Robots are developing emotions, thanks to engineers at Honda

Honda aims to grant robots the gift of emotion with the development of an "emotion engine."The post Robots are developing emotions, thanks to engineers at Honda appeared first on ExtremeTech. | Continue reading | 7 years ago

Amazon spendiert Fire TV und Fire TV Stick Update

Amazon hat seinen Streaming-Devices Fire TV und Fire TV Stick ein neues Interface spendiert, das ab heute über ein Update ausgerollt wird. Amazon verspricht eine noch "cineastischere Erfahrung" als zuvor. Mit mehr Trailern und Screenshots von Filmen... | Continue reading | 7 years ago

This bed makes itself

Smartduvet uses an inflatable sheet to reset bedding in place on its own giving you one less thing to worry about before your morning coffee. Read more...More about Mashable Video, Duvet, Real Time Video, Sleep Products, and Smart Home | Continue reading | 7 years ago

Varo Money prepares to take on millennial fintech services with a bot named Val

EXCLUSIVE: Mobile banking app Varo Money is bringing a bot into its app to act as a financial personal assistant for its customers. Named Val, the bot will help Varo customers plan emergency savings, set goals, and provide insights that help them keep track of and control their s … | Continue reading | 7 years ago

Ölbohrungen Wattenmeer - Greenpeace kommentiert Rechtsgutachten von Minister Habeck

Greenpeace e.V.: Hamburg (ots) - Die durch Dea beantragten Bohrungen im Nationalpark Wattenmeer sind nicht zulässig - dazu hat der schleswig-holsteinische Umweltminister Robert Habeck heute im Umwelt- und Agrarausschuss des Landtags ein Rechtsgutachten vorgestellt. ... | Continue reading | 7 years ago

Continuous localization and mapping of a pan-tilt-zoom camera for wide area tracking

Giuseppe Lisanti, Federico Pernici, Alberto Del Bimbo, Iacopo Masi Machine Vision and Applications, 2016 | Continue reading | 7 years ago

Everex Launches Chainy On the Ethereum Blockchain

Chainy is an independent Ethereum based smart contract, and its data exists for as long as the blockchain lives. | Continue reading | 7 years ago

SMARTVINO project: when wine can benefit from ICT

Andrea Del Mastio, Roberto Caldelli, Matteo Casini, M. Manetti Wine Economics and Policy, 2016 | Continue reading | 7 years ago

Neverending Nightmares: Videogaming as Therapy

Styled as an animated pen-and-ink sketch from the early nineteenth century, "Neverending Nightmares" is a videogame which aims to give players a sense of what it’s like to live with obsessive compulsive disorder and depression. Mark Kelly reports. Image: Infinitap Games | Continue reading | 7 years ago

ZDFneo, kurzfristige Programmänderung / Mainz, 19. Dezember 2016

ZDFneo: Mainz (ots) - Woche 02/17 Samstag, 07.01. Bitte Zeitkorrektur beachten: 23.50Billy Bathgate - Im Sog der Mafia (Billy Bathgate) 4.35Red Corner - Labyrinth ohne Ausweg -6.30(Red Corner) Sonntag, 08.01. Bitte Programmänderung und ... | Continue reading | 7 years ago

This innovative performance of ‘The Tempest’ will change the way you experience live theatre

Paid Content by IntelWhat’s past may be prologue, but the latest production of The Tempest by The Royal Shakespeare Company is nothing short of the future.The RSC, in partnership with Intel and The Imaginarium Studios, has embarked on an exciting theatrical endeavor that’s redefi … | Continue reading | 7 years ago

Good news: Samsung reportedly knows what ruined the Galaxy Note7

It's not going to be an easy task, but before Samsung can earn back consumer trust, it'll need to explain what went ultimately went wrong with the Galaxy Note7 and caused it to be discontinued.A month after publicly apologizing for the Note7 and promising to launch a thorough inv … | Continue reading | 7 years ago

Robust smartphone fingerprint by mixing device sensors features for mobile strong authentication

Irene Amerini, Roberto Caldelli, Matteo Casini, P.Bestagini, L.Bondi, S.Tubaro Electronic Imaging, 2016 | Continue reading | 7 years ago

ZDFinfo, kurzfristige Programmänderung / Mainz, den 19. Dezember 2016

ZDFinfo: Mainz (ots) -Woche 51/16 Dienstag, 20.12. Bitte Beginnzeitkorrekturen beachten: 6.25Aufgedeckt - Rätsel der Geschichte Das Geheimnis um Tutanchamuns Grab Großbritannien 2016 7.10Terra X Qatna - Entdeckung in der Königsgruft Deutschland ... | Continue reading | 7 years ago

How esports players face the challenges of a changing game

Frequent game updates and rule changes can be obstacles for esports teams and players, who must adapt quickly when competing for millions of dollars and recognition.Developers of competitive titles face the challenge of pleasing casual players and professionals alike. Read more.. … | Continue reading | 7 years ago

