Bitcoin Testing Matures as Global Universities Join BSafe Network

An effort is underway to encourage more researchers and academics to investigate and test bitcoin and other blockchain tech. | Continue reading

@CoinDesk | 8 years ago

The Ava wearable wants to replace thermometers for determining fertility

Most women rely on a thermometer to measure their fertility throughout the month. Their internal body temperature fluctuates with their ovulation cycle, so it drops when an egg is released and returns to normal levels after the cycle ends. The thermometer has proved a reliable me … | Continue reading | 8 years ago

The Psychology of Successfully Marketing to Millennials [Infographic]

Marketing Strategy - Want to know more about Millennials and how to market to them? Here's a look at vital stats about this demographic—and info about how best to reach it. | Continue reading | 8 years ago

Morning shootaround — July 30

NEWS OF THE MORNING Team USA continues rolling | Wade, Bulls a convenient fit | Report: Monty Williams to return to sideline with Spurs No. 1: Team USA continues rolling — With the Olympics now a week away, Team USA continued their exhibition schedule last night in Chicago, where … | Continue reading | 8 years ago

French Court finds that Luc Besson’s Lockout copied Escape From New York

When the 2012 film Lockout appeared in theaters, more than one critic pointed out that it shared a number of similarities with John Carpenter’s 1981 film Escape from New York. A court in Paris agreed, stating that it "massively borrowed key elements", and ordered screenwriter Luc … | Continue reading | 8 years ago

Build a programming career with the Complete Front-End to Back-End Coding Bundle (95% Off)

Learning to code is an increasingly valuable investment in your own skill set, with greater demand for programming basics rising every day. And while there’s a labyrinth of online courses offering cheap instruction, many of them fall short on quality and qualification. You’ll fin … | Continue reading | 8 years ago

Selbstfahrend? Mercedes zieht Werbespot zur E-Klasse zurück

Mercedes hat in den USA einen Werbespot für die neue E-Klasse zurückgezogen, nachdem er von Konsumentenorganisationen als irreführend kritisiert wurde. Den Zuschauern werde suggeriert, dass das beworbene Fahrzeug autonom fahren könne.... | Continue reading | 8 years ago

Why is the selfie camera still second-rate on our phones?

It took forever, but the main camera (that's the one on the back, FYI) on Android phones finally caught up to the iPhone this year.The Samsung Galaxy S7, LG G5, Moto Z, Xiaomi Mi 5 — just about every flagship Android smartphone released this year has a competent camera that takes … | Continue reading | 8 years ago

VR needs a hit

I believe virtual reality is going to be huge. Huge. …Eventually. But when? Are we talking years, or decades? I visited yet another VR festival this week, and I couldn’t shake the feeling that we’re still in the very early days of the medium. It’s amazing! It’s thrilling! And it’ … | Continue reading | 8 years ago

Wybrałam się na kurs robienia serów – relacja specjalnie dla Ciebie!:)

Dzień dobry, Jeśli zastanawiasz się gdzie byłam ostatnimi czasy (pominąwszy moją obecność wirtualną na Facebooku: poważnie, jeśli jeszcze nie obserwujesz, to polecam bo dużo... | Continue reading | 8 years ago

iPhone 7: Video mit Lightning-EarPods aufgetaucht

Gestern tauchte ein Video auf, dass angeblich den Kopfhörer-Adapter zeigt, der vielleicht mit dem kommenden iPhone 7 ausliefert wird. Das glaubt zumindest die Deutsche Bank. Heute schneit schon wieder ein Filmchen zum Thema digitaler Kabelsalat... | Continue reading | 8 years ago

Samsung's Gear 360 is the VR video camera for the masses

Samsung's Gear 360 gets all the basics right for a consumer 360 camera.It's small, easy to use (for capturing and editing), the video quality is good (for a first-generation model) and it's affordably priced at $349.99.SEE ALSO: Ball-shaped Samsung Gear 360 makes it easy to recor … | Continue reading | 8 years ago

Want Social Media Success? Hang out on the Stoop.

