ENAT National Coordinators have been established in several European countries. Their contact details are listed on this page. For information about ENAT in other countries, see: ENAT National Coordinators (Board Members) in Europe ENAT has also appointed representati … | Continue reading
Earlier this afternoon, during alterations to our administrator code, access to certain administrator controls was incorrectly exposed for 40 minutes. This was immediately corrected after coming to our attention, and we proceeded to audit our access logs. 27 registered email … Co … | Continue reading
Photo of Annagrazia Laura, ENAT President, elected June 2013 The 27th of September each year marks the celebration of the UNWTO World Tourism Day.In 2016 this date is particularly significant since, for the first time, the theme of the day is Accessible Tourism. This is having a … | Continue reading
ENAT - European Network for Accessible Tourism asbl. Rue du Marché aux Herbes 61 / Grasmarkt 61 1000 Bruxelles Belgium Email: enat@accessibletourism.org You may also use the form below to contact us. | Continue reading
Earlier this week I’ve received the Javalobby newsletter featuring an article by Antonio Goncalves on Why are we not using Java EE 5? While there is much to be discussed on the subject, I’ve been thinking about his statement on testing :Testing a Java EE 5 application is definite … | Continue reading
I have been continuing my work on integrating Beans Binding (JSR 295) and the Swing Application Framework (JSR 296) with the work I have been doing on providing a JPA enabled HMVC framework for Swing developers. I must already say that getting to the information on how to exactly … | Continue reading
That’s it JavaPolis is over. It was a great success again and completely sold out weeks before it actually began… It was a great opportunity for me to catch up with old friends and time to make some new. The French speaking community was pretty present and I was really pleased to … | Continue reading
Just downloading developer preview 8 from the ADC Member Site. Apple just made my day! | Continue reading
So sorry for the interruptions over the last few days! A bug surfaced in a new caching library we were using (APC) that was wreaking havoc across our servers. It wound up being extremely tedious to locate. A HUGE thanks … Continue reading → | Continue reading
Over 400 new features, fixes, and improvements. Introducing Tumblr 3.0 Continue reading → | Continue reading
Web design has come a long way. We strive to play the game in adherence to Standards, we separate structure from presentation as much as possible and we have taken into our hearts the fact that indeed the Experience is the Product. Or have we? A core ambition of website designers … | Continue reading
I am back from my Oslo trip. JavaZone 2007 was again a great success! The exhibition hall was much bigger than the hotel lobby last year, much more decorated and with even more people attending! Still it remained a very enjoyable event… I had a really great time and many possibil … | Continue reading
The ENAT Newsletter was first produced as a series of PDF documents, for downloading, during 2007. We now send out an E-Bulletin to members and subscribers. It is free of charge and goes out to all those who are interested in the latest developments in Accessible Tourism. ENAT M … | Continue reading
The tourism sector already has many examples of good practice which are helping to making travel and tourism accessible for all. These examples must be better known and used by the industry in order to bring about innovation and improvements on a wider scale. The cases shown on … | Continue reading
ENAT News items are listed here, with the most recent news first. | Continue reading
Go directly to headings on this page: ENAT Board Members Honorary Members ENAT Full Members ENAT National Coordinators ENAT was established in January 2006 as a project-based initiative of nine sponsoring organisations in six EU Member States. The European Commission, DG Employm … | Continue reading
General Information ENAT is a non-profit association, registered in Belgium. According to the terms of the Belgian legislation there are two membership categories: “Associate Members” (membres adhérents) and “Full Members” (membres effectifs). The members must be physical person … | Continue reading
ENAT Partners ENAT works in partnership with major organisations in tourism and related sectors to help deliver its messages more widely, develop new services and carry out joint projects and initiatives. We are honoured to list the following partners and sponsors and we encourag … | Continue reading
