No headphone jack? No problem. Here's some wireless headphones to choose from

Rumors have it that the new iPhone, which is being launched later today, will have no headphone jack. Without any sort of official confirmation, we can't be certain about this, but there are many, many strong indications that Apple will indeed get rid of the trusty old 3.5 mm aud … | Continue reading | 8 years ago

Cuba is blocking text messages that contain words like 'democracy'

The Cuban government is blocking text messages that contain words such as "democracy," "human rights," and "hunger strike," according to an investigation from local dissidents. In a Spanish-language report published last week, prominent blogger Yoani Sanchez and journalist Reinal … | Continue reading | 8 years ago

“Unlocking Sound Collections”, Europeana Sounds second international conference

Vilnius (Lithuania), 4 November 2016 The Europeana Sounds project organises its final international conference – “Unlocking Sound Collections” – on Friday 4th November 2016 in Vilnius, the capital city of Lithuania. After the success of its first international conference in 2015, … | Continue reading | 8 years ago

Bitcoin Price Watch; Let The Season Begin…

Things are getting back in to full swing in the financial markets now, and we are going to look for a big month in the bitcoin price. We’ve had a pretty flat quarter so far (not unexpected, but still a bit frustrating) and it’s now time to move things up a gear and get in … Conti … | Continue reading | 8 years ago

Top 10 Trends in Event Branding [Webinar]

How can you build a strong brand for your event? Join us for this free webinar to learn about event branding and how to set yourself apart from the competition. Branding starts from the moment your event is booked. The “brand” is part of every element and attendee touchpoint. Thi … | Continue reading | 8 years ago

Neue Firefox-Version soll rasant schneller werden

Mozilla haben ihre neuste Firefox-Version, Codename Electrolysis, an einem Prozent ihrer Nutzer ausprobiert und berichten fantastisches: Dank der neuen Multi-Prozess-Architektur reagiere der Browser in einem Viertel der Zeit, bei besonders großen... | Continue reading | 8 years ago

Instagram is killing off one of its coolest features

Photo Map, one of my favorite features on Instagram, is getting the ax. The feature allowed you to to check out all the pictures shared by a user in various locations around the globe, with thumbnails representing the photos on a map. Instagram confirmed to Mashable that it was i … | Continue reading | 8 years ago

PlayStation VR demo disc contains eight games

Unpack your PlayStation VR and you'll be able to strap yourself into eight virtual reality demos straight away.Sony is including a PSVR demo disc with a sel… | Continue reading | 8 years ago

Watch Google's response to Microsoft’s Chrome battery complaints

Microsoft kicked off a battery life war with Chrome and Opera earlier this year, and Google is finally responding. Microsoft used a number of Surface Books side-by-side to compare battery life across Firefox, Edge, Chrome, and Opera, and it showed that using Chrome was really bad … | Continue reading | 8 years ago

Filety z kurczaka zapiekane pod kremowym sosem szpinakowym

To danie wbrew pozorom bardzo łatwo się przygotowuje! W czasie gdy filety z kurczaka pieką się w piekarniku, na patelni robimy kremowy sos szpinakowy, doprawiony czosnkiem i gałką muszkatołową. Pod koniec pieczenia filety polewamy sosem, wierzch posypujemy zrumienionym boczkiem i … | Continue reading | 8 years ago

DreamTrips bei den World Travel Awards zum dritten Mal in Folge als Europas "Leading Travel Club" geehrt

WorldVentures Marketing, LLC: Plano, Texas (ots/PRNewswire) - DreamTrips(TM) Vacation Club (, ein weltweit führender Anbieter von Mitgliedschaften in Reise- und Ferienclubs, wurde bei den 2016 World Travel Awards(TM) (WTA) zum dritten Mal in Folge zu . … | Continue reading | 8 years ago

Finally, a way to vote for the hard-earned emoji you want and deserve

Those funny little symbols you innocently share with your friends every day? They mask a totalitarian conspiracy, basically.The secretive way our emoji are reviewed and chosen by the Unicode Consortium, a non-profit group set up to standardise symbols online (in other words, your … | Continue reading | 8 years ago

