Huawei to open 15,000 new shops around the world

Huawei is to expand its retail empire by adding 15,000 new stores to the 35,000 stores it currently has across China, Asia, Europe and South America. | Continue reading | 8 years ago

Minecraft bekommt Oculus Rift Support

Heute ist der letzte Tag an dem man auf Windows 10 upgraden kann, ohne dafür bezahlen zu müssen. (Falls irgendwer noch keine Pläne für das Wochenende hat, das wäre einer). Aber es gibt auch einen Grund mehr das wirklich... | Continue reading | 8 years ago

Sommer 2017 ab sofort bei alltours buchbar / Urlaubsnachfrage für Kanaren, Mallorca und Griechenland jetzt schon hoch

alltours flugreisen gmbh: Düsseldorf (ots) - Ab sofort können Urlauber bei alltours und byebye den Sommer 2017 buchen. Früher als bisher haben die beiden Reiseveranstalter ihre Programme für das kommende Jahr freigeschaltet. Über 400 Hotels sind bereits buchbar und täglich ... | Continue reading | 8 years ago

AIDA: Dreifachanlauf in Kiel / AIDAaura, AIDAvita und AIDAluna zu Gast an der Kieler Förde (FOTO)

AIDA Cruises: Rostock (ots) - Am 30. Juli 2016 werden gleich drei AIDA Schiffe nach Kiel kommen. AIDAvita wird bereits gegen 6.30 Uhr in Kiel ankommen. AIDAaura und AIDAluna laufen gegen 8.00 Uhr gemeinsam ein. AIDAaura wird am Satorikai, AIDAvita am Ostseekai ... | Continue reading | 8 years ago

Wege burgery z pieczonym bakłażanem

Ciekawą alternatywą dla osób poszukujących roślinnej alternatywy dla kotleta są bakłażany. Po pokrojeniu dobrze jest je posolić i odstawić aby pozbyć się nadmiaru wilgoci, następnie opłukać i wysuszyć. Tak przygotowane  należy doprawić i obtoczyć w panierce po czym usmażyć lub - … | Continue reading | 8 years ago

Government Communicators: Focus on Event Photography

Award-winning video producer Ann Ramsey contributed today's post. She is a senior producer at the US Department of Health & Human Ser... | Continue reading | 8 years ago

Coinbase Extends Bitcoin, Ether Buying in Canada & Singapore

Digital currency exchange and wallet provider Coinbase has extended bitcoin and ether buying to customers in Canada and Singapore, within days after announcing the same feature to Australian users. Firmly in its global expansion phase, bitcoin and ether exchange and wallet Coinba … | Continue reading | 8 years ago

Is Your Niche Boring? Turn the Tables to Your Favor With Content Marketing

With the right content marketing team by your side, you're going to realize that your niche was never boring, it just needed the right story to go along with it. | Continue reading | 8 years ago

Online Marketing News: Critical Personalization, Social Strategy Research & Marketers on Reddit

This week's top online marketing news from @toprank featuring citical personalization, social strategy research and marketers on reddit. | Continue reading | 8 years ago

Wikipedia’s redesigned app recommends content to read on the go

The Wikipedia app has been re-designed to add a slew of new and useful features to make it easier to check out content on the go. | Continue reading | 8 years ago

You can glitch between levels in this Overwatch map

Overwatch's Nepal map is made up of three distinct stages, with each round taking place on a different one. You may have noticed there's no additional loading screen as the game transitions between each of these rounds and this, it turns out, is because all three stages actually … | Continue reading | 8 years ago

From Soothing to Insulting – 2 Adverts With Very Different Copywriting Styles

As most people reading magazines, I flip through the adverts to get to the good stuff. In this month’s edition of Glamour I was of course looking for an article that would help me perfect my … | Continue reading | 8 years ago

Miitomo updated with a new mini-game

Miitomo, Nintendo's Mii-focused smartphone app that launched earlier this year, has been updated with a new mini-game and changes to the way you use one of its currencies.Instead of spending Sweets on listening to responses from questions the app has asked your friends - which ar … | Continue reading | 8 years ago

Regen? Einfach GPS-Signale für Pokémon Go selbst generieren

Natürlich war von Anfang an klar, dass man bei Pokémon Go auch die GPS-Signale faken kann und es gibt auch Softwarelösungen dafür, der Hack von Carlo van Dristen, Simon Pippers und Haisang Yu ist aber der bislang komplexeste und... | Continue reading | 8 years ago

Bitcoin Price Watch; Switching Things Up A Little

Those who have followed along with our bitcoin price watch pieces over the last few weeks will have noticed a common thread running through our strategy. We’ve been defining relatively tight ranges and skipping in and out of the markets with these ranges on breakout scalp trades. … | Continue reading | 8 years ago

Samsung releases flagship smartphone battery test video

Samsung has released a battery test video that not surprisingly shows the Galaxy S7 and S7 Edge beating all other flagship smartphones. | Continue reading | 8 years ago

