
This page displays general event information including past and future ENAT events and Events hosted by our Members and partners in Europe and around the world. If you wish to make an Event announcement to the ENAT Community please contact the ENAT editor. The ENAT - Google Acces … | Continue reading | 17 years ago

ENAT Registration and Membership Renewal

ENAT Registration To become a member of ENAT, go to the Members' Area on the left of the Home Page: click the link, "Sign up now" and create a new account. You will be guided through the registration process. Pay the ENAT Membership Fee After registering you must pay the Membersh … | Continue reading | 17 years ago

Hello world!

That’s finally it I’m slowly moving my blog away from I’ve had enough of all the troubles. Besides this website will also host a few projects I’m currently working on… Still need some time to get everything done: migrating my jroller content to this blog, importing t … | Continue reading | 17 years ago

Tumbling towards 2.0

So sorry for the quiet month! We’ve been hard at work on the next iteration of Tumblr, and today we’re ready to pull back the curtain and let you play with some new features we’re totally excited about. Snappy new … Continue reading → | Continue reading | 17 years ago


Python is one of my favorite programming languages due to its terseness and amazing flexibility. See also Django for more. My Stuff Year Item Notes 2016 Sushy my current wiki engine 2015 rss2imap The way I used read my news a while back 2009 PNG Canvas a native Python PNG creatio … | Continue reading | 17 years ago

Exercising our infrastructure

Hi everyone. Unfortunately, yesterday evening the server responsible for our User database suffered a hard drive failure. Database fail-safes kicked in and kept all accounts online and accessible. However, custom themes which are stored as separate meta data needed to … Continue … | Continue reading | 17 years ago

Emergency server maintenance

I’m afraid our User database has suffered a hard crash and is in the process of being restored. Access was not affected, although custom themes will appear reset until the import is complete. Please avoid editing your theme until then. … Continue reading → | Continue reading | 17 years ago

Changes a brewin’

Sorry for the slow week, everyone. We’ve been hard at work finishing updates to Worldwide Fido. We’ve also been polishing up the core Tumblr functionality, so we can spend April focusing on the what I’ll loosely describe as Tumblr’s upcoming … Continue reading → | Continue reading | 18 years ago


Totally apropos, within 30 minutes of sitting down to chat with Digg CEO Jay Adelson (who we just learned is a native New Yorker), we hit the Digg front page. The story is actually a link to a very cool … Continue reading → | Continue reading | 18 years ago

vim and Neovim

vim is my editor of choice, simply due to the fact that I find it extremely efficient (and readily available everywhere). Resources Category Date Link Notes Browser Extensions 2025 wasavi a browser extension that changes a textarea element to a virtual vi editor Extensions 2021 v … | Continue reading | 18 years ago

The Story Behind the Harlem Cultural Festival Featured in 'Summer of Soul'

Continue reading | 18 years ago

The Story Behind the Harlem Cultural Festival Featured in 'Summer of Soul'

Jesse Jackson, Nina Simone, B.B. King and 100,000 spectators gathered for a concert worth remembering | Continue reading | 18 years ago


Quake is the mythical game created by John Carmack and the rest of the id Software folks, and solely responsible for an entire generation’s vastly enhanced spatial visualization skills (as well as the uncanny ability to hit moving objects in mid-air with other moving objects). Or … | Continue reading | 18 years ago


SQLite is my database engine of choice for simple, no-frills stuff, and has of late become popular enough for me not to have to bother compiling it from scratch anywhere. Category Date Link Notes Extensions 2023 sqlite-vss an extension for efficient vector search a bund … | Continue reading | 18 years ago


Scheme is a LISP dialect that has not just gone its own way (as is usual with LISPs) but also achieved IEEE standardization. With a focus on lexical scope and tail call optimization, it actually contributed many of its ideas back into Common LISP. Resources Category Date Link Not … | Continue reading | 18 years ago

This Artwork Recognizes the Sacrifices Made by Native American Soldiers in Vietnam

Taking 'Best in Show' at the Northern Plains Tribal Art Show, the 2002 beadwork tableau is held in the collections of the American Indian Museum | Continue reading | 18 years ago

Are you America’s most energy-inefficient person?

