Elon Musk plans ‘Red Dragon’ Mars mission for as early as 2018

Somewhere, Elon Musk is bored; you can tell because he starts tweeting like crazy about colonizing the solar system. “Planning to send Dragon to Mars as soon as 2018,” SpaceX tweeted this morning, apropos of nothing. More details followed, in typical Musk style. Read More | Continue reading

@techcrunch.com | 8 years ago

Minecraft enters virtual reality on Samsung’s Gear VR headset

It’s time to move beyond the smartphone screen and into the world of Minecraft. Oculus VR, Facebook’s virtual reality company, has launched Minecraft: Gear VR Edition on the Oculus Store for $7. This is the VR version of the phenomenally popular block-building game that debuted i … | Continue reading

@venturebeat.com | 8 years ago

Nets' Ellington win J. Walker Kennedy Citizenship Award

Guard Wayne Ellington of the Brooklyn Nets has won the 2015-16 J. Walter Kennedy Citizenship Award as selected by the Professional Basketball Writers Association (PBWA). The honor, named after the NBA's second commissioner, is presented annually by the PBWA to the player, coach … | Continue reading

@nba.com | 8 years ago

Court holds Amazon liable for years of unauthorized in-app purchases made by kids

In an entirely unsurprising ruling, a federal judge has sided with the FTC in the agency’s lawsuit against Amazon, which had said that the company did not do enough to safeguard customers against unauthorized in-app purchases made by children. According to the FTC’s original comp … | Continue reading

@techcrunch.com | 8 years ago

'Minecraft Gear VR' is Now Live, and I Wish I Could Play it

If VR is your thing and you enjoy Minecraft too, then I've got good news for you; according to Oculus Rift CEO, John Carmack, Minecraft Gear VR just went live. If you haven't been following that side of the industry, Microsoft/Mojang and the Oculus developers decided to work toge … | Continue reading

@toucharcade.com | 8 years ago

If Tribeca 2016 had a theme, it might be 'adulting is hard'

For 15 years, the question of identity has haunted the Tribeca Film Festival. As trailers before every public film showing reminded audiences at the 2016 festival, Tribeca was founded in 2002 — in the wake of the September 11th attacks — to help revitalize Manhattan and bring art … | Continue reading

@theverge.com | 8 years ago

Everything you want to know about GamesBeat Summit 2016

VB EVENT: Here’s the agenda for the GamesBeat Summit 2016, to be held May 3-4 at the Cavallo Point resort in Sausalito, Calif. Our GamesBeat event is about the global business of gaming, which is growing in so many ways and becoming a bigger part of the entertainment and technolo … | Continue reading

@venturebeat.com | 8 years ago

Decoy eggs used to provide birth control for mice

Scientists have created a novel method of contraception, using polymer beads coated in a special protein as "decoy" eggs in mice. In experiments described in Science Translational Medicine, researchers deposited the beads in the uteruses of mice. When the mice mated, sperm cells … | Continue reading

@theverge.com | 8 years ago

Body found in conference room at Apple’s Cupertino headquarters

A body was found in a conference room at Apple’s headquarters in Cupertino this morning, according to several news reports. The Santa Clara County Sheriff’s Department is currently investigating the incident. A public information officer for the department did not return a reques … | Continue reading

@techcrunch.com | 8 years ago

Minecraft is now available on the Oculus Store for Gear VR

As of today, you can explore Minecraft in virtual realty via the Gear VR. Minecraft: Gear VR Edition is now available on the Oculus Store for $6.99. That doesn't mean, however, the game is available on Oculus Rift.The announcement at Oculus.com is careful not to mention the Oculu … | Continue reading

@theverge.com | 8 years ago

Niederländische Gruppe sammelt tausende Fotos von Soldaten des zweiten Weltkrieges, um Gefallene auf dem ABMC Netherlands American Cemetery zu ehren

American Battle Monuments Commission: Arlington, Virginia (ots/PRNewswire) - Viele tausend Grabsteine aus weißem Marmor bestimmen die Landschaft des Netherlands American Cemetery, auf dem mehr als 10.000 Amerikaner begraben liegen, die im Zweiten Weltkrieg ihr Leben verloren. Fot … | Continue reading

