Pim van Boesschoten - Issue #15

Another week, another list with UX infused madness | Continue reading

@getrevue.co | 8 years ago

Episode 064 — Disrupting Trump

Ben and James discuss the Donald Trump and inequality, then FANG, Aggregation Theory, and Disruption. This episode is sponsored by Wealthfront. See recommended portfolios and get up to $15,000 managed for free by visiting Wealthfront.com/exponent. Links Michael Brendan: How an Ob … | Continue reading

@exponent.fm | 8 years ago

Google Mock for C++ testing

Introduction This post is a continuation from a previous post called Unit test with Google Test for C++, but in this post we are going to use Google Mock, that extends the functionality of Google Test. Google Mock is one of the available frameworks for C++ to mock objects in unit … | Continue reading

@oscarforner.com | 8 years ago


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@bookshelfporn.com | 8 years ago

Autosvezzamento: ecco perchè non vi propinerò le solite ricette di pappine ed omogeneizzati.

Niente ricette di pappine ed omogeneizzati, ho intenzione di permettere al mio piccolo di autosvezzarsi: qui vi racconto il perché di questa scelta e cosa so su questo argomento. | Continue reading

@theinsaladwriter.com | 8 years ago

Clang tools

Introduction Clang is a compiler front end for the C, C++, Objective-C and Objective-C++ programming languages. It uses LLVM as its back end. There are also several awesome tools build on top of Clang and I am going to show the three of them I use the most. As usual, I am working … | Continue reading

@oscarforner.com | 8 years ago


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@superfamous.com | 8 years ago


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@buffalobillgates.tumblr.com | 8 years ago

European Researchers' Night

Identifier: H2020-MSCA-NIGHT-2016Pillar: Excellent ScienceOpening Date: Deadline: Wed, 13 Jan 2016 17:00:00 (Brussels local time)Modification Date: Wed, 20 Jan 2016Latest information:  113 proposals were submitted in response to this call | Continue reading

@ec.europa.eu | 8 years ago

EWS Melbourne

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@infrequently.org | 8 years ago

Comfort food d'inverno: pasta e ceci rinforzata!

Una deliziosa pasta e ceci arricchita con verdure, pancetta e pecorino: un vero comfort food invernale! | Continue reading

@theinsaladwriter.com | 8 years ago

Functional Programming, for the Uninitiated (using Java)

tl;dr It's been a few years since I did this particular routine for the NFJS shows, but I found a sequence of demos/explanations that really demonstrated clearly why Java (and other classic O-O) developers should learn a little functional programming style, even if they never pic … | Continue reading

@blogs.newardassociates.com | 8 years ago

Technical Debt: A Definition

tl;dr A recent post on medium.com addresses the topic of technical debt; I had an intuitive disagreement with the thrust of the post, and wrote this as a way of clarifying my own thoughts on the matter. It raises some interesting questions about what technical debt actually is--- … | Continue reading

@blogs.newardassociates.com | 8 years ago

Logging Hours

tl;dr A recent DZone post lamented how logging hours makes the author "die a little inside each time". I used to feel the same way. Then I grew up and got over it. As is typical with my posts, I ask you to go read the original (or in this case, the DZone copy of the original) bef … | Continue reading

@blogs.newardassociates.com | 8 years ago


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@crawshaw.io | 8 years ago


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@bookshelfporn.com | 8 years ago

Lucasfilm Research Library

Lucasfilm Research Library | Continue reading

@bookshelfporn.com | 8 years ago

Erik Spiekermann

A freewheeling conversation with Erik Spiekermann, an iconic graphic designer from Germany. He is widely regarded as a typography genius. | Continue reading

@pi.co | 8 years ago

Pim van Boesschoten - week #2

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@getrevue.co | 8 years ago

Pim van Boesschoten - week #2

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@getrevue.co | 8 years ago

Pim van Boesschoten - week #2

A new year, a new list of UX inspired links. | Continue reading

@getrevue.co | 8 years ago

Episode 063 — Driving Into the Future

Ben and James discuss the future of cars and transportation. This episode is sponsored by Wealthfront. See recommended portfolios and get up to $15,000 managed for free by visiting Wealthfront.com/Exponent. Links Ben Thompson: Cars and the Future — Stratechery Ben Thompson: Car F … | Continue reading

@exponent.fm | 8 years ago

rr debugger, an improvement over GDB

Introduction rr is a debugging tool from Mozilla that enhances the behaviour of GDB. It can be found in GitHub, but my recomendation is to go first to the website of the project. In the website you can find really useful information and documentation. As usual, I am working from … | Continue reading

@oscarforner.com | 8 years ago

Maybe is Selfish

tl;dr Don't hedge your answers when somebody is asking you for a commitment; "Do, or do not. There is no try." (Yoda) Saying "maybe" is, at best, your way of preserving your ego, and at worst, your way of trying to avoid a commitment. Michele Leroux Bustamente tweeted her fondnes … | Continue reading

@blogs.newardassociates.com | 8 years ago

My Rdio Replacement(s)

Some of us must have done something bad last year, because Santa shut down Rdio right before Xmas. It was one of the better music services with a clean design and amazing comunity with whom I discovered and shared so many great tunes with. After Rdio shut down a lot of people wen … | Continue reading

@huphtur.nl | 8 years ago


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@crawshaw.io | 8 years ago

A Good TechBlog Read

tl;dr I've found a new blog that I'm enjoying reading so far, and thought readers might want to browser-bookmark for future consumption. Twitter sometimes dumps some good stuff into my face, and in this case, this comes to me via James Ward over Facebook. (I think he posted it to … | Continue reading

