DeMar DeRozan, James Harden named Players of the Week

NEW YORK -- The Toronto Raptors’ DeMar DeRozan and the Houston Rockets’ James Harden today were named NBA Eastern and Western Conference Players of the Week, respectively, for games | Continue reading | 7 years ago

Assassin’s Creed review: soars over the low bar of video game movies

Video game movies are sometimes mocked for forcing dramatic story arcs onto things that are essentially non-narrative, like the endless shooting gallery of Doom, or the physics puzzles of Angry Birds. But when filmmakers take on projects like Assassin’s Creed, based on the Ubisof … | Continue reading | 7 years ago

Rheinische Post: Kommentar / Grüne unter Zugzwang = Von Thomas Reisener

Rheinische Post: Düsseldorf (ots) - In der Politik ist es wie im Leben: Manchmal will man sich so unbedingt und schnell versöhnen und liegt sich schon wieder in den Armen, noch bevor die Streitursache ausgeräumt ist. Solche Versöhnungen halten nicht lang. So geht es ... | Continue reading | 7 years ago

Rheinische Post: Kommentar / Pariser Justiz-Murks = Von Jochen Gottschalk

Rheinische Post: Düsseldorf (ots) - Die Chefin des Internationalen Währungsfonds IWF ist in Paris verurteilt worden. Christine Lagarde soll sich in ihrer Zeit als französische Finanzministerin der Nachlässigkeit in einem Schiedsgerichtsverfahren schuldig gemacht ... | Continue reading | 7 years ago

Westfalen-Blatt: zu IWF-Chefin Christine Lagarde

Westfalen-Blatt: Bielefeld (ots) - Christine Lagarde war sich ihrer Sache sicher. Wie sonst konnte sie das Gericht vor dem Urteilsspruch, von dem doch ihre Zukunft als IWF-Chefin abhing, in Richtung Washington verlassen? Sie konnte sich ihrer Sache sicher sein - ... | Continue reading | 7 years ago

Westfalen-Blatt: zum Weihnachtsstreit

Westfalen-Blatt: Bielefeld (ots) - Den Weihnachtsstreit an der türkisch-deutschen Schule in Istanbul haben Außenministerium und Kanzleramt für beendet erklärt. Dass ein führender Politiker der Erdogan-Partei AKP mit Begriffen wie »Missionierung« noch mehr Öl ins ... | Continue reading | 7 years ago

Westfalen-Blatt: zum Atom-Abkommen

Bielefeld (ots) - Was ist ein Abkommen zur Atomsicherheit wert, wenn es keine Sicherheit schafft? Das Papier, das Deutschland und Belgien jetzt unterschrieben haben, mag den... | Continue reading | 7 years ago

Laura Roeder on Building a Business that Supports the Lifestyle You Love

This episode of The Digital Entrepreneur features Laura Roeder, who helps small businesses succeed by making social media marketing plain and simple. | Continue reading | 7 years ago

How Google and Improbable help developers make massive online games for cheap

Last week, Google teamed up with the London startup Improbable to enable even the smallest developers to develop massive online games at low costs. Improbable has created SpatialOS, software that enables small companies to create massive, cloud-based simulations for online games, … | Continue reading | 7 years ago

Rheinische Post: Kommentar / Der Terror reicht von Aleppo nach Ankara = Von Matthias Beermann

Düsseldorf (ots) - Der russische Botschafter wird mitten in Ankara erschossen. In einem Land also, das sich seit dem Sommer im Ausnahmezustand befindet, wo drastische... | Continue reading | 7 years ago

Hyundai’s self-driving system aims at affordability

Automaker Hyundai wants you to know that it’s also embracing the race to autonomous driving – but it’s also hoping to do so in a way that differs from the approaches of most automakers, in striving for tech that will both be available in vehicles owned by individuals, and that wi … | Continue reading | 7 years ago

The mystery of Spotify’s truly messed up Korn ornaments

If you received a Korn-themed ornament (otherwise known as a “Kornament”) as a holiday gift from the music streaming service Spotify this year, I have two questions for you: Why didn’t you send me an email as I so politely requested via my public tweets several days ago? What did … | Continue reading | 7 years ago

