Towards a social model for health

Our blog articles feature the latest ideas and thinking from our Action and Research Centre and Fellowship staff and guest bloggers. You are welcome to contribute and comment. | Continue reading | 8 years ago

Samsung waiting to see where VR hype cycle lands before moving on standalone headsets, next-gen 10K displays

At a company event today in San Francisco, Samsung President & Chief Strategy Officer Young Sohn detailed that the company is actively pursuing both smartphone-focused VR headsets and standalone solutions. The decision to market and ship a dedicated all-in-one device would rely l … | Continue reading | 8 years ago

GoGoGuest helps coffee shops manage their WiFi, customer-by-customer

Be honest: Have you ever spent an entire day working at a coffee shop, despite only buying a single cup of coffee? I’ve definitely been guilty of this, and I’ve also been to coffee shops that try to fight back by removing outlets, turning off their WiFi or outlawing laptops on ce … | Continue reading | 8 years ago

U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission to Host Public Fintech Forum

In an announcement today, the Securities and Exchange Commission said it will host a public forum to discuss Fintech innovation at its Washington D.C. headquarters in November. The Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC), the federal body which serves as the regulator for all of … | Continue reading | 8 years ago

Why your mobile KPIs may be sending you down a rabbit hole (VB Live)

VB LIVE: No one wants to support a marketing activity that’s losing their company money. But too often that’s the price of the mobile-first world. Join the mobile marketing mastermind at Staples for a free VB Live event to learn how to break away from legacy KPIs and develop mean … | Continue reading | 8 years ago

Clinton Tightening Screws on Trump’s Tax Returns

Hillary Clinton, in the first presidential debate, said Donald Trump’s tax returns may contain “something really important, even terrible, that he is trying to hide.” WSJ’s Jason Bellini has the Campaign Calculus. Photo: AP | Continue reading | 8 years ago

Solo 3 review: Beats solves the 3 things that make most wireless headphones suck

There are three reasons why wireless headphones mostly suck and I've steered clear of dropping serious dough on a pair: poor sound quality, frustrating pairing and weak battery life.Beats' new Solo 3 wireless on-ear headphones solve all three. And they do so while looking stylish … | Continue reading | 8 years ago

Best Buy partners with PCH to bring hardware startups to its brick and mortar

“It is still incredibly important for startups to get their products in front of customers in stores,” explains Highway1 head Brady Forrest. “Startups traditionally face hurdles to entering brick and mortar retail, and that is why PCH is working with Best Buy to innovate in-store … | Continue reading | 8 years ago

The Deck-Building Word Game 'Paperback' Is Out

A few weeks back we wrote that the deck-building word game Paperback [$3.99] was getting a digital version, and that version would be coming out soon. Well, "soon" has arrived since Paperback has just released on the App Store. In the game you play an author trying to finish genr … | Continue reading | 8 years ago

4 graphs show the state of Facebook and Google’s revenue dominance

Our industry faces a well-known duopoly: Facebook and Google command an ever-increasing share of digital ad spend, both in the US and globally. I recently dug into the data and forecasts available to better quantify just how much Facebook and Google are eating digital. Here’s wha … | Continue reading | 8 years ago

Tinder Boost lets you pay your way to the front of the line

Tinder is introducing a new premium feature called Tinder Boost. The feature will let users pay to have their profiles displayed first to other users on the app in the same locale for thirty minutes. According to the announcement, it’s all about saving users’ time and making sure … | Continue reading | 8 years ago

What to look for in the next Pokémon Go

If you had to crown an “App of the Summer,” Pokémon Go would undoubtedly be at the top of the list. The app became a household name within days of its July launch and was the most downloaded iOS app in a first week — ever. Pokémon built one of the most resilient brands in recent … | Continue reading | 8 years ago

Watch Elon Musk explain how SpaceX will colonize Mars in under five minutes

As Elon Musk is wont to do, he took the stage in front of a rabid crowd this afternoon to lay out an extraordinarily ambitious vision of the future that at times felt inspiring, brilliant, and unbelievable, if not all at once. This time around, Musk was outlining the first detail … | Continue reading | 8 years ago

Deal: massive Logitech sale, save up to 50% on keyboards, webcams, mice, and more

Amazon is hosting an extensive Logitech sale that chops the price of many products in half, but you'll have to act today to take advantage of it! | Continue reading | 8 years ago

Ubisoft Acquires Prolific Mobile Developer and Publisher Ketchapp

Ubisoft was already a pretty prolific developer in the mobile space, but today they've given themselves a major shot in the arm by acquiring the even more prolific mobile developer Ketchapp. Ubisoft has released a number of mobile games that leverage their popular AAA console and … | Continue reading | 8 years ago

“Good guy” loan startup LendUp fined $6.3M for overcharging

LendUp was supposed to be different than the payday loan sharks that rip off the poor when they need emergency cash. But in its early days, LendUp charged customers illegal fees, miscalculated interest rates, falsely advertised loans nationwide that weren’t available there, and m … | Continue reading | 8 years ago

