Xiaomi has announced the Mi 4S in China today. The successor to the Chinese phone maker’s 2014 hit handset, the Mi 4, brings a number of improvements in performance, design and build quality. The new 5-inch device features a metal frame with a glass front and back, and weighs in … | Continue reading
BlackBerry is not the smartphone powerhouse it used to be, but it’s been making a concerted effort to hold on to its position as a go-to place for enterprise customers, specifically in highly secure environments. As part of that strategy, today the company announced that it has a … | Continue reading
PwC's FinTech director discusses the professional services firm's new Blockchain Solution Portfolio and the way ahead for the technology. | Continue reading
Japanese regulators have proposed considering and treating virtual currencies like bitcoin as methods of payment and settlement similar to conventional fiat currencies. A report by Nikkei revealed that Japan’s Financial Services Agency (FSA) is considering legislative revisions t … | Continue reading
BARCELONA — Two days removed from the other big smartphone announcements at the Mobile World Congress was Xiaomi’s Mi 5, the company’s first truly global flagship smartphonePresented in in-depth detail by company CEO Hugo Barra, the new phone continues Xiaomi’s tradition of offer … | Continue reading
Messe Berlin GmbH: Berlin (ots) - Vom 1. bis 4. Juni wird die Welt der Luft- und Raumfahrtindustrie zu Gast in der Hauptstadtregion Berlin/ Brandenburg Berlin sein. Anbieter aller Sparten - von Flugzeugherstellern über Zulieferer bis zu Leasingfirmen - präsentieren ... | Continue reading
One of the biggest names in China's smartphone market has come to the world's biggest mobile show to debut its next flagship, the Mi 5. Today, Xiaomi introduces itself to a global audience on the Mobile World Congress stage as it details its latest top-of-the-line Android smartph … | Continue reading
Hierarchy is a fundamental aspect of social life -- it often emerges spontaneously from the interaction between people. In organizations, hierarchies are both implicit and explicit. We can identify two major dimensions in social hierarchy -- power and status. The differences betw … | Continue reading
It remains to be seen whether or not the Bitcoin ecosystem will see either a positive or negative effect from the efforts by FinTech Australia. | Continue reading
Earlier this week Valve released its very own SteamVR Performance Test, and now people are fussing over Half-Life 3 and Left 4 Dead 3. Again.What's new this time? The files within the Source 2 game engine build that's a part of the performance test include references to Half-Life … | Continue reading
This Berkeley Hills house was originally designed by Ratcliff, Slama & Cadwalader for Robert Scalapino, a UC Berkeley emeritus professor of Political Science (d. 1990) and founding director of the Institute of East Asian Studies. | Continue reading
Xiaomi hat auf dem Mobile World Congress sein neues Flaggschiff vorgestellt. Das Mi 5 ist mit einem Snapdragon 820 ausgestattet, ein neuer Qualcomm-Prozessor, der im vergangenen Januar zum ersten Mal in einem Smartphone verbaut wurde. Alle Modelle... | Continue reading
Marketing summit Advertising Week Europe has announced it will be taking a thought leadership roadshow around the continent ahead of the main London event in April. | Continue reading
The capital's focus on fashion continues this week, as brands such as Canon and Toni & Guy descend on the Saatchi Gallery for London Fashion Weekend (25-28 February). | Continue reading
Microsoft's released a hefty 5GB update for Gears of War Ultimate Edition.The title update makes changes to playlists and adjusts gameplay.The headline changes are kills in social playlists now also count towards the "Seriously" achievement (kill 10000 people in versus competitiv … | Continue reading
Does everyone talk to themselves when they're playing games, or is it just me? I'm not just chatting rubbish about the weather or the state of the economy you understand - I just like to consistently reaffirm my own opinions about whatever it is I'm currently thumbing through. It … | Continue reading
If you love porridge but don’t always have time in the mornings to sit down and enjoy a bowl, then these muffins are for you! “Porridge on the go”, if you will. These moist, oaty muffins are subtly sweetened with coconut sugar (a low GI sugar with a caramel flavour) but you can a … | Continue reading
