HTC has announced the HTC Desire 830 with some notable improvements over its predecessor including an upgraded display and the addition of OIS to the camera. | Continue reading
AppleInsider dug up a patent Apple filed back in 2012 that shows what the company could be planning for the next iteration of its stylus. According to the patent, Apple detailed a Pencil that could have interchangeable nibs — with options ranging from different types of standard … | Continue reading
Das ist vielleicht die schönste Schildkrötenbehausung der Welt. Oliver Taupin mag sein Panzertier offenbar besonders gerne und hat einen Jurassic Park in klein mit viel Grün und Swimming Pool nachgebaut. Durchaus stilgetreu inklusiv... | Continue reading
Typically, financial institutions wait for a new technology to mature before investing in it. Blockchain technology, because of the impact it is expected to bring to the financial industry, is a different matter, as witnessed by the number of financial institutions investing in b … | Continue reading
Turtle Beach has turned to seasoned esports team OpTic Gaming to promote its new gaming headset. OpTic Gaming’s competitive esports teams will wear the Turtle Beach Elite Pro Tournament Gaming Headset when competing in tournaments for Call of Duty, Halo, and Counter Strike: Globa … | Continue reading
Mobile engagement and interaction are hugely important if you want your app to stay on the user’s phone and avoid that most final and silent of unsubscribes – the uninstall. But coding additional touchpoints into apps can be time-consuming, and may require you to submit your app … | Continue reading
Whitepaper release: Pitfalls To Scaling Enterprise Content. CopyPress has launched its resource section, a place marketers can gain valuable resources. | Continue reading
With all of Giphy’s integrations with chat platforms, it was only a matter of time before the betaworks-backed GIF platform launched its own keyboard. World, welcome Giphy Keys into the mix. The Giphy Keys third-party keyboard launches on iOS today, and lets users send GIFs from … | Continue reading
GoPro is going more mobile. Today the company announced two new mobile apps — one creates GoPro-ish videos automatically and the other gives the user more control. Both are free and both are welcomed additions to the GoPro ecosystem. These apps might sound familiar. Earlier this … | Continue reading
In order to maximize your SEO presence, strategically ensure that your content uses focus keywords, meta descriptions, and more. | Continue reading
Giphy's one and only reason for existing is delivering you GIFs, and now it's reaching a new peak in convenience by placing GIF access right on the iPhone's keyboard. It's launching an iOS... | Continue reading
GIFs are everywhere we look, including on Slack, Facebook, Twitter, Email, and even in our text messages. But the process for sharing these images isn’t exactly a uniform one, which is why Giphy launched a keyboard app for iOS devices today. Called Giphy Keys, it’s a combination … | Continue reading
Today, GoPro is rebranding and relaunching the two mobile video editing apps that the company bought back in February. One is focused on giving users an automatic editing experience, allowing them to create stylized videos with just a few taps. The other offers more fine editing … | Continue reading
Millions of people around the world are hooked on Netflix. With a ton of incredible original programming as well as all the shows and movies you love, Netflix leads the pack in premium TV streaming. The service keeps adding great content every week, and now TNW Deals is hooking u … | Continue reading
The nods and winks are over: Sega and Relic Entertainment have announced the game we all knew was coming: Warhammer 40,000: Dawn of War 3.We dont have any gameplay or screenshots, but according to the official blurb, Dawn of War 3 sees players lead elite hero units and big armies … | Continue reading
Apple won't be allowed to import or sell refurbished iPhones in India, a telecommunication ministry official told Bloomberg. The company had requested approval to sell the older phones at a cheaper price earlier this year. India's environment ministry had denied Apple's same requ … | Continue reading
First there was YouTube stars, then came Vine fame. Now, the new wave of Internet-born celebrity is by way of Facebook Live.While a lot of big brands and publishers are focused on creating content for Facebook’s livestreaming platform, some of the best broadcasts we’ve seen are m … | Continue reading
Postmates to date has scored deals with a number of high-profile retailers and restaurants, including Apple, Walgreens, Starbucks, Chipotle, and 7-Eleven. Today, it’s expanding its reach again via a partnership that will bring a number of smaller businesses – even down to mom-and … | Continue reading
Overwatch's more serious, ranked Competitive Play mode will be disabled during the open beta, up until "sometime" after the game launches on 24th May.Game director Jeff Kaplan announced this on the Overwatch forum, suggesting there were still kinks with Competitive Play that need … | Continue reading
If you listened carefully to business news last week you could hear the sound of a giant tree falling in a quiet forest. It happened when Rovi bought TiVo for $1.1 billion. It was a merger of convenience, a way for TiVo to get out of its slump and die a gracefully without much sh … | Continue reading
Shenzhen Valley Ventures in Palo Alto, Calif. is launching an incubator for hardware startups in partnership with one of its largest limited partners, Zowee, a factory that works with hardware giants like Xiaomi Technology Co. and Samsung Ltd.Zowee’s Shenzhen facility includes un … | Continue reading
Carrier billing has been around for ages and is by no means the sexiest of the payment technologies – but it’s about to launch for Google Play in India with the country’s third-largest operator Idea and it could be pretty massive. A spokesperson told TNW: “We are in the process o … | Continue reading
How did Intel -- the most advanced foundry in the world -- manage to spend so many billions of dollars on mobile technology with so little to show for it? | Continue reading
