Tuples, Structs and Enums

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@chris.eidhof.nl | 10 years ago

Two Years Abroad

It’s high time I wrote this post. I’ve been thinking about it for a long time. It was part of my first year expat resolutions. But of course I missed the appointment with my first year. | Continue reading

@lucapette.me | 10 years ago

ICPR 2014

On the 28th August, Elisa Ricci presented a paper at the 22nd International Conference on Pattern Recognition, Stockholm (Sweden) ICPR is an international forum to discuss recent advances in the fields of Pattern Recog-nition; Machine Learning and Computer Vision and on applicati … | Continue reading

@venturi.fbk.eu | 10 years ago

Horizon 2020 dedicated SME Instrument Phase 1 and 2, 2014-2015

Identifier: H2020-SMEInst-2014-2015Pillar: Industrial LeadershipOpening Date: Deadline: Thu, 9 Oct 2014 17:00:00 (Brussels local time)Modification Date: Thu, 28 Aug 2014Latest information: Please note the release of the Flash Info on the 28th of August 2014. | Continue reading

@ec.europa.eu | 10 years ago

Some ideas for projects in Swift

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@chris.eidhof.nl | 10 years ago


I'm working on Kirby 2 for almost two years now. It started as a small wish to make the first version a bit better and has become a major personal effort, which takes all my time and concentration. It's no longer about iterating over the first version. I'm under constant pressure … | Continue reading

@bastianallgeier.com | 10 years ago

Real-Time Detection, Tracking, and Monitoring of Automatically Discovered Events in Social Media

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@richardmccreadie.blogspot.com | 10 years ago

Real-Time Detection, Tracking, and Monitoring of Automatically Discovered Events in Social Media

We introduce ReDites, a system for realtime event detection, tracking, monitoring and visualisation. It is designed to assist Information Analysts in understanding and exploring complex events as they unfold in the world. Events are automatically detected from the Twitter stream. … | Continue reading

@richardmccreadie.blogspot.com | 10 years ago

Real-Time Detection, Tracking, and Monitoring of Automatically Discovered Events in Social Media

We introduce ReDites, a system for realtime event detection, tracking, monitoring and visualisation. It is designed to assist Information Analysts in understanding and exploring complex events as they unfold in the world. Events are automatically detected from the Twitter stream. … | Continue reading

@richardmccreadie.blogspot.com | 10 years ago

Learning assembler on Linux

For entertainment, I’m learning assembler on Linux. | Continue reading

@darkcoding.net | 10 years ago

Episode 014: The Rise of the Algorithm

In this week’s episode we spend a good bit of time revisiting the native ads discussion, then dive into the different ways that Twitter and Facebook have handled the news this week. From there we discuss Twitter’s timeline changes, the realities of venture capital, and whether or … | Continue reading

@exponent.fm | 10 years ago

Type-safe URL routes in Swift

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@chris.eidhof.nl | 10 years ago

The Blub Paradox in Swift

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@chris.eidhof.nl | 10 years ago

Deploy Jekyll to Heroku with a click on a button

I've updated my Jekyll + Heroku + Unicorn sample app to the latest version of Jekyll available (2.3.0). It now have all the latest features from Jekyll! I also added a Heroku Button. So you can deploy your own version of the Jekyll site to a new app on your Heroku account with ju … | Continue reading

@jonas.brusman.se | 10 years ago

Episode 013: BuzzFeed and Native Advertising

In this week’s episode we discuss feedback about Ben’s Android criticism, then dive into Andreessen Horowitz’s $50 million investment into BuzzFeed. Is there a real business here? We also discuss native advertising: Ben is quite a bit more optimistic than James. Links Ben Thompso … | Continue reading

@exponent.fm | 10 years ago


Just like the ebb and flow, trends in webdesign come and go. Some of them set the foundation for future trends, some are just one-hit wonders. Butterflies following the mouse, scroll effects, textures, shadows, rounded corners, bubbly buttons, bouncy animations, cards, material d … | Continue reading

@bastianallgeier.com | 10 years ago


This post explains how to get project-specific Vim settings. | Continue reading

@arne.me | 10 years ago

Irrelevant Things

As a programmer on a way to technical excellency, you should teach yourself to constantly spot and reduce waste. | Continue reading

@tonsky.me | 10 years ago

The quest

When I started learning how to write code, I always wondered why there are thousands of books on how to get started or being a master, but nothing in between. It's a bit like those two-step How to draw… jokes, which start with a circle and end with an entire hand in step two. It … | Continue reading

