If you'll be far away from mom this Mother's Day, fear not. You can still give her a special experience from afar.Go beyond the "Have a good one!" phone call and plan a fun day with your mom, with a little help from technology. Image: Mashable Composite, Jordan McQueenSEE ALSO: … | Continue reading
Okay, before I start, let me say that this is going to be a very short post because I am really, really short on time. I am starting to work on a new project. (A very technical one, for that matter. Have to hit the ‘research’ button in a few minutes!) But I just figured... Contin … | Continue reading
As instant messaging and voice control takes off, it increasingly seems that apps are not the solution for everything. Read More | Continue reading
Sezonowy obiad z pieczonego łososia i szparagów z dodatkiem sosu koperkowego. Łososia najlepiej upiec w wysokiej temperaturze, będzie lekko chrupiący z zewnątrz a idealnie miękki i soczysty w środku. Dodatkowo w kuchni nie ma bałaganu i brzydkiego zapachu, który pozostaje po smaż … | Continue reading
The Walking Dead-Star Jon Bernthal mimt in der zweiten Staffel von Marvel's Daredevil den Punisher so überzeugend, dass Gerüchte zu einer eigenen Serie nicht lange auf sich warten ließen. Jetzt hat es Netflix offiziell via Twitter b... | Continue reading
(Reuters) – Google and Fiat Chrysler are close to agreeing on a partnership that could break boundaries between Silicon Valley and the auto industry in the race to develop self-driving cars, people familiar with the discussions said on Friday. The partnership could be announced s … | Continue reading
Recently the Russia’s National Settlement Depository (NDS), an organization that provides settlement and depository services, began testing blockchain technology as a potential solution for a corporate e-proxy voting system. The results will not shock you but the origin of praise … | Continue reading
The guys chat about Facebook’s content creation, SNL’s native ads play, who thinks YouTube ads are better than TV ads, and more – Content Marketing Institute | Continue reading
Worldwide tablet shipments have once again decreased, 14.7% YoY. Despite this, two unexpected winners have emerged: Amazon and Huawei! Details within. | Continue reading
Franky Zapata, the French jet ski champion who invented the Flyboard Air, has set a new Guinness World Record for the farthest hoverboard flight. Zapata achieved the feat Saturday morning off the coast of Sausset-les-Pins in the south of France, riding his Flyboard Air hoverboard … | Continue reading
Colin Furze geht mal wieder in die Luft. Diesmal nicht mit seinem DIY-Katapultbett, sondern mit einem Vehikel, das er "homemade Hoverbike" nennt. Und wie immer legt der kravallige Brite mit der Quietschstimme zwar Wert auf seine Kravatte, aber nich... | Continue reading
(Reuters) — A recovered cellphone at the center of a dispute between the families of two Florida teens who went missing during a fishing trip last summer will be examined by Apple Inc, the manufacturer, in an agreement reached during a hearing on Friday, according to a local medi … | Continue reading
In my Weekend Update Newsletter I share great content I found this past week. | Continue reading
While Jamaica is a popular sun destination, it offers much more for event planners than beautiful beaches. To create awe-inspiring events, historical sites, mountain adventures, culinary experiences, fashion, film, and sports await. Photo Credit: Jamaica Information Service Jamai … | Continue reading
Since the leak of the PlayStation Neo specs, we've been asking ourselves: just what does this mean for the games? Sony's handbook for developers mandates that all PS4 games developed from October 2016 onwards must have Neo support taking advantage of the improved hardware, potent … | Continue reading
I’m often asked what apps, services, and tools I use to lead my location-independent life. I’d like to emphasize one thing – it’s not about the tools, it’s about your results, personal preference, and efficiency. If you work best with a pen and paper, there’s no need to try and a … | Continue reading
The Marshmallow roll-out for AT&T HTC flagships of years gone by has now suffered a delay according to HTC's Mo Versi. Customers are not happy. | Continue reading
A restaurant that's too small for its following creates pent-up demand and can thrive as it lays plans to expand. A restaurant that's too big merely fails. There are occasional counterexamples of ventures that fail because they were too small... | Continue reading
Google Glass war ein Desaster, aber nicht das Ende von Googles Versuchen, uns an die Augen zu gehen. Der Konzern arbeitet schon länger an Kontaktlinsen und geht mit einem neuen Patent nun noch einen Schritt weiter: direkt ins Auge. Das Patent... | Continue reading
Motorola wants you to know your Samsung and Apple phones are not as shatterproof as its ShatterShield accompanied Droid Turbo 2. The agony! | Continue reading
Ransomware, a type of malware that holds your computer hostage until you pay a certain amount of money, seems to be getting more popular since it sprouted up in large-scale form in 2013.The website of Maisto International, a toymaker that primarily sells model vehicles and remote … | Continue reading
Kurze Durchsage: Wer ein Android TV-Gerät besitzt, kann ab sofort auch sein iPhone, iPad oder iPod touch als Fernbedienung nutzen. Der Download ist kostenlos, und die App ist in vielen Sprachen verfügbar, darunter auch Deutsch. Voraussetz... | Continue reading
Tokyo-based BitFlyer, the company behind a Japanese bitcoin exchange, announced this week that it has secured about $27 million... | Continue reading
In 1972, Atari co-founder Nolan Bushell hired an electrical engineer named Allan Alcorn to work for his fledgling video game company. Alcorn was experienced in computer science but had never been involved in video game development, so Bushell set him a practice exercise: replicat … | Continue reading
This week, Tech.eu tracked 11 technology M&A transactions and 63 funding deals (totalling €500 million, about $573 million) in Europe, Turkey and Israel. Here’s an overview of the 10 biggest European tech news items for this week: 1) Rocket Internet’s ‘Global Fashion Group’ picke … | Continue reading
