Oh boy here we go again

APPARENTLY I only blog when I change jobs. By that logic, I avoided having to blog mostly by working at Mozilla for most of a decade. Snuck by for 18 months at Glitch and then they forced the issue by laying me off! Of course I couldn't just write, first I had to re-build my webs … | Continue reading

@potch.me | 54 years ago


tl;dr: After 8½ years, December 7th was my last working day at Mozilla. | Continue reading

@potch.me | 54 years ago

Η Ελληνική συμμετοχή στην 72η Διεθνή Έκθεση Βιβλίου Φρανκφούρτης

Η Ελληνική συμμετοχή στην Έκθεση Βιβλίου Φρανκφούρτης μέτρησε περισσότερους από 800 τίτλους βιβλίων, 14 εκδότες, 6 εκδηλώσεις, 4 συγγραφείς και συναντήσεις επαγγελματικές και λογοτεχνικές, εντός και εκτός. | Continue reading

@culturenow.gr | 54 years ago

Smashing Hour With Lynn Fisher

… Smashing Hour With Lynn Fisher originally published on CSS-Tricks, which is part of the DigitalOcean family. You should get the newsletter. | Continue reading

@css-tricks.com | 54 years ago

Η ελληνική συμμετοχή στην 72η Διεθνή Έκθεση Βιβλίου Φρανκφούρτης

Με περισσότερους από 800 τίτλους βιβλίων, 14 εκδότες, 6 εκδηλώσεις, 4 συγγραφείς, συναντήσεις επαγγελματικές και λογοτεχνικές, εντός και εκτός, η ελληνική συμμετοχή στην Έκθεση Βιβλίου Φρανκφούρτης. | Continue reading

@naftemporiki.gr | 54 years ago

Clever Polypane Debugging Features I’m Loving

I’m working on a refresh of my personal website, what I’m calling the HD remaster. Well, I wouldn’t call it a “full” redesign. I’m just cleaning things up, and Polypane is coming in clutch. I wrote about how much … Clever Polypane Debugging Features I’m Loving originally publishe … | Continue reading

@css-tricks.com | 54 years ago

Multiple Anchors

Only Chris, right? You’ll want to view this in a Chromium browser: CodePen Embed Fallback This is exactly the sort of thing I love, not for its practicality (cuz it ain’t), but for how it illustrates a concept. Generally, tutorials … Multiple Anchors originally published on CSS-T … | Continue reading

@css-tricks.com | 54 years ago


I currently work as a full-stack engineer at ByteDance/TikTok. Before that, I used to work as an employee or freelancer for a Fortune 500 company, Plek and JapieCars . All in all amounting to 10+ years of software development experience.During this time, I work mostly on web base … | Continue reading

@ecostack.dev | 2025 years ago


Your next door humanoid with a grain of love for programming, infosec, electronics, martial arts/acrobatics, binge watching series till you can’t move. Excited under-engineer (== that’s boring, I’ll automate it, but I’m too bored to automate it) and rational buyer, cause “I’ll ne … | Continue reading

@whynot.fail | 2025 years ago

Office Hours

During my younger years, I would have liked to contact someone more experienced but shied away from doing so. I hereby pledge, if you are interested in talking about software, be it about ideas or technical issue, reach out to me via email or Twitter! | Continue reading

@ecostack.dev | 2025 years ago

Yaus, Yet Another URL Shortener

YAUS, Yet Another URL Shortener, was first written in Python3 using the Flask web framework, and deployed in Heroku: https://yaus.dev. The code of that version can be seen here: https://github.com/maitesin/yaus/tree/e938b0d218849f50df7ab5a4a46923faf235762b. However, the project h … | Continue reading

@oscarforner.com | 2025 years ago

ARM C Compiler (ACC)