@bastianallgeier.com | 10 years ago

A Weekend at BattleHack Boston

I had my first hackathon experience as a Venmo employee this past weekend, and boy was it fun! | Continue reading

@blog.cassidoo.co | 10 years ago

Episode 012: The Internet Rainforest

In this week’s episode we discuss how the Internet is enabling not only big winners, but also small, focused niche players, and why that’s exciting. We also discuss the impact this transition will have on society, follow up on last week’s integrated/modular discussion, and in a s … | Continue reading

@exponent.fm | 10 years ago

Performing backups the right way

For years I’ve had a single task on my TO-DO list: backup photos. I had an awful solution years ago, and only recently did a permanent, proper solution. Doing backups the right way means taking several items into consideration, and should not be done lightly. Trusting poor backup … | Continue reading

@whynothugo.nl | 10 years ago

Java/Android SSLSocket Vulnerable to MitM Attacks

Internet security is hard. TLS is almost impossible. Implementing TLS correctly in Java is Nightmare! While the higher-level HttpsURLConnection and Apache's DefaultHttpClient do it (mostly) right, direct users of Java SSL sockets (SSLSocket/ SSLEngine, SSLSocketFactory) are left … | Continue reading

@op-co.de | 10 years ago

Cedit and Paredit

I recently discovered cedit, which provides some structural commands for editing c-like languages. (See this Emacs Rocks! episode if you're not familiar with the concept: it introduces paredit, a structural editing mode for lisps). So, it deals with curly braces and semicolons, k … | Continue reading

@alanpearce.eu | 10 years ago

Episode 011: Red Pill or Blue Pill?

In this episode we discuss this tweet of Ben’s: Apple has a monopoly on the iOS market. And monopolies are profitable. — Ben Thompson (@monkbent) July 25, 2014 We also discuss the news that OKCupid and Facebook are running tests on their users. Links Fabian Giesen: What I mean wh … | Continue reading

@exponent.fm | 10 years ago

Tenus Golang Powered Linux Networking

2014-07-30 22:35 Update: I’ve updated the post with the link to netlink RFC. I’ve also replaced references to golang with Go programming language on majority of mentions in the article. I do agree with the people in discussions on the topic of Go/golang, but I’ve adpoted golang i … | Continue reading

@cybernetist.com | 10 years ago

Lychee & Rose Boba With Pistachio Jelly {vegan}

“For me, it’s just very hard to be in the world. Whether it’s cooking or writing, you trudge along and it’s hard. You spend most of your time in any...Categories: Libations Sweet TeaTags: LycheePistachiosRoseTea(Read more...) | Continue reading

@princesstofu.com | 10 years ago

Blue Growth:Unlocking the potential of Seas and Oceans

Identifier: H2020-BG-2014-2015Pillar: Societal ChallengesOpening Date: Deadline: Wed, 12 Mar 2014 17:00:00 (Brussels local time)Modification Date: Tue, 29 Jul 2014Latest information: The submission session is now available for: BG-01-2015(RIA), BG-02-2015(RIA), BG-07-2015(RIA) | Continue reading

@ec.europa.eu | 10 years ago

Sustainable Food Security

Identifier: H2020-SFS-2014-2015Pillar: Societal ChallengesOpening Date: Deadline: Tue, 3 Feb 2015 17:00:00 (Brussels local time)Modification Date: Tue, 29 Jul 2014Latest information: The submission session is now available for: SFS-01c-2015(RIA), SFS-02b-2015(RIA), SFS-05-2015(RI … | Continue reading

@ec.europa.eu | 10 years ago

TOSCA-MP Results @ IBC 2014

See TOSCA-MP results at IBC 2014. Mike Matton from VRT will present a paper in the session “Advanced content production in an automated world” on Monday Sept. 15, 11.30. Demos will also be on show at the Future Zone, hosted by VRT at their booth 8.F02. | Continue reading

@tosca-mp.eu | 10 years ago

TOSCA-MP Results @ IBC 2014

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@tosca-mp.eu | 10 years ago

Parsing JSON in Swift

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@chris.eidhof.nl | 10 years ago

Episode 010: Clap on Three

In this episode we discuss feedback about Uber and pricing, then discuss Ben’s recent articles on Microsoft and Apple/IBM. Ben Thompson: It’s Time to Split Up Microsoft – Stratechery Ben Thompson: Big Blue and Apple’s Soul – Stratechery (Note: We recorded this show before this pi … | Continue reading

@exponent.fm | 10 years ago

Towards an integrated approach to cultural heritage for Europe

The European Commission published a Communication: “Towards an integrated approach to cultural heritage for Europe”. It points out the challenges that cultural heritage is currently fac… | Continue reading