In order to secure more resources to improve your current content strategy, you need your C-suite fully on board. Here's how to showcase critical ROI: | Continue reading
Speaking–or at least trying to be comprehensible–is one of the hardest parts of studying a new language. Terratalk, a Japanese startup, wants to help English learners with a new app that promises to correct their pronunciation and grammar. The company just launched its Android ap … | Continue reading
Athens, Greece, 19-21 May 2016 Building on the success of the previews conferences, the 3rd International Conference of the International Association of Cultural and Digital Tourism (IACuDiT) is to be held in Athens, Greece, on May 19-21, 2016, with the theme “Tourism, Culture a … | Continue reading
STA Travel GmbH: Frankfurt (ots) - STA Travel, der Spezialist für junges Reisen, setzt in Sachen Kundenservice erneut ein Zeichen. Auch nach dem Urteil des Bundesgerichtshofes (BGH) in Karlsruhe von letzter Woche, das Fluggesellschaften die Berechnung des vollen ... | Continue reading
That's one of the most important lists you can have. The list of things worth thinking about. We live in the age of information surplus, when there are answers and shortcuts and highlights and notes and summaries for everything. But... | Continue reading
Dino Dini's released screenshots of Kick Off Revival, and it looks like Kick Off should.The screenshots, below, show off a pre-alpha version of the game, which is due out exclusively on PlayStation 4 and Vita in 2016. It's early days, then, but you can see Kick Off's trademark to … | Continue reading
We started the EEXCESS project with four content providers: Europeana, Mendeley, EconBiz and the KIM.portal. During the last months, we have been integrating some very interesting new content providers into the EEXCESS system. In this blog post, we would like to introduce them to … | Continue reading
Xiaomi is ready to do it again. The company just introduced its latest smartphone and it looks fantastic. Xiaomi is no longer a company that looks to others for inspiration. Xiaomi is no longer an upstart, it’s a global leader — one that has high expectations and a lofty $45 bill … | Continue reading
ARTE G.E.I.E.: Straßburg (ots) - Gestern abend hat in der französischen Hafenstadt Concarneau ein ganz besonderes Boot seine Anker gelichtet: Der Lowtech-Katamaran "Nomade des mers". Drei Jahre wird das Schiff die sieben Weltmeere befahren und auf seiner Reise ... | Continue reading
Im Jahr 1939 nahm das Schweizer Prestigeobjekt seine Fahrt auf – berühmt wurde der Zug jedoch erst 1946, als Winston Churchill mit ihm durch die Schweiz reiste. Daraufhin bekam der rote Doppelfeil auch seinen Beinamen Churchill. Heute dient der Zug als Eventlocation mit besondere … | Continue reading
Cadbury Dairy Milk unveiled its new musical project with the London Contemporary Orchestra (LCO) at a special performance of The Sound of Flavourites in London last night (23 February). | Continue reading
Once again our breakout strategy has helped us draw a profit from the markets on Tuesday, via a continuation of the overarching bearish momentum that we saw initiated through the sharp Monday decline. We noted in yesterday’s analysis that action had tightened up a little, and tha … | Continue reading
Spotify this week announced that much of its data will be moved from its own servers to the Google Cloud Platform, marking what is seen as a major coup for the search giant. As The Wall Street Journal reports, Spotify's music files will still be hosted on a storage service from A … | Continue reading
Atlas ist flügge: Die brandneue Version des humanoiden Roboters der Google-Tochter Boston Dynamics bewegt sich jetzt draußen wie drinnen mit erstaunlicher Sicherheit und ohne Leine. Mit seinen dünnen Beinchen und dem massigen Oberk&... | Continue reading
Designed by Studio Mackereth, The Mellier is a residential project in London. The Mellier is the winner of the World Interior News Award 2015 | Continue reading
Fira de Barcelona: Barcelona, Spanien (ots/PRNewswire) - Wenn es darum geht, Lebensmittel und Getränke zu kaufen und zu verkaufen, ist Spaniens größter Handelspartner die Europäische Union, mit Anteilen von 70,5 % beim Export und 68,7 % beim Import. Unterstrichen wird ... | Continue reading