Offizieller Start der internationalen Tourismus-Marketingkampagne "Schönes China, mehr als nur Pandas" ("Beautiful China, More than Pandas") in Berlin, Deutschland

Sichuan Provincial Tourism Development Committee: Chengdu, China (ots/PRNewswire) - Mit dem Ziel vor Augen, den Panda zum offiziellen Aushängeschild von China als Reiseziel zu machen und Touristen weltweit zu überzeugen, China in ihre Reisepläne einzubeziehen, sodass sie den süße … | Continue reading | 8 years ago

Where to watch the live stream for today’s Apple iPhone press conference

Apple is holding a press conference today at the Bill Graham Civic Auditorium, and the company is expected to unveil the new iPhone as well as the Apple Watch 2. At 10 AM PT (1 PM in New York, 6 PM in London, 7 PM in Paris), you’ll be able to watch the event on all Apple devices. … | Continue reading | 8 years ago

Zeigt Apple heute AirPods und neue Beats-Kopfhörer

Wir hatten schon Anfang des Jahres von der Entwicklung drahtloser Kopfhörer bei Apple unter dem Namen AirPods gehört. Natürlich verdichten sich die Gerüchte jetzt, kurz vor dem Apple Event heute Abend. Der höchst umtriebige... | Continue reading | 8 years ago

So geht Englischlernen mit Netflix

Über originalsprachliche Filme und Serien lernt es sich ganz ausgezeichnet eine neue Sprache - Spaß macht das aber nicht unbedingt, wenn man nur die Hälfte versteht. Der Sprachlerndienst Fleex (Zielsprache: Englisch) nutzt das in einer... | Continue reading | 8 years ago

Ethereum Classic Price Technical Analysis – Support Turned Resistance

Key Highlights Ethereum classic price continued to face sellers at 0.0024-25BTC versus Bitcoin and struggled to move higher. There is a minor bearish trend line formed on the hourly chart of ETC/BTC (data feed via Simplefx), which is currently acting as a resistance. On the downs … | Continue reading | 8 years ago

Amazon expands its Prime Now restaurant delivery beyond the U.S. and into London

Amazon has announced that its one-hour-or-less restaurant delivery service has opened in London, its first market outside the U.S. The internet giant first introduced meal deliveries to Seattle back in September, before expanding to cover a myriad of U.S. cities including Los Ang … | Continue reading | 8 years ago

India is getting rid of physical driver licenses with smartphones

If you drive a vehicle in India, you won't have to fret about forgetting your driver's license or car registration papers any more.SEE ALSO: Iowa may be first state to put driver's licenses on smartphonesThe Indian government today announced it will now allow people to upload the … | Continue reading | 8 years ago

Puzzle launches agency focused on creating sporting experiences

Digital engagement agency Puzzle has created Puzzle Sport with the aim of delivering experiences for leading sporting brands all under one roof. | Continue reading | 8 years ago

Google is turning its search engine into the ultimate lookbook for fashionistas

Google’s search engine is already a handy tool to find inspiration and ideas for your next great outfit. Now, it’s looking to make it easier to shop for finds with an interesting new feature. The company describes its new Shop the Look experience as follows: When you search for a … | Continue reading | 8 years ago

A hierarchy of value when everything functions

When two things offer simply the same appropriate level of function, we'll choose the cheap one. But if one offers more connection than the other, it is worth more. This hotel over that one. Where is the tribe, do people... | Continue reading | 8 years ago

LG V20: Das erste Nougat Flagschiff ist da

Jetzt ist es da, das neue V20 Flagschiff von LG und man durfte gespannt sein, wie sie den zweiten Bildschirm in ein neues Modell sinnvoller integrieren und warum das die bessere Strategie sein sollte, als die G5 Serie mit ihren Friends aufzubohren.... | Continue reading | 8 years ago

“Reusing Digital Cultural Heritage: Boosting Education, Audience Engagement, Business Creation”

Europeana Space is organizing a panel at the important Euromed 2016 conference in Nicosia (Cyprus) During Euromed 2016 conference in Nicosia (Cyprus) Monday 31st October 2016 h. 4 pm Info and registration to Euromed conference: Digitization has been a m … | Continue reading | 8 years ago