@presseportal.de | 8 years ago

Samsung to debut Gear 360 VR camera on April 29

Samsung said today it will debut its virtual reality, 360-degree camera on April 29. The company made the announcement at the Samsung Developer Conference, which has drawn 4,000 developers and press to the Moscone West convention center in San Francisco. The camera encourages use … | Continue reading

@venturebeat.com | 8 years ago

Survey Ranks the Top 10 Entry-Level Jobs for Graduates

Judging from recent new-graduate pay surveys, the word Millennials should keep in mind is “engineering,” although, on the HR front, positions in employee relations and benefits administration also stand with attractive pay metrics. | Continue reading

@shrm | 8 years ago

Report Confirms Accelerated Growth in Wages

The U.S. labor market demonstrated its improvement in the first quarter of 2016 with discernible acceleration in wage growth, as employers react to a tightening labor market by boosting wages. | Continue reading

@shrm | 8 years ago

UPS Piloten respektieren Streikpostenkette am Köln Bonn Airport

Independent Pilots Association: Louisville, Kentucky (ots/PRNewswire) - Etwa achtzig Mitglieder der Independent Pilots Association (UPS Piloten), die in Köln, Deutschland, arbeiten, werden die Streikpostenkette von ver.di am Köln Bonn Airport respektieren. Der für heute um ... | Continue reading

@presseportal.de | 8 years ago

Oxenfree dated for PS4 with new endings, New Game Plus mode

Teen horror adventure Oxenfree is coming to PS4 on 31st May as a Director's Cut with all new content like alternate endings, as well as a New Game Plus mode with additional dialogue and locations.This New Game Plus Mode will continue the story of Alex and her friends as they expl … | Continue reading

@eurogamer.net | 8 years ago

Samsung Health devices reach 150M users in 130 countriess

Samsung revealed that its wearable health devices now reach 150 million users across 130 countries. Ricky Choi, head of medical devices for Samsung Health, told the audience of 4,000 at the Samsung Developer Conference in San Francisco that the company is creating continuing to p … | Continue reading

@venturebeat.com | 8 years ago

Scheduling a hassle? Google Calendar will now find a time for you

Google Calendar has installed a button that automatically picks out the best time to have a meeting for all the participants involved. | Continue reading

@androidauthority.com | 8 years ago

Nintendo unveils plan for two more smartphone games to follow up smash hit ‘Miitomo’

Nintendo hit one out of the park with its first foray into the smartphone gaming market with its “not a game” Miitomo. To follow that up, Nintendo dropped a release this morning detailing the March 2017 release of its new console — Nintendo NX — and a par of new smartphone titles … | Continue reading

@thenextweb.com | 8 years ago

How to Use Big Data to Win Over Readers

Using big data to help you tell the best stories ensures that your content is relevant. Read this and earn how to increase your readership. | Continue reading

@blog.atomicreach.com | 8 years ago

Foursaken Media's 'War Tortoise' is Now Available

Well this is one of the surprises I was talking about in our new games roundup earlier this morning. Foursaken Media's War Tortoise [Free] hit the App Store moments ago. We got a hefty hands on back at GDC, and I really dig how they're combining the idea of a clicker and a shoote … | Continue reading

@toucharcade.com | 8 years ago

Whole Foods Case Study: When Is a Counter-Offensive the Best PR Crisis Response?

PR experts typically recommend against going on the offensive when faced with a PR crisis. Counter-attacking accusers only makes matters worse, they say. Instead, assume a defensive position, quickly apologize, correct the situation and make amends. Sometimes, however, the best d … | Continue reading

@alltop | 8 years ago

Google releases Android TV remote app for iOS

Nearly two years after the smart TV platform Android TV was introduced, Google has finally taken an important step towards shoring up the ecosystem by giving iOS users the ability to control the devices with their phones and tablets. Requiring iOS 8.0 or later, the new Android TV … | Continue reading

@venturebeat.com | 8 years ago

Menlo Ventures has raised a $250 million “opportunity fund,” its first

Menlo Ventures, the 40-year-old, Sand Hill Road venture firm, has raised a new, $250 million “special opportunities fund,” says a spokeswoman. (The SEC filing is here.) The idea: to address a comparative dearth of capital for startups that are looking for Series B and C funding, … | Continue reading

