6 ways to save battery life in 'Pokémon Go' so you can keep playing

It's been a week since Pokémon Go launched and people still can't stop playing it. Two men even fell off a cliff because they were too focused on catching Pokémon and not watching where they were going.The game is so addictive people are literally losing sleep over it because the … | Continue reading

@mashable.com | 8 years ago

So sieht Pokémon Go auf Microsofts AR-Brille aus

So heftig wie das Pokémon Go-Fieber grassiert, war es nur eine Frage der Zeit, bis jemand die Monsterchen vom Smartphone auf ein Headset transportierte, und zwar auf Microsofts HoloLens, zu der das Spiel perfekt passt, weil mit der Augmented-Reality-Brille... | Continue reading

@de.engadget.com | 8 years ago

Samsung made a limited edition Galaxy S7 Edge for the Olympics

The Galaxy S7 Edge is one of this year's best phones, so why not give it to some of the world's best athletes? Apparently the Batman phone wasn't enough, as Samsung is churning out yet another special edition of its curved smartphone — this time to celebrate the upcoming Olympic … | Continue reading

@theverge.com | 8 years ago

Locations Region Stuttgart ab 2017 in Sindelfingen

Nach mehreren erfolgreichen Jahren im Neckar Forum Esslingen wechselt die Regionalmesse LOCATIONS Region Stuttgart 2017 zur Messe Sindelfingen. Am neuen Austragungsort sind räumlich bessere Möglichkeiten gegeben, die Messe durch attraktive Begleitformate zu erweitern.  Zweifellos … | Continue reading

@events-magazin.de | 8 years ago

Crane House by Anonymous Architects

Located in Los Angeles, the Crane House is a project that includes two twin houses designed by Anonymous Architects. | Continue reading

@homeworlddesign.com | 8 years ago

People are stopping and getting out of their cars to catch Vaporeon

What happens when you live in a heavily populated area, play Pokémon Go and come across a rare pokemon? Chances are, you’re going to be in good company before too long. Pokemon mobs are becoming pretty common in major cities, and they look nuts.Heavily trafficked public locations … | Continue reading

@theverge.com | 8 years ago

The email, data and privacy implications of Microsoft’s acquisition of LinkedIn

We all took a collective gasp when we saw the price tag of Microsoft’s acquisition of LinkedIn. Now that the dust has settled a bit, we can pause and reflect on what this means from a data, privacy and email perspective — given that all three are potential strengths, weaknesses a … | Continue reading

@techcrunch.com | 8 years ago

Six Pokémon things for Pokémon Go fans to try next

We’ve made it through the surreal first week of Pokémon Go hysteria. Morning news anchors, curious parents, and franchise first-timers now have an opportunity to catch their breath, and learn what this series was up to for the past two decades while they weren’t paying attention. … | Continue reading

@theverge.com | 8 years ago

How Your Online Store May Be Leaking Money [Infographic]

Web Sites - Even if your online store is successful, it still has areas where it's leaking money. Here's a look at some of those places. | Continue reading

@marketingprofs.com | 8 years ago

You shouldn't be ashamed of playing 'Pokemon Go' and loving it

Hi! My name is Raymond Wong and I just turned 28 a few months ago. I love Pokémon Go and I'm not ashamed of everyone knowing. And neither should you, however old you are.Pokémon Go has taken the world by storm, and the game hasn't even been released in many parts of the world yet … | Continue reading

@mashable.com | 8 years ago

Digitale Transformation jenseits ausgetretener Pfade

Entsprechend der chinesischen Tierkreiszeichen steht in diesem Jahr bei den Pionieren und Querdenkern von Year of the X alles unter dem Motto „Release your inner Monkey“. Am 3. November 2016 laden sie alle Kreativen, Neugierigen und Mutigen völlig brachenunabhängig zu einem ungew … | Continue reading

@events-magazin.de | 8 years ago

Morning shootaround — July 16

NEWS OF THE MORNING Early reviews of Saric | Free-agent impact around NBA | Buddy Hield is ready to go No. 1: Early reviews of Saric — It will likely be a while before anyone gets a handle on the most mysterious rookie of the 2016-17 season. That’s because Dario Saric is two year … | Continue reading

