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PlayerUnknown's Battlegrounds sets world record for most concurrent players on Steam

PlayerUnknown's Battlegrounds has had more people play it at once than any other game in Steam history.The game's official Twitter account boasted about this stat, revealing a chart in which its reported 1,342,857 players toppled Dota 2's impressive figure of 1,295,114.PUBG's fig … | Continue reading | 7 years ago


HEREISCONTENT | Continue reading | 7 years ago

Chinese Users Ditch WeChat for Telegram to Conduct Bitcoin Trades

No one will be surprised there is still a big interest in Bitcoin as far as China is concerned. More specifically, enthusiasts are no longer using state-sanctioned messaging apps for this activity. Instead, they are now flocking to Telegram, a messaging app providing end-to-end-e … | Continue reading | 7 years ago

Writing API Clients in Go

The humble API client. A deceptively simple piece of software. Make a request and parse a response. Repeat. With the rise of public web services, API clients have become the main integration point. However, many of the Go clients I encounter are obtuse. Here's my guide for writin … | Continue reading | 7 years ago

You don’t want many options

Don’t get excited about libraries that offer many options | Continue reading | 7 years ago

5 small changes that drastically improve chatbot conversations

GUEST: The current chatbot renaissance has provided a revolutionary new way to connect consumers with brands and with each other. That said, chatbots are still in a bit of a growth phase. Bot makers are still learning how to make their bots successful, and users are still getting … | Continue reading | 7 years ago

10 best reading apps for Android

Reading is awesome. It's relaxing, it's educational, and it's a change to get away from the real world. Here are the best reading apps for Android! | Continue reading | 7 years ago

Make Money Young: Getting Passive Income by Using App Review

Learn How To Make Money By Passive Income By Using Make Money Watching Ads Passively. Make Money Fast and Easy As A Kid Or A Teen. | Continue reading | 7 years ago

Essential Phone now approved to work on Verizon

Essential’s debut smartphone has received approval to run on Verizon, meaning it’s now supported by all four major US carriers. Sprint was the device’s launch partner, so it of course had support, and both AT&T and T-Mobile gave tacit support ahead of the phone’s launch.But Veriz … | Continue reading | 7 years ago

Atelier 111 Architekti Connected Two Housing Units to Create One Big Apartment

We are connecting two housing units (2+1 and a studio) to create one big apartment. The resulting flat of 4 rooms has the total area 116 m2. | Continue reading | 7 years ago

Tether Will Issue Tokenized US Dollars on the Ethereum Blockchain

It is always interesting to keep an eye on tokenized fiat currency. Most people are aware of USDT, a virtual currency pegged to the US Dollar. It now seems the company has partnered with Ethfinex to step things up a bit. More specifically, they are bringing tokenized US Dollars t … | Continue reading | 7 years ago

Action Launcher brings Oreo features to older Android phones

If you have one of the many smartphones that isn’t getting updated to Android Oreo, there’s still a way for you to try out several of its most noticeable features.Action Launcher, one of the many apps that let you customize Android’s home screens, is now able to bring three of Or … | Continue reading | 7 years ago

Finally, a clock that can track all your family and friend's locations

The Eta Clock is a community location device that allows you to track your loved ones' location. Instantly know if someone you care about is safe, even when they don't answer their phone. Read more...More about Location, Clock, Tracking, Real Time, and Real Time Video | Continue reading | 7 years ago

Mexican House Build from Compressed Earth Blocks Formed On-Site

We used it to produce compressed earth blocks (CEB) at the site; these, in addition to providing a real solution that reduce its ... | Continue reading | 7 years ago

When to let your competitors be your investors

GUEST: When startups need money, they typically roll out their slide deck to the usual suspects: VCs, angels, or friends and family. Increasingly, though, more tech and biotech entrepreneurs are looking beyond those traditional sources and seeking capital from what might seem to … | Continue reading | 7 years ago

