Mario + Rabbids: Kingdom Battle is what would happen if XCOM devs dropped acid

Nintendo announced last year that it is planning to generate more money from its world-famous characters by licensing them out to other companies, and that has led to one of the most bizarre crossover mashups at the influential Electronic Entertainment Expo game industry event in … | Continue reading | 7 years ago

Shape-shifting ‘4D’ printed objects could pave the way for outer space structures

 It takes a lot of money to launch stuff into space — even by NASA terms. The cost ranges from around $9,000 to more than $40,000 per pound. With that sort of price tag, weight and space are at a major premium with shuttle missions, causing NASA to look for innovative new ways to … | Continue reading | 7 years ago

A discussion about AI’s conflicts and challenges

 “The competition for talent at the moment is absolutely ferocious,” agrees Professor Andrew Blake, whose computer vision PhD was obtained in 1983, but who is now, among other things, a scientific advisor to UK-based autonomous vehicle software startup, FiveAI, which is aiming to … | Continue reading | 7 years ago

Susan Fowler says Uber’s apology to former riders is ‘all optics’

 Uber apologized to some former riders in New York City and in other markets via email on Friday, saying that the company is aware it has “fallen short” and failed to prioritize the needs of its riders, drivers and employees, Business Insider reports. But throughout this entire f … | Continue reading | 7 years ago

The chained church at Kálfafellsstaður.

The chained church at Kálfafellsstaður. | Continue reading | 7 years ago

How to set up two-factor authentication on all your online accounts

Just about any account you own on the internet is prone to being hacked — and one of the easiest ways to add an extra layer of security is to enable two-factor authentication. Also known as two-step verification or 2FA, the process gives web services a secondary access to the acc … | Continue reading | 7 years ago

VR-Videos: YouTube zeigt, wohin Zuschauerblicke wandern

YouTube unterstützt schon seit einer gefühlten Ewigkeit VR- bzw. 360-Grad-Videos, aber offensichtlich ist Google mit der Qualität der stetig wachsenden VR-Sammlung noch nicht richtig zufrieden, jedenfalls will man Uploadern jetzt mittels... | Continue reading | 7 years ago

Girl Scouts will become white hat hackers with new cybersecurity badges

Girl Scouts will soon be ready to take over your IT department. The organization is teaming up with Palo Alto Networks, an internet security company, to introduce a set of new badges to promote computer and internet literacy and cybersecurity. The initiative aims to foster educat … | Continue reading | 7 years ago

A Mistrial in the Cosby Case

The judge in the Bill Cosby sexual assault trial declared a mistrial Saturday after jurors remained deadlocked after six days of deliberations. Shortly after the mistrial was declared, vowed to retry Cosby in the only criminal case brought against the former actor and comedian wh … | Continue reading | 7 years ago

Live a stress-free life with a lifetime of Aura’s premium meditation service for over 80 percent off

You’re probably reading this post with a fidget spinner in your hands, aren’t you? Relieving stress and anxiety is almost a full-time job in itself, which has fueled a host of app services aimed at helping you relax and de-clutter your thoughts. Aura Premium packs a litany of top … | Continue reading | 7 years ago

Jeff Vandermeer's new novel Borne is all about intelligent biotech and flying bears

Jeff Vandermeer is known for his surreal and unsettling stories. Look no further than his Southern Reach trilogy (Annihilation, Authority, and Acceptance), which told the story of a region of the country cut off from civilization, where nature is left to reclaim the space in stra … | Continue reading | 7 years ago

5 ways computer vision could impact how we do AI

GUEST: This is an exciting time for those of us in computer vision — we’re seeing it merge with AI to enable all kinds of new possibilities. At the LDV Vision Summit in New York a few weeks ago, I came away with five key insights about where computer vision will impact AI: 1. Sma … | Continue reading | 7 years ago

Big sales on the Amazon Echo, Samsung Chromebook, and more of the week’s best tech deals