@nba.com | 8 years ago

Zont Synth: Synthesizer im Smartphone-Format

Zontsound haben einen Synthesizer angekündigt, der wie eine Mischung aus dem klassischen Taschenrechner von Dieter Rams, einem Gameboy und den Teenage Engineerings Pocket Operators aussieht. Unter dem AMOLED Display von „Zont Synth" ist eine... | Continue reading

@de.engadget.com | 8 years ago

Immersion is going to be immense

Pokémon; Macbeth; the Illuminati. Those may not sound like they have a lot in common, but they exemplify the three whole new forms of technology-driven entertainment that have erupted in recent years. We’ll soon combine all three–and, eventually, use them to create whole new mult … | Continue reading

@techcrunch.com | 8 years ago

The Twitter army attacking Facebook gun sales

In the past month, John Sibley has been responsible for the takedown of more than 1,000 Facebook groups selling guns. He and others are part of a ragtag social media militia of sorts they say are trying to fill a gap in Facebook's gun ban. They spend their free time reporting pri … | Continue reading

@mashable.com | 8 years ago

Twitch: Jetzt mit Multi-Sprach-Filter für Streams

Praktisch: Das Live-Streaming-Videoportal Twitch hat einen Sprachfilter eingeführt. Ihr wollt nur Streams auf Deutsch sehen, oder sprecht ihr vielleicht auch Türkisch, Polnisch oder gar Japanisch? So oder so, bei jedem Spiel könnt ihr... | Continue reading

@de.engadget.com | 8 years ago

Report: Google cancelled its Oculus Rift/HTC Vive competitor

Google is doubling down on mobile VR, and abandoning, for now, plans for a standalone VR device in the vein of the Oculus Rift and HTC Vive. | Continue reading

@androidauthority.com | 8 years ago

Storytelling: Born in a Bathtub

As a marketing strategy, storytelling was born in a bathtub. The year was 1951. Stories couldn't move merchandise, the Madison Avenue e... | Continue reading

@blog.themightycopywriter.com | 8 years ago

HP Elite X3: Noch teurer als gedacht

Kurze Durchsage: HP listet auf der Produktseite nun einen Preis für das Elite X3, und der hat es in sich. Los geht es nicht bei 700 Euro, wie vor einigen Tagen vermutet, sondern bei 831,81 Euro. Für die Dual SIM-Variante werden gar 867,51... | Continue reading

@de.engadget.com | 8 years ago

Devialet's Phantom Gold wireless speaker literally blew us away

I've heard incredible things about Devialet's Phantom wireless speaker, but I was not prepared to experience the even more powerful Phantom Gold.The 25-pound speaker that's made in France looks like an alien egg and the rose gold trims are real 22-carat plated rose gold, which me … | Continue reading

@mashable.com | 8 years ago

AKTUALISIERUNG phoenix-Sonderprogramm: Putschversuch in der Türkei und Attentat in Nizza Samstag und Sonntag, 16./17.07.2016

Bonn (ots) - Aufgrund des Putschversuchs in der Türkei und des Attentats in Nizza öffnet phoenix am Wochenende sein Programm für aktuelle Berichterstattung. Am Samstag ordnet... | Continue reading

@presseportal.de | 8 years ago

Offener Brief von Tech-Größen: Trump wäre Desaster für Innovation

Über hundert führende Vertreter der US-Tech-Branche haben sich in einem offenen Brief klar gegen Donald Trump als Präsidentschaftskandidaten gestellt. „Wir haben Donald Trump ein Jahr lang zugehört und folgenden Schluss gezogen:... | Continue reading

@de.engadget.com | 8 years ago

This Week in Content Marketing: Most Brands Failing at Customer Experience

The guys discuss a dystopian view of advertising's future, the billions WPP may spend on Facebook, rants, raves, and more. – Content Marketing Institute | Continue reading

@contentmarketinginstitute.com | 8 years ago

Watch: Six lessons we learned playing Pokémon Go

Pokémon Go has been out officially in the UK for what, two days now? And yet it's hard to remember a time when it wasn't draining the life from my phone and reacquainting me with that thing healthy people do - walking, I think they call it. In recognition of the explosive ubiquit … | Continue reading

@eurogamer.net | 8 years ago

Withdrawing cash with iPhone's Touch ID coming to 70,000 ATMs in the U.S.

