Bill's launches 'Summer of Music' programme

Restaurant chain Bill's is launching its Summer of Music programme, which will invite guests to a series of outdoor gigs. | Continue reading | 7 years ago

Goldener Löwe in Cannes für österreichische DMO?

In Cannes findet gerade das International Festival of Creativity statt. Vor einem Monat wurde ein Studententeam der FH Salzburg bei den Filmfestspielen in Cannes nominiert. Und zur selben Zeit, diskutierte ich mit rund 100 Touristikern beim Tourism Fast Forward über den zukünftig … | Continue reading | 7 years ago

Ubisoft's pirate ship game Skull & Bones has a narrative campaign, too

Skull & Bones isn't just about blowing other people's pirate ships out of the water in player-versus-player battles - the game has a story-based campaign, too.A spin-off from Assassin's Creed: Black Flag's naval gameplay, Skull & Bones was revealed at E3 last week. At the show, o … | Continue reading | 7 years ago


 FundYourselfNow (FYN) has successfully reached our funding target and raised 1.5 million USD over the last 10 days, since the crowd sale commenced on 13 June 2017. The team at FYN would like to thank our investors and community of loyal supporters for believing in the FYN vision … | Continue reading | 7 years ago

Janus tokens Launched Directly on Exchanges & Yielding Attractive Dividends

You would have seen many Pre-sale ICOs from a number of blockchain based ventures and platforms belonging to different industries, but you would not have seen the platform that goes directly to exchanges, skipping the ICO sale. The software services startup, Janus, has done exact … | Continue reading | 7 years ago

Germany’s biggest industrial robotics company is working on consumer robots

You might not have heard of Kuka, but you’ll almost certainly know its products. The German firm is one of the world’s top manufacturers of industrial robots, and its robot arms are instantly recognizable thanks to their signature orange livery. But in the future, Kuka’s robots m … | Continue reading | 7 years ago

Neue Emojis! Zombies, Magier, Vampire, Feen und Meerjungfrauen

Es kommen neue Emoji! Die Abschaffung der üblichen Alphabete schreitet mit großen Schritten voran. In Unicode 10 gibt es einiges an neuen Charakteren mit denen man seine Zeichenzahl auf Twitter ordentlich verschlanken kann, um zum definitiven... | Continue reading | 7 years ago

Chubb kooperiert mit Wizz Air bei Reiseversicherungen (FOTO)

Chubb European Group Limited: Frankfurt (ots) - Chubb gab heute die Unterzeichnung eines Kooperationsvertrags mit der Fluggesellschaft Wizz Air bekannt, die auch ihren Kunden in Deutschland künftig Reise- und Flugstorno-Versicherungen von Chubb anbietet. Wizz Air ist die größte . … | Continue reading | 7 years ago

Wohnmobile für Frühbucher: Rabatte für den Sonnenurlaub im Winter verfügbar

Köln (ots) - - Aktuell bis zu 15 % Frühbucherrabatt auf Wohnmobile in den USA für Reisen ab November - Langzeitrabatte für Reisen in Neuseeland und Australien für eine... | Continue reading | 7 years ago

Sign up for 2-4-1 tickets to Disrupt Berlin by June 29

 So you missed the first round of deeply discounted tickets to Disrupt Berlin 2017? It’s cool; we’ve got you. On June 29, we’ll be releasing another batch of two-for-one Disrupt tickets, giving you not just one, but two whole tickets to the best startup show in Europe for the sam … | Continue reading | 7 years ago

What's Blockchain? HSBC Survey Finds 59% of Consumers Don't Know

A recent survey from the UK-based bank suggests that ordinary consumers are still largely in the dark about blockchain tech.Source | Continue reading | 7 years ago

The Supreme Court's Mixed Year on Capital Punishment

The U.S. Supreme Court’s latest term, which ended this week as the justices began their summer recess, saw death-penalty opponents achieve some notable victories even as the Court moved further away from abolishing capital punishment.In one of those wins Monday, the justices vaca … | Continue reading | 7 years ago