@techcrunch.com | 8 years ago

Samsung makes its best pitch to steal developers from Apple

Samsung’s best pitch to mobile software developers today has to do with numbers. Those who develop for Samsung will have access to 7.7 billion phones, 3.4 billion smartphones, and 5 billion connected devices. That means the South Korean company, which is pitching developers in Sa … | Continue reading

@venturebeat.com | 8 years ago

This Week's 'Hearthstone' Tavern Brawl is a Repeat but With Some 'Whispers of the Old Gods' Cards

To be honest, I was expecting a Whispers of the Old Gods-centered Tavern Brawl, and instead we got a repeat of Encounter at the Crossroads, the Brawl that has you pick a class, gives you a completely-random deck, and throws you into the match. I've played this Hearthstone [Free] … | Continue reading

@toucharcade.com | 8 years ago

The first official Snowden trailer is a bit over-the-top, also has a bit of Nic Cage

After months of anticipating what the hell Nic Cage was going to be doing in the new Snowden movie, we finally get to see him in the first official trailer! Sadly, Cage’s role is only that of a rando NSA guy urging Snowden to “find the terrorist in the internet haystack.” This is … | Continue reading

@techcrunch.com | 8 years ago

A single injection of antibodies protected monkeys from HIV for nearly six months

A new study has shown that a single injection of antibodies that target HIV can protect monkeys from contracting the virus for nearly six months. The study, published today in Nature, is an important step in the development of a new treatment that could prevent HIV infections in … | Continue reading

@theverge.com | 8 years ago

Google Calendar for Android can now find meeting times that work for everyone

Google today announced a new feature for its Google Calendar application on Android that should make it a lot easier to schedule meetings. The new “find a time” button comes up with suggestions for meeting times that will fit in to the calendars of everyone you want to invite. Th … | Continue reading

@venturebeat.com | 8 years ago

Fixing the American commute

Few commuters today would describe the experience of traveling underneath the Hudson River from New Jersey to New York as exceptional. But that’s exactly how newspaper writers of the day described a then-miraculous train trip in 1909. This system of iron-clad tunnels connecting N … | Continue reading

@theverge.com | 8 years ago

Nextbit Robin gets huge software update with camera, performance and audio improvements

Nextbit has just announced a huge software update for the cloud-focused Robin handset, as well as a new partnership with audio company AIAIAI. | Continue reading

@androidauthority.com | 8 years ago

Person found dead in conference room on Apple's Cupertino campus, reports say

A person was reportedly found dead in a conference room at Apple's Cupertino campus, local media say, and an investigation is currently underway.Officials are expected to release more information later.Mashable reached out to Apple and the Santa Clara County Sheriff's office for … | Continue reading

@mashable.com | 8 years ago

Firefighting drone serves as a reminder to be careful with crowdfunding campaigns

And then there’s this: an Indiegogo campaign for the world’s first firefighting drone. As a lover of both drones and crowdfunding campaigns, I nearly wet myself with excitement. But alas. The campaign, it turned out, is a great exercise in how a little bit of basic due diligence … | Continue reading

@techcrunch.com | 8 years ago

The FTC is reportedly expanding its investigation into Android

The Wall Street Journal reports that the Federal Trade Commission has quietly stepped up its investigation into Android, over fears that Google is exploiting its position in the smartphone market.According to the Journal, the FTC has been meeting with companies to hear concerns a … | Continue reading

@theverge.com | 8 years ago

TiVo’s new DVR for cord cutters drops the $14.99 monthly fee

Back in 2014, the TiVo released the Roamio OTA, a DVR box designed specifically for cord-cutters that pulled in HD content over-the-air and supported every major streaming service at the time. It was a novel idea, but the execution wasn't great. But since cord-cutting isn't going … | Continue reading

@theverge.com | 8 years ago

Oops! Tinder’s new friend-finding feature, Tinder Social, is outing which of your friends use the app

Tinder announced this morning it’s testing a new friend-finding feature called “Tinder Social” in its popular dating app. The idea is to offer a way for you and your group of friends to find and connect with other groups out in the real world. Similar to how Tinder works for find … | Continue reading