When I was a kid, the park was where we went to find our friends, but the stoop was where the good stuff happened. That's where the storie... | Continue reading | 8 years ago

How the porn industry is taking over Virtual Reality

The real test for any new technology is how quickly it gets picked up by the adult industry. As porn embraces virtual reality, what does that mean for the rest of us? Talking about virtual reality is a bit like “dancing” about “architecture;” we lack the vocabulary to do it prope … | Continue reading | 8 years ago

Ukraine will in Tschernobyl riesigen Solarpark bauen

Die ukrainische Regierung hat vorgeschlagen, einen Teil des kontaminierten Gebiets um Tschernobyl in einen 60 Quadratkilometer großen Solarpark umzuwandeln. Nach Informationen des Guardian sucht die Ukraine derzeit nach Geldgebern für das... | Continue reading | 8 years ago

4 ways you can help curb the tech industry's child labor problem

The device you're using to read this story may have its roots in child labor.In a society infatuated with tech, we rarely stop to think about how that tech is made. But many of the little parts that make up your favorite high-tech devices, advocates say, lead to a massive global … | Continue reading | 8 years ago

Jelly Deals roundup: A Link Between Worlds, Uncharted 4, Street Fighter 5 and more

A note from the editor: Jelly Deals is a new deals site launched by our parent company, Gamer Network, with a mission to find the best bargains out there. (It also has the best name.) We've invited the Jelly Deals team to share a weekly roundup of (mostly) gaming-related bargains … | Continue reading | 8 years ago

Use standard Mac OS X apps to optimize your home Wi-Fi network

Some time ago I visited my parents, and as these things tend to go, they had a list of things that bothered them about their computers, iPhones and iPads and the Internet connection. I like helping them, so tried optimizing their Wi-Fi network first. That was frustrating at first … | Continue reading | 8 years ago

Why mastery matters and creativity shouldn’t be easy

Being creative makes us happy – that’s true – but not just because we just enjoy dreaming up new ideas and having flights of fancy. In fact, research tells us that what we really love about creativity is the daily drudgery – the slow and frequently painful trudge towards getting … | Continue reading | 8 years ago

Google Maps für iOS jetzt mit mehreren Wegpunkten

Auf Android-Geräten kann man auf Google Maps schon seit einigen Wochen Routen mit mehreren Zielen planen. Jetzt gibt es diese praktische Funktion endlich auch für das iPhone. Es geht ganz einfach: Ihr wählt zuerst Start und Ziel aus... | Continue reading | 8 years ago

This Week in Content Marketing: How Brands Could Inherit the Web

The guys talk content marketing-related acquisitions, a new content marketplace, a new agency, rants, and raves – Content Marketing Institute | Continue reading | 8 years ago

The HTC Vive is about to get a price hike in the UK

HTC is raising the price of its VR headset in the UK thanks to Brexit. The company will increase the HTC Vive's price by £70 on August 1st, raising the price from £689 to £759. HTC is the third major tech company to raise prices in the UK due to the currency devaluation caused by … | Continue reading | 8 years ago

Watch: Six game worlds we'd really rather not visit, thank you

The weather in the UK has been rather lovely recently, hasn't it? All this sunshine might have been a little too much for us last week, but it didn't stop us day-dreaming about packing up all our video games and jetting off on holiday somewhere.However, those dreams of lonely bea … | Continue reading | 8 years ago

Amazon Drive: Unbegrenzter Speicherplatz für 70 Euro im Jahr

Amazon bietet ab sofort in Deutschland unbegrenzten Cloud-Speicherplatz über Amazon Drive an. Zu einem Kampfpreis von 70 Euro im Jahr seit ihr dabei, alle Fotos oder Videos werden in Originalgröße und -auflösung gespeichert. Per... | Continue reading | 8 years ago

Kotlety mielone prowansalskie

Kotlety mielone jakie każdy zna, ale z prowansalskim akcentem w postaci zmielonych suszonych pomidorów i suszonych ziół prowansalskich. Polecam na pyszny, domowy obiad w gronie rodzinnym :-) Użyjcie dobrego jakościowo, chudego mięsa (możecie sami je zmielić w maszynce), a kotlety … | Continue reading | 8 years ago

Are You An #EventProf Micro Manager?