ZDF-Programmhinweis / Dienstag, 20. Dezember 2016

ZDF: Mainz (ots) -Dienstag, 20. Dezember 2016, 5.30 Uhr ZDF-Morgenmagazin Moderation: Anja Heyde, Wolf-Christian Ulrich (5.30 bis 7.00 Uhr) Jana Pareigis, Mitri Sirin (7.00 bis 9.00 Uhr) Finale im NSU-Prozess - Ein Gutachten über Beate Zschäpe Bilanz ... | Continue reading | 7 years ago

How game updates can change the esports landscape

Esports professionals face a unique challenge not known to traditional sports. With frequent game updates and a constantly evolving ruleset, players and teams must adapt quickly to changes in order to stay at the top.Meanwhile, game developers face a dilemma: prioritize the wishe … | Continue reading | 7 years ago

OneWeb raises $1.2 billion to launch a ‘constellation’ of satellites for high-speed internet access

OneWeb, a company that’s setting out to launch a “constellation” of micro-satellites to deliver broadband access, has raised a whopping $1.2 billion in private equity funding from Japan’s SoftBank Group, with participation from some of its existing investors, which include Qualco … | Continue reading | 7 years ago

Media trustworthiness verification and event assessment through an integrated framework: a case-study

Irene Amerini, Rudy Becarelli, Roberto Caldelli, F.Brancati, G.Giunta, M. L.Itria Multimedia Tools and Applications, 2016 | Continue reading | 7 years ago

A feature-based forensic procedure for splicing forgeries detection

Irene Amerini, Rudy Becarelli, Roberto Caldelli, Matteo Casini Mathematical Problems in Engineering, 2015 | Continue reading | 7 years ago

This Smart DNS and VPN combo is the ultimate online security tandem (95% off)

Admit it, if you could push a button and make yourself essentially anonymous across the web, you’d do it, right? Well, our latest package featuring lifetime subscriptions to StreamJack TV and Ipinator VPN virtually accomplishes that task. Take advantage of full online protection … | Continue reading | 7 years ago

Marathonläufer testet Apple AirPods

Als Apple vor einiger Zeit die AirPods ankündigte war vielen schon klar, das kann ja nichts werden. Wie schnell will man 180 Euro eigentlich verlieren – gerade wenn man beim Laufen oder Sport die Ohrhörer tragen will. Der Marathonläufer... | Continue reading | 7 years ago

A Core Developer Calls the Bitcoin Business Community ‘Entitled’

[…]The post A Core Developer Calls the Bitcoin Business Community ‘Entitled’ appeared first on CryptoCoinsNews. | Continue reading | 7 years ago

Call for Insights: Contribute to our next report on the industry impacts of blockchain

Continue reading | 7 years ago

Jahresendspurt - mit großen Schritten geht es in Bad Rappenau voran / Schnelle Entwicklung des von owamed projektierten Gesundheitszentrums SALINEO

owamed GmbH: Karlsruhe (ots) - Das neue Gesundheitszentrum in Bad Rappenau entwickelt sich mit großer Dynamik weiter. Um uneingeschränkt für jeden Arzt das richtige und individuelle Modell finden zu können, ist neben der Mietoption auch der Kauf von ... | Continue reading | 7 years ago

Top 5 Female Social Media Entrepreneurs

These female social media entrepreneurs have mastered their field and have grown an unmatched level of social influence in the process. | Continue reading | 7 years ago

Top 5 Female Social Media Entrepreneurs

entrepreneur (ˌäntrəprəˈnər) noun. 1. a person who organizes and manages any enterprise, especially a business, usually with considerable initiative and risk. Being an entrepreneur takes guts, especially those in the ever-evolving social media space. moreThe post Top … | Continue reading

@alltop | 7 years ago


The therapist had been working for Talkspace, a popular text-based therapy app, for a few months when she first felt forced to violate her legal and professional obligations.She had just begun working with a new patient when he told her a family member had been driving drunk with … | Continue reading | 7 years ago

Why Instagram Matters to Marketing [Infographic]

Social Media - Instagram is much more than selfies and food photos. See why—and how—you should use it for marketing. | Continue reading | 7 years ago

Useful SEO Content Tactics for a Successful 2017

Content - SEO has evolved significantly, especially over the past few years: It is no longer search engine optimization, per se; our content efforts are now aimed at users, not search bots. ... | Continue reading | 7 years ago

Kuhn Industrie Holding übernimmt Mehrheitsbeteiligung an Söruper Maschinenbauunternehmen M. Jürgensen

Sörup (ots) - Das traditionsreiche Söruper Gießerei- und Maschinenbauunternehmen M. Jürgensen GmbH & Co KG wird zum 1. Januar 2017 mehrheitlich an die Kuhn Industrie Holding... | Continue reading | 7 years ago