Welcome to the Website of ENAT - the European Network for Accessible Tourism. ENAT is a non-profit association for organisations that aim to be 'frontrunners' in the study, promotion and practice of accessible tourism. You may be an expert or new to the area - in either c … | Continue reading
ENAT Registration To become a member of ENAT, click the link in the "Members Area" - Sign up now! You will be guided through the registration process. Pay the ENAT Membership Fee After registering you must pay the Membership Fee, from € 25 to € 150 per year, depending on your & … | Continue reading
This page displays general event information including past and future ENAT events and Events hosted by our Members and partners in Europe and around the world. If you wish to make an Event announcement to the ENAT Community please contact the ENAT editor. The ENAT - Google Acces … | Continue reading
ENAT Registration To become a member of ENAT, go to the Members' Area on the left of the Home Page: click the link, "Sign up now" and create a new account. You will be guided through the registration process. Pay the ENAT Membership Fee After registering you must pay the Membersh … | Continue reading
That’s finally it I’m slowly moving my blog away from jroller.com. I’ve had enough of all the troubles. Besides this website will also host a few projects I’m currently working on… Still need some time to get everything done: migrating my jroller content to this blog, importing t … | Continue reading
So sorry for the quiet month! We’ve been hard at work on the next iteration of Tumblr, and today we’re ready to pull back the curtain and let you play with some new features we’re totally excited about. Snappy new … Continue reading → | Continue reading
Python is one of my favorite programming languages due to its terseness and amazing flexibility. See also Django for more. My Stuff Year Item Notes 2016 Sushy my current wiki engine 2015 rss2imap The way I used read my news a while back 2009 PNG Canvas a native Python PNG creatio … | Continue reading
Hi everyone. Unfortunately, yesterday evening the server responsible for our User database suffered a hard drive failure. Database fail-safes kicked in and kept all accounts online and accessible. However, custom themes which are stored as separate meta data needed to … Continue … | Continue reading
I’m afraid our User database has suffered a hard crash and is in the process of being restored. Access was not affected, although custom themes will appear reset until the import is complete. Please avoid editing your theme until then. … Continue reading → | Continue reading
Sorry for the slow week, everyone. We’ve been hard at work finishing updates to Worldwide Fido. We’ve also been polishing up the core Tumblr functionality, so we can spend April focusing on the what I’ll loosely describe as Tumblr’s upcoming … Continue reading → | Continue reading
Totally apropos, within 30 minutes of sitting down to chat with Digg CEO Jay Adelson (who we just learned is a native New Yorker), we hit the Digg front page. The story is actually a link to a very cool … Continue reading → | Continue reading
vim is my editor of choice, simply due to the fact that I find it extremely efficient (and readily available everywhere). Resources Category Date Link Notes Browser Extensions 2025 wasavi a browser extension that changes a textarea element to a virtual vi editor Extensions 2021 v … | Continue reading
Jesse Jackson, Nina Simone, B.B. King and 100,000 spectators gathered for a concert worth remembering | Continue reading
Quake is the mythical game created by John Carmack and the rest of the id Software folks, and solely responsible for an entire generation’s vastly enhanced spatial visualization skills (as well as the uncanny ability to hit moving objects in mid-air with other moving objects). Or … | Continue reading
SQLite is my database engine of choice for simple, no-frills stuff, and has of late become popular enough for me not to have to bother compiling it from scratch anywhere. Category Date Link Notes Extensions 2023 sqlite-vss an extension for efficient vector search sqlean.py a bund … | Continue reading
Scheme is a LISP dialect that has not just gone its own way (as is usual with LISPs) but also achieved IEEE standardization. With a focus on lexical scope and tail call optimization, it actually contributed many of its ideas back into Common LISP. Resources Category Date Link Not … | Continue reading
Taking 'Best in Show' at the Northern Plains Tribal Art Show, the 2002 beadwork tableau is held in the collections of the American Indian Museum | Continue reading
Just got word that Lowe's, Whirlpool, and the U.S. EPA Energy Star program will search this summer for the country's 10 most energy-inefficient families. The lucky winners will receive a home energy makeover "to lower their monthly bills and help save the environment" and a retur … | Continue reading