“I am a micromanager,” said no event manager ever! Here’s what you need to know to find out if you actually are a micromanager and how it hurts your entire team if you are! As an #eventprof, attention to detail is critical for success. This is where micromanaging pops up it’s ugl … | Continue reading | 8 years ago

There are a terrible lot of lies going about the world

In my Weekend Update Newsletter I share great content I found this past week including There are a terrible lot of lies going about the world | Continue reading | 8 years ago

Empathy is difficult

If you believed what he believes, you'd do precisely what he's doing. Think about that for a second. People act based on the way they see the world. Every single time. Understanding someone else's story is hard, a job that's... | Continue reading | 8 years ago

Kontrolleure warnen vor Lebensmitteln aus dem Internet

Online bestellt und frisch auf den Tisch: Dieses Versprechen wird bei Lebensmitteln oft nicht eingehalten. Das ergab eine Untersuchung des Chemischen und Veterinäruntersuchungsamts Karlsruhe (CVUA). Die Kontrolleure testeten die Lieferung von frischem... | Continue reading | 8 years ago


Choć pochodzi z kuchni węgierskiej, to można powiedzieć, że to klasyka kuchni polskiej ;-) Bardzo popularne na naszych stołach leczo najlepsze jest właśnie teraz, w lecie, gdy pod dostatkiem słodkiej i kruchej papryki, soczystych pomidorów i młodej cebuli. Dodatek kiełbasy czyni … | Continue reading | 8 years ago

Ein erster Blick in Teslas Gigafactory

Gestern hat Tesla die Gigafactory in der Wüste Nevadas zum ersten Mal für Journalisten geöffnet. Unsere Kollegen vom US-amerikanischen Engadget waren dabei, haben auf der Baustelle der weltgrößten Batteriefabrik einige Fotos... | Continue reading | 8 years ago

Keith Stuart on the irresistible rise of augmented reality

Within two decades, possibly sooner, our notion of what constitutes reality is going to completely collapse in on itself like a supermarket own-brand tent at a rainy music festival. Hello, welcome to another article about Pokémon Go. Bear with me.Until about 15 years ago you cou … | Continue reading | 8 years ago

These were the 10 biggest European tech stories this week

Here’s an overview of the 10 biggest European tech news items for this week: 1) Hailo and Daimler-owned MyTaxi agreed to merge in all-share deal to fend off Uber and other competitors in the crowded on-demand transportation space. Both companies will continue operating under the … | Continue reading | 8 years ago

Słodkie, letnie śniadanie czyli omlet cesarski Kaiserschmarrn z duszonymi owocami

A gdyby tak jednego dnia usiąść do śniadania w zupełnie innym miejscu? Z daleka od naszych czterech kątów, czekających domowych obowiązków i miejskiego zgiełku? Na co wówczas mielibyście ochotę, i jak wyglądałoby Wasze wymarzone śniadanie? Moje już znacie. W szczerym polu. Z ulub … | Continue reading | 8 years ago

We're Streaming iOS Games Live on Mobcrush [RPGs on Saturday Mornings with Birthday Boy Shaun!]