The OX is a flat-pack truck for the developing world

The Global Vehicle Trust has revealed its OX prototype, a truck that can be flat-packed into itself for transportation anywhere in the world. When it arrives at its destination, the OX can be unpacked and assembled in the community where it will be used by a trained team of three … | Continue reading | 8 years ago

SEC to Discuss Blockchain at November Forum

The US Securities and Exchange Commission is set to discuss blockchain at an upcoming public forum.Source | Continue reading

@CoinDesk | 8 years ago

BlackBerry’s next rumored Android phone, the DTEK60, passed through the FCC

BlackBerry released its DTEK50 last month (pictured above) as a its second Android phone following the Priv. We heard rumors that the company would be launching more Android devices, possibly one for each quarter for the next two quarters. This might be true given that a new And … | Continue reading | 8 years ago

The NBA is esports’ greatest ally

GUEST: Traditionalists will tell you gaming doesn’t qualify as a sport. They’ll tell you it will never catch on like football or baseball has on an international level. Then someone you look up to gets behind the esports movement—then another and another. Soon, the movement goes … | Continue reading | 8 years ago

Q&A with the Home Improvement Content Leader, The Home Depot

Erin Everhart, Senior Manager for Media Strategy & Mobile for The Home Depot, satisfies our curiosity by sharing her insights on home improvement content. | Continue reading | 8 years ago

The Needham Report Forecasts Bitcoin Price to Hit $848

How is Bitcoin faring in the market and what’s in store for the digital currency community in the near future? A recent assessment made by Needham report draws an outline of all the things that might soon happen with the most popular cryptocurrency.  One glance at the report, and … | Continue reading | 8 years ago

Everything you need to know about SpaceX’s plan to colonize Mars

All eyes were on Elon Musk today as he gave a keynote speech at the International Astronautical Conference in Mexico. Musk said he was going to detail SpaceX’s plans to colonize Mars and make humans an interplanetary species, and he delivered – at least, in part, since we still h … | Continue reading | 8 years ago

How developers can improve their bots by listening to their users

GUEST: recently surpassed 50 million messages processed. We thank all our customers for the continued support — we greatly appreciate it! In thanking our customers, it got us thinking about how often bot users thank the bots as well. The beauty of conversational interf … | Continue reading | 8 years ago

People tried to kiss Elon Musk and give him gifts at his Mars event

Elon Musk's Mars event today, where he outlined plans to turn the human race into a multi-planetary species, was a serious affair. Using the language of explorers, and playing up the future of civilization that hangs in the balance, Musk used grandiose terms to convince viewers a … | Continue reading | 8 years ago

6 Questions to Ask [Yourself] Before Hiring a PPC Agency

Hiring a PPC agency doesn’t have to be a fingernails-dragged-slowly-across-a-blackboard event, if you have a few fundamental questions answered to start. | Continue reading | 8 years ago

Elon Musk might name his first Mars-bound spaceship after Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy

Today, Elon Musk revealed his ambitious multi-decade roadmap for human colonization of Mars, including the Interplanetary Transport System he believes will get us there. But while the event was full of technical detail on the new rocket and ship, it appears the crafts have yet to … | Continue reading | 8 years ago

Google is teasing Cardboard news in a few days

Google’s October 4event is shaping up to be a veritable marathon of announcements: Two new Pixel phones, a new laptop and OS, new Chromecasts, Google Home, a new router and maybe a new tablet too. But there’s at least one bit of news that might be coming before that date: an upda … | Continue reading | 8 years ago

Wherever You’re Connected, You Should Be Protected

Protecting yourself on the internet used to be a lot simpler — mostly because you weren’t always on the internet. Now we can be online from when we wake up until when we go to sleep. We seamlessly shift from chatting to shopping to banking — rarely sticking to one device or platf … | Continue reading | 8 years ago

Why didn’t Elon Musk mention where colonists will live on Mars?

During his hour-long announcement of the Space X Mars colonization plan, CEO Elon Musk didn't say where exactly Martian colonists will live once they arrive on the planet — and how exactly they'll survive given the harsh environment.Musk seemed particularly unconcerned about sola … | Continue reading | 8 years ago

SpaceX wants to be the railroad of the future

SpaceX's plans for getting people to Mars are big and still a bit vague. Its plan for helping colonists actually live there for long periods of time is even more nebulous. But company founder Elon Musk suggests the latter part is by design — because SpaceX's job is to be the rail … | Continue reading | 8 years ago

This connected dog collar is a GPS and a fitness tracker

I’m not surprised a luxury leather smart dog collar exists.One of my most humbling life moments happened when I was leaving work on a rainy night and came across a dog dressed in a raincoat and wearing booties. He was dressed more appropriately for the weather than me, and that m … | Continue reading | 8 years ago

Rumors hint Nvidia, Apple may get back together

For the last few years, Apple has been an AMD-only shop. That could change if rumors are true; Apple may be preparing to pivot back to Team Green. | Continue reading | 8 years ago