Weekender: Glastonbury, Peroni, Jo Malone

Events this weekend include Glastonbury, Peroni's Italian experience in Manchester and an ice cream van from Jo Malone. | Continue reading | 7 years ago

10 Tipps zum Mietwagen im Urlaub / Häufigste Schäden bei Glas, Felgen und Reifen - daher mitversichern / Kundenfreundlichste Tankregelung: voll abholen und voll zurückgeben (FOTO)

ADAC SE: München (ots) - Wer in den Ferien mehr von Land und Leuten sehen will als nur den Hotelpool und das All-inclusive-Restaurant, ist mit einem Mietwagen am flexibelsten. Mit den Tipps der ADAC Autovermietung GmbH sind Urlauber auf der sicheren Seite ... | Continue reading | 7 years ago

NASA überträgt die Sonnenfinsternis im August von allen Seiten

Am 21. August gibt es eine komplette Sonnenfinsternis, die in Deutschland bestenfalls einen Millimeter vor Sonnenuntergang in Düffel an der Grenze zu Nijmegen zu erhaschen ist. Aber, hey, Internet! Die NASA ist so nett und überträgt das... | Continue reading | 7 years ago

Amazon steckt Prime-Kunden eBooks in die Abo-Tüte

Amazon überrascht mit einem weiteren Feature für Prime-Kunden. Vermarktet als "Prime Reading", steht hier ab sofort eine Auswahl von Ebooks kostenlos zur Verfügung, die sowohl online, aber auch auf dem Kindle inklusive der angeschlossenen... | Continue reading | 7 years ago

Die irrwitzigsten Verbote der Welt (FOTO)

Jetcost: Düsseldorf (ots) - Bei Reisen ins Ausland lauern skurrile Fallstricke an unerwarteten Stellen Andere Länder, andere Sitten - so mancher Urlauber ist in der Ferne schon auf die absurdesten Vorschriften gestoßen. Die Flug- und Hotelsuchmaschine ... | Continue reading | 7 years ago

Nova Launcher with Google Feed now works on Android Lollipop devices

Nova Google Companion, which brings Google Feed support to the popular Nova Launcher, is now also available for Lollipop devices. | Continue reading | 7 years ago

LG’s latest ridiculous OLED screen is transparent, flexible, and taller than Tom Cruise

How’s this for an incredibly specific record: LG announced today that it’s created the world’s first flexible, transparent 77-inch OLED display. That’s one huge display. Taller, in fact, than Tom Cruise. According to Google, Cruise is 5ft 7 or 170 centimeters tall, and as this di … | Continue reading | 7 years ago

Magnum teams up with Moschino for Pleasure Store pop-up

Ice cream brand Magnum has teamed up with Jeremy Scott, creative director of Moschino, to launch a Magnum X Moschino Pleasure Store pop-up in London. | Continue reading | 7 years ago

Studie zum "Wirtschaftsfaktor Bustourismus" verzeichnet Milliardenumsätze und starkes Wachstum für die Branche / Löhne, Gehälter und Gewinne summieren sich auf 6,5 Milliarden Euro

Bundesverband Deutscher Omnibusunternehmer: Berlin (ots) - Der Bustourismus in Deutschland erwirtschaftet einen Bruttoumsatz in Höhe von 14,3 Milliarden Euro. Mit Blick auf die direkt oder indirekt von der Branche abhängigen Beschäftigten können zudem 238.000 Vollzeitäquivalente … | Continue reading | 7 years ago

Staring at the numbers

Sometimes, you can learn a lot by watching. But not always. An alien observing our behavior in elevators would note that most of the time, a person gets in, approaches the front corner, leaves that corner, goes to the back...        | Continue reading | 7 years ago

Eric Thelen to lead EIT Digital’s Silicon Valley Hub

Eric Thelen has been appointed Director of the EIT Digital Silicon Valley Hub. EIT Digital's Silicon Valley Hub establishes a two-way bridge between the European EIT Digital ecosystem and the San Francisco Bay Area supporting the exchange are of...Eric Thelen | Continue reading | 7 years ago

