This ping pong table plays music to the rhythm of your game

Seattle-based designer Mark Wheeler embedded contact microphones on ping pong paddles, hid an Arduino in a retro radio, and designed an app, all to get a ping pong table to play music to the rhythm of a game. The idea of Ping Pong FM, as Wheeler and his team call it, is to play f … | Continue reading | 7 years ago

Future versions of Facebook Messenger will come with a Data Saver mode

Afraid of bill shock? Facebook Messenger is notoriously data-hungry. Thankfully, future versions will allow you to put it on a diet, courtesy of a brand new Data Saver feature. Facebook is currently trialling this on the Android beta version of the app. It works by changing how t … | Continue reading | 7 years ago

Quill lets you create 3D illustrations in virtual reality

At the recent Oculus Connect event, some virtual reality applications didn’t fit into any category. Quill was one of those, part interactive comic book, part VR film, and part VR creation tool. It’s not really a game, but it has an interesting story that begins with a 360-degree … | Continue reading | 7 years ago

The CIA is reportedly preparing for a major cyber attack against Russia

The Obama administration is considering a major retaliatory cyber attack against Russia, NBC News reports. The move is in response to allegations of the country’s involvement in recent hacks against the Democratic National Committee earlier this summer.The operation is designed t … | Continue reading | 7 years ago

Quantum Computers Will Destroy Bitcoin, Scientists Warn

[…]The post Quantum Computers Will Destroy Bitcoin, Scientists Warn appeared first on CryptoCoinsNews. | Continue reading | 7 years ago

It is now a federal crime to bring a Galaxy Note 7 onto an airplane

The Federal Aviation Administration officially banned Galaxy Note 7s from being brought onto airplanes earlier this week, and under a new Emergency Restriction / Prohibition Order, it’s now a federal crime to fly with the device.The FAA issued Emergency Restriction/Prohibition Or … | Continue reading | 7 years ago

In China, Two Cities Mirror Blockchain-Bitcoin Divide

A central divide in the blockchain industry is being mirrored in the startup cultures of two major cities.Source | Continue reading

@CoinDesk | 7 years ago

Tonight, watch Orbital ATK's Antares rocket launch for the first time in two years

Tonight, Orbital ATK will launch its Antares rocket again — nearly two years after the vehicle’s last launch ended in a spectacular explosion. Since then, the Antares has gone through an extensive upgrade, as the vehicle’s main engines have been replaced. Now, Orbital is finally … | Continue reading | 7 years ago

Brain belts: The many innovation centers that will take on Silicon Valley

GUEST: To most high-tech enthusiasts, towns like Akron, Albany, Batesville, Malmö, and Eindhoven probably don’t hold much significance. Yet, while the world is busy watching Silicon Valley, these relatively obscure spots in the US and Europe are quietly building the infrastructur … | Continue reading | 7 years ago

Heute Nacht um 2: Raketenstart der neuen Antares

Falls jemand heute Nacht um 2 Uhr nichts vorhat: Orbital ATK schicken ihre neue, verbesserte Antares-Rakete ins All, knapp zwei Jahre nachdem die letzte explodierte (Video). Die Mission OA-5 soll 2,4 Tonnen Nachschub zur Weltraumstation ISS bringen... | Continue reading | 7 years ago

Donald Trump is calling SNL’s portrayal of him a ‘hit job’

Donald Trump isn’t thrilled with Alec Baldwin’s portrayal of him in Saturday Night Live's cold open sketch last night, calling the show "boring and unfunny".Watched Saturday Night Live hit job on me.Time to retire the boring and unfunny show. Alec Baldwin portrayal stinks. Media … | Continue reading | 7 years ago

Apple’s got a quick fix if your iPhone 7 home button stops working

In a lot of ways, the latest iPhone is radically different. Apple has left virtually no component untouched, with the home button no exception. The old-school mechanical “click” mechanism has been replaced with a solid-state one. This uses Apple’s “taptic engine”, and contains no … | Continue reading | 7 years ago

Under Sustained Attack, Ethereum to Introduce Hard Forks

Ethereum is still in trouble, the much-celebrated blockchain platform has been suffering from a sustained attack for weeks now. Under attack, the cryptocurrency based smart contracts platform is now looking at not one but two consecutive hard forks. According to a recent announce … | Continue reading | 7 years ago

Gears of War 4, Titanfall 2 lead Microsoft’s TV advertising charge in September

GUEST: Consoles remind your smartphone where the best experience lives. GamesBeat has partnered with, which measures TV advertising in real-time, to bring you a monthly report on how gaming brands are spending. The results below are for the top five spending gaming indus … | Continue reading | 7 years ago

How the changing weather affects our health

Two months ago, I strained my neck. It’s better, but I now notice that every time it gets cold, I feel tingling all down my arm. I started joking that I had become one of those people who could “tell when it’s about to rain” because my joints hurt. Then I wondered: how does chang … | Continue reading | 7 years ago

Give Hooptedoodle the Heave-Ho

There’s a great power in words, if you don’t hitch too many of them together. — Josh Billings "Delete" is the key to sharper story... | Continue reading | 7 years ago