Elon Musk wants to collect fuel on Mars to send spaceships back to Earth

Elon Musk wants SpaceX to send people to Mars and then bring them back to Earth on the same rocket they came in on. Nothing has ever been launched from Mars before, and Musk didn't go into all that much detail about how SpaceX would accomplish it. But he did says that it would al … | Continue reading | 8 years ago

Trump's 'Why Not?' Debate

Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump interrupts Hillary Clinton, who said she has a feeling she'll be "blamed for everything" during the first presidential debate on Monday. Photo: AP | Continue reading | 8 years ago

Elon Musk: First humans who journey to Mars must 'be prepared to die'

Elon Musk just wrapped up an intricate and thorough presentation that covered his and SpaceX's vision of humans building a city on the surface of Mars. But throughout that talk, he didn't actually address exactly who should go. During the Q&A session that followed, the question i … | Continue reading | 8 years ago

Debate Night Hillary Clinton is basically Jeff Goldblum’s character in Jurassic Park

At the beginning of the 1993 film Jurassic Park, you are not meant to like Jeff Goldblum’s character. He embodies the type of aggressive intellectualism that kills fun and makes other people feel stupid. He comes off as snarky, where he would like to come off as charming. While t … | Continue reading | 8 years ago

Ubisoft acquires Ketchapp, a mobile studio criticized for cloning puzzle game Threes

Ubisoft is expanding its presence in mobile. The French publisher announced today that it acquired mobile game studio Ketchapp. Ubisoft did not disclose the details of the deal, but the purchase will go through during the company’s fiscal third quarter that ends December 31. Ketc … | Continue reading | 8 years ago

Multfunctional Space Brandburg / Design Studio and Apartment in 37sqm

Brandburg Home & Studio is a multfunctional space project completed in August 2016 by Polish studio mode: lina ™. | Continue reading | 8 years ago

Google unleashes deep learning tech on language with Neural Machine Translation

Translating from one language to another is hard, and creating a system that does it automatically is a major challenge, partly because there’s just so many words, phrases, and rules to deal with. Fortunately, neural networks eat big, complicated data sets for breakfast. Google h … | Continue reading | 8 years ago

Content marketing is up 300%, but only 5% of it matters

When it comes to content marketing, media spend, programmatic ad buying, and other popular marketing tactics, finding good benchmark data can be hard. Announced at AdWeek in New York today, Beckon — the marketing performance data platform — has analyzed over $16 billion in omnich … | Continue reading | 8 years ago

The Oppo HA-2SE is the perfect DAC/amp for iPhone 7 users

A USB DAC/amp is one of the best ways to get great performance out of your music, and Oppo’s HA–2 is considered to be one of, if not the best portable headphone amplifier and DAC on the market. Of course, there’s always room for improvement, so Oppo is releasing an updated succes … | Continue reading | 8 years ago

Elon Musk made a South Park joke at his Mars colonization announcement

How will Elon Musk and SpaceX fund its ambitious plan to go to Mars? The question was a big one coming into today's announcement, and Musk opted to suggest some kind of "public-private partnership" would generate the necessary cash. But first, he made a South Park joke.When talk … | Continue reading | 8 years ago

Elon Musk’s proposed spaceship can send 100 people to Mars in 80 days

Today, SpaceX CEO Elon Musk unveiled the Mars vehicle — the spaceship his company plans to build to transport the first colonists to Mars. The spaceship is meant to launch from Earth on top of the booster and then travel the rest of the way on its own to the Red Planet.The compan … | Continue reading | 8 years ago

SpaceX’s planned Mars rocket will be reused 1,000 times

SpaceX CEO Elon Musk has unveiled the design for the giant rocket booster he wants to build in order to colonize Mars. It is part of what SpaceX is referring to as the "Mars Vehicle" — the rocket booster and the Mars spaceship combined — and Musk announced it on stage in Guadalaj … | Continue reading | 8 years ago

Elon Musk says it would take 40 to 100 years to build a self-sustaining civilization on Mars

Elon Musk thinks that it would take between 40 and 100 years for humanity to go from landing a ship full of colonists on Mars to establishing a self-sustaining civilization. At his company SpaceX's event today, Musk laid out how a fleet of ships that could carry a minimum of 100 … | Continue reading | 8 years ago

Elon Musk says the only reason he wants to make money is to colonize Mars

Elon Musk's ambitious plan to turn the human race into a multi-planetary species, starting first with the colonization of Mars, will cost a lot of money. The Tesla and SpaceX CEO, who laid out his Mars plans today at a press conference, hopes to eventually make the cost of taking … | Continue reading | 8 years ago

South Korean Fintech Firms Petition Against Apple’s NFC Barricade

Several South Korean fintech companies plan to petition the Korean Fair Trade Commission (KFTC) to object to Apple’s policy of not opening its near field communication (NFC) to outside app developers | Continue reading | 8 years ago