@techcrunch.com | 8 years ago

Google Calendar on Android makes it super-easy to schedule your next super-boring meeting

Those using Google Calendar alongside Google Apps for Work or Edu can now take advantage of a feature that finds a time for your next meeting. The aptly name ‘find a time’ option scans your calendar for available times to meet up with a contact or coworker, and saves you the trou … | Continue reading

@thenextweb.com | 8 years ago

Google Calendar for Android makes scheduling meetings on the go easier

Despite the fact that numerous companies have tried to solve this problem, scheduling meetings is still a hassle. If you use Google for Work or Edu on the desktop, you are probably familiar with how Google lets you find meeting times across your organization already (though the f … | Continue reading

@techcrunch.com | 8 years ago

Trailer: Oliver Stones Snowden-Film mit Zauberwürfel-Clou

Über-Regisseur Oliver Stone hat ja bekanntlich das Leben des Über-Whistleblowers Edward Snowden verfilmt und damit die NSA-Affäre mehr oder weniger amtlich zu einer zentralen Erzählung der US-Geschichtsschreibung erklärt. J... | Continue reading

@de.engadget.com | 8 years ago

Now you can pay for Netflix inside the Android app

Netflix didn’t have a rocket-launcher last quarter, particularly as people expected it to have a whole heap of new customers in the 130 countries it went live with in January, but that could be about to change as it starts to offer in-app billing on Android. Just like when Netfli … | Continue reading

@thenextweb.com | 8 years ago

Indian IT Giant Infosys Launches Blockchain-Powered Finance Platform

Bringing distributed ledger technology to the traditional financial sector will be quite a challenge throughout the next few years. Infosys subsidiary EdgeVerve has launched a new blockchain-based software platform to make this transition a lot smoother. Infosys Ventures Into Ban … | Continue reading

@newsbtc.com | 8 years ago

Samsung's Level On Pro Wireless headphones are a compelling alternative to Beats

For the past couple of years, Samsung has been releasing headphone and speakers under the Level brand as a clear play against Apple's Beats brand of fashion headphones and Bluetooth speakers. The Level headphones largely match Beats' offerings: there are over-ear, on-ear, and in- … | Continue reading

@theverge.com | 8 years ago

Japanese Bitcoin Exchange bitFlyer Raises $27 Million

Leading Japanese bitcoin exchange bitFlyer has revealed the successful completion of a ¥3 billion ($27 million) funding round, the largest funding round ever by a bitcoin and Fintech company in Japan. In a funding round led by Japanese investor SBI Investment and Tokyo-based vent … | Continue reading

@cryptocoinsnews.com | 8 years ago

UK Government Could Track Student Loans and Grants with Blockchain

The UK government is looking at the use of blockchains to track student loans and public grants. | Continue reading

@CoinDesk | 8 years ago

Heat and Hornets in a fight for control of the paint

HANG TIME NEW JERSEY — The Charlotte Hornets have been beating the Miami Heat at their own game in their first round series, which is tied at two games apiece with Game 5 on Wednesday (8 p.m. ET, TNT). After the Heat, a team that owned the paint after the All-Star break, destroye … | Continue reading

@nba.com | 8 years ago

Google's self-driving car is 'close to graduating from X'

According to Astro Teller, the Google self-driving car is "close to graduating from X." Parsing out the meaning of that string of words is a little complicated, but basically it means that Alphabet isn't thinking of self-driving cars so much as a crazy "moonshot," but as a thing … | Continue reading

@theverge.com | 8 years ago

Upcoming 'Clash Royale' Update Makes Legendaries Easier to Get and Changes Level Caps

Supercell has constantly been trying to balance the monster that is Clash Royale [Free], and it doesn't plan on stopping any time soon judging by the constant tinkering with all kinds of aspects of the game. In a just-released blog post, Supercell stated that it found some clear … | Continue reading

@toucharcade.com | 8 years ago

Facebook wants to trash UK startup Littergram’s name

Protecting your trademark from rivals is an essential part of any successful business. If you have a hit, someone will always want to trade on your name. However, I’m not sure I can agree that Littergram, a UK-only app that lets people report local trash hotspots in the hope of b … | Continue reading

@thenextweb.com | 8 years ago