The days of inserting your debit or credit card into an ATM, entering your PIN and worrying about whether there's a card skimmer stealing your information will soon become a thing of the past.FIS and Payment Alliance International (PAI), two leaders in the ATM solutions space, an … | Continue reading

@mashable.com | 8 years ago

How To Add Google Calendar in WordPress: Easy Step by Step Guide

Are you finding a problem to setup a Google Calendar in WordPress? Check out this easy step by step guide for “How to add Google calendar in WordPress?” | Continue reading

@bforblogging.com | 8 years ago

Google arbeitete angeblich an Oculus-Konkurrenten

Wir wissen bereits, dass Google an einem VR-Headset tüftelt, das mit Android N und damit mit der VR-Plattform „Daydream" läuft. Auch ein Referenzdesign hat Google schon vorgestellt: Es zeigte eine Weiterentwicklung der Handy-Papphalterung... | Continue reading

@de.engadget.com | 8 years ago

Are you the icing or the cake? The art of being indispensable

As soon as I got the email, I knew. Call it intuition, call it years of experience —but it was bad. I could feel it. “Hey Hill,” my client wrote. “Can you talk on Tuesday?” My heart plunged to the wheels of my desk chair. This particular client wasn’t just anyone, either. They we … | Continue reading

@thenextweb.com | 8 years ago

3 Steps to Land your Dream Job

Landing a job in the wonderful world of events can be challenging. How can you give yourself the best chance of securing the event planning job of your dreams? In this competitive industry hundreds of people can apply for every single job and so you have one opportunity to impres … | Continue reading

@eventmanagerblog.com | 8 years ago

Tech Interview: Doom

It's been a while since we've done one of these! While putting together our tech analysis for id software's fantastic Doom reboot, one thing became clear - this was a game handing in a remarkable level of visual fidelity while maintaining an extremely high frame-rate. The scale o … | Continue reading

@eurogamer.net | 8 years ago

If you want to be happy, be

In my Weekend Update Newsletter I share great content I found this past week including If you want to be happy, be. | Continue reading

@schneiderb.com | 8 years ago

The second time you create that breakthrough

...it only takes a few minutes. Because it's not a breakthrough. Breakthroughs are slow because you don't know how to do it... Re-creation is fast, because you already know how. The art of the breakthrough is the practice of figuring... | Continue reading

@sethgodin.typepad.com | 8 years ago

phoenix-Sonderprogramm: Putschversuch in der Türkei und Terroranschlag in Nizza Samstag, 16.07.2016, seit 09.00 Uhr

Bonn (ots) - Aufgrund des Putschversuchs von Teilen des Militärs in der Türkei öffnet phoenix am Samstag sein Programm für aktuelle Berichterstattung. Moderator Hans-Ulrich... | Continue reading

@presseportal.de | 8 years ago

4 essential home office productivity hacks

The home office is a blessing and a curse. I love working from home as much as the next person — free snacks, zero commute, awesome lunch options in the area. Sometimes I stroll through the park on the way back from lunch, just because I can. Coworking spaces and trendy startup o … | Continue reading

@thenextweb.com | 8 years ago

Steinzeit- oder Zukunfts-Modell?

Die Theorie – das Konstrukt Hosted Buyer (Veranstaltungsplaner/Einkäufer)Der Buyer ist ein qualifizierter, vorselektierter Messegast. Um sich für das Hosted Buyer Programm zu qualifizieren, muss dieser sich im Vorfeld der Messe für das Programm bewerben. Im Rahmen der Anmeldung w … | Continue reading

@events-magazin.de | 8 years ago

Putschversuch Türkei:Information der DER Touristik für Türkei-Urlauber / Krisen- und Sicherheitsmanagement im Einsatz - Gäste sind wohlauf

DER Touristik: Frankfurt/Main (ots) - Nach dem Putschversuch des türkischen Militärs vom 15. Juli 2016 gibt die DER Touristik folgende Informationen: Kulanz Die DER Touristik mit ihren Veranstaltermarken ITS, Jahn Reisen, Travelix und Dertour bietet ... | Continue reading

