?uestlove and Better Time Management

?uestlove could be one of the busiest people on the planet... what system does he use to manage his time? | Continue reading

@jonpauluritis.com | 14 years ago

?uestlove and Better Time Management

So I was reading this esquire article … and I stumbled onto a particularly good little nugget: Mr. Ahmir Khalib Thompson (a.k.a. ?uestlove) believes that a human being can really only do 4 things a day (possibly as many as 6, but 4 is the reality). As an example here is what was … | Continue reading

@localhost | 14 years ago

Call for tenders EACEA/2009/01 - Study on the use of Subtitling

The potential of subtitling to encourage foreign language learning and improve the mastery of foreign languages | Continue reading

@eacea.ec.europa.eu | 14 years ago

Scientists Discover That Hidden Persuaders Are Real

In yesterday's post I mentioned reading George Lakoff 's book, The Political Mind. While I agree with the politics of the book in almost ev... | Continue reading

@neopythonic.blogspot.com | 14 years ago

Progressive vs. Conservative

[Warning: loose thoughts ahead!] Microsoft's Eric Meijer gave a talk at Google yesterday, and afterwards I had lunch with him. One of his r... | Continue reading

@neopythonic.blogspot.com | 14 years ago

Timeline: The evolution of life

The story of evolution spans over 3 billion years and shows how microscopic single-celled organisms transformed Earth and gave rise to complex organisms like animals | Continue reading

@newscientist.com | 14 years ago

IronPython in Action and the Decline of Windows

While CPython still rules on python-dev, especially with the excitement around Py3k, Python's alternative implementations are growing up: Py... | Continue reading

@neopythonic.blogspot.com | 15 years ago

Highs and Lows of IEEE Computer Magazine

I still read a few print publications, including IEEE Computer. Today's issue contained a high and a low: Today's high point was a detailed... | Continue reading

@neopythonic.blogspot.com | 15 years ago

New App Engine Book

At Google I/O I received a copy of Using Google App Engine by Charles Severance, published by O'Reilly. I haven't kept track, but this appe... | Continue reading

@neopythonic.blogspot.com | 15 years ago

Ruby Case Statements and `kind_of?`

You’re an object – Stand up straight and act like one! Imagine you have this code: | Continue reading

@sandimetz.com | 15 years ago

So you want to learn Python?

There's never a lack of books to use for learning Python. I occasionally receive books for review, but I don't have a particularly good yard... | Continue reading

@neopythonic.blogspot.com | 15 years ago

Annual Reports

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@accessibletourism.org | 15 years ago

Final Words on Tail Calls

A lot of people remarked that in my post on Tail Recursion Elimination I confused tail self-recursion with other tail calls, which proper T... | Continue reading

@neopythonic.blogspot.com | 15 years ago

People Who Annoy Me

It's Grumpy Saturday. If I didn't respond to your email or "friend" request, maybe you fall in one of the following categories. 1. People ... | Continue reading

@neopythonic.blogspot.com | 15 years ago

Vacancy notice : Programme Coordinator (MEDIA, Youth, Citizenship, Culture) (AD8)

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@eacea.ec.europa.eu | 15 years ago

SOLID Design Principles - Dependency Injection

Nothing is more pleasing than beautiful code.  And nothing is more heart-breaking than watching beautiful code get destroyed. Lately, I’ve been paying particular attention to SOLID Object Oriented Design (OOD) principles and their interaction with TDD.  I’m finding that, while TD … | Continue reading

@sandimetz.com | 15 years ago

wfDevCamp 2008: Work Away From Work

Sometimes, special tasks require unusual measures. It was obvious that we needed to move the development of wfDynamic, webfactory’s content management framework, a big step forward. So in December 2008 the webfactory team headed to an apartment in the Austrian mountains for a wee … | Continue reading

@annualbeta.com | 15 years ago

Preach What You Practice

webfactory has always been about creating highly usable and accessible websites, keeping a close watch on web standards and the POSH paradigm. This September we finally decided it was time to start preaching what we practice. So you say, „Dude, get real! It’s 2008! Web standards … | Continue reading

@annualbeta.com | 15 years ago

Browsertesting can be fun!

Okay, enthusiasm may have gotten the better of me when I was punching in this entry's title. But even when you're doing what every frontend engineer hates by default – testing and retesting your page in the major browsers known to mankind – there are a few tools that can really m … | Continue reading

@annualbeta.com | 15 years ago

Jazoon Presentation on Distributed Client/Server Persistence

I’ve presented at this year’s Jazoon conference on Hölchoko, a framework for distributing the persistence of your JPA domain models to multiple clients. While the project itself is not where I would have expected it to be by now, I’ve finished enough of the demos to show what the … | Continue reading

@wcgw.dev | 16 years ago

ENAT Full Member

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@accessibletourism.org | 16 years ago

ENAT Associate Member

Associate membership is available to private enterprises, public administrations, organisations under public law, academic institutions, professional bodies, non-governmental organisations, social cooperatives, private foundations and individuals. Associate membership is the mos … | Continue reading

@accessibletourism.org | 16 years ago

ENAT Full Member

Full Members may be persons or entities who show their interest for the objectives of the association and who wish to support it or take part in its activities. Full Members must be accepted as such by the Board of Directors based on a written application. Full membership is avai … | Continue reading