5 Ways to Make Press Feel Welcome at Your Next Event

You did it. The press are coming to your event. Now what? Believe it or not, you can make their jobs easier and make a big impression with just a few quick things. Trying too hard. It didn’t work in high school and it’s something your press attendees will see right through. You n … | Continue reading | 7 years ago

Construction tech company Aproplan closes €5 million Series A

 Not so long ago the administration needed to run a major construction project relied almost entirely on pen, paper, excel spreadsheets and faxes. That has provided a huge opportunity for startups to take a stab at digitising the construction industry. Brussels-based Aproplan, wh … | Continue reading | 7 years ago

Europeana 1914-1918 thematic collection launches during Europeana Transcribathon Campus Berlin 2017

Berlin (Germany), 22-23 June 2017 Officially launching the new Europeana 1914-1918 thematic collection, Europeana Transcribathon Campus Berlin 2017 marks the next milestone for the crowdsourcing digital archive dedicated to the historical conflict, and puts a spotlight on the inv … | Continue reading | 7 years ago

Bericht: Apple will weniger Tantiemen an Musik-Labels zahlen

Bloomberg berichtet, dass Apple aktuell mit den großen Labels die Verträge für iTunes-Downloads und das Streaming-Geschäft bei Apple Music neu verhandelt und zukünftig weniger Tantieme bezahlen will. Die geltenden Verträge... | Continue reading | 7 years ago

After Apple revealed it will develop its own graphics chips, Imagination Technologies put itself up for sale

(Reuters) — Imagination Technologies, the British company that has lost 70 percent of its value following a dispute with its biggest customer Apple, said on Thursday it had put itself up for sale. The company said in April that Apple had notified it of its decision to develop its … | Continue reading | 7 years ago

Klik: Get Back To Human Interactions [Review]

Kilk brings smart interactive wearables to events with the aim of improving the experience by reducing attendee screen time. More than just a badge, the Klik Badge allows one-click event interaction and a unique LED paging system. Here is our review. Klik: What Is It? Klik is an … | Continue reading | 7 years ago

The Peninsula Beijing: "Raum ist Luxus"

Hongkong (ots) - Mit 93 qm Ausgangsgröße in der "kleinen" Junior Suite bis hin zu 660 qm in der Peninsula Suite, gehören die Luxusunterkünfte des Peninsula Beijing zu den... | Continue reading | 7 years ago

Neuer Lautsprecher: Creative stellt den Sound Blaster Roar Classic Lite vor

Der Sound Blaster Roar von Creative war und ist ein guter Bluetooth-Lautsprecher, zahlreiche andere Modelle folgten dem Original seit dem Launch nach. Nun besinnt man sich auf den Sound des Originals und verpasst dem Lautsprecher einen optischen Facelift,... | Continue reading | 7 years ago

Google Glass gets its first firmware update in three years, world barely notices

For the first time since 2014, Google has released a software update for its Google Glass wearable device, adding support for Bluetooth-based products. | Continue reading | 7 years ago

DASH/USD and LTC/USD Technical Analysis June 22, 2017

Hello and welcome to News BTC’s Market Outlook June 22. DASH/USD DASH fell initially during the day on Wednesday, but found enough support underneath that | Continue reading | 7 years ago invests $397M into luxury marketplace Farfetch as part of a new strategic partnership, China’s second-largest e-commerce company after Alibaba, is pumping $397 million into Farfetch, a marketplace for luxury brands, as part of a new strategic partnership. founder and CEO Richard Liu will take a seat on Farfetch’s board as part of the deal, which mak … | Continue reading | 7 years ago

Verizon-owned Yahoo is killing off the best app it’s ever made

Under former CEO Marissa Mayer, Yahoo failed to build anything truly exciting over the past five years – except for a single truly notable app, Yahoo News Digest. Now, under the reign of its new owner Verizon, the company is killing off one of the best mobile apps I’ve ever used. … | Continue reading | 7 years ago

