Ninety percent of the world’s coral is in danger of disappearing by 2050. But with more funding, research, and volunteers, that doesn’t have to be its fate. Meet the research expedition working against the clock to save an endangered underwater oasis: 'People should get involved' … | Continue reading
"By identifying the distinct mechanisms driving these changes, we contribute to a deeper understanding." Scientists sound alarm after making disturbing discovery about Earth's rainfall: 'Urgent need' first appeared on The Cool Down. | Continue reading
A research team from Osaka University has created a technology enabling androids to dynamically convey mood states like “excited” or “sleepy” by generating facial movements modeled as overlapping, decaying waves. Even if an android looks remarkably human in a photograph, seeing i … | Continue reading
Another photo from the now closed North Carolina Aviary - A Victoria Crowned Pigeon with its vibrant blue plumage, deep red eyes, and a dramatic crest of lacy, white-tipped feathers #bird | Continue reading
Sarah Michelle [[Gellar]] Says Buffy the Vampire Slayer's Return Is for the Fans - The Slayer herself revealed that a Buffy revival has been in the works for a while ahead of this week's announcement. Officials Are Offering $1 Million to Anyone Who Can Decode This Ancient Script … | Continue reading
Sarah Michelle [[Gellar]] Says Buffy the Vampire Slayer's Return Is for the Fans - The Slayer herself revealed that a Buffy revival has been in the works for a while ahead of this week's announcement. Officials Are Offering $1 Million to Anyone Who Can Decode This Ancient Script … | Continue reading
Shouting from the other end of the house: Me: [youngest kid's name], GUESS WHAT??? Him: WHAT? Me: YOU SMELL! 😂😂 Him (very calmly): You're boring... And so the student becomes the master. You win this round, young'n. Thanks for reading this post via RSS. RSS is gre … | Continue reading
‘It’s not my body. I understand that, but it’s part of me.’ | Continue reading
A small study finds that a juicing-only diet can cause potentially harmful changes to our gut and mouth bacteria in as little as three days. | Continue reading
Aside from the fact that thrifting is just plain fun, it’s also a budget-friendly and eco-conscious way to shop. Thrifter stumbles onto mind-blowing find while shopping with daughter: 'Shut the front door' first appeared on The Cool Down. | Continue reading
A rarity on my blog, a schmaltzy ballad from a Country and Western singer. But when I like a song that much, I will buy it. And that’s just what I did with this record in 1977, when I was 25 years old. No apologies for still loving it now. A comment on one of … Continue reading S … | Continue reading
The most likely scenario is some form of Finlandization. | Continue reading
"Green" jobs that help combat the climate crisis are on the rise, according to the World Economic Forum's Future of Jobs 2025 report. | Continue reading
"Love Kalapana, it’s such a cool community of varied builds." Homeowner shows off stunning in-progress images of off-grid home build in Hawaiʻi: 'It is a wonderful place to be' first appeared on The Cool Down. | Continue reading
cozyaliensuperstar7:Black History 365:BLACK DEAF HISTORY bluejay19xx:Here’s some Black Deaf History for the timeline! ✊ THE CULTURE SIGN FOR BLACK IS TO BE USED BY BLACK PEOPLE ONLY!#explorepage #deafcommunity #deafculture #blackhistory #blackdeafhistory #asl #basl | Continue reading
Looking back at these is definitely for people of a ‘certain age’. See how many you remember. My favourite TV puppet show when I was very young. Good value loose tea that was also very nice to drink. Now the Post Office has been sold to a Czech billionaire, this will be history s … | Continue reading
UCSF researchers found that brain cells age more quickly when they rely solely on the X chromosome inherited from a female’s mother, rather than the one from her father. Women inherit two X chromosomes, one from each parent. However, in every cell, only one X chromosome is active … | Continue reading
What e-readers support Adobe Digital Editions for loading in Protected Content with DRM? The post What e-readers support Adobe Digital Editions? first appeared on Good e-Reader. | Continue reading
d3r-d4s-di3-dex: A reminder that you do not need to buy pots nor candle holders️ | Continue reading
When he was tiny like this, my grandson was very attached to his Mom, so it was rare for him to voluntarily leave her like he did in this photo when his curiosity led him to walk with me across this field. He eventually got tired and simply sat down on the grass and had to be car … | Continue reading
If you're among the estimated 1.25 billion people on the planet who suffer from mild to moderate hearing loss, you might want to try on these glasses. They hide clever tech in the frame to help you hear better in noisy environments, all without the need for traditional in-ear hea … | Continue reading
Of course you’re going to get wet, that’s part of the sport. And yet, only the hard core surfers show up in the rain. If your project is about making things better, organizing the disorganized, connecting the disconnected and building community, you shouldn’t wait until the condi … | Continue reading