We're streaming live on Mobcrush right now. There's a couple different ways you can watch the stream, and they all work equally well and it's really just a matter of personal preference as to which method you prefer. The easiest way to watch is just watching the embedded player r … | Continue reading | 8 years ago

Indonesia will be Asia’s next biggest e-commerce market

Indonesia presents much opportunity for e-commerce among other emerging Asian economies, with current projections putting this archipelago nation’s e-market at $130 billion by 2020. With an estimated annual growth rate of 50 percent and strong mobile-first initiatives, retailers … | Continue reading | 8 years ago

How to Write for Your Audience: Step-by-Step Guide

This article will help you to look at the digital world with new eyes and will serve as a start of an exciting journey to more engaging and meaningful content as well as qualitatively new and stronger relationships with your audience. | Continue reading | 8 years ago

Amazon’s Alexa voice assistant went down for some people today

Amazon’s Alexa voice assistant, which powers the Amazon Echo smart speaker and other devices, has been acting up today. Many people have reported problems. The thing is, Amazon doesn’t have a place where people can check the status of the Alexa Voice Service. So what we have are … | Continue reading | 8 years ago

A glimpse inside Tesla’s super secretive Gigafactory

Even having grown up in California, I’m realizing I’m not built for this heat.We’re 30 minutes or so outside of Reno, but it feels like I’m on the sun. I can feel my sunscreen baking off. Why the hell did I wear black today?It’s okay; it’s worth it. I’m out here for a glimpse ins … | Continue reading | 8 years ago

Marvel decides not to split Avengers: Infinity War into two movies

Marvel has made a small but important change to its film schedule: it's still planning to release Avengers films in 2018 and 2019, but they'll no longer be two parts of the same story. The first film will keep the title Avengers: Infinity War, but the second picture is now untitl … | Continue reading | 8 years ago

Report: Clinton staff emails were part of DNC breach (and Julian Assange may have them)

After last week’s email dump that saw nearly 20,000 emails from leading Democratic National Convention leaders end up on WikiLeaks, Julian Assange could be right that this is just the beginning. The Associated Press, just minutes ago confirmed that Clinton emails are part of thos … | Continue reading | 8 years ago

9 in 10 iPhone users won't buy iPhone 7 without redesign, survey finds

A new survey by Quartz reveals that if Apple doesn't dramatically alter the iPhone 7 from the iPhone 6 or iPhone 6 Plus, nearly 90 percent of iPhone users will not upgrade. It's probably not the news Apple wants to hear since iPhone sales are on the decline. But now that we all h … | Continue reading | 8 years ago

Wildfires Uncover Historic Treasures for Archaeologists

As wildfires increase in frequency across the Western U.S., they're unveiling a treasure trove of cultural artifacts for archeologists. Photo/Video: Jake Nicol/The Wall Street Journal | Continue reading | 8 years ago

If You Like TouchArcade, Please Support Our Patreon

Hey everyone, it's Friday and we're close to the end of the week of TouchArcade blasting stories out (unless anything cool happens over the weekend we need to cover), but the fact still remains: To survive, we very much need your support. The business of running a web site is tri … | Continue reading | 8 years ago

That awkward moment when Google insults a celebrity on Knowledge Graph

Google Knowledge Graph, for those that are unaware, provides additional information about a search term to keep you from needing to click on results to get quick bits of information. A celebrity’s age, the date of a major historical event, or which team a NBA star plays on are al … | Continue reading | 8 years ago

Charging startups to apply to an accelerator is exploitative and dumb

Yesterday, a little birdie told me about Nextt, an accelerator (probably more accurately referred to as an incubator) for early-idea-stage startups. The idea is to take a napkin-stage idea and turn it into an MVP of sorts in six weeks. Not a shabby idea, but the insidious thing h … | Continue reading | 8 years ago

New Apple patent suggests future iPhones could have a Digital Crown

This year's iPhone is expected to bore everyone's brains out.Now, next year's iPhone...that's supposed to be the one with the sweeping changes. For the 10th anniversary of the iPhone, Apple surely has something grand planned.SEE ALSO: Apple may have big plans for its Pencil stylu … | Continue reading | 8 years ago

Research shows deleted WhatsApp messages aren’t actually deleted

Chat logs from WhatsApp linger on your phone even after you’ve deleted them, according to new research published by iOS expert Jonathan Zdziarski.Forensic traces of chats linger on the phone even after a user archives or deletes them, Zdziarski found, and could be accessed by som … | Continue reading | 8 years ago