@ecultvalue.wordpress.com | 10 years ago

eCult 3rd Dialogue Day, Dubrovnik, Croatia (25 September 2014)

On the occasion of the Best in Heritage event, eCultValue organises its third Dialogue Day on 25 September 2014 in Dubrovnik. The first Dialogue Day, held at the same occasion, was a success and To… | Continue reading

@ecultvalue.wordpress.com | 10 years ago

Open Call for Living Labs: Technologies for Cultural Heritage

The eCultValue project has launched an Open Call that is an extraordinary opportunity for Living Labs to run experiments for the concept validation at European museums of technologies for cultural … | Continue reading

@ecultvalue.wordpress.com | 10 years ago

Responsive images cook book

Andreas Bovens has published a the comprehensive round-up of use cases and example code for "responsive images" at Dev.Opera: Dev.Opera — Responsive Images: Use Cases and Documented Code Snippets to Get You Started You should also read Eric Portis' in-depth article about srcset & … | Continue reading

@annualbeta.com | 10 years ago

Call for Twinning

Identifier: H2020-TWINN-2015Pillar: Spreading excellence and widening participationOpening Date: Deadline: Thu, 7 May 2015 17:00:00 (Brussels local time)Modification Date: Wed, 23 Jul 2014Latest information: The submission session is now available for: H2020-TWINN-2015(CSA) | Continue reading

@ec.europa.eu | 10 years ago


Identifier: H2020-LCE-2014-2015Pillar: Societal ChallengesOpening Date: Deadline: Tue, 1 Apr 2014 17:00:00 (Brussels local time)Modification Date: Tue, 22 Jul 2014Latest information: After the update to the Horizon 2020 Work Programme of 22 July 2014, this topic has been cancelle … | Continue reading

@ec.europa.eu | 10 years ago

Hacks for dealing with specificity →

Harry Roberts: We all know about !important, which I won’t go into here, but how can we trick specificity into being lowered or increased with no side effects? Não imaginava que é possível encadear um seletor CSS consigo mesmo para aumentar sua especificidade. Interessante como u … | Continue reading

@csswizardry.com | 10 years ago

Emacs Package Archive Statistics

I use cask for managing the dependencies of my Emacs configuration. Whenever I opened my Cask file, I wondered if I really was using all the sources I had defined: (source gnu) (source marmalade) (source melpa) (source melpa-stable) (source org) It seemed quite strange that we h … | Continue reading

@alanpearce.eu | 10 years ago

Explain like I’m 5: DNS

This post is an accompaniment to my PyCon 2014 and EuroPython 2014 talk, For Lack of a Better Name(server): DNS Explained, that is a deep dive into DNS. Slides can be found hereI previously wrote a post explaining Kerberos “Like I’m 5” that turns out to be one of my most visited … | Continue reading

@roguelynn.com | 10 years ago

Explain like I’m 5: DNS

This post is an accompaniment to my PyCon 2014 and EuroPython 2014 talk, For Lack of a Better Name(server): DNS Explained, that is a deep dive into DNS. Slides can be found here I previously wrote a post explaining Kerberos “Like I’m 5” that turns out to be one of my most visited … | Continue reading

@roguelynn.com | 10 years ago

ECSEL Call 2014-1 Research and Innovation Actions

Identifier: ECSEL-2014-1Pillar: Industrial LeadershipOpening Date: Deadline: Wed, 17 Sep 2014 17:00:00 (Brussels local time)Modification Date: Thu, 17 Jul 2014Latest information: The submission session is now available for: ECSEL-01-2014(ECSEL-RIA) | Continue reading

@ec.europa.eu | 10 years ago

"The" Android Browser

A round-up of mostly everything you never wanted to know about browser fragmentation on Android. If somebody tells you they tested their website on Android, laugh evilly and show them this slidedeck. The Android Browser • A presentation by HTML5Test Enjoy! | Continue reading

@annualbeta.com | 10 years ago

My Augmented Reality

Following a request of the European Commission, metaio participated in the creation of the video “My Augmented Reality” explaining the importance of research projects such as VENTURI for technology development at metaio. The video is published on YouTube, but will also be feature … | Continue reading

@venturi.fbk.eu | 10 years ago

Ehcache powered JSR-107 provider

I’ve put a quick note together on the Ehcache-JCache module release. As well as a link and some explanation on the tutorials on the new javax.cache API I’m putting together on github. You can read it here: Ehcache powered JSR-107 provider | Continue reading

@wcgw.dev | 10 years ago

Swift Tricks

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@chris.eidhof.nl | 10 years ago