibt CDU-Politiker zu Sondierungsergebnis Osnabrück. Union und SPD wollen an der Besteuerung von Dividenden mit 25 Prozent Abgeltungsteuer festhalten. Das stellte der ... | Continue reading

@presseportal.de | 6 years ago

Apple says iCloud data migration notice sent to users outside China was done in error

 Apple says that an email sent to users with Apple IDs outside of China that their iCloud data was being moved to a Chinese company’s servers was done so accidentally. The Cupertino tech giant had announced Wednesday that next month it will begin the process of moving Chinese use … | Continue reading

@techcrunch.com | 6 years ago

Rheinische Post: NRW fordert Nachbesserungen bei Sondierungsergebnissen

Düsseldorf (ots) - NRW-Finanzminister Lutz Lienenkämper (CDU) fordert Nachbesserungen bei den Sondierungsergebnissen in Berlin. Weil die Gespräche bislang keine finanzielle... | Continue reading

@presseportal.de | 6 years ago

Now May Be the Best Time to Learn Programming

Technological advancement and the emergence of the Internet, has brought about amazing changes in nearly every sector of the economy. There is an element of programming embedded in all available jobs. Hence, programming skills have become very important. To be able to adapt in th … | Continue reading

@prelida.eu | 6 years ago

Esports and PC hardware’s growth is like peanut butter and jelly

GUEST: PC gamers are nothing if not passionate. They’re often labeled as “enthusiasts” and even “hardcore,” but whatever label seems most fitting, PC gamers comprise a group of more than 1.2 billion individuals around the globe. This number is only growing, and its upward swing i … | Continue reading

@venturebeat.com | 6 years ago

Step by Step Custom Pipes in Angular

Angular has many Pipes built-in, but they only take us so far. Ideally we’d like to extend our applications by creating custom Pipes. | Continue reading

@toddmotto.com | 6 years ago

Westfalen-Blatt: Vorabbericht: Alle Polizisten in NRW sollen noch in diesem Jahr sogenannte Körperkameras (Bodycams) bekommen. Das kündigte NRW-Innminister Herbert Reul (CDU) bei einem Besuch in Paderborn an.

Westfalen-Blatt: Bielefeld (ots) - Alle Polizisten in NRW sollen noch in diesem Jahr sogenannte Körperkameras (Bodycams) bekommen. Wie das in Bielefeld erscheinende WESTFALEN-BLATT berichtet, kündigte NRW-Innminister Herbert Reul (CDU) das bei einem Besuch in ... | Continue reading

@presseportal.de | 6 years ago

Now May Be the Best Time to Learn Programming

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@prelida.eu | 6 years ago

4 Tips To Help Save On Insurance Premiums

Having a good insurance coverage makes it possible for you to handle risk and uncertainties without going bankrupt. With a good insurance policy, there is adequate protection for your properties, or against business loss. Notwithstanding, how do you save on insurance? Individuals … | Continue reading

@prelida.eu | 6 years ago

Systech Europe(TM) gibt rapide Zunahme seiner Kundenzahl und Serialisierungspartner in der Pharmaindustrie zur Umsetzung der EU-Direktive gegen Arzneimittelfälschung bekannt

Systech International: Brüssel (ots/PRNewswire) - Systech International, weltweit führender Technologiehersteller in den Bereichen Serialisierungs- und Track & Trace-Lösungen sowie Markenschutz, erweiterte seine Präsenz in Europa im Jahr 2017 mit neuen Kunden in ... | Continue reading

@presseportal.de | 6 years ago

Navigator: The Places We Come From

There are a lot of ways to disparage a place, but some words carry more venom—and historical baggage—than others. Some version of what the U.S. president reportedly said has been said forever; it’s been said about the place I call home.Truth be told: It’s a pretty effective narra … | Continue reading

@citylab.com | 6 years ago

Overwatch League has the pieces to build something that could last

Since the first announcement of Blizzard’s Overwatch League, I’ve tried to stay excited. After all, this is the first time that an esports organization was going to do some of the things I’ve always said I wanted: city-based teams, seasonal play, and base-pay for players. The pro … | Continue reading