Bitcoin Ends the Week on a Positive Note, as Expected

It's been a week since we first looked at bitcoin from a geometric perspective, and determined that the long term trend would likely be up for at least the next few months. We ended the week ~ $25 per coin higher. So far so good. | Continue reading | 7 years ago

Get a lifetime subscription to the EasilyDo virtual assistant for under $20

We all want an assistant to help lighten the load of life. Finally, there’s an app for that. EasilyDo streamlines your tasks, notifications and important info to save you hours and keep your life in working order. For a limited time, you can pick up a lifetime subscription to Eas … | Continue reading | 7 years ago

This machine records ambient noise to remix sounds from reality

Ambient noise is something that we don’t think about much, but by definition is always there. "Collector" is an interactive art object from Dmitriy Morozov as part of his ::vtol:: project, that puts a focus on the sounds that surround us. Continue reading… | Continue reading | 7 years ago

A Pitch Perfect Illustration of Blockchain Hype

Craig Pirrong takes a hard look at the hype surrounding blockchain technology and finds that it isn't necessarily justified.Source | Continue reading

@CoinDesk | 7 years ago

The ExoMars spacecraft will separate this morning, to prepare for a harrowing Mars landing

After seven months of traveling to Mars, Europe and Russia's two ExoMars spacecraft are scheduled to separate from one another this morning — a crucial move just three days before they reach the Red Planet. The two vehicles have been connected to one another since they launched f … | Continue reading | 7 years ago

Shootaround (Oct. 16): Bucks, Bulls reportedly near deal

Bucks ready to deal MCW for Snell| Grizzlies expecting big things from rookie Baldwin| Retracing the steps of Cleveland's great comeback| Should Carmelo pass torch to Porzingis sooner rather than later? | Continue reading | 7 years ago

Peter Thiel reportedly is donating $1.25 million to Donald Trump

Silicon Valley billionaire Peter Thiel is donating $1.25 million to Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump’s campaign, The New York Times reported. This is the first time Thiel has donated to Trump, according to The Times, though he gave former HP CEO Carly Fiorina $2 mil … | Continue reading | 7 years ago

Battlefield 1 multiplayer impressions: It’s tough to survive in your first match

Battlefield 1 is here at long last, for some of us. I played my first multiplayer match on the Xbox One as the first servers went live. This game is one of the biggest titles from Electronic Arts and its DICE studio since the Battlefield franchise was born in 2002. The developers … | Continue reading | 7 years ago

This decade-old Korean game show GIF, explained

The animated GIF is a wordless poem.Without the barrier of language, it expresses emotions, and visualizes in one looping series of frames what it would take the written word, well, at least a sentence, maybe even two! It's for this reason that some GIFs persist, long past releva … | Continue reading | 7 years ago

Peter Thiel will donate $1.25M to the Trump campaign, despite the latest controversies

Peter Thiel surprised Silicon Valley enough when he endorsed controversial Presidential candidate Donald J. Trump at the Republican National Convention earlier this year. Valley investors and entrepreneurs — the vast majority of whom do not support Trump — are likely to be even m … | Continue reading | 7 years ago

Blockchain Comes to High Fashion

[…]The post Blockchain Comes to High Fashion appeared first on CryptoCoinsNews. | Continue reading | 7 years ago

Running A Successful Bitcoin Company Does Not Necessarily Require VCs

The Bitcoin and blockchain sector heavily relies on investments from VCs. But as it turns out, the venture capital approach can cause quite a few issues for companies as well. There is a right and wrong approach to dealing with VC funding when push comes to shove. Enterprises tak … | Continue reading | 7 years ago

Samsung has ported the Note 7’s Always-On Display software to the S7 and S7 Edge

The Samsung Galaxy Note 7 is long-dead, but part of it lives on in the Galaxy S7 and S7 Edge. Owners have reported that a recent update has brought many of the software features of the Note 7 to the two surviving Samsung flagships. The update brings the Note’s always-on-display, … | Continue reading | 7 years ago

Galaxy S7 bekommt ein wenig Note 7 Software

Wir haben uns ja nun endgültig schmerzhaft vom Galaxy Note 7 verabschiedet und auf das Galaxy S8 warten dauert einfach zu lange.Samsung hat jetzt ein paar Software Details des Note 7 für das S7 und S7 Edge spendiert. Das Always On Display... | Continue reading | 7 years ago

China to launch manned space mission Shenzhou 11 on Monday

President Xi Jinping has called for China to establish itself as a space power, and it has tested anti-satellite missiles, in addition to its civilian aims. | Continue reading | 7 years ago

Telegram Bot For Cheap International Calls Accepts Payments In Bitcoin

[…]The post Telegram Bot For Cheap International Calls Accepts Payments In Bitcoin appeared first on CryptoCoinsNews. | Continue reading | 7 years ago


Several working-age adults require abilities that will assist get them a much better-paying job. Pathways can get you began with a brief-term certificate that will get you the standard skills you want. From there, you can ladder” into the next educational level. Ultimately, you c … | Continue reading | 7 years ago