BTC-e Calls Ethereum Classic a Scam

The world of cryptocurrency seems very divided when it comes to Ethereum and Ethereum Classic right now. Cryptocurrency exchange BTC-e went as far as calling Ethereum Classic a”scam,” as they have no plans to support it. However, various of their ETH users are eligible to receive … | Continue reading | 8 years ago

Pokémon Go and Dark Souls are more alike than you think

If the headline reads like a lame joke, that's because it began life as one. "Imagine if they were hunting for Black Knights," I remarked to a friend, watching tourists and students coast merrily up and down the South Bank in search of Squirtles and Goldeens. "Imagine if Dark Sou … | Continue reading | 8 years ago

RNC vs. DNC: Sizing Up the Conventions

How did the Democratic and Republican National Conventions compare? WSJ's Shelby Holliday sizes up the back-to-back political events. | Continue reading | 8 years ago

Trump’s Appeal to Elderly Voters Worries Democrats

A Democratic pollster at the Democratic National Convention says seniors are the most solidly in favor of Donald Trump of any age group. What’s the Clinton campaign trying to do to change that? WSJ’s Jason Bellini has #TheShortAnswer. Photo: Getty | Continue reading | 8 years ago

WhatsApp doesn’t entirely wipe your deleted chats on iOS – but there’s no need to panic

WhatsApp took its own sweet time to introduce end-to-end encryption for keeping users’ data private – something that rival services offered a long time ago. But as it turns out, the service isn’t entirely secure as it still doesn’t do a great job of erasing your messages when you … | Continue reading | 8 years ago

People think the Mario & Sonic Rio Olympics game shouts a really bad word

On its front cover, Mario & Sonic at the Rio 2016 Olympic Games is rated for ages seven and up.When playing the game, however, some people have heard a word that's decidedly more adult.A very bad word. Yes, that one.Read more… | Continue reading | 8 years ago

Event TV: Moretti Gran Tour

Italian beer brand Birra Moretti hosted a food and drink festival at London's Truman Brewery from 19-24 July. | Continue reading | 8 years ago

"Im Rausch der Höhe": ZDF-Doku über das Abenteuer Alpen-Überquerung (FOTO)

ZDF: Mainz (ots) - Die Überquerung der Alpen gilt für viele Hobby-Wanderer als eine der größten Herausforderungen. Der Klassiker dabei: die Tour von Oberstdorf nach Meran. In der Dokumentation "Im Rausch der Höhe - Zu Fuß über die Alpen" ist am Dienstag, ... | Continue reading | 8 years ago

Why Cognitive Empathy Matters and How it Works in Tandem with Reason

“You never really understand another person until you consider things from his point of view - until you climb inside of his skin and walk around in it.” [Harper Lee, To Kill A Mockingbird] The term empathy refers to sensitivity and understanding of the mental states of others. W … | Continue reading | 8 years ago

How to rank higher on Google: the harsh truth

Learn how to rank higher on Google with these 5 actionable lessons, straight from top UK content marketing consultant, Amy Jordan. Rank higher - fast. | Continue reading | 8 years ago

OvRcharge: kontaktloses Ladegerät mit schwebenden Smartphones

Während drahtloses Aufladen immer noch nicht ein Standard unter Smartphone-Flagschiffen ist, gibt es jetzt ein wirklich bezauberndes Ladegerät, das Smartphones mittels Magneten in der Luft schweben lassen soll, während sie aufladen. Erinnert... | Continue reading | 8 years ago

The big flip: How Snapchat reoriented video advertising

Not so long ago, people used to actively complain when an online video was filmed in portrait mode. Nearly all video was viewed landscape and these viewing habits dictated the format. However, in just the past year or so, this silent yet pervasive trend has been completely flippe … | Continue reading | 8 years ago

Is Capcom about to announce a new Dragon's Dogma?

Is Capcom going to announce an all-new Dragon's Dogma next Tuesday? A teaser for the enigmatically titled 'Project Palm' has just emerged, and the single-shot of a light-scarred hand has been enough to get some hopes up over on NeoGAF where links have been made to Capcom's much-l … | Continue reading | 8 years ago

Europeana Tech Inside, new issue about Annotation

four articles by, Annotate All Knowledge, Pundit and Europeana Sounds EuropeanaTech is pleased to present the newest issue of EuropeanaTech Insight. With this issue we focus on annotations, which has been and continues to be a pivotal focus of the EuropeanaTech Commun … | Continue reading | 8 years ago

Just because you're right...

You may be right, but that doesn't mean that people will care. Or pay attention. Or take action. Just because you're right, doesn't mean they're going to listen. It takes more than being right to earn attention and action. | Continue reading | 8 years ago

Heiße Rhythmen zur kalten Jahreszeit / Zürcher Widder Bar mit neuem Jazzprogramm

Widder Hotel: Zürich (ots) - Vom 1. November bis 6. Dezember präsentiert die Widder Bar an vier Abenden feinsten Jazz. Alljährlich im Frühjahr und Herbst lädt das Widder Hotel internationale Größen, Urgesteine und Newcomer des Genres ins intime Club-Ambiente ... | Continue reading | 8 years ago