A strange tale of Central European startups, angry investors, and secret NDAs

Last month a strange story appeared in the Polish press. It was about an American consultant living in Denver who had been “preying” on Polish startups, promising them investor contacts and customers in America. The story started breathlessly enough. Here it is in translation:The … | Continue reading | 7 years ago

NASA Petitioned to Send Bitcoins to Mars

[…]The post NASA Petitioned to Send Bitcoins to Mars appeared first on CryptoCoinsNews. | Continue reading | 7 years ago

10 Most Shared JavaScript Scene Posts of 2016

2016 was a stellar year for JavaScript Scene. We doubled our readership to more than half a million per month. Thank you for your support…Continue reading on JavaScript Scene » | Continue reading | 7 years ago

This Alexa-enabled coffee pot isn’t great at making coffee, but dang it’s cute

It was only about a month ago that we discovered the Alexa-enabled Big Mouth Billy Bass, and now a couple of enterprising college students have created a muppet-esque talking coffee pot. To get their device working, the two students, David Frank and Carter Hurd, ran Alexa on a Ra … | Continue reading | 7 years ago

Ask Yourself The Right Questions

The very nature of the brain is that it is inherently programmed to find answers to any question you should ask. Questions have the power to change anything | Continue reading | 7 years ago

The Top 6 Reasons Why You Should Use Influencer Marketing in 2017

Based on a survey of rising digital influencers, here are the top 6 reasons why you should incorporate influencer marketing into your 2017 strategy. | Continue reading | 7 years ago

The Top 6 Reasons Why You Should Use Influencer Marketing in 2017

It is pretty clear that influencer marketing is set to dominate in 2017, but are you still not convinced? A report released by influencer marketing platform Julius might just change your mind. After surveying rising digital influencers, moreThe post The Top 6 Reasons Why Y … | Continue reading

@alltop | 7 years ago

Neo-Nazis are targeting Jewish people in small-town Montana

White supremacists made calls last week urging their online supporters to harass Jewish people in Whitefish, Montana. The anti-Semitic attacks come after Sherry Spencer, mother of prominent white nationalist and alt-right leader Richard Spencer, claimed the reaction to her son’s … | Continue reading | 7 years ago

Börsen-Zeitung: Gabriels frohe Botschaft,Kommentar zur Bilanz des Wirtschaftsministers von Angela Wefers

Börsen-Zeitung: Frankfurt (ots) - Kurz vor Jahresschluss hat Bundeswirtschaftsminister Sigmar Gabriel (SPD) Bilanz seiner Amtszeit gezogen. Das ist ungewöhnlich, geht der Wirtschaftsminister doch sonst ohnehin Ende Januar vor die Presse, um den ... | Continue reading | 7 years ago

Facebook Messenger challenges Skype with support for group video chat

Facebook Messenger is rolling out an update that adds support for group video chatting, challenging Skype and other apps with support for up to six people at a time. | Continue reading | 7 years ago

Badische Neueste Nachrichten: Konfliktscheu - Kommentar von RUDI WAIS

Badische Neueste Nachrichten: Karlsruhe (ots) - Nur weil sich nach zwei turbulenten Tagen nun alles in einem erzwungenen vorweihnachtlichen Frieden auflöst, ist das Problem dahinter ja noch nicht gelöst. So lange Angela Merkel ihm das Gefühl gibt, auf ihn vor allem komme es an, . … | Continue reading | 7 years ago

Pregnancy leads to brain changes that help mothers care for their babies

Pregnancy changes women’s brains in ways that help them bond with and care for their babies, new research shows. These changes in brain structure were found to last for two years after birth, suggesting that pregnancy physiologically changes mothers to understand their babies’ ne … | Continue reading | 7 years ago

Original six Mega Man games are coming to mobile next month

UPDATE 19/12/2016 8.08pm: Capcom has clarified that the upcoming Mega Man titles will not technically be the Legacy Collection, but will contain the same ga… | Continue reading | 7 years ago

Mark Zuckerberg tried to connect his DIY smart home to a gray t-shirt cannon

In a post today, Mark Zuckerberg revealed the details of his ambitious year-long project to build his own “Home AI.” Dubbed Jarvis, the system is basically an advanced Smart Home, letting you give voice and text commands to any device in the house. The Facebook CEO is a little la … | Continue reading | 7 years ago

More NES Classics are coming to Best Buy just in time for Christmas

Time is running out to get an NES Classic Edition before Christmas. If you still need one, you should plan on checking out Best Buy tomorrow. The retailer says that it will have a limited number of the throwback consoles in-stock at many of its locations around the United States … | Continue reading | 7 years ago

Quick! What Can You Systematize Before 2017?