@accessibletourism.org | 16 years ago

ENAT Associate Member

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@accessibletourism.org | 16 years ago

Hudson continuous build full screen monitoring

I’ve just quickly hacked a fullscreen monitor for our continuous integration server at work. As for my personal projects, we use Hudson, which has a nice restful xml API.This small utility asks for the url of your Hudson server and retrieves all the jobs and their status. You can … | Continue reading

@wcgw.dev | 16 years ago

ENAT Statutes

The ENAT Statutes are the rules which govern the organisation of the ENAT non-profit association. They were written on 14 February 2008 by the founding members of ENAT, in conformance with the Belgian legislation governing non-profit associations. ENAT is registered in Belgium as … | Continue reading

@accessibletourism.org | 16 years ago

ENAT Board Biographies

Short biographies of the ENAT Board of Directors, 2017. President: Annagrazia Laura, Italy Vice Presidents: Jesús Hernández Galán, Spain and Spyros Michailidis, Greece Treasurer: Mieke Broeders, Belgium Managing Director: Ivor Ambrose, UK and Greece Director: Marco Pizzio, … | Continue reading

@accessibletourism.org | 16 years ago

ENAT Board Biographies

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@accessibletourism.org | 16 years ago

ENAT National Coordinators

      ENAT National Coordinators       have been established in several European countries. Their contact details are listed on this page. For information about ENAT in other countries, see: ENAT National Coordinators (Board Members) in Europe ENAT has also appointed representati … | Continue reading

@accessibletourism.org | 16 years ago

ENAT National Coordinators

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@accessibletourism.org | 16 years ago

President's Message: 27 September 2016, UNWTO World Tourism Day

Photo of Annagrazia Laura, ENAT President, elected June 2013 The 27th of September each year marks the celebration of the UNWTO World Tourism Day.In 2016 this date is particularly significant since, for the first time, the theme of the day is Accessible Tourism. This is having a … | Continue reading

@accessibletourism.org | 16 years ago

ENAT President's Message: 31 January 2018

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@accessibletourism.org | 16 years ago


ENAT - European Network for Accessible Tourism asbl. Rue du Marché aux Herbes 61 / Grasmarkt 61 1000 Bruxelles Belgium Email: enat@accessibletourism.org You may also use the form below to contact us. | Continue reading

@accessibletourism.org | 16 years ago

On testing...

Earlier this week I’ve received the Javalobby newsletter featuring an article by Antonio Goncalves on Why are we not using Java EE 5? While there is much to be discussed on the subject, I’ve been thinking about his statement on testing :Testing a Java EE 5 application is definite … | Continue reading

@wcgw.dev | 16 years ago

Beans Binding & JPA

I have been continuing my work on integrating Beans Binding (JSR 295) and the Swing Application Framework (JSR 296) with the work I have been doing on providing a JPA enabled HMVC framework for Swing developers. I must already say that getting to the information on how to exactly … | Continue reading

@wcgw.dev | 16 years ago

JavaPolis, NetBeans 6 & Season's coding...

That’s it JavaPolis is over. It was a great success again and completely sold out weeks before it actually began… It was a great opportunity for me to catch up with old friends and time to make some new. The French speaking community was pretty present and I was really pleased to … | Continue reading

@wcgw.dev | 16 years ago

Java 6 on OS X Leopard

Just downloading developer preview 8 from the ADC Member Site. Apple just made my day! | Continue reading

@wcgw.dev | 16 years ago

The End is The Beginning is The End

Web design has come a long way. We strive to play the game in adherence to Standards, we separate structure from presentation as much as possible and we have taken into our hearts the fact that indeed the Experience is the Product. Or have we? A core ambition of website designers … | Continue reading

@annualbeta.com | 16 years ago

JavaZone 2007: Java Persistence on the Client

I am back from my Oslo trip. JavaZone 2007 was again a great success! The exhibition hall was much bigger than the hotel lobby last year, much more decorated and with even more people attending! Still it remained a very enjoyable event… I had a really great time and many possibil … | Continue reading

@wcgw.dev | 16 years ago

Newsletter and e-Bulletin

The ENAT Newsletter was first produced as a series of PDF documents, for downloading, during 2007. We now send out an E-Bulletin to members and subscribers. It is free of charge and goes out to all those who are interested in the latest developments in Accessible Tourism.  ENAT M … | Continue reading

@accessibletourism.org | 16 years ago

Newsletter and e-Bulletin

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@accessibletourism.org | 16 years ago

Projects and Good Practices

The tourism sector already has many examples of good practice which are helping to making travel and tourism accessible for all. These examples must be better known and used by the industry in order to bring about innovation and improvements on a wider scale.  The cases shown on … | Continue reading

@accessibletourism.org | 17 years ago


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@accessibletourism.org | 17 years ago


ENAT News items are listed here, with the most recent news first. | Continue reading

@accessibletourism.org | 17 years ago

Privacy Policy

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@accessibletourism.org | 17 years ago

Categories & Fees

General Information ENAT is a non-profit association, registered in Belgium. According to the terms of the Belgian legislation there are two membership categories: “Associate Members” (membres adhérents) and “Full Members” (membres effectifs).  The members must be physical person … | Continue reading

@accessibletourism.org | 17 years ago

Categories & Fees

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@accessibletourism.org | 17 years ago

Who We Are

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@accessibletourism.org | 17 years ago