Uber wants to be your car, and the billboard. It’s turning its frequently used app into a surface for external commerce promotions in hopes of rewarding users with special deals. If Uber will give you $20 off for shopping with its partners, you might stick with it over competitor … | Continue reading
In 2013 Lara Setrakian was fed up with the news business. A longtime correspondent for both ABC News and Bloomberg Television, Setrakian had reported in and on the Middle East for years. From the Iran election crisis in 2009 to the Arab Spring uprisings throughout 2011, Setrakian … | Continue reading
Uber is embracing the Android payment strategy by moving away from the historically popular Google Wallet and towards Android Pay. | Continue reading
The increase of smartphone ownership in India is fueling the rise of mobile wallets in India. One company leading the charge, MobiKwik, has topped up its own funds with a $50 million Series C round announced today. Read More | Continue reading
The fight for privacy online has never been greater. With the advantages of modern technology, however, you can take steps to securely safeguard yourself against malicious attacks and identity theft through a VPN (Virtual Private Network) service. VPN keeps your online activity p … | Continue reading
Not everyone thinks and learns in the same way. Create a 3D brand experience that speaks to visual, auditory, tactile, and ready/writing learners. | Continue reading
Die französische Firma Trocadero hat eine Art Klapprad ausgeheckt, das auch auf den zweiten Blick absurd wirkt: Der Rahmen des Trocadero Fixie kann in Fahrtrichtung gedreht werden, wodurch Vorder- und Hinterrad nicht mehr in einer Ebene liegen... | Continue reading
'Big Four' accounting firm Deloitte has partnered with five startups to produce 20 blockchain prototypes. | Continue reading
The Metropolitan Museum of Art's Costume Institute spring exhibition shouts this from the metaphorical rooftops. The title of the show may be "Manus x Machina: Fashion in an Age of Technology," but in many ways that's beside the point. The exhibit seeks to explore the tension bet … | Continue reading
If you're new to Amazon Underground you can score yourself a free $5 credit when you sign up and install one of a selected group of free games. | Continue reading
Despite rumors of the contrary, HTC has not axed its smartwatch plans. That’s according to the notorious leaker Evan Blass, who claimed in a tweet that HTC’s wearable would finally be unveiled on the week of June 6, 2016. | Continue reading
The world’s most popular torrent sites has netted less than 50 cents per day in donations since it started accepting Bitcoin back in November, 2013. As pointed out by TorrentFreak, the total received by KickAssTorrents’ public bitcoin address is just 0.96 of a single bitcoin, whi … | Continue reading
Coffin Dodgers is named for the slang expression for the geriatric. It’s a racing game where instead of motorbikes, cars or skateboards, you are on a race against death on mobility scooters. Yes, it’s every bit as ridiculous as it sounds. Tasteless? Perhaps, but also a tremendous … | Continue reading
“There are not a lot of toys targeted at children with special needs,” says Ladislas de Toldi. “Because of their special needs, it’s harder for them to focus and progress. So how do you make an exceptional child learn and progress?”The Paris-based engineer is making the hard sell … | Continue reading
PRESS RELEASE: MVM Life Science Partners today announced the closing of a $233 million healthcare fund, MVM IV. The fund is MVM's fourth and largest raised to date. MVM IV is investing in medical companies, principally in Europe and the ... | Continue reading
By the time the Form 1 began shipping to Kickstarter backers, the market was already flooded with countless 3D printers built around the same basic plastic extruding technology.But Formlabs offered something different. The Massachusetts-based startup eschewed the RepRap process o … | Continue reading
Quintana 4598, at the corner of Arias street, is a building of 12 functional units. The structure is modular, easily implemented and flexible. | Continue reading
Dish is getting into smartphone repairs. The satellite provider has announced that beginning today, anyone in the United States can request an on-site screen fix or battery replacement, and Dish will send one of its technicians out to handle the job. For now, Dish is only repairi … | Continue reading
Say hello to the Sony STR-DN1070, a $599.99 receiver announced at CES this year and available to purchase now. It's an iterative update on last year's STR-DN1060, supporting Spotify Connect, AirPlay, Google Cast, Bluetooth, six HDMI inputs, and nearly anything else you can think … | Continue reading
WowWee is bringing pro-level drone moves down to earth.The new $79 Lumi, which is now on Indiegogo, can dance, learn choreography and, like drones that cost hundreds more, avoid obstacles on its own.Designed primarily for indoor use, Lumi is a relatively small drone, but features … | Continue reading
Beth Hayden helps new content marketers stop scaring away their prospects, build trust, and start attracting tons of subscribers and sales. | Continue reading
Is it because the creator of Bitcoin could, just maybe, be an Aussie?The day after the mysterious Craig Wright told news outlets he was the father of Bitcoin, which many people continue to very much doubt, the Australian government included a number of crypto-currency-friendly me … | Continue reading
EUflight: Hamburg (ots) - EUflight ist Deutschlands bestes Fluggastrechte-Portal in der Kategorie "Sofortentschädiger". Das ist das Ergebnis einer Studie des unabhängigen Verbrauchermagazins "Finanztip", für das Experten insgesamt 15 Fluggasthelfer, davon ... | Continue reading
Moovit, the VC-backed local transit app that helps travelers find the best route from A to B on public transport, has rolled out Uber integration with its mobile app to more than 100 cities around the world. The San Francisco-based company has raised north of $80 million in fundi … | Continue reading
Late on Friday night, Intel snuck out the news that it’s bailing on the smartphone market. Despite being the world’s best known processor maker, Intel was only a bit player in the mobile space dominated by Qualcomm, Apple, and Samsung, and it finally chose to cut its losses and c … | Continue reading