Remember when everyone was panicking for last-minute Mother’s Day gifts back in May? Well, it’s time to do that all over again for Father’s Day — which, in case you forgot, is tomorrow, June 18th. It’s probably too late to order something that’ll arrive in time, but maybe you can … | Continue reading | 7 years ago

Planetary Resources is pulling the plug on its Earth observatory satellite network

Space startup Planetary Resources is killing its nascent Earth observation system, Ceres, opting to focus on its core mission of asteroid mining. Planetary Resources announced its the project in May 2016, saying that it would spend $21.1 million to equip 10 Arkyd satellites with … | Continue reading | 7 years ago

Jekca: Das Lego für lebensgroße Katzen-Skulpturen

Die Hongkonger Firma Jekca produziert Lego-artige Bausteine in verschiedenen Größen, die durch arretierbare Aussteifungsstäbe besonders stabile Konstruktionen ermöglichen, zudem lassen sich anders als mit Lego auch problemlos weit... | Continue reading | 7 years ago

New trailers: Transparent, Flatliners, Detroit, and more

I'm not usually a fan of horror movies. But every once and a while there are films like The Witch that, instead of going for straight-up horror, are just dark and tense through and through — and that I kind of love. The latest is It Comes at Night, and I'll just point you to my c … | Continue reading | 7 years ago

Beat the summer heat with a pet-like cooler that follows you around

Two engineers of Hacker House created an autonomous 'Follow Me Cooler' that you can DIY. It uses Bluetooth to create GPS coordinates so it can follow you around or make its way to a friend across the park. If you're up for the challenge, you can build one of these yourself. It re … | Continue reading | 7 years ago

Our Customers? Who Cares?

On CEIR's blog , adman Gary Slack laments the tradeshow industry's thundering indifference to customers—an indifference, alas, I can vo... | Continue reading | 7 years ago

This week in apps: Hide Instagram selfies, Father's Day photos, and other digital updates

It's possible that you couldn't keep up with the latest and greatest app updates this week considering all the internet buzz around Jeff Session's testimony. If that's the case, take a chill pill. We've kept up for you.SEE ALSO: 10 classic apps Apple is killing with iOS 11Each we … | Continue reading | 7 years ago

Smaki dzieciństwa na podwieczorek. Leniwe kluski z brzoskwiniami i prażonymi herbatnikami

*  *  * Kiedy byłam dzieckiem lane kluseczki były częstym i bardzo lubianym podwieczorkiem. Dzisiaj chętnie do nich wracam – z nieco małą modyfikacją – używam mniej mąki a twaróg miksuję na bardzo gładką masę. Zdarza się, że kupuję już zmielony twaróg lub serek śmietankowy z tzw. … | Continue reading | 7 years ago

Your sense of smell is much stronger than you think

My dog spends a lot of time sniffing the ground with her adorable little nose. She doesn’t care what she finds: grass, cement, flowers, fire hydrants, poop, trash cans, fences, buildings — it’s all an exciting adventure of scents to her. And when you see that kind of behavior — n … | Continue reading | 7 years ago

Here comes PragueCrunch V

 I’ve been visiting Central Europe almost every year and almost every year my buddy Jack Deneut has been setting up PragueCrunch, our kind-of-semi-annual celebration of Czech startups. And it’s happening again this year! The event is on July 13, 2017 at Riegrovy Sady Beer Garden. … | Continue reading | 7 years ago

Here’s what it’ll be like to hail one of Airbus’ futuristic flying taxis

Deborah is a computer-generated human who needs to get from the Hotel de Anza in San Jose to Yerba Buena Gardens in San Francisco, post haste. Traffic on the 101 is a nightmare, so rather than spending hours in traffic, she whips out her smartphone and hails an electric, vertical … | Continue reading | 7 years ago