Das Agenturgeschäft entwickelt sich weiter positiv. Sowohl im Bestands- und Neukundengeschäft, als auch bei den Geschäftsergebnissen konnten Kommunikationsagenturen im letzten Jahr deutliche Zuwächse erzielen. Das ist das Ergebnis einer aktuellen Trendumfrage unter ca. 78 Agentur … | Continue reading
ADAC: München (ots) - Deutschland war 2015 zum elften Mal in Folge das beliebteste Urlaubsland für deutsche Pkw-Reisende. Dies zeigt eine aktuelle Statistik des ADAC, der 1,53 Millionen Routenanfragen seiner Mitglieder, die sich in den ... | Continue reading
Messe Berlin GmbH: Berlin (ots) - Am Publikumswochenende der ITB Berlin die Vielfalt des Reisens an einem Tag erleben - Aktionen zum 50-jährigen Jubiläum der weltgrößten Reisemesse - Gänsehaut-Feeling beim Abenteuertag - Karrieretipps für Ein- und Aufstieg in der ... | Continue reading
Jahreszeiten Verlag, MERIAN: Hamburg (ots) - Am 25. Februar erscheint der 156 Seiten starke neue MERIAN Safari. Zum ersten Mal in fast 70 Jahren widmet MERIAN dieser Art des Reisens eine eigene Ausgabe und schickte dafür sechs Teams aus Reportern und Fotografen nach Afrika, um .. … | Continue reading
The 29th Mobile World Congress is in full swing, and amid the flurry of new device announcements, the main conversation piece in Barcelona has been the evolution of the Internet of ThingsOf course, the topic as a whole is nothing new — in fact, it's been the most important phrase … | Continue reading
Video: Rill Causey, Phil Nolan, Sam Sheffer, Tyler TronsonFor iPhone users who are always low on battery life, there's an easy way to squeeze more power out of your device throughout the day.By flipping on the iPhone's Low Power Mode, it temporarily reduces power consumption unti … | Continue reading
China-based smartphone maker Xiaomi has officially unveiled its new flagship phone, the first to be made available globally. As expected, Xiaomi lifted the lid on the latest device in its Mi series at Mobile World Congress (MWC) in Barcelona, where former Googler and current glob … | Continue reading
Xiaomi has officially announced the Mi 5, its latest flagship device, at events in Beijing and Barcelona today. The Mi 5 follows the Mi 4 launched 18 months ago. It is a 5.15-inch smartphone with Qualcomm's Snapdragon 820 processor, up to 4GB of RAM and 128GB of storage, a 3,000m … | Continue reading
EXCLUSIVE: A Facebook executive said yesterday that Facebook’s Messenger would be opening itself up to marketing, but he avoided using the word “ads” to describe the service, in what appeared to be a subtle correction of a report released last week saying Facebook will soon “laun … | Continue reading
Burberry made its AW16 collection available to peruse and purchase directly after its fashion show on Monday (22 February), via a branded app on Apple TV. | Continue reading
The chances of startup success are slim. Ninety percent are destined to fail. You know two things: that you’ve got a one-in-ten chance of success, and that you have to have the utmost confidence in your company. How do you balance hope with reality? | Continue reading
Jean-Claude Van Damme will star in an upcoming comedy pilot for Amazon, the Hollywood Reporter says, in which he'll play a fictionalized version of himself who secretly works as a black ops operative. Jean-Claude Van Johnson will cast the Belgian action star as a famous actor who … | Continue reading
800 Dollar wird HTCs Vive-HUD kosten, das wissen wir seit zwei Tagen. Ab sofort wissen wir aber auch, wie die Brille und das Zubehör wirklich aussehen. Denn unsere Kollegen haben am HTC-Stand detailliert Fotos von der finalen Version der Daten... | Continue reading
Brokers, agents and middleman are the perennial pain the backside when it comes to finding and renting a new house. NoBroker, an India-based startup that operates a peer-to-peer rentals site, has closed a $10 million Series B round to continue its quest to exterminate the propert … | Continue reading
Uber has launched a motorbike service in Thailand, marking the first time that the company has offered rides on two-wheeled vehicles. The service, called UberMOTO, launches today as a pilot program in Bangkok. In a press release announcing the pilot, Uber said the new service is … | Continue reading