To mark the 30th anniversary of the Zelda series, an occasion that passed this Sunday, we asked you to let us know your favourite Zelda games, in order that we could impose some arbitrary hierarchy on an expansive series and have a nice clean list at the end of it all. Thanks so … | Continue reading
Newsletters help build successful practices. Here are five essential ways they can help strengthen yours. | Continue reading
Der Geschäftsreisespezialist Egencia, hat seine zweite, jährliche “Business and Travel Technology” Studie veröffentlicht. Sie zeigt, dass viele Arbeitnehmer ihre Geschäftsreisen als erfreuliche Erfahrung empfinden und in ihnen eine Chance sehen, der täglichen Routine zu entkommen … | Continue reading
Authenticity isn't a strategy, says "hippie marketer" Tad Hargrave , so "stop trying to be so authentic." Authenticity isn't a target ... | Continue reading
One of the earliest blockchain projects, Bitnation, wants to aggregate all of the values of government into a distributed software platform, from identity and contracts to resolution services. Bitnation seeks to promote the idea that government can be a service, “geographically u … | Continue reading
Apple is working on strengthening the iPhone’s security measures, making it even harder for government agencies to break into an encrypted device, the New York Times reports, citing sources close to the companyThe fact that Apple is constantly working on improving various facets … | Continue reading
Didi Kuaidi, the company giving Uber a tough battle in China, is currently in the midst of securing $1 billion in additional fundraising. Read More | Continue reading
“Perhaps all the dragons in our lives are princesses who are only waiting to see us once beautiful and brave. Perhaps everything terrible is in its deepest being something helpless that wants help from us.” Rainer Maria Rilke's Letters to a Young Poet is up there with his Letters … | Continue reading
PARIS (Reuters) – France is seeking 1.6 billion euros ($1.76 billion) in back taxes from U.S. Internet giant Google, criticized for its use of aggressive tax optimization techniques, a source at the finance ministry said on Wednesday. “As far as our country is concerned, back tax … | Continue reading
A new ranking of European Union member states by their technical progress has produced some surprising winners and losers that are bound to provoke some heated dissent. Most notably, France, which has been investing loads of money to promote itself as a forward-thinking, tech sav … | Continue reading
Samsung has just announced that it is mass producing the industry’s first 256GB Universal Flash Storage (UFS) 2.0 memory chips for mobile. | Continue reading
NASAs Robonaut hat auf der ISS zu viel Weltraumstrahlung abbekommen und sieht jetzt nicht mehr richtig. Was tun?! Coder, ruft die NASA, helft uns neue Algorithmen zu entwickeln, welche die Ausfälle an des Robots Sensorzellen kompensieren! Und... | Continue reading
Two European fintech startups are teaming up to give a glimpse of what the bank of tomorrow could look like. Number26, a Peter Thiel-backed German startup that’s setting out to create the bank account of the future, has announced a tie-up with London-based peer-to–peer money-tran … | Continue reading
The French government is reportedly seeking a pretty hefty $1.76 billion (€1.6 billion) in taxes it believes Google has avoided paying in the country. The sum dwarfs the $180 million (£130 million) sum agreed with Google by the British government last month for back taxes owed be … | Continue reading
Last year I tried to counterbalance the lack of news at CP+ by shooting film to cover it. This year I had a little less time at Japan's biggest photo show, but I thought I'd try to do something different again. I've been using Fujifilm's upcoming X-Pro2 camera in recent weeks — f … | Continue reading
Quantum Break and Alan Wake developer Remedy has rekindled fan hopes of a sequel by registering the "Alan Wake's Return" trademark.The studio also acquired the domain name last year (thanks, NeoGAF).Remedy's trademark registration comes as its upcoming PC and … | Continue reading
Mandrill has long been Mailchimp’s standalone email service for developers needing to send transactional email from their apps. Today, the company has announced a bizarre developer-hostile move: it’s turning the standalone service into a Mailchimp add-on that requires a paid Mail … | Continue reading
UBM has reported a 3.9% rise in its Events division's like-for-like revenue, for the year ended 31 December 2015. | Continue reading
Formula 1 drivers will have an additional level of protection for the 2017 racing season.The motor-racing governing body, the Fédération Internationale de l'Automobile (FIA), announced Wednesday that the F1 Commission officially approved a new cockpit protection on the 2017 race … | Continue reading
I have betrayed my trusty coconut milk today and have used oats instead to make this creamy ice cream. I still uphold that coconut milk is the best for making ice cream but couldn’t resist experimenting with oats too and loved the result of this Oat Raisin Cookie Dough flavour. T … | Continue reading
Here are 7 tips that will help you jump start your local SEO campaign for your plumbing business to ensure your potential customers can find you online. | Continue reading
Jetzt ist es offiziell: Der taumelnde japanische Elektronikkonzern Sharp lässt sich von Foxconn für knapp sechs Milliarden Dollar übernehmen. Es ist die erste ausländische Übernahme eines großen Elektronikunternehmens... | Continue reading
In January 2016 Halo player Adam Bartels - aka thecrzedspartan - lost his two teenage daughters, Trinity, 15, and Lena, 12, in an electrical fire at the family home in Wauzeka, a village in Wisconsin, United States.After the tragedy was brought to the attention of r/Halo, develop … | Continue reading
It’s been a pretty exciting week in the bitcoin space – and it’s not yet over. We’ve had a number of fundamental factors that have built into price, we’ve seen monthly highs and a subsequent decline to weekly lows, and a handful of consolidatory action. What’s on the cards for to … | Continue reading