Trick 17: Luftdruck und -Temperatur-Unterschiede filmen

YouTuber Derek Muller widmet sich ja am liebsten wissenschaftliche Kuriositäten mit DIY-Faktor, mit der sogenannten Schlierenfotografie ist er daher voll in seinem Element: Mit der Technik lassen sich feinere Unterschiede bzw. Schwankungen von... | Continue reading | 7 years ago

A better boardroom can reverse Uber’s cultural woes

 Probably the last thing Uber needs right now is to have anyone recount their recent setbacks, but the company’s quick, Icarus-like fall from grace tells us much about how tech companies going through hyper growth can go wrong.By 2016, the ride-sharing tech firm was a segment lea … | Continue reading | 7 years ago

Hypponen’s Law and the Future of the IoT

“If you plug something into the electrical grid in the future, you will also plug it into the internet grid,” Mikko Hypponen, F-Secure’s Chief Research Officer, said at the launch evening of Vodafone IoT Hackathon at the Digital Catapult Centre in London, before introducing the “ … | Continue reading | 7 years ago

The Film That’s Missing From the ‘Century’s Greatest’ Lists

As film critics at The New York Times weigh in on “The 25 Best Films of the 21st Century So Far,” inspiring rival choices from Hollywood directors and the cinephile Ross Douthat, an exceptional  film that I hold in the highest esteem has gone unrecognized.Italian director Paolo S … | Continue reading | 7 years ago

The Normalization of Conspiracy Culture

The catastrophe wasn’t what it seemed. It was an inside job, people whispered. Rome didn’t have to burn to the ground.Nearly 2,000 years ago, after the Great Fire of Rome leveled most of the city, Romans questioned whether the emperor Nero had ordered his guards to start the infe … | Continue reading | 7 years ago

Murakami and Flash Fiction: The Week in Pop-Culture Writing

Haruki Murakami’s Lonely MenJess Zimmerman | The New Republic“It’s only when surrounded by light surrealism that the characteristic Murakami detachment can achieve its ambition. When his writing is at its best, his characters act as a fisheye lens through which to scrutinize a sl … | Continue reading | 7 years ago

Arundhati Roy’s Fascinating Mess

On the night she won the Booker Prize in 1997 for her novel, The God of Small Things, Arundhati Roy had a strange and frightening dream. She was a fish being ripped from the water by a bony emerald hand. A voice instructed her to make a wish. Put me back, she responded. She knew … | Continue reading | 7 years ago

Kein TÜV: Berliner Polizei zieht Transformers aus dem Verkehr

Die Berliner Polizei hat im Rahmen einer Routinekontrolle die beiden Transformers-Vehikel Bumblebee und Barricade aus dem Verkehr gezogen, die Paramount Pictures Germany auf die Hauptstadtstraßen geschickt hatte, um für die Kinopremiere von... | Continue reading | 7 years ago

Jelly Deals: Splatoon 2, Wolfenstein 2, free Rocket League and more

A note from the editor: Jelly Deals is a deals site launched by our parent company, Gamer Network, with a mission to find the best bargains out there. Look out for the Jelly Deals roundup of reduced-price games and kit every Saturday on Eurogamer.Just like that, E3 has ended for … | Continue reading | 7 years ago

Coinbase to White Hat Hacker: We Don't Want Your Bitcoin

Black hat hackers are asking for bitcoin. White hat hackers, at the behest of clients need to pay up. But Coinbase is kicking the 'good guys' out. Source | Continue reading | 7 years ago

Forza Motorsport 7: Xbox One X's true 4K showcase delivers

We went to E3 looking for the software pay-off to the Xbox One X hardware reveal and emerged baffled by the lack of games - specifically, the true 4K titles… | Continue reading | 7 years ago

Ethereum's ERC-20 Tokens Are All the Rage. But What Are They Anyway?