@venturebeat.com | 6 years ago

Why Washington, D.C. Is Leading the Way on Partnering With the Private Sector

Haunting pictures of children bundled up tightly in freezing Baltimore classrooms drove a national conversation about the city’s crumbling facilities and government incompetence. It is beyond banal to say that there’s no easy solution. But what if it were somebody’s job to make s … | Continue reading

@citylab.com | 6 years ago

Rheinische Post: Vodafone fordert Staatsförderung für neues Mobilfunknetz

Rheinische Post: Düsseldorf (ots) - Deutschlands zweitgrößter Telekommunikationskonzern Vodafone fordert ein staatliches Förderprogramm, um das künftige Mobilfunknetz 5G schnell starten zu können. "Ein früher Start der 5G-Netze wäre gerade im Autoland Deutschland ... | Continue reading

@presseportal.de | 6 years ago

Rheinische Post: DIHK-Chef: Falsche Botschaft der Sondierer an Firmen

Rheinische Post: Düsseldorf (ots) - DIHK-Präsident Eric Schweitzer übte scharfe Kritik an den Steuerplänen von Union und SPD. "In der Steuerpolitik hat die nun wohl mögliche Koalition die Zeichen der Zeit noch nicht erkannt", sagte Schweitzer der in Düsseldorf ... | Continue reading

@presseportal.de | 6 years ago

4 Tips To Help Save On Insurance Premiums

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@prelida.eu | 6 years ago

As David Letterman’s first Netflix guest, Barack Obama warns against the ‘bubble’ of social media

 David Letterman seems to be taking the title of his new Netflix show very seriously: On the very first episode of My Next Guest Needs No Introduction With David Letterman, he’s joined by former U.S. President Barack Obama. The episode has plenty of funny moments, like Obama ribb … | Continue reading

@techcrunch.com | 6 years ago

Watch this unsuspecting river quickly turn into a chaotic mess of ice chunks

After a monster “bomb cyclone” and frigid Arctic blasts that set some new records on the US East Coast, temperatures have been a bit more merciful this week. And that’s setting the stage for some pretty cool phenomena — like this ice jam on the Ausable River in Au Sable Forks, lo … | Continue reading

@theverge.com | 6 years ago

Netflix’s My Next Guest Needs No Introduction proves the world still needs David Letterman

When David Letterman left the Late Show in 2015, it felt like a generational changing of the guard. After over three decades as a late-night host, the comedian was stepping away, letting Stephen Colbert reinvent the show while Letterman enjoyed the free time to do, well, nothing … | Continue reading

@theverge.com | 6 years ago

Intel is having reboot issues with its Spectre-Meltdown patches

 It hasn’t been a fun time to be Intel. Last week the company revealed two chip vulnerabilities that have come to be known as Spectre and Meltdown, and have been rocking the entire chip industry ever since (not just Intel). This week the company issued some patches to rectify the … | Continue reading

@techcrunch.com | 6 years ago

Intel tried desperately to change the subject from Spectre and Meltdown at CES

 Intel had a bad week last week. It was so bad that the chip maker has to be thrilled to have CES, the massive consumer technology show going on this week in Las Vegas, as a way to change the subject and focus on the other work they are doing. For starters, CEO Brian Krzanich had … | Continue reading

@techcrunch.com | 6 years ago

The road to AI leads through information architecture

GUEST: Ford drove the first automobile down the streets of Detroit in 1890. It would take another 30 years before the company streamlined production and made cars available to the mass market. The obvious lesson: Sometimes technology has a long gestation period before we can scal … | Continue reading

@venturebeat.com | 6 years ago

The Last Man Standing in a Doomed Buffalo Housing Complex

Any minute now, John Schmidt expects to be removed from his apartment by U.S. Marshals.Schmidt lives in Buffalo’s Shoreline apartments, an affordable housing complex behind City Hall. Designed by the legendary modernist architect Paul Rudolph and built in 1974, Shoreline original … | Continue reading

@citylab.com | 6 years ago

Listen to the audio coverage of CES 2018 with The Verge crew

The Verge crew is on our way back home after a week at the Consumer Electronics Show 2018. This week, we did a ton of reporting, a ton of videos, and four live Circuit Breaker shows, so we did not have a lot of time to sit down and tape a full-length Vergecast. But what we did do … | Continue reading