Just got word that Lowe's, Whirlpool, and the U.S. EPA Energy Star program will search this summer for the country's 10 most energy-inefficient families. The lucky winners will receive a home energy makeover "to lower their monthly bills and help save the environment" and a retur … | Continue reading | 18 years ago

It’s All in the List

The First Ever List of Grist Superlatives is now live. Who's the hottest eco-model? The mustachiest geo-green? What's the kinkiest eco-innovation? The most self-defeating anti-Kyoto argument? Check out our picks, then tell us what we botched, missed, or totally nailed. | Continue reading | 18 years ago

Chip in the news

Still more laudatory press coverage for our Maximum Leader, this time in the form of a story from the National Outdoor Leadership School (NOLS), in which Chip participated lo many years ago. It's a great story, but if I can raise the question on everyone's mind: Why must every st … | Continue reading | 18 years ago

Death Rides a Slightly Less Pale Horse

Climate change may not totally wipe out the human species In what passes for good news on global warming these days, a new study has determined that climate sensitivity — the extent to which climate will react to increased greenhouse-gas levels — is likely within the mid-range of … | Continue reading | 18 years ago

Knock, Knock. Hu’s There.

Oil issue looms as Chinese prez visits White House Buying oil from unsavory regimes, thus ensuring their grip on power. Attempting to lock up oil supplies to increase geopolitical influence. Growing heedlessly and unsustainably, polluting the air and water. These are the kinds of … | Continue reading | 18 years ago

We’re So Vain, We Think This Party’s About Us

A dispatch from the launch party for Vanity Fair‘s green issue In case you haven’t noticed, we’re pretty dang excited that our own Chip Giller made the glossy green pages of the latest issue of Vanity Fair. And Vanity Fair‘s pretty excited to exclaim to the world that they’re tur … | Continue reading | 18 years ago

One for the Record Books, If They Survive the Floods

U.S. greenhouse-gas emissions hit record high This week, the feds quietly — as in, tiptoeing in socks, holding breath — released annual stats on U.S. greenhouse-gas emissions, as required by the U.N. climate-change convention. The news is roughly as good as you would expect: The … | Continue reading | 18 years ago

It’s All in the List

Our list of environmental goodies, oddities, and inanities We thought about being earnest this Earth Day — compiling some sort of inspiring list of in-the-trenches eco-heroes who need recognition and encouragement — but then we remembered: we’re Grist. So we bring you instead a c … | Continue reading | 18 years ago

Our Earth Day nod to the year’s goodies, oddities, and inanities

With Earth Day fast approaching, we’re pleased to bring you the First Ever List of Grist Superlatives. It’s our modest take on the year past, and a few predictions for things to come. Miffed about what we missed? You’re welcome to make additions in Gristmill. Soaking up the Sunda … | Continue reading | 18 years ago

Canadian tar sands

Everything you ever wanted to know about the burgeoning efforts to suck oil out of the Canadian tar sands in an enormous, magisterial story by Marianne Lavelle in U.S. News & World Report. | Continue reading | 18 years ago

A dispatch from the launch party for Vanity Fair’s green issue

Wednesday, 19 Apr 2006 New York, N.Y. Why was last night different from all other nights on which people have gathered to party for an environmental crusade? Because it was the launch party for the first green issue of Vanity Fair — a glossy, celebrity-drenched cry to mainstream … | Continue reading | 18 years ago

Really shameless plugging

Turns out CSPAN2 will be carrying our Climate & Culture panel live on Thursday at 12:30 pm EDT. Tune in or watch it here. It's not Vanity Fair, but it's a start ... | Continue reading | 18 years ago

A bipolar solar disorder

Last night, Nova tackled an interesting, less-discussed danger from pollution: global dimming. It hasn't gotten that much attention (outside of Grist, of course) but Nova presented a very compelling and rather harrowing picture. Basically, while the earth has been getting warmer … | Continue reading | 18 years ago

An eco-pentathlon puts students to work on Earth Day

As your Outlook/Blackberry/secretary administrative professional has no doubt alerted you, Saturday is Earth Day: a celebration of all things green and, um, earthly? A celebration not lost on the youth of today. And since lists of the best ways to help the planet on Earth Day are … | Continue reading | 18 years ago

