FitBit shows off sequels to the Charge and Flex, updates Blaze and Alta software

FitBit is kicking the week off right with a slew of announcements that affect a large number wearable company’s offerings. The biggest updates are coming to the company’s best selling lines, the Charge and Flex, both of which are getting sequels. The Charge 2 brings a larger disp … | Continue reading | 8 years ago

Snapdeal launches Gold service to take on Flipkart and Amazon in India

Snapdeal launches Gold service to take on Flipkart and Amazon in India | Continue reading | 8 years ago

Microsoft teast Surface Book 2, disst MacBook Air

Microsoft macht Druck, was seine Surface-Linie betrifft: Zum einen mit einem Teaser-Foto (siehe unten), das den Nachfolger des Surface Book ankündigen sollte/könnte/dürfte, der demnach wohl auch früher als 2017 zu erwarten sein sollte/könnte/dürfte.... | Continue reading | 8 years ago

Could the Blockchain End Bureaucracy?

In this OpEd, Reform researcher Alexander Hitchcock discusses how blockchain could lead to big savings in civil services. | Continue reading

@CoinDesk | 8 years ago

This art website is a quiet place in the chaos of the internet

In the average workday, we spend hours switching from computer window to window. Each screams for our attention with notifications, animations, and pop-ups. Thanks to Dutch digital artist Rafael Roozendaal we now have a digital place to go to when we need to be secluded from our … | Continue reading | 8 years ago

Stop what you’re doing and buy these $38 earphones

Words fail me. I’ve seen — or, more accurately put, heard — the audio price-performance curve shattered into tiny little pieces and I’m still reeling from it. The Carbo Tenore earphones from Japan’s Zero Audio are astounding: they compete with the best earphones in the world, but … | Continue reading | 8 years ago

Microsoft teases what looks like a black Surface Book 2

Generally, you don’t see the first spy shots of a new device coming from the company itself, but Microsoft isn’t really following all that many of the rules with its Surface lineup of house-built Windows hardware. That’s why it makes a certain kind of sense that the first look at … | Continue reading | 8 years ago

Ringling Bros. adopts high tech for its circus as use of animals becomes controversial

Ringling Bros. and Barnum & Bailey Circus has been around for 145 years, but it has undergone its biggest makeover ever, eliminating its elephants and bringing in a Cirque-style high-tech show with a space age theme. The shift to new technology — amid protests about how the circu … | Continue reading | 8 years ago

VMware launches Cloud Foundation software bundle, coming to IBM first

VMware today is announcing the launch of Cloud Foundation, a package of existing VMware software that’s becoming available for use on public clouds. The idea is to let admins use familiar tools to control server, storage, and networking resources even in public clouds, not just p … | Continue reading | 8 years ago

How to Build a More Human Brand Story

Bryan Kramer, Author and CEO at PureMatter, joins the Business of Story Podcast to discuss the consistency of change in marketing, the importance of humanizing your digital strategy, and the six categories of influencers you need to know. | Continue reading | 8 years ago

Your Complete Guide to Managing Blogging Clients

Managing blogging clients need some tools and practices. You need a CRM tool, quick designing tool and a tool for invoicing etc. We have you covered. | Continue reading | 8 years ago

Öffentliche WLANs sicher nutzen (FOTO)

G Data Software AG: Bochum (ots) - 69 Prozent der Internetnutzer loggen sich laut einer G DATA Umfrage auf Reisen in öffentliche WLANs in Cafés oder Hotels ein. Überall online sein - das birgt Risiken. Kriminelle können in diesen Netzen ohne großen Aufwand E-Mails ... | Continue reading | 8 years ago

Ransomware tarnt sich mal wieder als Windows-Update

Ein Sicherheitsforscher von AVG hat eine neue Ransomware entdeckt, die sich als Windows-Update ausgibt. Wer drauf reinfällt, ermöglicht der Software das Verschlüsseln der Festplatte während im Vordergrund vorgeblich eine Installation... | Continue reading | 8 years ago

Singapore Central Bank Proposes New Rules for Bitcoin Startups

Singapore's central bank has proposed a new regulatory framework for payments that could cover digital currency exchanges. | Continue reading

@CoinDesk | 8 years ago

Opera sync system hacked, passwords of 1.7 million users reset

Opera says the sync feature on its browsers was recently hacked, and data of some of its users was compromised. As a security measure, the Norway-based software firm is forcing all sync users to reset their passwords. SEE ALSO: Opera releases free and unlimited VPN for AndroidOpe … | Continue reading | 8 years ago

10 Must-Read Content Marketing Interviews with Major Brands and Industry Experts

Content Marketing continues to drive marketing strategy for many companies and yet, most companies don't document that strategy. The result? Marketing departments are challenged to create a variety of compelling content on a consistent basis. Smart, creative and results-focused a … | Continue reading | 8 years ago

Venezuelan Cryptocurrency Exchange Adds Dash to Roster

Cryptobuyer, a Venezuelan cryptocurrency brokerage has announced support for Dash, which sees the digital currency joining bitcoin on Cryptobuyer’s platform. Caracas-based cryptocurrency brokerage and firm Cryptobuyer has added Dash to its platform, citing “soaring demand” of th … | Continue reading | 8 years ago