Voice recognition will transform these 5 industries

GUEST: “Alexa, what time is my next train to work?” “There is a 20-minute delay. The next train departs from Berlin Central Station at 9:42 and will arrive at Westkreuz at 9:54.” “Alexa, please email Janet and Tim to say: Sorry, my train is delayed. I’ll be 10 minutes late for ou … | Continue reading | 7 years ago

Bing now shows fact checks in search results

Following Google’s lead earlier this year, Bing has added fact checking tags to search results.A fact check label might now appear below results from Snopes, PolitFact, and other fact checking organizations, making it much easier to see their ruling on any given claim. Rather tha … | Continue reading | 7 years ago

Download this: the new anonymous app that's going viral with teens

Another anonymous app is at the top of the App Store and it might be because it's figured out anonymous apps' biggest problem: bullying.Called "tbh," short for "to be honest," the app takes an unconventional approach to anonymity. While it allows friends to anonymously communicat … | Continue reading | 7 years ago

It’s Lit: How one LA DJ uses smart lighting to enhance his life

Paid Content By: Philips HueBrian Henry’s life is lit. For the last few years, Henry’s pursued and perfected an occupation that many try — and fail — to make their own: Brian Henry is a DJ. Known professionally as DJ B-Hen, the 33-year old Los Angeles native built momentum over t … | Continue reading | 7 years ago

SRG Announces Token Sale for the First Decentralized Gaming Loyalty Program

The volume of the global e-commerce market in the online games segment was 95.2 billion USD in 2016 and is growing rapidly. Customer loyalty and engagement can make or break companies and SRG understands the needs of creating new ways of attracting and retaining players.It will s … | Continue reading | 7 years ago


Worldcore announces an Initial Coin Offering (ICO), as part of their wider expansion plans.The company envisions to become a worldwide reference for the financial tomorrow, by integrating its successful payment solution into the blockchain sector of economy.  WRC token will becom … | Continue reading | 7 years ago

Sci-fi author Martha Wells on writing a series about a robot that calls itself Murderbot

Earlier this year, I read the first installment of Martha Wells’s Murderbot series, All Systems Red, a novella about a dour, cranky security robot that would rather watch soap operas than interact with people. Oh, and it murdered a bunch of people on an earlier assignment. Next y … | Continue reading | 7 years ago

Twitter says a now-fixed bug allowed ad campaigns to target users with derogatory terms

 Add Twitter to the list of companies that have had to respond to questions around the ability to target ad campaigns against derogatory keywords in their advertising platform, though Twitter says this was a result of a bug. “We determined these few campaigns were able to go thro … | Continue reading | 7 years ago

Oh, the irony: Crypto enables same Ponzi-like behavior it promised to fix

GUEST: The creation and rise of cryptocurrencies can be tied directly to the 2008 financial crisis. Released in 2009, Bitcoin and its underlying blockchain technology was viewed, and marketed, as a way to stabilize the rampant culture of speculation that plagued Wall Street, part … | Continue reading | 7 years ago

California’s internet privacy bill stalled out without a vote

California legislators tried and failed to push through a bill that would have restored the internet privacy rules killed by Congress and the FCC earlier this year.The bill, introduced in June, didn’t manage to make it to the floor for a vote on Friday, which was the last day of … | Continue reading | 7 years ago

BlockMason Token Creation Event Backed by Large Private Purchases

The much-anticipated Token Creation Event for BlockMason’s Credit Protocol has been bolstered by a dramatic development. A recently updated version of BlockMason’s token sale website confirms rumors that a number of large purchasers have bought a portion of the Credit Protocol To … | Continue reading | 7 years ago

A brief recent history of Apple’s product swerves

 Apple did not make the first personal computer, nor the first tablet computer, nor the first smartphone. Measuring it against what comes first is — to paraphrase Steve Jobs — a boneheaded way of looking at the company… Read More | Continue reading | 7 years ago