@theverge.com | 6 years ago

Check out this web game where all you do is dunk on Donald Trump over and over again

It’s not really a game, per se | Continue reading

@theverge.com | 6 years ago

Apple’s future shouldn’t be at CES, but at global in-store events

Every year, journalists start CES with faint optimism and conclude with disappointment; as the song goes, they thought the future would be cooler. At some point right as the show is ending, someone will typically float Apple — which officially skips CES every year — as either the … | Continue reading

@venturebeat.com | 6 years ago

Even the Most Interesting Man in the World couldn’t make Luma work as standalone company

 Luma, a three-year-old, Atlanta, Ga.-based maker of smart WiFi routers, has been acquired by First Alert, a maker of smoke and carbon monoxide detectors that is itself a subsidiary of Newell Brands, a public company whose other holdings include Rubbermaid. Terms of the deal aren … | Continue reading

@techcrunch.com | 6 years ago

Stuttgarter Zeitung: Kommentar zur Reisemesse CMT

Stuttgarter Zeitung: Stuttgart (ots) - Auf einer Reisemesse wie der CMT in Stuttgart stellt sich die Frage, ob das Konzept der Partnerländer nicht überarbeitet werden sollte. Statt einzelne Länder in den Mittelpunkt zu rücken, könnte der Fokus künftig mehr auf den ... | Continue reading

@presseportal.de | 6 years ago

Boxed in talks to be acquired by Kroger for $500 million

 New York-based Boxed, the startup for buying food and household items in bulk, is in talks to be acquired by Kroger for about $500 million. Other retailers are also expected to be making bids. The news was first reported by Forbes and confirmed to TechCrunch by a source with kno … | Continue reading

@techcrunch.com | 6 years ago

The first Lightning-based wireless Qi charger is here

LXORY isn’t exactly a major company in the wireless charging business, but they’ve managed to become the first to release a wireless charger with an input for Apple’s Lightning cables, via 9to5Mac. Almost every other charger out there uses either MicroUSB, USB-C, or a proprietary … | Continue reading

@theverge.com | 6 years ago

Conversation Gained-How to Determine Influence in B2B Social Media

I don’t know a marketer out there that would say that influence in social media is not a commodity, if you know how to leverage it. I do however, know a lot of marketers out there, who strugg… | Continue reading

@directmarketingobservations.com | 6 years ago

James Damore’s lawsuit partner says Google is dominated by a racist, man-hating ‘hate group’

David Gudeman, one of two ex-Google engineers suing the company for alleged discrimination against conservative white men, says the company is dominated by a “hate group” illegally promoting “racism and misandry.” Gudeman and his co-plaintiff James Damore filed the lawsuit earlie … | Continue reading

@theverge.com | 6 years ago

Korea's Crypto Crackdown Talk Draws Backlash From Users and Politicians

South Korea's citizens reacted angrily to a proposed ban on cryptocurrency exchanges, with politicians and residents alike condemning the move. | Continue reading

@coindesk.com | 6 years ago

Hulu is making a Catch-22 miniseries with George Clooney

Hulu is doubling down on the dystopian adaptation business. With the streaming service’s The Handmaid’s Tale continuing to rack up award wins, Hulu is adding another adaptation of a literary classic to its library: Joseph Heller’s novel Catch-22, which George Clooney will co-writ … | Continue reading

@theverge.com | 6 years ago

Gothic Revival: Restoration and Renewal of a 1870s Harbourside House in Sydney

Design ingenuity and a dose of respect for its original Gothic Revival bones deliver a blighted 1870s harbourside home in Sydney into the 21st century.  | Continue reading

@homeworlddesign.com | 6 years ago

Westfalenpost: Martin Korte zu den Sondierungsgesprächen

Westfalenpost: Hagen (ots) - Das kategorische Nein verwandelte sich zuerst in ein zögerliches Vielleicht, jetzt ist es ein klares Ja: Die SPD-Spitze stimmt einer Großen Koalition nun doch zu. Veranlasst hat die 180-Grad-Kehrtwende ein Gemisch aus staatspolitischer ... | Continue reading

@presseportal.de | 6 years ago