5 Interactive Ways To Get Real-Time Event Feedback

Thinking outside of the box using creative ways to plan and design events is what we do as event professionals. We should be using more creative ways to get feedback on our work and the client’s investment too. Whilst you are in the planning stages of your event, you should alrea … | Continue reading | 8 years ago

The English of non-native speakers could make smarter computers

Researchers at MIT have created a database of annotated sentences written by non-native English speakers, the university announced in a press release Friday, in an effort to improve the ways in which computers process written or spoken language.Most natural language processing (N … | Continue reading | 8 years ago

5 Things to Consider Before Buying Expired Domains

Important things to keep in mind before buying an expired domain. Make sure to check all the aspect for expired domains and find it qualified to purchase | Continue reading | 8 years ago

Mi VR: Xiaomi könnte VR Hardware am 1. August vorstellen

Es war klar, dass die chinesischen Hersteller nicht allzu lange auf sich warten lassen und selber eigene VR Hardware präsentieren. Aber das Xiaomi, die gerade erst ihr eigenes Mi Notebook Air und Redmi Pro vorgestellt haben, jetzt schon gleich... | Continue reading | 8 years ago

Musei Emotivi, workshop about emotions, visitors involvement and participation in museums

Firenze (Italy), 13 - 15 October 2016 The Second Edition of Musei Emotivi workshop, in italian language, is organized at Museo Novecento in Florence. The event is addressing museums professionals and curators and aims to explore the theme of visitors engagement and the role of em … | Continue reading | 8 years ago

Jason Bourne: What’s Happened So Far?

“Jason Bourne” sees Matt Damon and director Paul Greengrass return to Universal Pictures’ Bourne franchise after a 10 year absence. Mark Kelly looks back at the series which includes The Bourne Identity, The Bourne Supremacy, The Bourne Ultimatum and The Bourne Legacy. Image: Uni … | Continue reading | 8 years ago

OpenGL ES versus Vulkan, who is the performance king?

How does Vulkan stack up to OpenGL ES 3.1 in graphics and performance? In this article we run multiple tests to determine a winner. | Continue reading | 8 years ago

This Android app lets you multi-task while watching YouTube videos

I love watching YouTube videos on my phone, but I don’t like being restricted to having the app open to enjoy them: why can’t I have it play clips in the background or in a small window while I continue to browse Reddit or flip through my to-do lists? That’s where Flytube comes i … | Continue reading | 8 years ago

Uber focuses on services as it begins to see profits in Southeast Asia

Uber has abandoned its ‘land grab’ approach to Southeast Asia and instead switched its focus to new products and services as it begins to see profitability in key markets in the region. Read More | Continue reading | 8 years ago

Hearthstone's next expansion invites you for One Night in Karazhan

Hearthstone players will get to spend One Night in Karazhan next month, in the latest expansion for Blizzard's collectible card battler.45 fresh cards will be released over four weeks as you explore areas of a pre-World of Warcraft Karazhan dungeon. Although, instead of your usua … | Continue reading | 8 years ago

Watch a horse in a pink Hello Kitty mask save Japan

The summer of 2003 was a difficult one for many of Japan's citizens, as they suffered the after-effects of 10 years of economic stagnation — a period that became known as "the lost decade." But there were beacons of hope to be found in the country: one in the shape of a horse wea … | Continue reading | 8 years ago

Now it's Magikarp's turn to get an amazing song

Yeah yeah yeah your Pokémon's CP might be through the roof, but have they got rhythm. The official Japanese Pokémon has come good once again, delivering an amazingly heartfelt, stirring and emotional ditty that's all about why Magikarp is the absolute greatest. The song comes two … | Continue reading | 8 years ago

Sony’s mobile business is now small enough to not be losing money

After years of struggles from its phone division, Sony has finally figured out how to break even: by shrinking everything dramatically and benefiting from favorable exchange rates. The Japanese company today reports a slender quarterly profit of ¥21.2 billion ($205 million), thou … | Continue reading | 8 years ago

KU Leuven’s Portable Light Dome: a new way of looking at cultural heritage

a promo video explains all you need to know about this amazing investigation technique, to discover details invisible at human eye RICH (REFLECTANCE IMAGING FOR CULTURAL HERITAGE) is a project by Illuminare, Centre for the Study of Medieval Art, KU Leuven, in collaboration with E … | Continue reading | 8 years ago

Lenovo öffnet Moto Mods Entwickler Kit für alle

Wir sind gespannt, ob sich wirklich viele Entwickler etwas nützliches für die modulare Rückseite des Moto Z ausdenken, denn davon könnte der Erfolg des Smartphones und der kompletten Serie von Moto abhängen. Ein eigenes Entwickler-Programm... | Continue reading | 8 years ago

AHGZ-Ranking: Top-50-Hotelgesellschaften steigern Umsatz um 7,5 Prozent

AHGZ: Frankfurt am Main (ots) - Die 50 umsatzstärksten Hotelgesellschaften in Deutschland haben 2015 das sechste Mal in Folge ihren Gesamtumsatz gesteigert. Das hat das exklusive Ranking der AHGZ - Allgemeine Hotel- und Gastronomie-Zeitung (dfv ... | Continue reading | 8 years ago