At the root of a high-profile wave of mega-ICO fundraising efforts on ethereum is a token standard called ERC-20. So what is it anyway? | Continue reading | 7 years ago

POV-Schwindel: Spider-Man-Adept erklettert 117 Meter hohe Fassade

Free Climber Alain Robert bezeichnet sich selbst als "französischen Spider-Man" und auch wenn er keinerlei Mutationen zu bieten hat, eifert er seinem Idol tüchtig nach, wie er gerade wieder in Barcelona unter Beweis gestellt hat, als er die... | Continue reading | 7 years ago

Reality is Finally Better Than Your Dreams

My Weekend Update includes great content I found this week including, "Reality is Finally Better Than Your Dreams." | Continue reading | 7 years ago

This Week in Content Marketing: Is Google’s Ad-Blocking Plan Good or Evil?

We explore Google's ad-blocking plan, some brewing tensions in the craft beer community, and share rants, raves, and more – Content Marketing Institute | Continue reading | 7 years ago

How the AHCA Could Cause an Economic Downturn

If there’s any single binding policy narrative for the first five months of Donald Trump’s presidency, it’s that the president is against regulations that kill jobs. In his June 1 Rose Garden speech announcing the U.S. withdrawal from the Paris climate agreement, Trump bemoaned i … | Continue reading | 7 years ago

Vacation's All They Ever Wanted

When Congress wants not to get something done—like, say, tackle hot button legislation that could prove awkward for certain members even to vote on—its favorite trick is to run out the clock.Shucks! We so desperately wanted to pass this high-profile tax reform/health care plan/ap … | Continue reading | 7 years ago

Virginia's Wake-up Call to the GOP Establishment

Ever since Donald Trump became president, wary Republican elites have believed he was an anomaly—a unique candidate who owed his success to celebrity appeal and weak opposition, despite some noxious views and behavior. Take away Trump the person, they believed, and there would be … | Continue reading | 7 years ago

Blame Charles Mochet

The standards of your industry and our culture were set a long time ago. So long ago that we often forget why... we forget and then we fail to change them. In 1934, the rules of bike racing were changed...        | Continue reading | 7 years ago

Does Bad Health Care Constitute Cruel and Unusual Punishment?

CHICAGO—In 2010, the court of the Northern District of Illinois received a handwritten complaint from Don Lippert, a diabetic inmate at Stateville Correctional Center outside of this city, claiming he was being denied his twice-daily dose of insulin. In the roughly six years sinc … | Continue reading | 7 years ago

The Fate of French Populism

At first glance, the wunderkind seemed to have done it again.June 11 marked an unambiguous triumph for Emmanuel Macron, France’s newly elected president. In the first round of the country’s legislative elections, the 39-year-old’s La République En Marche (LREM) coalition led all … | Continue reading | 7 years ago

Atari baut tatsächlich eine neue Game-Konsole

Letzte Woche bei der Spielemesse E3 sorgte nicht nur Microsoft für Hardware-Gesprächsstoff, sondern auch ein Teaser-Video von Atari, in dem eine neue Spielkonsole angekündigt bzw. angedeutet wird. Auf der Messe spekulierte man allerdings... | Continue reading | 7 years ago

LA: Bat-Signal am Rathaus erweist Batman-Darsteller letzte Ehre

Letzte Woche wurde bekannt, dass der einzig wahre Batman-Darsteller tot ist: Adam West gab den Fledermausmann Ende der Sechzigerjahre in nicht weniger als 120 Folgen der klassischen Batman-TV-Serie, am 9. Juni erlag der Schauspieler einer Leukämie-Erkrankung.... | Continue reading | 7 years ago

25 Stunning Chair Covers

Chair covers and decorations can transform standard furniture into something exquisite. Add to your event aesthetic with these stunning ideas and examples. Ugly chairs can ruin the effect of your event, whereas spruced up seating can help make an impact. Chair covers and other de … | Continue reading | 7 years ago

Ellie Gibson on E3

In the beginning was the word, and the word was: "EXCLUSIVE." And Lo, the word did boom out across the Microsoft E3 conference at regular intervals, as tho… | Continue reading | 7 years ago