Arepa is a common food name throughout Latin America, but Dominican arepa is a name reserved for the cornmeal and coconut cake we all know and love. The post Dominican Arepa (Cornmeal and Coconut Cake) appeared first on Dominican Cooking. | Continue reading
Arepa is a common food name throughout Latin America, but Dominican arepa is a name reserved for the cornmeal and coconut cake we all know and love. The post Dominican Arepa (Cornmeal and Coconut Cake) appeared first on Dominican Cooking. | Continue reading
Arepa is a common food name throughout Latin America, but Dominican Arepa is a name reserved for the cornmeal and coconut cake we all know and love. | Continue reading
After much back and forth I received a nice new Python book in the mail. The book's full title is " Introduction to Computer Science Using P... | Continue reading
Dear (insert name here), I heard you enjoy a certain programming language named Python. Programming is a wonderful activity. I am a little... | Continue reading
(NB: this was very hastily written, so I hope the logic flows – I just wanted to get it out…) I think many people thought I was joking when I boldly declared it would be cheaper for me to rent a two bed flat in Barcelona and commute to London every day than get a […] | Continue reading
Several colleagues from the TOSCA-MP consortium will be speakers at the FIAT/IFTA World Conference in Dubai next week. Mike Matton from VRT and Peter Schallauer from JRS will talk about “The MPEG-7 Audiovisual Description Profile standard for describing results of automatic annot … | Continue reading
Taking inspiration from the Rails layouts and rendering guide, I thought it'd be a nice idea to build a snippet collection illustrating some common HTTP responses for Go web applications. Sending Headers Only Rendering Plain Text Rendering JSON Rendering XML Ser … | Continue reading
Visit the post for more. | Continue reading
At long last Wizzy finds the Crystal Matrix, but discovers the Isotropic Grid extends in all directions to Infinity. Slipping effortlessly into meditative trance, Wizzy makes the connection to the Higher Planes… A Gif version of this also exists: | Continue reading
Karl Recycling Cat 6 racing Street spam Layer programming | Continue reading
Perhaps you are familiar with Drunvalo Melchizedek’s Flower of Life. This is not that. This is the Trillium Seed of Life. It is based on a 3-fold symmetry and incorporates three Vesica Piscis. From this we can build the Trillium Fruit of Life. This can be used to build the Trilli … | Continue reading
Some of you are familiar with the Seed of Life and the Flower of Life that we find in the discipline of Sacred Geometry. But wait, there’s something wrong with this. It’s not the Seed of Life we are familiar with. This is similar to the Seed of Life we are familiar with, but ther … | Continue reading
For anyone new to building web applications with Go, it's important to realise that all incoming HTTP requests are served in their own Goroutine. This means that any code in or called by your application handlers will be running concurrently, and there is a risk of race condition … | Continue reading
Like the moon, you never get to see the back side of my head. So here it is. You are welcome. | Continue reading | Continue reading
Ab Freitag geht die Reise nach Leiden, Niederlande, zum WordCamp Europe, mein erstes WordCamp in dieser großen Dimension – 700 Gäste werden erwartet. Ich freue mich darauf Leute zu treffen, Leute wo ich oft seit sehr langer Zeit nur das Avatar kenne. Ich freue mich ebenso einige … | Continue reading
In Software for Infrastructure,Bjarne Stroustrup shows a way to use templates to make the C++ compileraware of the unit of a value (e.g. kilograms, seconds, etc.), such that it can check consistent useand prevent disasters like the well knownerror at NASA in 1999caused by mixing … | Continue reading
This post explains how to deploy an Octopress page via Git | Continue reading
A folder describing the project and giving an overview on the project’s approach as well as the architecture defined is now available. | Continue reading
”Nationalismi, solidaarisuuden tunne sellaisten ihmisten kesken, jotka uskovat muodostavansa kansakunnan, teki hallitsemisesta paljon help... | Continue reading
”Nationalismi, solidaarisuuden tunne sellaisten ihmisten kesken, jotka uskovat muodostavansa kansakunnan, teki hallitsemisesta paljon helpompaa. Tässä mielessä se toimi, kuten uskonnot jo kauan: se sai hallittavat tyytymään kohtaloonsa. Seuduilla, joilla koko väestöllä oli saman … | Continue reading
I wrote a short Bash script to automatically reload Go programs. The script acts as a light wrapper around go run, stopping and restarting it whenever a .go file in your current directory or $GOPATH/src folder is saved. I've been using it mainly when developing web applications … | Continue reading