@presseportal.de | 8 years ago

Astronomen fangen 1,2 Millionen Galaxien in gigantischem 3D-Bild ein

Das All in drei Dimensionen: Wissenschaftler haben eine riesige 3D-Karte veröffentlicht, welche die Auswirkungen der Dunklen Energie auf die Expansion des Universums illustriert. Wie das Max Planck-Institut schreibt, fanden die Forscher eine sehr... | Continue reading

@de.engadget.com | 8 years ago

Suicide Squad: Special Ops is now available for free in the Play Store

If you're keen to see some of the characters in action before the film is released, the mobile game Suicide Squad: Special Ops is now available to download in Play Store for free. | Continue reading

@androidauthority.com | 8 years ago

Aktuelle Lage in der Türkei / TUI reagiert mit kostenlosen Umbuchungen und Stornierungen bis 17. Juli / Gäste werden informiert

TUI Deutschland GmbH: Hannover (ots) - Am späten Abend des 15. Juli 2016 kam es in Ankara und Istanbul zu starker Militärpräsenz und dem Einsatz von Schusswaffen. Vertreter von Militär und Regierung sprachen gegenüber den Medien von einem Putschversuch. In den ... | Continue reading

@presseportal.de | 8 years ago

Has Steam Greenlight had its day?

In 2012 Valve launched Greenlight, a corner of Steam where developers could try (with the help of the public, press and anything else they could lay their hands on) and woo Valve into letting them flog their game.If that sounds kind of ridiculous, it's worth bearing in mind that … | Continue reading

@eurogamer.net | 8 years ago

Wasserwerke: Türen stehen weit offen für Hacker

Zwei Redakteuren von Golem und Internetwache, Philipp Schäfers und Sebastian Neef, gelang es im Rahmen einer Recherche, auf die Steuerungssysteme von vielen Industrieanlagen zuzugreifen. Darunter waren Wasserwerke, Blockheizkraftwerke und Interfaces... | Continue reading

@de.engadget.com | 8 years ago

Crunch Report | Coup Attempt in Turkey Blocks Social Media

Coup attempt in Turkey and social media like Facebook, Twitter and youtube gets blocked, Obama launches the Advanced Wireless Research Initiative, Lines share price jumps 50% on debut, Netflix launches Flixtape, NASA shows off its new Mars Rover design. All this on Crunch Report. … | Continue reading

@techcrunch.com | 8 years ago

We're Streaming iOS Games Live on Mobcrush [RPGs on Saturday Mornings with Shaun!]

We're streaming live on Mobcrush right now. There's a couple different ways you can watch the stream, and they all work equally well and it's really just a matter of personal preference as to which method you prefer. The easiest way to watch is just watching the embedded player r … | Continue reading

@toucharcade.com | 8 years ago

How to Improve Your Business’s Email Marketing Efforts with Simple Design Solutions

Easy SMTP and EyeQuant recently teamed up to analyze a number of email marketing campaigns using specialized heat map software. They took a number of different campaigns and rated them based on three different factors. The three factors were a clarity score, an excitingness score … | Continue reading

@digitalinformationworld.com | 8 years ago

How To Hire A Nanny In Canada

The Photos of the flowering and non-flowering plants, fruits, vegetables, culinary & aromatic herbs in this blog are of my garden.The BCIT student outcomes reports present summary findings from the annual survey of former students administered by BC Stats a single to two years so … | Continue reading

@talefoundry.com | 8 years ago

10 quick tips for becoming a Pokémon Master

Pokémon Go is officially the biggest mobile game of all time — at this point, you’re either playing or you’re sick of hearing about it. If you’re in that first camp, keep reading. We are only a week in and several members of the TechCrunch team are level 20 or higher. We have put … | Continue reading

@techcrunch.com | 8 years ago

The TouchArcade Show - 266 - The 'Pokemon Go' Show

Following the week of Poke-mania, the first half of the podcast surrounds the phenomenon of Pokemon Go [Free], so if you're not into that at all just skip forward about a half hour. Otherwise, we talk about a ton of other games we've been playing this week. Here's what I think is … | Continue reading

@toucharcade.com | 8 years ago

If You Like TouchArcade, Please Support Our Patreon

Hey everyone, it's Friday and we're close to the end of the week of TouchArcade blasting stories out (unless anything cool happens over the weekend we need to cover), but the fact still remains: To survive, we very much need your support. The business of running a web site is tri … | Continue reading

@toucharcade.com | 8 years ago