How The Psychology Of Social Networks Can Improve Your Marketing [INFOGRAPHIC]

Want to learn how the psychology of social networks can improve your blog's marketing? Just check out this infographic to find out how. You'll find plenty of helpful insights. | Continue reading | 8 years ago

First Click: Europe’s biggest tech show, Sonos voice control, the Gear S3, and more in the week ahead

We’re bringing you the funk this week with the Internationale Funkausstellung show in Berlin. Better known by its acronym IFA, Tom Warren, Vlad Savov, James Vincent, Max Jeffrey, and Vjeran Pavic will be bringing you all the latest gadgets and tech from Europe’s biggest electroni … | Continue reading | 8 years ago

Śniadanie na różowo

Blog about breakfasts. Recipes of delicious food for everyday mornings and for special occasions. | Continue reading | 8 years ago

I can’t get enough of this unofficial Stranger Things game

If you haven’t yet seen Netflix’s excellent new show, Stranger Things, I envy you. I watched the entire season in a single day and now wish I could turn back time to binge it afresh. To pay tribute to the series, indie game developer Infamous Quests created a lovely little point- … | Continue reading | 8 years ago

Lenovo ThinkPad X1 Yoga (OLED)

Die US-Kollegen haben das Lenovo ThinkPad X1 Yoga in der OLED-Ausführung getestet. Ihr Ergebnis gibt es im Detail im langen Review - hier nur der wichtigste Aspekt: Der OLED-Bildschirm muss hervorragend sein: hell und lebendig, bei Fotos und Videos... | Continue reading | 8 years ago

Helix Sleep raises $7.4 million to sell made-to-order mattresses online

A New York City startup called Helix Sleep Inc. raised $7.35 million in Series A funding to grow its bespoke mattress business, according to cofounder Adam Tishman. With 20 full-time employees today, the company sells directly to consumers online, and via its office and showroom … | Continue reading | 8 years ago

Microsoft (rightly) thinks your MacBook Air is as useful as “a hat for your cat”

Microsoft and Apple publicly beefing through TV commercials is nothing new. The latest salvo in this war comes from Microsoft, which just released a new TV spot touting the credentials of its Surface Pro 4 computer. You can watch it above. The video features the same talking poin … | Continue reading | 8 years ago

Jupiters Nordpol aus relativ nächster Nähe

Am Samstag ist die Raumsonde Juno so nah wie noch nie an Jupiter vorbeigeflogen und während die vermutlich spektakulären Nahaufnahmen noch einige Tage auf sich warten lassen, zeigt die NASA nun als Vorgeschmack schon mal ein Bild des Jupiter-Nordpols,... | Continue reading | 8 years ago

Why you should stop selling widgets and start selling wisdom

When I previously wrote about the 1,024 different types of salespeople, one of the variables I talked about was the difference between selling simple products versus selling ones that are much more complex and consultative in nature. I like to think of that as the difference betw … | Continue reading | 8 years ago

Bitcoin Price Watch; A Volatile Week Ahead?

So it’s the start of a fresh week, and action over the weekend in the bitcoin price was pretty interesting. We’ve seen what amounts to pretty much sideways trading over the last week or so, and we were hoping that this sideways action would translate to some volatility once it un … | Continue reading | 8 years ago

Zuckerberg will hold townhall today in Rome after attending Italian wedding of Spotify’s Daniel Ek

Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg will hold the latest in a series of Townhall Q&A events with employees in Rome today. The Townhall Q&A is scheduled for 4 p.m. Central European Time, and we’re still waiting to find out whether it will be livestreamed like some past editions. Zuckerbe … | Continue reading | 8 years ago

OneCoin Posts Fake Semper Fortis Letter To Gain Credibility

The OneCoin saga seems to be far from over right now. One thing has to be said”: the team behind this project will stoop to new lows to keep up the illusion of credibility. In a recent Youtube video, the team claims Semper Fortis is verifying OneCoin as a cryptocurrency. These cl … | Continue reading | 8 years ago

PR Yourself: How to Help Your Startup Relate to its Public

While it's easy to spend thousands or even tens of thousands of dollars on a PR firm, there's plenty you can do on your own to help raise your company's profile and get some much-needed attention for your startup. | Continue reading | 8 years ago

Lightning strike kills 323 reindeer in Norway

A lightning strike in Norway has killed more than 300 reindeer, according to reports from local media. A spokesman for the Norwegian Nature Inspectorate (NNI) told NTB, the Norwegian News Agency, that 323 reindeer were found dead on Friday in an area near Hardangervidda, in the s … | Continue reading | 8 years ago

You are going to die too…

A few weeks ago I bumped into an old friend on my way home from the office – an older entrepreneur who’s both controversial and inspiring. I knew he’d been battling cancer for years and he once explained that he always felt like he was living on ‘borrowed time’. When I noticed hi … | Continue reading | 8 years ago

Android 7.0 Nougat lands on the Raspberry Pi for those who can’t wait

Nougat – the newest version of Google’s Android mobile operating system – is here, albeit for a very select clique of devices. If you’ve got a Nexus Phone or a Pixel C, you can download it now. It will also launch on the upcoming LG V20. But if you can’t wait and you’ve got a spa … | Continue reading | 8 years ago