"I seriously couldn’t tell this was made of toilet water." This innovative beer is made out of sewage — and people are coming back for seconds: 'It changes the mindset' first appeared on The Cool Down. | Continue reading
Flies are attracted to our pungent "cloud of effervescence," experts say. | Continue reading
Elizabeth I ordered the beheading of Mary, Queen of Scots, a Catholic claimant to the English throne, on this day in 1587 | Continue reading
Williams Sonoma’s Presidents Day Sale includes early deals on the best Le Creuset Dutch oven, All-Clad saucepan, Staub cast iron skillet, and more. Save up to $277. | Continue reading
Today, some new changes on the blog. Not many things, but I’m trying to reorganize some of its content. A new /slashpages That pages is the entry point of all the slashpages of the blog. A new menu link has been added too. A challenges page This one is to track all the past, prev … | Continue reading
"Wait till this woman hears about domesticated cats." Ph.D. student fact-checks disturbing claim about wind turbines: '[It's] important to put that into context' first appeared on The Cool Down. | Continue reading
The K Manga service has expanded into the Philippines, Thailand, Vietnam, Hong Kong, Taiwan, India, Mexico, and Brazil. The post K MANGA Expands into India and Mexico first appeared on Good e-Reader. | Continue reading
Hubble’s high-resolution imagery allowed researchers to hone in on more of the Bullseye galaxy’s rings — and helped confirm which galaxy dove through its core. Seabirds like the Northern Gannet dive straight into the ocean to catch fish, sometimes from heights of 100 feet (30 met … | Continue reading
"It's now a health hazard." Frustrated homeowner disgusted by neighbor's problematic trash disposal habit: '[I] can't open the windows' first appeared on The Cool Down. | Continue reading
Here are this weekend’s Mac riddles to entertain you through family time, shopping and recreation. 1: Cool colour […] | Continue reading
About programming, AI and devops | Continue reading
“Matter Matters.” Paul Kingsnorth kicks off a new series at his Substack exploring ancient holy sites in Europe: “I’ve always been fascinated by how humans interact with their landscapes: what they build, how they relate to nature, and how their belief systems manifest in the phy … | Continue reading
Companies could have a much larger impact by incorporating "landscape-level solutions." Report uncovers major blind spot in popular corporate business model: 'They need to look beyond the supply chain' first appeared on The Cool Down. | Continue reading
It turns out my filtered BBC News RSS feeds are more-popular than I thought, so I've launched a new site with all of them (plus all the source code to produce them) in a variety of editions. | Continue reading
"We want to make sure that there are no exploitative or unfair sales practices happening in our industry." Prosecutors are actively investigating solar industry fraud — here's what you need to know before installing panels first appeared on The Cool Down. | Continue reading
The Sims 1 - (The Original Life Sim) via YouTube The best Sims post ever built. Flagged as fanatic. | Continue reading
These collisions are dangerous to both humans and wildlife, with vehicle-wildlife collisions injuring more than 26,000 and killing over 200 people each year. Researchers find new technology that could prevent unexpected animal deaths — here's how it works first appeared on The Co … | Continue reading
First released in 1993 to support colour printing, version 2.0 in 1995 brought fuller features and ICC support. Still going strong despite the decline of colour printing. | Continue reading
Male ruffs have the ability to eliminate excess sex hormones from their bloodstream. We often associate high testosterone levels with male dominance and aggression. However, in ruffs—a species of shorebird that breeds across Europe and Asia—some males face a unique challenge: the … | Continue reading
"Deadly dangerous in multiple ways." Tenant searches for advice after new roommate's irresponsible habit puts entire home at risk: 'I would move out ASAP' first appeared on The Cool Down. | Continue reading
Projects such as this one prove that clean power is possible even in the harshest conditions. Record-breaking solar plant begins operation at nearly 17,000 feet above sea level: 'We are witnessing the future' first appeared on The Cool Down. | Continue reading
It’s cold, it’s wet, and my knee hurts. No run this morning. (I’m considering taking one or two non-timed runs a week, to keep the habit alive while not obliging me to push hard every single morning.) Nothing in my diary this Saturday. I may actually read from a book, or read som … | Continue reading
Concrete's strength and structural integrity come not only in its material properties, but also from how it's molded during construction. An architecture student has devised a clever way to build strong, stable vaulted floors using far less concrete and steel than usual, with a n … | Continue reading
"It's not something that we see frequently happen." Energy expert breaks down common myth about rooftop solar panels — this is what people are getting wrong first appeared on The Cool Down. | Continue reading