Uber announced today that it has proposed a settlement with the National Federation of the Blind California chapter. The technology company has asked a judge to approve the deal in which Uber will not only publish a service animal policy and educate drivers on it, but also pay th … | Continue reading
There are several strategic nuances to the process of influencer marketing. The folks at Simplilearn have created a comprehensive infographic which lays out the entire process, examines the distinct aspects and offers data-backed reasons why you should consider it for your own br … | Continue reading
VIDEO: Reaction on Luke Walton coaching the Lakers. Luke Walton is coming to the Lakers and the only nit-pick that LA is raising is he isn’t bringing Steph Curry or Klay Thompson with him. A year ago this time, Walton was the second assistant on the Warriors’ bench and seemingly … | Continue reading
Earlier today, the Los Angeles Lakers and Luke Walton reached an agreement on a multi-year contract for Walton to become the next Head Coach of the team, it was announced by General Manager Mitch Kupchak. Walton will begin his new duties at the conclusion of the Golden State Warr … | Continue reading
What do you think the nickname for a Rolls-Royce roller bag might be? A "roller roller?" No, really, I am asking. You tell me.SEE ALSO: Beverly Hills plans to use autonomous vehicles for public transportationOn Friday, Rolls-Royce unveiled a six-piece luggage set made for jet-set … | Continue reading
Digital media company Issuu has been trying to offer a better way to present content online. Now it’s a promising a better way for teams to work together on creating that content too, with the launch of a new product called Collaborate. Issuu, for those of you who don’t know, all … | Continue reading
We're streaming live on Mobcrush right now. There's a couple different ways you can watch the stream, and they all work equally well and it's really just a matter of personal preference as to which method you prefer. The easiest way to watch is just watching the embedded player r … | Continue reading
Big, complex things running on tiny things is a common theme this week. Earlier we had a hack that put Counter-Strike on Android Wear, and today some maniac has installed Windows 95 on his Apple Watch. At last it’ll do something worthwhile! That is, of course, if you can find the … | Continue reading
SPONSORED: “Yes, you have to be smart, hardworking, creative, all of that. But many times we’ve seen that success comes from those things plus being at the right place at the time -- and knowing the right people.” | Continue reading
As far as looks are concerned, the MIN7, by Minfort, is one of the most beautiful speakers I’ve ever laid eyes on. Each model is handmade using recycled hardwood from old furniture. The solid wood panels and natural tone is the perfect accompaniment to my home office and it carri … | Continue reading
It was old school versus new school. And new school won.SEE ALSO: Ford's Tesla Model 3 competitor could be called the 'Model E'Vice President Joe Biden visited the Vatican recently, and, in true Biden form, he placed a bet before meeting with one of the Cardinals. You know, as go … | Continue reading
GUEST: Everyone is talking bots these days, and they stress good points — new interaction options, lots of opportunities for distribution and discovery, and exciting new possibilities to deliver services to users. While I am happy with people’s excitement with this trend, I als … | Continue reading
[appicon]We recorded early this week, as Jared and I both have crazy stuff going on this weekend. Jared is going on some kind of crazy camping trip, and I'm going to Dark Lord Day at the Three Floyds Brewery. We both might not make it back from each of our adventures alive, in wh … | Continue reading
Fairphone has made an easy-to-install version of their open source operating system available to the public. | Continue reading
Earlier this month, SpaceX successfully landed its Falcon 9 rocket on a platform out at sea. And while you may have watched it live, being there is just another experience. That’s why the company released a 360-degree video both on YouTube and Facebook that lets fans witness this … | Continue reading
Hey everyone, it's Friday and we're close to the end of the week of TouchArcade blasting stories out (unless anything cool happens over the weekend we need to cover), but the fact still remains: To survive, we very much need your support. The business of running a web site is tri … | Continue reading
If you're willing to wait an hour for it to boot up, you can enjoy the ludicrous pleasures of running Windows 95 on an Apple Watch. Developer Nick Lee posted a video to YouTube this evening showing what it looks like once the operating system is up and running. It's slow, to say … | Continue reading
A digital camera with no LCD screen? Who the heck would buy such a camera in 2016?That's the question, Leica surely asked itself when it decided to create the M-D (Typ 262), its newest rangefinder-style digital camera, which doesn't come with any kind of display on the back.SEE A … | Continue reading
My mind has been on startups and new ideas lately, as I spent most of this past week at Collision … | Continue reading
Its story is that of an epic battle. Mankind versus machine in a race for dominance. Only one can win. In practice, thankfully, it’s much, much more adorable. A four-wheeled robot that looks remarkably like an RC car crossbred with a shoebox , programmed to give athletes somethin … | Continue reading
Getting around, drinking and dining at the Kentucky Derby this year should prove a lot easier for fans and employees. According to Churchill Downs’ General Manager Ryan Jordan, the famed horse racing venue on Friday launched a Churchill Downs Racetrack app, powered by VenueNext, … | Continue reading
(Reuters) – A Facebook Inc shareholder filed a proposed class action lawsuit on Friday in a bid to stop the company’s plan to issue new Class C stock, calling the move an unfair deal to entrench Chief Executive Mark Zuckerberg as controlling shareholder. The lawsuit, filed in the … | Continue reading
Bitcoin is increasingly entering the gaming and gambling Industry. Every day, we see more and more companies starting to accept the digital currency while new developments are being made just for it. Dragon’s Tale is a unique Casino Role Play Game specifically made for Bitcoin us … | Continue reading