How Online Gambling has Embraced Crypto Currency and Why

Unlike several years ago, when online casinos were too afraid to embrace Bitcoin as a currency for a number of reasons – be it the fear of attacks, instability, or its negative association with criminal collectives, the cryptocurrency is nowadays freely accepted in many online ca … | Continue reading | 8 years ago

This week in patents: Google wants to save your life

This week, the US patent office issued 6,801 patents. Each patent adds a little something new to the human knowledge base. As there’s not way we can list all six thousand, the PatentYogi team has selected the five most interesting patents. Google wants drones to save your life Pa … | Continue reading | 8 years ago

Most projects end with a whimper

That means you have a choice: Spend a lot of your time in whimpering moments. or Be prepared to blow things up, declare victory/failure, walk away—even if it feels easier in the moment to timidly and slowly fade away, whimpering.... | Continue reading | 8 years ago

Ab heute: Cashback-Aktion für Smartphones von Medion

Die Lenovo-Tochter Medion startet heute eine Cashback-Aktion für die hauseigenen Smartphones. Bis zu 50 Euro kann man jetzt beim Kauf sparen, bzw. sich von Medion zurückholen. Die Aktion läuft vier Wochen. Je teurer das Smartphone,... | Continue reading | 8 years ago

Sok malinowy

Sok malinowy na zimę to chyba najlepszy sposób na "przerobienie" większej ilości świeżych malin. Sok można zrobić z każdej ilości malin, nawet najmniejszej, ale jeśli mamy ich więcej niż kilogram, trzeba użyć naprawdę dużego garnka lub gotować sok partiami. Ważne jest aby cukier … | Continue reading | 8 years ago

Use this tool to quickly port your Chrome app to Electron and run it on any OS

Don’t you just love it when companies kill off useful services and platforms? Yeah, neither do we. Earlier this month, Google announced its plans to phase out Chrome apps for every OS except Chrome OS, starting in the second half of 2017. That means that the Chrome app you painst … | Continue reading | 8 years ago

pentahotels' legendäres erstes Haus mit neuer Führung / Christian Keßler an der Spitze der pentahotels Eisenach und Kassel (FOTO)

Pentahotels: Frankfurt am Main (ots) - Das allererste pentahotel bekam mit Christian Keßler zum 1. Juli 2016 eine neue Führung. Das Haus, das 2007 von pentahotels übernommen wurde und den Relaunch der Marke bedeutete, diente als "Test-Hotel": hier wurde kühn ... | Continue reading | 8 years ago

9 Questions with Emily Cretella

9 Questions with Emily Cretella is to highlight one of the presenters from the VirCon3. | Continue reading | 8 years ago

10 Bad Habits of Event Planners (and How You Can Fix Them)

Are you guilty of any of these common bad habits of event planners? Stop it. Now! Everyone has a few routines that we would like to change about ourselves or our work styles. Over time we develop habits that might not lead us toward our most productive and successful work. Recogn … | Continue reading | 8 years ago

Chocolate Peanut Bites (Vegan & SCD)

After posting my gut-healing broth recipe, I’ve heard from a lot of people following gut healing diets, particularly the SCD (specific carbohydrate diet) but who are also vegetarian (or vegan) and are struggling to make it work. One of the other tricky things about the SCD diet i … | Continue reading | 8 years ago

5 Popular Sites That Take Bitcoin

Long gone are the days when Bitcoin was considered as this obscure digital currency only used by computer engineers or criminals operating via dark web channels. Nowadays, it seems that the only concern surrounding the crytpocurrency is the fear of hacking attacks or theft that h … | Continue reading | 8 years ago

Bitmain to Launch Antminer R4 for Home Bitcoin Mining

Bitmain Technologies Limited, the Beijing-based owner of the Antminer series of bitcoin miners, Hashnest, Antpool and, will launch what it calls the world’s most silent multi-terahash bitcoin miner and a silent 2600W PSU designed for high-performance bitcoin mining.   Wit … | Continue reading | 8 years ago

Gegen Hassrede: Microsoft startet Meldeformular

Auf einer speziellen Webseite können die, die in Microsofts Ökosystem unterwegs sind, ab sofort jegliche Art von Hate Speech melden. Vornehmlich geht es um das Xbox-Universum, Einträge bei Skype oder in Outlook und OneDrive können... | Continue reading | 8 years ago

“Creative with Digital Heritage” – E-Space MOOC is accepting enrollments right now

Start of the course will be in October 2016: enroll now and learn how to creatively reuse digital cultural content from professionals of the Europeana Space network. How can you engage with and reuse the wealth of digital cultural heritage available online in many repositories su … | Continue reading | 8 years ago

Microsoft teases Surface Book 2 on Instagram

Microsoft has started teasing the successor to its Surface Book. In an oddly timed post on Sunday, Microsoft shared a new hinge design with the title "your key to success" on its official Surface Instagram account. Windows Central reports that the image is from an internal Micros … | Continue reading | 8 years ago