Microsoft opens its UK data center region to Azure and Office 365 customers

Microsoft today announced that its U.K. data center region is now online. The new region, which the company announced last November, currently offers support for Microsoft’s Azure cloud services and Office 365, with support for Dynamics CRM Online slated for the first half of 201 … | Continue reading | 8 years ago

Live From Apple’s iPhone 7 Announcement

It’s become something of a ritual: September comes around, and Apple sends out its ever-mysterious invite to a few dozen outlets. We all head for San Francisco, and a new iPhone is unveiled. It’s September. We’ve got our invite, and we’re live in SF. As we have for nearly a decad … | Continue reading | 8 years ago

Microsoft launches 2 UK regions for Azure and Office 365, Dynamics CRM Online support coming later

Microsoft today is announcing that its two new United Kingdom (UK) data center regions for its Azure public cloud and its Office 365 services are now available for public use. Microsoft announced that it would build a UK region back in November, saying it would launch in beginnin … | Continue reading | 8 years ago

Blair Witch VR trailer is a first in immersive movie advertising

EXCLUSIVE: Sisters, from Otherworld Interactive, is creepy enough as virtual reality experiences go. A jump-scare heavy, episodic mix of haunted house imagery combined with escape room mechanics, it was recently selected as one of Sundance Film Festival’s New Frontier Selections. … | Continue reading | 8 years ago

Auf dem Dolphin-Emulator läuft jetzt jedes GameCube-Spiel

Der quelloffene GameCube-Emulator Dolphin war seit 2009 fast perfekt: Jedes offizielle GameCube-Spiel konnte auf ihm problemlos ausgeführt werden - bis auf eines: "Star Wars: The Clone Wars". Ein paar ziemlich clevere, ziemlich schwer im Emulator... | Continue reading | 8 years ago

Thomas Dakin gin teams with Fever-Tree for festival activation

Thomas Dakin gin will be bringing its 1940s vintage K2 Austin van to Flintshire's The Good Life Experience, offering gin cocktails and drinks to festival-goers, in partnership with premium tonics and mixers provider Fever-Tree. | Continue reading | 8 years ago

Daily food diary

Chciałam rozpocząć ten wpis od wyrażenia – jak co miesiąc, zapraszam Was na kilka ujęć z ostatnich dni. Przeglądając jednak poprzednie wpisy, zauważyłam że umknęły mi przynajmniej dwa zestawienia zdjęć z tego cyklu. Nadrabiam zaległości. Większość czasu spędziłam w kuchni, przygo … | Continue reading | 8 years ago

Die Schule beginnt wieder mit der "Iceland Academy": Inspired By Iceland lädt Touristen zum Lernen ein, Einheimische unterrichten wie man die Nordlichter fotografiert und vieles mehr...

Promote Iceland: Reykjavik, Island (ots/PRNewswire) -- Inspired By Iceland ( veröffentlicht eine neue Reihe von unterhaltsamen und informativen Lehrvideos für Touristen, die das Beste aus der isländischen Kultur, Etikette und ... | Continue reading | 8 years ago

Neue Snowden-Leaks klären das tödliche Geheimnis dutzender Golfbälle

Menwith Hill Station (MHS), die riesige Golfballanlage in North Yorkshire in Großbritannien, die seit Jahrzehnten Bürgerrechtler, Journalisten, Demonstranten und sogar Angreifer interessiert? Die MHS, die laut Betreiberin Royal Air Force... | Continue reading | 8 years ago

7 B2B Lead Generation Mistakes You Must Avoid

Lead generation isn’t easy. No one says it is. Even masters of the trade such as HubSpot work tirelessly to get new leads on board. So after working hard sending email newsletters, blogging, and engaging in many other forms of inbound campaigns, you might be asking yourself why y … | Continue reading

@alltop | 8 years ago

I can’t wait to play this True Detective-inspired mystery game

We’re living in the golden age of television, folks. Between seminal works like Game of Thrones, Narcos, American Crime Story, Stranger Things and Master of None, we’ve been spoiled for choice when it comes to picking something to binge-watch. Game studio Variable State has clear … | Continue reading | 8 years ago