It often stops being creative. Ad agencies are some of the most conservative organizations you'll encounter. They've been so trained by fearful clients, they censor themselves regularly. Successful authors are pushed by concerned publishers to become more true to their... | Continue reading
KFC Deutschland: Düsseldorf (ots) - Wie bringt man seinen Gaumen zum Staunen? Diese Frage beantwortet KFC am 27. Februar: Die amerikanische Fastfood-Marke lädt alle Gäste im Rahmen einer großangelegten deutschlandweiten Samplingaktion zwischen 11.00 Uhr und 17.00 ... | Continue reading
alltours flugreisen gmbh: Düsseldorf/Kanaren (ots) - Die Nachfrage für einen Sonnenurlaub über Ostern auf den Kanarischen Inseln ist bei alltours nach wie vor groß. Der Reiseveranstalter hat sich daher entschieden, seine Flugkapazitäten nach Fuerteventura und Gran Canaria ... | Continue reading
Samsung is to showcase its Galaxy S7 and Gear VR products with a live and interactive experience featuring the band Years & Years. | Continue reading
It's day one of CP+, Japan's biggest camera show, but there's some unusual photography news from two companies outside the country: Chinese telecoms titan Huawei has announced a partnership with Leica, the legendary German camera manufacturer, in an effort to boost its mobile pho … | Continue reading
Das ist das verrückteste Projektor-Design, das ich je gesehen habe, schreibt Kollege Devindra Hardawar über ZTEs neuen Projektor-Tablet-Hybriden Spro Plus. Das 8,4-Zoll-Tablet ist gleichzeitig ein Projektor, der 1200 × 800 Pixel aus... | Continue reading
The U.S. Government has declared them unsafe, and the most high profile retailers have rushed to remove them from stores and onlineAnd now New York's Metropolitan Transit Authority (MTA) has deployed a series of large posters warning commuters not to use, or even carry their hove … | Continue reading
The B2B in XXI IUPAC Conference offers business contacts to industry, science and academic professionals who are looking for potential partners in Italy and other countries to ensure sustainable business development and growth. Categories: EEN / Waste Management & Recycling / R … | Continue reading
Topics: Tourist offer specialized in different product lines - Meeting between offer and demand Categories: EEN / Tourism and Cultural Heritage Where: Napoli, Italy — When: March 19, 2016 | Continue reading
rdv-geoscience Categories: EEN / Environmental Protection Where: Pau, France — When: June 7, 2016 | Continue reading
The partnering event, organized jointly by IraSME and CORNET, offers business contacts to industry, science and technology professionals who are looking for potential partners in the participating network countries to find new project partners and present new project ideas. Cat … | Continue reading
British telecoms giant BT must open up its huge network of fiber and copper cables to competitors according to Ofcom, the regulatory body for the country's telecommunications industry. The advice is the result of a review into BT's management of its "Openreach" network, the 76 mi … | Continue reading
Well, the long, strange trip of the latest Assassin's Creed mobile game finally comes to an end as Assassin's Creed Identity [$4.99] has just launched worldwide. The saga began when Identity soft-launched in select countries way back in September of 2014. The game was built aroun … | Continue reading
Mark Gurman von 9To5Mac berichtet, dass Siri, Sprachassistent von iOS, dieses Jahr auf dem Mac, also OS X, landen wird. Das klassische und älteste Betriebssystem von Apple, ist im Moment das einzige, das noch keine Sprachsteuerung erlaubt. iOS... | Continue reading
There's no arguing, Black Desert Online has one of the finest character creation screens of any genre. It's powerful enough to have been made its own download, a world away from just putting Head One onto Body One, or Boobs Two in the case of half the characters in most MMOs. Twe … | Continue reading
Apple CEO Tim Cook has mounted the fiercest argument explaining why Apple is opposed to an FBI order to open the iPhone used by San Bernardino terrorist Syed Farook. Read More | Continue reading
Am letzten Tag des Mobile World Congress hat uns HTC diesen Teaser gemailt und damit die Existenz des HTC One M10 so gut wie bestätigt. Mehr aber auch nicht, denn außer dem Motto "Power of 10" auf dem Bild und einem kurzen "Stay tuned fo... | Continue reading
Bei der Vorstellung des iPad Pro wurde ein Accessoire – der Pencil – gefeiert, das andere – das Smart Keyboard – verbal in den höchsten Tönen vermöbelt. Zu teuer, zu wenige Features, verpackt in ein Case, das... | Continue reading
Two years ago at CP+, Sigma unveiled the DP Quattro, a series of cameras with fixed lenses, APS-C sensors and a truly unique body design. This year, the company is using Japan's biggest camera show to introduce the SD Quattro, a pair of mirrorless cameras with Sigma's own lens mo … | Continue reading
GetResponse landing page builder vs Instapage. How to choose the best landing page builder tool for your marketing. Create conversion-optimized landing page. | Continue reading
Ibibo Group, which claims to be India’s largest online travel group, has raised $250 million in new funding from majority stakeholder Naspers Group. Read More | Continue reading
(Reuters) – Sharp has agreed to a takeover by Taiwan’s Foxconn, sources familiar with the matter said, the largest acquisition of a Japanese tech firm by a foreign company and one that will bolster Foxconn’s position as Apple’s biggest supplier. The Taiwanese firm, known formall … | Continue reading
Amazon is in the midst of a TV and movie spending spree, an apparent attempt to beat out streaming rivals like Netflix and Hulu by outbuying them. Amazon Studios has done deals with directors Jim Jarmusch, Spike Lee, Todd Solondz, and Terry Gilliam that will see their movies arri … | Continue reading
Facebook just got a lot more emotionalThe social network rolled out its long awaited redesign of the like button Wednesday, which added five new sentiments you can use to respond to posts in your News FeedSee also: The 10 Facebook reactions we actually neededBut with such a big c … | Continue reading