Karmawho.re: Your Reddit Comment Karma Visualized

Is a lot of your time wasted from derping around on Reddit? Do you find that you have to correct someone when they’re wrong on the internet? Wish that your collected comment karma was worth something?Well, I can’t trade you anything for your karma. But I can provide you with awes … | Continue reading

@roguelynn.com | 10 years ago

Karmawho.re: Your Reddit Comment Karma Visualized

Is a lot of your time wasted from derping around on Reddit? Do you find that you have to correct someone when they’re wrong on the internet? Wish that your collected comment karma was worth something?Well, I can’t trade you anything for your karma. But I can provide you with awes … | Continue reading

@roguelynn.com | 10 years ago

WordCamp Themenliste

In diesem Jahr werde ich vermutlich zwei Camps zum Thema WordPress besuchen –WordCamp EU und WPCamp Berlin. Es gibt eine ganze Reihe weiter toller Veranstaltungen, die ich leider nur seltem im Kalender unter bekomme und die Veranstaltungen zum Thema WordPress haben eine erhöhte P … | Continue reading

@bueltge.de | 10 years ago

Speakers, stipends, and expenses

In the past, I've been asked about my thoughts on conferences and the potential "death" of conferences, and the question came up again more recently in a social setting. It's been a while since I commented on it, and if anything, my thoughts have only gotten sharper and clearer. … | Continue reading

@blogs.newardassociates.com | 10 years ago

Serving Static Sites with Go

I've recently moved the site you're reading right now from a Sinatra/Ruby application to an (almost) static site served by Go. So while it's fresh in my head, here's an explanation of principles behind creating and serving static sites with Go. Let's begin with a simple but real- … | Continue reading

@alexedwards.net | 10 years ago

HTML5 Support seit WordPress 3.6

Eines der Themen, die uns seit WordPress 3.6 neu zur Verfügung stehen ist der HTML5 Support, der in Themes Unterstützung findet. Dabei können drei Bereiche in den Genuss kommen. Die seit Version 3.4 zur Verfügung stehende Funktion add_theme_support() ist auch hier Schlüssel und s … | Continue reading

@bueltge.de | 10 years ago

NetSuite’s Ridiculous Security Questions

Netsuite is pretty powerful app but the UI and UX are seriously stuck in 1996. Some of their security questions are pretty ridiculous as well… What was your childhood nickname? What is the name of your favorite childhood friend? What street did you live on in third grade? What sc … | Continue reading

@huphtur.nl | 10 years ago

Cleaner, Better, Faster

I've never really known what to do with my personal site. Over the years it's been a dumping ground for links to different projects, and played host to various half-hearted attempts at blogging. But it's never really had much in the way of an actual purpose. I decided to start … | Continue reading

@alexedwards.net | 10 years ago

Einfaches PHP Debugging in Browser Console

Ich nutze die Console im Browser der gern um Debug-Inhalte auszugeben. Insbesondere bei Kunden-Sites kann ich so recht unscheinbar arbeiten und muss nicht die Oberfläche mit Debug-Meldungen zu zerstören, auch wenn man dies natürlich via Rechtabfrage filtern sollte. Im folgenden e … | Continue reading

@bueltge.de | 10 years ago

Theme für Mantis Bugtracker

MantisBT ist eines meiner Werkzeuge zum Tracken von Bugs und Entwicklung. In dem Zusammenhang nutze ich ein eigenes Theme seit vielen Jahren um die Arbeit der Anwender zu unterstützen. Insbesondere für Nicht-Entwickler war dies ein wichtiger Schritt um sie in der Oberfläche abzuh … | Continue reading

@bueltge.de | 10 years ago

The CHESS project

CHESS (Cultural Heritage Experiences through Socio-personal interactions and Storytelling) is a project, co-funded by the European Commission, that aims to integrate interdisciplinary research in personalization and adaptivity, digital storytelling, interaction methodologies, and … | Continue reading

@chessexperience.eu | 10 years ago

Did somebody say pivot?