ETH/USD and ETH/BTC Technical Analysis June 22, 2017

Hello and welcome to News BTC’s Market Outlook June 22. ETH/USD The Etherium market fell during the day on Wednesday, breaking towards the $300 level. I believe that is an area that offers significant support, so I believe as long as we can find buyers in that area, this market s … | Continue reading | 7 years ago

BTC/USD and BTC/JPY Technical Analysis June 22, 2017

Hello and welcome to News BTC’s Market Outlook June 22. BTC/USD The Bitcoin market tried to rally initially during the day on Wednesday, but found enough resistance at the 2800 level to turn things around and go fishing towards the 2600 level. I think there is a significant amoun … | Continue reading | 7 years ago

Die ersten Tablets mit Kodak-Branding gehen an den Start

Dass Kodak und Archos in Sachen Tablet kooperieren wollen, steht bereits seit ein paar Monaten fest, jetzt kommen die beiden ersten Modelle in den Handel. Die Kodak-Tablets erscheinen im 7"- und 10"-Format und kosten 100 bzw. 160 Euro. Damit steht auch... | Continue reading | 7 years ago

BTSR Tokens Revolutionize the $230 Billion Advertising Industry

Online advertising is a multibillion-dollar industry. The total spending on digital advertising is estimated to be around $230 billion, which is expected to cross $335 billion by 2020. While the industry as a whole continues to grow every year, it leaves room for a lot of innovat … | Continue reading | 7 years ago

Burger King’s annoying ad that activated Google Home just won a big industry award

Burger King's recent TV ad that deliberately activated Google Home and Assistant just won a major advertising industry award. | Continue reading | 7 years ago

Every country should consider copying this UK bill to support electric cars

In order for electric vehicles to go mainstream, it’ll take more than just people buying them: governments will have to create infrastructure that enables drivers to use them just as easily as regular cars. And that’s what the UK is trying to do with the Automated and Electric Ve … | Continue reading | 7 years ago

“Creative with Digital Heritage” – E-Space MOOC is again accepting enrollments for October 2017

Enroll now and learn how to creatively reuse digital cultural content from professionals of the Europeana Space network. For the second academic year, the E-Space MOOC “Creative with Digital Heritage” is accepting enrollments. Europeana Space was a EC-funded project about the cre … | Continue reading | 7 years ago

HD Waterproof Endoscopic Camera now just $35

The WiFi HD Waterproof Endoscopic Camera is the ideal diagnostic addition to your tool kit. For a limited time you can get 34% off. | Continue reading | 7 years ago

5 Ways to mitigate billions of ad fraud problem

Ad-related fraud is a very real problem that has been puzzling everyone in the industry from small business owners who wish to do new marketing campaigns to giants like Google and Facebook. According to a study by WWP, the revenue of global advertising wasted on fraudulent traffi … | Continue reading | 7 years ago

Tantan, China’s top dating app, raises $70M for monetization and overseas expansion push

 Chinese startup Tantan, which is probably most comparable to Tinder, has raised $70 million in new capital as it looks to monetize its business for the first time and explore overseas expansion options. Three-year-old Tantan claims 60 million ‘validated’ users — i.e. not fake ac … | Continue reading | 7 years ago

Will Snapchat Spectacles Version 2 Have Augmented Reality?

Snapchat Spectacles Version 2 will likely feature Augmented Reality (AR) based on the fact that Snap’s “World Lenses” feature already displays AR via mobile devices and a patent application from 2015 reveals designs of AR integrated glasses. However, this is not guaranteed and th … | Continue reading | 7 years ago

Giga Watt’s First Ever Hardware-Backed ICO Makes Cryptocurrency Mining Profitable

Cryptocurrencies can’t exist without mining. The miners are the backbone of the networks, providing the necessary processing power. Without them, none of the cryptocurrency transactions would be possible. But with the constant increase in mining difficulty it has become virtually … | Continue reading | 7 years ago

Facebook is testing a feature to prevent profile pictures being abused by other users

 Facebook is introducing a new feature to give users peace of mind around how their profile photo can be used and accessed by others.The social network today announced a pilot program in India that is designed to protect users who are concerned about other people gaining access t … | Continue reading | 7 years ago