Gillmor Gang: Staff Infection

 The Gillmor Gang — Doc Searls, Denis Pombriant, Keith Teare, Kevin Marks, and Steve Gillmor. Recorded live Friday, September 15, 2017. Topics: Bitcoin, Apple Watch 3, iPhone X, commodity cloudG3: Control Panel recorded Thursday, September 14, 2017 with Denise Howell, Elisa Camah … | Continue reading | 7 years ago

New trailers: Jennifer Lawrence as an assassin, James Franco as a bad actor, and more

I've mostly skipped all the big Marvel movies, since I haven't been in love with the few that I’ve already seen. But the other week, I had some time to kill and was staying at a hotel across from a movie theater, so I went to go see Spider-Man: Homecoming. And for the first time, … | Continue reading | 7 years ago

Mary Shelley is a gothic romance that can’t be raised from the dead

Welcome to Cheat Sheet, our brief breakdown-style reviews of festival films, VR previews, and other special event releases. This review comes from the Toronto International Film Festival.Film festivals are a great opportunity to spot trends, and at 2017’s edition of the Toronto I … | Continue reading | 7 years ago

Here’s How much Social Media Stars Get Paid

In case you were wondering just how lucrative being a social media personality can be – Recode has written a revealing story about how much certain social media mavens are getting paid to shi… | Continue reading | 7 years ago

Users Guide to Disrupt SF 2017

Disrupt SF approaches with just a couple days until we kick things off. Here are all the deets you need to make for a stellar conference experience. Checking-In Doors open to attendees at 7:00am on Monday and Tuesday and 7:30am on Wednesday. Programming begins at 9am each day. Pr … | Continue reading | 7 years ago

T'would put you off the drink!

T'would put you off the drink! | Continue reading | 7 years ago

Can YouTube be a massive business and a hotbed of rebellion?

YouTube is arguably having its best and worst year. The company recently announced that more than 1.5 billion people log in and view videos each month, putting the service second only to Facebook in terms of global scale. Its revenues are estimated to be growing at upwards of 30 … | Continue reading | 7 years ago

Philippe Starck: Das Ende des Smartphone-Designs ist nahe

Vergangene Woche wurden zwei Smartphones präsentiert, deren Hauptansicht fast ausschließlich aus dem Display besteht, Apples iPhone X und Xiaomis Mi Mix 2, womit sich dann wieder einmal die Frage aufdrängt, ob und was Designer bei solchen... | Continue reading | 7 years ago

GoPro Hero 6 Black leaks again, will shoot 240 fps slow motion at 1080p

Just days after the unreleased, unofficially announced GoPro Hero 6 Black appeared in the wild for the first time, another one has now popped up at a Best Buy in Canada, and with detail. These new pictures, sent in by a tipster, seem to confirm that GoPro’s new camera will carry … | Continue reading | 7 years ago

Lieferdrohne mit Sicherheitskäfig und Origami-Effekt

Wir haben bereits einige Drohnen im Käfig gesehen, allerdings ging es dabei immer um den Schutz des Vehikels vor Kollisionen. Anders sieht es bei der PackDrone aus, die von der Firma NCCR Robotics und Schweizer Hochschulen entwickelt wurde: Hier... | Continue reading | 7 years ago

20+ Productivity Apps That Will Give You More Time to Run Your Business [Infographic]

Are you a busy entrepreneur struggling to fit essential tasks into your day? Looking for ways to streamline your existing processes and free up some more time? | Continue reading | 7 years ago

PhotoSpring lets you share thousands of family photos without much pain

Digital photo frames have been around for a while, but PhotoSpring shows how far they’ve come, as it can store thousands of photos and videos for families to share with elderly relatives. PhotoSpring has created a tablet-like device with a 10.1-inch IPS screen. The Wi-Fi connecte … | Continue reading | 7 years ago

Best laptop deals on Apple, HP, Dell, and more of the week’s tech sales

Mid-September is typically a slow time for deals, as Labor Day promotions have come and gone and there’s not a lot of sales happening. This week we rounded up 12 deals that we are excited about, including several laptops under $1,000.Computing HP 8th Generation Intel Products: Ge … | Continue reading | 7 years ago