@blogs.newardassociates.com | 8 years ago

EIT KICs Call 2016

Identifier: EIT-KICS-2016Pillar: The European Institute of Innovation and Technology (EIT)Opening Date: Deadline: Thu, 14 Jul 2016 17:00:00 (Brussels local time)Modification Date: Thu, 14 Jan 2016Latest information: The submission session is now available for: EIT-Food(KICS), EIT … | Continue reading

@ec.europa.eu | 8 years ago

Death to Technical Monoculture

It's really starting to appear like the "technical monoculture" that so pervaded the 90's and 00's is finally starting to die the long-deserved ugly death it was supposed to. And I couldn't be happier. I was sitting with a buddy of mine in a sports bar. (Yes, it was Canyons. For … | Continue reading

@blogs.newardassociates.com | 8 years ago

The Joy of systemd

Three years ago when I wrote The Joy of Upstart, that was the easiest way to turn your scripts into daemons. | Continue reading

@darkcoding.net | 8 years ago

“Wearing the same shirts doesn’t make a team” – the phenomenon of team cohesion in sports

What is this so-called team cohesion that everyone is talking about in the field of sport lately? As the above quote states, it is apparently not enough to be wearing the same t-shirts, to have the same team name and … Continue reading → | Continue reading

@allaboutperformance.wordpress.com | 8 years ago

Occhi di bue al farro integrale con marmellata di fragole!

I classici biscotti di bue rivisitati con una saporita pasta frolla al farro integrale farciti con marmellata di fragole. | Continue reading

@theinsaladwriter.com | 8 years ago

USA Urlaub: Florida Road Trip – Naples

Tag 10 Wir übersprangen den Besuch des Lovers Key State Park bei Fort Meyers Beach, denn hier wurden stattliche 8$ pro Fahrzeug aufgerufen – für uns zu viel für einen Strandbesuch – und so fuhren wir weiter zu einem „Insider Tipp“ aus dem Netz. Mitten in Fort Meyers Beach gibt es … | Continue reading

@my-azur.de | 8 years ago


News and inspiration for the SPARKS project | Continue reading

@flipboard.com | 8 years ago


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@crawshaw.io | 8 years ago

Episode 062 — Give Some to Get Some

Ben and James discuss Paul Graham’s essay on inequality and the politics of technology. This episode is sponsored by Wealthfront. See recommended portfolios and get up to $15,000 managed for free by visiting Wealthfront.com/Exponent. Links Ben Thompson: A Politics for Technology … | Continue reading

@exponent.fm | 8 years ago

Cling a C++ interpreter

Introduction Cling is an interactive C++ interpreter, built on top of Clang and LLVM compiler infrastructure. It can be found in GitHub (Note: Lately there has not been that much development on it). Since I use Arch Linux I am lucky to have cling in the AUR repository (cling-git) … | Continue reading

@oscarforner.com | 8 years ago

Happy People Still Do Quit

Twitter leads me to some interesting blog entries sometimes, and this time, it led to me to @rands's entry entitledShields Down, which appears to have the subtitle "Happy People Don't Leave the Jobs They Love". In it, he's got some good discussion about being a manager and the re … | Continue reading

@blogs.newardassociates.com | 8 years ago

Di gioie, dolori e di un nuovo anno da vivere insieme.

Food, people, stories, passion, perché un'insalata mi ci sono sempre un po' sentita. | Continue reading

@theinsaladwriter.com | 8 years ago


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@crawshaw.io | 8 years ago

Multiple Windows in Hybrid React Desktop Apps

Quip’s desktop apps are hybrid apps: both the Windows and Mac apps are composed of a web React-based UI talking to our C++ Syncer library, along with some platform-specific glue code. While this allows us to support two additional platforms with a small team we knew that architec … | Continue reading

@blog.persistent.info | 8 years ago

Clausewitz on Policy (Software Craftsmanship)

As many readers know, I didn't spend my collegiate years studying algorithms; instead, I obtained my degree from UCDavis in International Relations with an emphasis on military strategy and history. That meant a tremendous amount of study in history, pyschology, a little philosop … | Continue reading

@blogs.newardassociates.com | 8 years ago

2015 In Review

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@sarasoueidan.com | 8 years ago

The Story of the Chimps

Or, why passwords must be eight characters. This just crossed my Facebook feed: Take five chimpanzees. Put them in a big cage. Suspend some bananas from the roof of the cage. Provide the chimpanzees with a stepladder. BUT also add a proximity detector to the bananas, so that when … | Continue reading

@blogs.newardassociates.com | 8 years ago


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@crawshaw.io | 8 years ago

Moving on...

After almost seven years at Terracotta, I’ve decided to move on to other adventures. I joined the company, as it was still a start-up, in early 2009. Prior it acquiring Ehcache later that same year and then, itself, being acquired by Software AG in 2011. Those have been crazy yea … | Continue reading

@wcgw.dev | 8 years ago

2016 Tech Predictions

As has become my tradition now for nigh-on a decade, I will first go back over last years' predictions, to see how well I called it (and keep me honest), then wax prophetic on what I think the new year has to offer us. In 2015... As per previous years, I'm giving myself either a … | Continue reading

@blogs.newardassociates.com | 8 years ago


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@crawshaw.io | 8 years ago