Paging bluefeet, there is a PIVOT question to be answered.While that might seem like a joke, it has really happened, especially over on Stack Overflow. If you have seen any of my posts, then the chances are that I was answering a PIVOT question (or something similar). At this tim … | Continue reading

@tarynpivots.com | 10 years ago

PRISM-as-a-Service: Not Subject to American Law

In the light of PRISM’s whistle blowing, many folks, like here, here, and here, are questioning whether the cloud is a viable option.This write-up, originally presented at PyCon Canada 2013 (slides, and video), and updated for PyCon Ireland (slides), is a look at what PRISM is, h … | Continue reading

@roguelynn.com | 10 years ago

PRISM-as-a-Service: Not Subject to American Law

In the light of PRISM’s whistle blowing, many folks, like here, here, and here, are questioning whether the cloud is a viable option.This write-up, originally presented at PyCon Canada 2013 (slides, and video), and updated for PyCon Ireland (slides), is a look at what PRISM is, h … | Continue reading

@roguelynn.com | 10 years ago

COSMOPROF NORTH AMERICA 2013: Record Growth in Exhibitors & Attendees

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@bolognafiere.it | 10 years ago

Liste aller Blogs in WordPress Multisite

WordPress Multisite ist seit der Zusammenlegung von MU und Single ab Version 3.0 populärer geworden. Nicht nur die Verwaltung meherer Sites, sondern auch in diversen Szenarios findet Multisite seinen Einsatz. Als ein Beispiel sei die Mehrsprachigkeits-Lösung genannt. In diesem Um … | Continue reading

@bueltge.de | 10 years ago

Crushing the Impostor Syndrome

Sometimes you don't feel like you're good enough, and that you're fooling everyone. You're not alone. | Continue reading

@blog.cassidoo.co | 10 years ago

C++11: Rvalue references for *this

Recently, gcc added support rvalue references for *this. (Clang has supported it for quite a while now.) In this post, I show how to use this feature, and how it means we can finally define accessors and a few other things like operator= correctly. | Continue reading

@blog.m-ou.se | 10 years ago


TOSCA-MP will be present at the IBC Exhibition 2013 in Amsterdam (Sept. 13-17, 2013) at booth 8.F48 (next to hall 8) in the Future Zone. The following results will be shown: Search-system and Infrastructure for distributed repositories Automatic content and quality analysis modul … | Continue reading

@tosca-mp.eu | 10 years ago

News Vertical Search: When and What to Display to Users

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@richardmccreadie.blogspot.com | 10 years ago

COSMOPROF NORTH AMERICA 2013 will take place in Las Vegas from 14th-16th July at the Mandalay Bay Convention Center

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@bolognafiere.it | 10 years ago


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@tosca-mp.eu | 10 years ago

News Vertical Search: When and What to Display to Users

News reporting has seen a shift toward fast-paced online reporting in new sources such as social media. Web Search engines that support a news vertical have historically relied upon articles published by major newswire providers when serving news-related queries. In this paper, w … | Continue reading

@richardmccreadie.blogspot.com | 10 years ago

News Vertical Search: When and What to Display to Users

News reporting has seen a shift toward fast-paced online reporting in new sources such as social media. Web Search engines that support a news vertical have historically relied upon articles published by major newswire providers when serving news-related queries. In this paper, w … | Continue reading

@richardmccreadie.blogspot.com | 10 years ago

Show Woocommerce stock status for unmanaged products

The WooCommerce stock status (In Stock, Out of stock) will only show if WooCommerce is managing the stock for you. I was working on a project and the client wanted the ability to manually set if the product was in stock or not. The code snippet below will allow you to show the st … | Continue reading

@simon-davies.name | 10 years ago

Learning to Process Big Data with MapReduce and Hadoop - Hands-On Exercises

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@richardmccreadie.blogspot.com | 10 years ago

Learning to Process Big Data with MapReduce and Hadoop - Hands-On Exercises

I recently ran a hands-on session at the SICSA Summer School on Big Data Information Visualisation on MapReduce and Hadoop. The aim was to teach students how to process Big Data in a fast scalable manner using the MapReduce programming paradigm. The students started with a simple … | Continue reading

@richardmccreadie.blogspot.com | 10 years ago

Learning to Process Big Data with MapReduce and Hadoop - Hands-On Exercises

I recently ran a hands-on session at the SICSA Summer School on Big Data Information Visualisation on MapReduce and Hadoop. The aim was to teach students how to process Big Data in a fast scalable manner using the  MapReduce programming paradigm. The students started with a simpl … | Continue reading