A climate-change compendium

Dear Umbra, I know you don’t make up questions, but in this instance I think it’s acceptable. Could you suggest a collection of resources on climate change? I think it might help us all get better educated on this vital topic. Even if they don’t spend an hour of their Earth Day s … | Continue reading | 18 years ago

Gas prices

Since everybody else on the planet is commenting on the issue, I suppose I should as well: No, high gas prices are not the result of oil-company price gouging or nefariousness. It's the market balancing supply and demand (i.e., you, dear consumer). Yes, politicians -- mostly Demo … | Continue reading | 18 years ago

Green roof of doom

Wal-Mart is building a store inside Chicago city limits with a 67,000 square foot green roof. Unfortunately, Wal-Mart's plants do not absorb rainwater or prevent runoff. They only emit eeeevil. You've been warned. (via TH) | Continue reading | 18 years ago


Have you ever been shopping and wanted to know how environmentally friendly a particular item actually is? Me too, and I have been meaning to propose that someone create the very database that GreenScanner has now developed. | Continue reading | 18 years ago

Global warming wedding-crashers?

I was thinking a bit more about a point David raised yesterday: While it's dandy that groups outside the fold of the mainstream environmental movement, from sportsmen to evangelicals, are expressing concern about global warming, how do we know wily conservatives won't be able to … | Continue reading | 18 years ago

We Hope This Goes Better Than the Whole Dot-Com Thing

Internet bigwigs are putting their money on cleantech Some people know a good investment when they see one: Steve “Founder of AOL” Case, Bill “Founder of Microsoft and Stoopid Rich” Gates, and John “Early Investor in Amazon and Google” Doerr. Now they’re seeing in green technolog … | Continue reading | 18 years ago

Handling large files while avoiding memory shortages in PHP

I've recently had to create a generic text data file uploader in PHP (namely to import tab-delimited fields into a database). After experiencing a few problems related to memory issues, I came up with a solution that might be of interest to some people. Here it is. The idea is to … | Continue reading | 19 years ago

Faire des photos macro avec une boite de Pringles

Toujours voulu faire des photos macros? Jamais eu l'argent pour acheter l'objectif? Cette entrée blog donne une recette DIY (do it yourself) economo-pringlo-dangereuse-mais-bien-coolos pour arriver à de superbes resultats. L'idée est bien trouvée en tout cas! A voir! La photo ci- … | Continue reading | 19 years ago

MyDBO, Generateur de code PHP

MyDBO est pour tous les développeurs PHP/MySQL qui en ont marre de faire et refaire les mêmes fonctions ajout/édition/liste/... sur leurs bases de données pour chaque nouveau site ou application web. Cette application a été créée en PHP, est gratuite, et s'installe très facilemen … | Continue reading | 19 years ago

Le mystère des marges CSS

Eric Meyer, figure du CSS, sur son site complexspiral reprend tous les détails techniques du comportement des marges en CSS. Sujet souvent obscur qui après cet article devient limpide! À lire absolument pour tous ceux qui ne comprennent pas pourquoi les marges disparaissent subit … | Continue reading | 19 years ago

What Made Ed Bearss a Rock Star of Civil War History

On any battlefield, he struck the mystic chords of memory | Continue reading | 19 years ago

A Sculptor's Provocative Memorial Acknowledges the High Cost of Conflict

Paul Thek's haunting sculpture looks beyond the pomp of traditional battle memorials | Continue reading | 19 years ago

Artificial Intelligence

That grand, spacious (and long ignored) branch of computing that I never really found a reason to graduate in (big mistake I only realized 30 years later) and that, these days, deals not just with thinking machines (so-called “hard” AI), but mostly with enhancing the usefulness o … | Continue reading | 21 years ago

The Cardiganed Fred Rogers Was Every Kid's Cozy Comfort Zone

A red sweater in the Smithsonian collections was the trademark of kindness and caring in the indelible 'Mr. Rogers Neighborhood' | Continue reading | 21 years ago

NetNewsWire as a platform

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Spirited Away to get new theatrical release

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Google UI

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