At the Future Zone of this year’s IBC, TOSCA-MP successfully presented the proof-of-concept system, including the Distributed Repository Framework (DRF) for storing essence and metadata, the Metadata Production and Management Framework (MPMF) for executing content analysis proces … | Continue reading
At the end of the month, I’ll be trading in my Red Hat for a pair of head phones: I’ll be joining Spotify in San Francisco as a Partner Engineer to work on third-party integration.I had a fantastic experience working on freeIPA, but found the opportunity at Spotify too awesome to … | Continue reading
At the end of the month, I’ll be trading in my Red Hat for a pair of head phones: I’ll be joining Spotify in San Francisco as a Partner Engineer to work on third-party integration.I had a fantastic experience working on freeIPA, but found the opportunity at Spotify too awesome to … | Continue reading
File: PDF Size: 192.04 Kb | Continue reading
Processing HTTP requests with Go is primarily about two things: handlers and servemuxes. If you’re coming from an MVC-background, you can think of handlers as being a bit like controllers. Generally speaking, they're responsible for carrying out your application logic and writing … | Continue reading
Nutella on sale: 2 for 2.50! — M. Appelman (@huphtur) March 25, 2007 Thanks Topsy for making me realize my life is still much pretty the same as it ever was… | Continue reading
The next round of field trials will take place in January 2014: On Jan. 20-21 in Turin at RAI CRIT, and on Jan. 23-24 in Brussels at VRT. During these field trial days, you will be able to test and evaluate different user interfaces as well as methods and systems behind, that hav … | Continue reading
Social media streams, such as Twitter, have shown themselves to be useful sources of real-time information about what is happening in the world. Automatic detection and tracking of events identified in these streams have a variety of real-world applications, e.g. identifying and … | Continue reading
Social media streams, such as Twitter, have shown themselves to be useful sources of real-time information about what is happening in the world. Automatic detection and tracking of events identified in these streams have a variety of real-world applications, e.g. identifying and … | Continue reading
Is a lot of your time wasted from derping around on Reddit? Do you find that you have to correct someone when they’re wrong on the internet? Wish that your collected comment karma was worth something?Well, I can’t trade you anything for your karma. But I can provide you with awes … | Continue reading
Is a lot of your time wasted from derping around on Reddit? Do you find that you have to correct someone when they’re wrong on the internet? Wish that your collected comment karma was worth something?Well, I can’t trade you anything for your karma. But I can provide you with awes … | Continue reading
A friend’s 30th saw six of us head off to Burger & Lobster Mayfair (we had booked Soho, but Dean Street was closed due to an electrical explosion…). For those unaware, B&L only serves three dishes: lobster, burger, or lobster roll (all at £20 each). In fact, there’s not even any … | Continue reading
In diesem Jahr werde ich vermutlich zwei Camps zum Thema WordPress besuchen –WordCamp EU und WPCamp Berlin. Es gibt eine ganze Reihe weiter toller Veranstaltungen, die ich leider nur seltem im Kalender unter bekomme und die Veranstaltungen zum Thema WordPress haben eine erhöhte P … | Continue reading
In the past, I've been asked about my thoughts on conferences and the potential "death" of conferences, and the question came up again more recently in a social setting. It's been a while since I commented on it, and if anything, my thoughts have only gotten sharper and clearer. … | Continue reading
I've recently moved the site you're reading right now from a Sinatra/Ruby application to an (almost) static site served by Go. So while it's fresh in my head, here's an explanation of principles behind creating and serving static sites with Go. Let's begin with a simple but real- … | Continue reading
Eines der Themen, die uns seit WordPress 3.6 neu zur Verfügung stehen ist der HTML5 Support, der in Themes Unterstützung findet. Dabei können drei Bereiche in den Genuss kommen. Die seit Version 3.4 zur Verfügung stehende Funktion add_theme_support() ist auch hier Schlüssel und s … | Continue reading
Netsuite is pretty powerful app but the UI and UX are seriously stuck in 1996. Some of their security questions are pretty ridiculous as well… What was your childhood nickname? What is the name of your favorite childhood friend? What street did you live on in third grade? What sc … | Continue reading