China’s online chatter quiet ahead of Apple iPhone 7 launch

(Reuters) – Judging by the volume of online chatter, there’s a lot less buzz in China ahead of this week’s expected launch of the new Apple iPhone, and people on the street say they’re more likely to “wait and see” what the latest device offers than rush out to buy. Posts on Chin … | Continue reading | 8 years ago

WTF? World of Tanks Blitz mashes up with Valkyria Chronicles

I seriously do not understand this mash-up between Wargaming and Sega. The two companies announced they will collaborate on a mash-up of Wargaming’s World of Tanks Blitz and Sega’s Valkyria Chronicles. It sure seems like apples and oranges to me, as Wargaming’s title focuses on W … | Continue reading | 8 years ago

Watch Star Wars' super-complex spaceships come together through the magic of special effects

The Force Awakens relied heavily on practical effects — a point director J.J. Abrams labored in the run-up to the film's release — but in a galaxy with spaceships, strange aliens, and world-crushing superweapons, some computer-generated work was obviously required. Industrial Lig … | Continue reading | 8 years ago

Ethereum Price Technical Analysis – ETH In Wait Mode

Key Highlights ETH price failed once again to clear a major resistance area versus the US Dollar. This week we followed a bearish trend line on the hourly chart (data feed via SimpleFX) of ETH/USD, which is still in action and preventing gains. On the downside, there was a minor … | Continue reading | 8 years ago

Pilot accidentally flies to the entirely wrong country in colossal stuff-up

An Air Asia pilot may want to consider an extended holiday after flying his plane to the south-eastern Australian city of Melbourne instead of the (very different) South East Asian country of Malaysia.SEE ALSO: Youngest pilot to fly solo around the world is serious teenager goals … | Continue reading | 8 years ago

Microsoft is working on a messaging app with killer features to rival Slack

Over the past couple of years, Slack has hogged the spotlight in the team messaging space. Following its achievement of 3.5x user growth in 2015, the three-year-old company raised a total of $540 million in funding, with its last round bringing in $200 million at a $3.8 billion p … | Continue reading | 8 years ago

Article: Customers Want Brick-and-Mortar Stores to Be as Efficient as Ecommerce

Hongwei Liu, ‎co-founder and CEO of retail wayfinding software provider Mappedin, tells eMarketer how retailers can make their in-store shopping experience more attractive to today's omnichannel shoppers, who value efficiency. | Continue reading | 8 years ago

Article: France's Digital Buyers Slow to Use Mobile Payments

More than a quarter of digital buyers in France are open to making a contactless mobile payment, and 7% have already done so. But most hesitate to take the plunge. | Continue reading | 8 years ago

Article: Podcast: The State of Advanced TV Advertising

Episode 8 of eMarketer’s “Behind the Numbers” podcast starts off by highlighting how digital video viewership growth for the 2016 Rio Olympics exceed expectations and then shifts to a conversation about the state of advanced TV advertising in the US with two exp … | Continue reading | 8 years ago

Article: Will Smartphone Owners Line Up for Apple's iPhone 7?

In the past, smartphone owners worldwide have camped out for days to get their hands on Apple’s latest iPhone model, but the release of the iPhone 7 may not be as highly anticipated. Lack of new features is one of the main reasons why excitement has waned. Most are also lik … | Continue reading | 8 years ago

Article: Mobile Platforms for B2B Users Must Simplify Complex Workflows

Hubert JP Jolly, global head of channel and enterprise services for Citi's Treasury and Trade Solutions business, speaks to eMarketer about how Citi is making the B2B user experience easier and more mobile-friendly. | Continue reading | 8 years ago

Article: More Search Users in China Migrate to Mobile

Updated research on the search habits of China’s internet users suggests continuing double-digit growth in the country’s audience of mobile search users. A proliferating range of uses for mobile search is contributing to the growth, with more users relying on mobile q … | Continue reading | 8 years ago

Article: What Tech Tools Do Marketers Use for Personalization?

Marketing technology can be useful for marketers looking to strengthen their digital personalization efforts. According to June research, well over half of senior B2C marketers globally rely on web analytics software, customer relationship management (CRM) and content management … | Continue reading | 8 years ago