This episode of The Showrunner is the first of a three-part series that will enable you to take your podcast to new heights in the new year. | Continue reading | 7 years ago

Hier kommt der erste Trailer von Blade Runner 2049

Einer der wichtigsten Science-Fiction-Filme aller Zeiten, Bladerunner, bekommt eine Fortsetzung. Das dürfte soweit bereits bekannt sein, nun aber gibt es einen ersten Trailer zu "Blade Runner 2049". Der Film von Regisseur Denis Villeneuve ("Sicario"... | Continue reading | 7 years ago

Melt whatever you want, but leave this sleeping egg yolk out of it

The first time I watched Raiders of the Lost Ark, I was hypnotized by its iconic face melting scene. I found myself entranced by its waxy effect. The intent was nasty. The execution, oddly artistic. I suddenly found candles far more intriguing. In the online age, there’s a place … | Continue reading | 7 years ago

Samsung Galaxy J3 Emerge is coming on January 6 to Sprint, Boost, and Virgin Mobile

EXCLUSIVE: Sprint is preparing to release the second generation of the entry-level Samsung Galaxy J3 on the three carriers which share its network, including both its Virgin Mobile and Boost Mobile prepaid arms, starting on January 6. Widely known in its pre-release state as the … | Continue reading | 7 years ago

Night in the Woods has been delayed until February

Coming-of-age dramedy Night in the Woods has been pushed back a few weeks to "the first part of February."Recently scheduled for a 10th January launch on PS4, PC, Mac and Linux, developer Infinite Fall ran into a few snafus with certification as the three-person studio is releasi … | Continue reading | 7 years ago

79 percent of Americans now shop online, but it’s cost more than convenience that sways them

Eight in 10 Americans are now shopping online, according to a new study from Pew Research out this morning. That’s 79 percent of U.S. consumers who shop on the web or their phones, up from just 22 percent back in 2000. Over half (51 percent) have also bought something from their … | Continue reading | 7 years ago

5 Lightning headphones to stuff in the stockings of iPhone 7 owners

Since Apple killed the 3.5mm headphone jack for the iPhone 7, you now have three options for on-the-go music — go wireless, use an adapter or get special headphones with a Lightning connector.Wireless can be pricey and unwieldy and those pesky dongles are prone to getting lost, s … | Continue reading | 7 years ago

Study: You’re secretly being trained to break your iPhone on purpose

Buying a new iPhone whenever a new one is released would sure help Apple's bottomline, but it's not so nice on your wallet. Of course, it's slightly easier to justify to yourself when you're forced to upgrade your phone when it's broken.But what if you're "accidentally" breaking … | Continue reading | 7 years ago

Neue Westfälische (Bielefeld): Personalnot bei der JustizEs geht nur über GeldFlorian Pfitzner, Düsseldorf

Neue Westfälische (Bielefeld): Bielefeld (ots) - Sie heißen Freshfields, Beiten Burkhardt oder Taylor Wessing - mächtige Konkurrenten, die dem deutschen Justizapparat häufig die leistungsstärksten Hochschulabsolventen abjagen, bevor sie überhaupt die Vorteile des Öffentlichen ... | Continue reading | 7 years ago

WAZ: Frage der Gerechtigkeit - Kommentar von Michael Kohlstadt zu Kindergeld-Betrug

Westdeutsche Allgemeine Zeitung: Essen (ots) - Eigentlich ist die Debatte über den missbräuchlichen Kindergeldbezug ein alter Hut. Seit Jahren klagen Bürger und Behörden darüber, wie es bestimmten Gruppierungen von EU-Ausländern gelingt, die deutschen Sozialsysteme zu ihrem Vorte … | Continue reading | 7 years ago