@richardmccreadie.blogspot.com | 10 years ago

Setting a different ul bullet colour in CSS

I've always found it annoying that you can't set a different ul bullet colour through CSS. It should be as simple as: ul { color: red; } li { color: black; } But unfortunately CSS will render both black. I came across this again the other day in a project, and I was just about … | Continue reading

@simon-davies.name | 10 years ago

The Phony Balance Benchmark

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@infrequently.org | 10 years ago

BolognaFiere’s Shareholders’ Meeting has approved the Group’s 2012 financial statements

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@bolognafiere.it | 10 years ago

3D fragment data from Nidaros Cathedral available online

Over 60 fragments from the Nidaros Cathedral repository have been scanned and post-processed. They are publicly available through the project website: www.presious.eu -> Resources -> 3D Data … | Continue reading

@presiousblog.wordpress.com | 11 years ago

Welcome to PRESIOUS blog

This blog will post news and items of interest related to the PRESIOUS project.See our website for a description of PRESIOUS:www.presious.eu | Continue reading

@presiousblog.wordpress.com | 11 years ago

For Jo

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@infrequently.org | 11 years ago

Arduino Ethernet Network Module

Besides the pre-customized solutions like the Arduino Ethernet Board (retired) or the Arduino Ethernet Shield, there is a favorable alternative to connect an Arduino Board to the internet: the ENC28J60 Ethernet Network Module. As Hans Crijns pointed out, it is possible to connect … | Continue reading

@hofmannsven.com | 11 years ago

Users do not read warn or error messages! So comments ?! Forget it!

As an engineer working on libraries and being someone carrying about APIs in general, I always struggle with writing proper error messages. Worse than these are actual warnings: how do you best convey to someone using your library that he might be doing something “suboptimal”. It … | Continue reading

@wcgw.dev | 11 years ago

Hypercritical T-Shirts 2.0

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@hypercritical.co | 11 years ago


”Kulturen eller konsten har i sig inget egenvärde. Det har bara blivit monopoliserats av den som inte har annat livsinnehåll.” ... | Continue reading

@joskusmietin.blogspot.de | 11 years ago


”Kulturen eller konsten har i sig inget egenvärde. Det har bara blivit monopoliserats av den som inte har annat livsinnehåll.”Björn Wahlroos, HBL 5.6.2013Hyvä Björn Wahlroos.Nämä sanat tuskin tulivat arvaamatta. Samanlaisia ajatuksia on liikkunut ilmassa taholla jos toisella … | Continue reading

@joskusmietin.blogspot.com | 11 years ago

Status Update

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@chris.eidhof.nl | 11 years ago


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@bolognafiere.it | 11 years ago

10 Jahre WordPress – lose Gedanken

Nun denn, die Zeit vergeht und dieser Tage wurde WordPress zehn Jahre jung. Wobei im Software-Umfeld dies relativ zu sehen ist, denn hier lebt es sich schneller auf und nieder als so manchem Projekt lieb ist. Im Umfeld des Interntes kann die Lebensdauer einer Applikation noch vie … | Continue reading

@bueltge.de | 11 years ago

Creative work cannot be managed

Traditional management strategies are useless for problems that require creative thinking. | Continue reading

@chad.is | 11 years ago

Next Generation

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@hypercritical.co | 11 years ago

WordPress Puls? – Heartbeat API

Mit WordPress 3.6 wird es eine neue API geben – Heartbeat. Am Ticket 23216 im Trac sammeln sich alle Diskussionen und Hinweise. Da Heartbeat aber auch Einflüsse für Anwender haben kann, hier einige Worte und Hinweise. Heartbeat wird eingeführt um diverse Aktivitäten, wie Autosave … | Continue reading

@bueltge.de | 11 years ago

Costa Rica Cup of Excellence

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@artisanroast.co.uk | 11 years ago

Costa Rica Cup of Excellence

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@artisanroast.co.uk | 11 years ago

Part 3: Setting up a Kerberos test environment

This is part 3 of a series of posts on setting up Django to use external authentication. This post explains how to setup your own environment to test Django authentication against Apache and Kerberos/Active Directory/LDAP.Setting up your own test environment Naturally, you only c … | Continue reading

@roguelynn.com | 11 years ago