ACC is a pet project with the purpose of improving my knowledge of three topics. The C language, compilers and the ARM assembly. I think this is a good exercise to go deep into both topics. The ACC is a LALR(1) parser, that means it is a Look-Ahead Left-to-Right parser. The curre … | Continue reading

@oscarforner.com | 2025 years ago

Prefix Tree Comparison

Trie, Ternary Search Tree (TST) and Radix Tree is aimed to compare the performance of these three data structures. The three data structure are an implementation of the abstract data type dictionary, but they are enhanced with an extra method called “keys”. That method returns th … | Continue reading

@oscarforner.com | 2025 years ago


search | Continue reading

@iamsafts.com | 2025 years ago


archives | Continue reading

@iamsafts.com | 2025 years ago


From elsewhere on the web. [Subscribe via RSS](/links/feed.xml) | Continue reading

@harrycresswell.com | 2025 years ago

About me

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@romankudryashov.com | 2025 years ago

Resume Application

This resume is an interactive application written in Rust and it can be found in https://github.com/maitesin/rust-cv/. The idea for this project was inspired by S0ulshake’s CV, however, I preferred to use other technologies, since I do not know JavaScript. The Rust library I used … | Continue reading

@oscarforner.com | 2025 years ago


Skip to main content Design and front-end web developmentharry.b0drj@aleeas.com Harry Cresswell Index Writing Newsletter Topics Writing Articles on designing and coding things for the web. Software that encourages deletion Harry Cresswell Mar 6 2024 — Web sustainability Thoughts … | Continue reading

@harrycresswell.com | 2025 years ago


____. ________ ________ | |____ ___.__.\_____ \ \_____ \ ____ ____ | \__ \< | | / / \ \ / | \ / \_/ __ \ /\__| |/ __ \\___ |/ \_/. \ / | \ | \ ___/ \________(____ / ____|\_____\ \_/_____\_______ /___| /\___ > \/\/ \__>_____/ \/ \/ \/ --=[ PrEsENtZ ]=-- --=[ Ideas as Code: The Art of Demolition ]=-- --=[ Observe -> Abstract -> Synthesize ]=-- --=[ Create. | Continue reading

@jq1.io | 2025 years ago

Toggle navigation Cybernetist Home About ← Previous Post Show comments Milos Gajdos • © 2024 • Cybernetist Hugo v0.123.8 powered • Theme Beautiful Hugo adapted from Beautiful Jekyll | Continue reading

@cybernetist.com | 2025 years ago

Toggle navigation Cybernetist Home About ← Previous Post Next Post → Show comments Milos Gajdos • © 2024 • Cybernetist Hugo v0.123.8 powered • Theme Beautiful Hugo adapted from Beautiful Jekyll | Continue reading

@cybernetist.com | 2025 years ago

Toggle navigation Cybernetist Home About Next Post → Show comments Milos Gajdos • © 2024 • Cybernetist Hugo v0.123.8 powered • Theme Beautiful Hugo adapted from Beautiful Jekyll | Continue reading

@cybernetist.com | 2025 years ago


Me I am Mike Wakerly and this is my internet home. I go by mikey if we’re just using one name, because there are often plenty of other mikes around. I’m envious of people with unique and uncommon names. I am an engineer primarily because I love building things! In the 90s, I buil … | Continue reading

@hoho.com | 2025 years ago

Toggle navigation Cybernetist Home About ← Previous Post Next Post → Show comments Milos Gajdos • © 2024 • Cybernetist Hugo v0.123.8 powered • Theme Beautiful Hugo adapted from Beautiful Jekyll | Continue reading

@cybernetist.com | 2025 years ago

Weekly API Roundup | Sports & Fitness, Finance, Crypto, AI

Every day the ProgrammableWeb team is busy updating its three primary directories for APIs, clients (language-specific libraries or SDKs for consuming or providing APIs), and source code samples. If you have new APIs, Clients, or Source Code examples to add to ProgrammableWeb's d … | Continue reading

@programmableweb.com | 2025 years ago