WAZ: Ein Konsument, so gläsern wie nie - Stephanie Weltmann über Bonuskarten

Westdeutsche Allgemeine Zeitung: Essen (ots) - Am stoischen Duktus mancher Verkäuferin hätte sich wohl selbst der griechische Felsenschieber Sisyphos abgekämpft: Ob im Bekleidungsgeschäft, an der Tankstelle oder im Buchhandel, auch der schnödeste Alltagseinkauf gilt erst mit dies … | Continue reading | 7 years ago

Lausitzer Rundschau: Eine Vorschrift für den Ofen - Zum Streit um ein innerstädtisches Fahrverbot für Dieselautos

Lausitzer Rundschau: Cottbus (ots) - Man verlangt von Deutschen, Ausländern, Rentnern, Gastwirten, Steuerzahlern, überhaupt von allen, dass sie die Gesetze einhalten. Und zwar penibel. Verlangt man es auch von der Industrie? Die Feinstaub- und Stickoxidgrenzwerte sind ... | Continue reading | 7 years ago

What phone are you most looking forward to in 2017? [Poll of the Week]

What phone are you most looking forward to in 2017? Are you excited for the Galaxy S8 or the successor to the Google Pixel? Be sure to cast your vote in our latest Poll of the Week! | Continue reading | 7 years ago

Facebook encourages text statuses with new colored backgrounds

Facebook’s core attraction isn’t news articles you could find anywhere, it’s intimate posts from your real friends. That explains why Facebook is trying to make highly personal text statuses as eye-catching as photos with the new test of a colored background option.The feature le … | Continue reading | 7 years ago

The ultimate guide to sending holiday e-cards

Don't.*Easy, right? Listen, we get it: Putting together a paper holiday card is time-consuming and costly. So-called "e-cards" solve both of these problems in that they're quick to distribute and inexpensive, even free.SEE ALSO: Stephen Colbert's 'Charlie Brown' Christmas special … | Continue reading | 7 years ago

Mitteldeutsche Zeitung: zu Atomkraft

Mitteldeutsche Zeitung: Halle (ots) - Dass sich Fachleute bilateral treffen und austauschen - schön und gut. Dass man gegenseitig Meiler besucht, klingt ebenfalls brauchbar. Doch das sind keine Visiten, die irgendwelche Erkenntnisse über den wahren Stand der ... | Continue reading | 7 years ago

Thundersofts Akquisition von Rightware stärkt deren führende Position auf dem schnell wachsenden Markt für verbundene Fahrzeugsoftware

Rightware: Helsinki und Beijing (ots/PRNewswire) - Rightware, der führende Anbieter von Benutzeroberflächensoftware für Fahrzeuge, gab heute die Akquisition durch Thundersoft bekannt, dem weltweit führenden Anbieter von Betriebssystemen und ... | Continue reading | 7 years ago

Zuckerberg’s Jarvis home AI is like an Alexa that learns your musical tastes

Mark Zuckerberg set himself an ambitious personal project for 2016 – build a connected artificial assistant to help him automate certain tasks at home, including things like controlling the lights, watching for visitors and operating appliances. Zuckerberg said on Facebook that h … | Continue reading | 7 years ago

Mitteldeutsche Zeitung: zu Kulturhauptstadt

Mitteldeutsche Zeitung: Halle (ots) - Wroclaw, das frühere Breslau, hat mit seiner exemplarischen Geschichte eine Marke gesetzt: Wechselnde Herrschaften, multi-ethnische Besiedlung, grausame Kriegszerstörung und die Zeugnisse der großen Kultur wie der großen ... | Continue reading | 7 years ago

Mitteldeutsche Zeitung: zu Türkei und Weihnachten

Mitteldeutsche Zeitung: Halle (ots) - Der Weihnachtsstreit und dessen nun verkündete Befriedung zeigen aber, dass es wenig hilfreich ist, bei jedem Nachweis einer erhöhten Körpertemperatur gleich die Diagnose Diktatur zu erstellen. Die gesellschaftspolitischen Signale, die ... | Continue reading | 7 years ago

Here's a solution to our plastic problem

A German company is producing disposable plates entirely made out of leaves as an alternative to plastic packaging. One plate, on average, costs around 50 cents and is 100% biodegradable. Read more...More about Plastic Waste, Craft, Asia, Germany, and India | Continue reading | 7 years ago