Firefox testet neue Features: Screenshots, Minivideos und Tracking Protection

Firefox hat ein paar neue Features in seinem Testpilot-Program. Screenshots einer Webseite auf Click, etwas das Erweiterungen eigentlich genau so gut erledigen können, ist das eher uninteressanteste. Mit den Min Vid gehen sie einen Weg, den wir... | Continue reading | 7 years ago

Western Union Charges A 10% Domestic US Transfer Fee And Gets Away With it

If anyone ever needed more indication of how expensive Western Union is, look no further. Various Walmart stores across the US have a WU office, where people can send money to other citizens in the US with ease. Unfortunately, this service is rather expensive, as sending up to US … | Continue reading | 7 years ago

Home Button kaputt? Apple hat da eine Idee

Das iPhone 7 hat ja einen ganz besonderen Homebutton. Der bewegt sich nicht. Scheint aber dennoch kaputt gehen zu können, wie MacRumors herausgefunden hat, und das hat Apple sogar vorhergesehen. Sollte das iPhone nämlich denken, dass der Homebutton... | Continue reading | 7 years ago


The things that break all at once aren’t really a problem. You note that they’ve broken, and then you fix them. The challenge is corrosion. Things that slowly fade, that eventually become a hassle--it takes effort and judgment to decide... | Continue reading | 7 years ago

Block ops: How everything fell into place for Tetris

Tetris is a game with no story. The closest you get to a plot twist is rotating your current shape - officially, a tetromino - in the hope of a closer fit with the ad-hoc crenellation below. Achieve your nominal quest by creating a complete line and the result is not closure, it' … | Continue reading | 7 years ago

Oasis Market Deepweb Marketplace Shuts Shop

Oasis Market, the deep web marketplace has gone dark! Users fear that this might be the last they are going to see of Oasis Market as many lose funds. The marketplace is said to have made away with over 150 BTCs and an undisclosed amount in Monero. The exit of Oasis Market comes … | Continue reading | 7 years ago

Reden wie Obama: Jetzt Open Source, zumindest als Bot

Der Facebook-Bot von Barack Obama wurde jetzt vom White House als Open Source Material via Github veröffentlicht und kann direkt in Drupal implementiert werden, das in amerikanischen Regierungskreisen wohl eins der CMS erster Wahl ist.Er soll... | Continue reading | 7 years ago

Śniadanie bez glutenu. Marchewkowe gofry z duszonymi śliwkami

Tworząc ten cykl przepisów, mam przed oczami wiadomości nadesłane od osób które zmagają się z nietolerancją glutenu. Idea wprowadzenia krótkich cyklów kulinarnych z założenia miała ułatwiać w codziennym gotowaniu, mam zatem nadzieję, że i ten przepis znajdzie swoich odbiorców :-) … | Continue reading | 7 years ago

Japanese asset management startup WealthNavi raises $15M

Tokyo-based WealthNavi, the company offering a technology-based asset management service under the same name, announced on Wednesday that it has fundraised 1.5 billion yen (about $15 million) in a series B round. Participating companies in this round were SBI Holdings, SBI Invest … | Continue reading | 7 years ago

Samsung Chromebook Pro: Noch edler mit Android

Es geht los mit den edleren Chromebooks. Zwar gab es schon eine Weile den Trend hin zu Chromebooks die mehr als das nötigste können und auch die Bildschirme wurden immer besser, aber jetzt, wo Android auf Chrome OS angekommen ist, wird noch... | Continue reading | 7 years ago

Will Quantum Computers Spell the Doom of Bitcoin?

Bitcoin is dead! It has been predicted 112 times already. There is even a website that keeps track of all these obituaries. The latest prophecy predicts the death of Bitcoin once quantum computers make an entry. This plausible prediction comes at the time when Bitcoin is going st … | Continue reading | 7 years ago

European-led Mars lander to start descent to red planet

A Mars lander is due to leave its mothership on Sunday and head toward the red planet's surface to test technologies for Europe's planned first Mars rover, which will search for signs of past and present life. | Continue reading | 7 years ago

5 Android apps you shouldn’t miss this week! – Android Apps Weekly

In this week's edition, we talk about Crap, I'm Broken, Playboy's new magazine app, Google's voter tool, and more Android apps and games news! | Continue reading | 7 years ago

Bitcoin Price Weekly Analysis – BTC/USD Further Gains Likely

Key Points Bitcoin price surged higher this past week versus the US Dollar to register a close above the $635 resistance. There is a flag pattern forming on the 4-hours chart (data feed from SimpleFX) of BTC/USD, which may ignite another rally. The price may break the recent high … | Continue reading | 7 years ago

Source: Milwaukee Bucks Nearing Trade Of Michael Carter-Williams To Chicago Bulls

The Milwaukee Bucks are close to trading reserve guard Michael Carter-Williams to the Chicago Bulls for backup small forward Tony Snell, a source confirmed to's David Aldridge on Saturday | Continue reading | 7 years ago