Pensions coverage for the self-employed is pitiful – but it’s never too late to start nudging

Our blog articles feature the latest ideas and thinking from our Action and Research Centre and Fellowship staff and guest bloggers. You are welcome to contribute and comment. | Continue reading | 7 years ago

Janelle Monae on the Real Story Behind 'Hidden Figures'

Singer-actress Janelle Monáe and director Ted Melfi stop by the WSJ Cafe to talk about their new film "Hidden Figures," a fact-based historical drama about the black female mathematicians and engineers who helped NASA win the space race. Photo: 20th Century Fox | Continue reading | 7 years ago

These augmented reality robots will turn your living room into a battlefield.

MekaMon are advanced battlebots with augmented reality capabilities. They're made by a British startup called Reach Robotics and are priced at $329.  Read more...More about Mashable Video, Ar, Augmented Reality, Real Time Video, and Real Time | Continue reading | 7 years ago

Virtuell operieren mit der Anwendung "B. Braun Future Operating Room" (FOTO)

B. Braun Melsungen AG: Tuttlingen (ots) - Ein Mega-Trend im Jahr 2016 war ohne Zweifel das Thema Virtual Reality (VR). Der Hype darum scheint auch in den nächsten Jahren nicht so schnell abzuklingen, sondern steht weiterhin auf Wachstumskurs. Mit Hilfe einer VR-Brille ... | Continue reading | 7 years ago

Starry Internet’s broadband beaming technology raises another $30 million

Since the covers came off Starry Internet early last year, the startup has mostly been in trial mode, rolling out its unique technology in a limited trial around its Boston headquarters and showing it off to select press.Starry’s solution has been the subject of much speculation … | Continue reading | 7 years ago

Amazon Fire tablets updated with kids’ reading app, Amazon Rapids, and a more powerful Alexa

Amazon Rapids, the tech company’s new attempt at getting children interested in reading through a chat-based mobile app, is arriving today on Amazon Fire tablets. The app was first introduced last month as a subscription-based service that lets kids read stories across a variety … | Continue reading | 7 years ago

Airbnb is getting in the airline booking disruption game with 'Flights'

Airbnb wants to be more than just your next vacation lodging solution—the home rental startup's now looking to offer flight booking service within the next 18 months, Bloomberg reported Monday. SEE ALSO: Airbnb thinks it's all set for Trump's AmericaThe project, known as Flights, … | Continue reading | 7 years ago

Wüstner: Jährlicher Evaluationsbericht zu den Einsätzen ein Muss!

Deutscher BundeswehrVerband (DBwV): Berlin (ots) - Angesichts der immer weiter an Zahl und Qualität zunehmenden Auslandseinsätze der Bundeswehr fordert der deutsche BundeswehrVerband die Vorlage eines jährlichen Evaluationsberichts. Der Bundesvorsitzende Oberstleutnant André Wüst … | Continue reading | 7 years ago

No money for the bus ticket? No problem, just watch some videos on your phone

This German city allows commuters to pay for their bus or train tickets by watching videos on their devices. Here's how it works. | Continue reading | 7 years ago

Here’s how Montréal is turning to Bluetooth to address traffic congestion

Connected city infrastructure and cars that talk back could potentially do a lot to help ease traffic conditions, but in the meantime, the city of Montréal in Quebec, Canada is using a more immediately available tech to try to address its urban traffic problem: Bluetooth. The cit … | Continue reading | 7 years ago

Karin Kuhn wird ab Juli 2017 neue Leiterin des WDR-Programmbereichs Unterhaltung, Familie und Kinder / Siegmund Grewenig verabschiedet sich in den Ruhestand

Köln (ots) - Ab 1. Juli 2017 wird der Programmbereich Unterhaltung, Familie und Kinder von Karin Kuhn geleitet. Dem hat am vergangenen Freitag auch der WDR-Verwaltungsrat... | Continue reading | 7 years ago

Persönlich und pünktlich: Last Minute Weihnachtsgeschenke von Pixum (FOTO)

Pixum: Köln (ots) - Wer auch jetzt noch Geschenke benötigt, muss an Weihnachten trotzdem nicht mit leeren Händen dastehen: Bestellungen, die noch heute beim Online-Fotoservice Pixum eingehen, werden garantiert pünktlich zum Fest geliefert. Dazu gehören ... | Continue reading | 7 years ago

France's Central Bank Details its First Blockchain Test

France’s central bank quietly released new details about its work with blockchain last week.Source | Continue reading

@CoinDesk | 7 years ago

Enemies no longer, Uber strikes partnership with Indonesia’s second largest taxi firm

Uber is the scourge of taxi drivers worldwide, but sometimes the two can pull in the same direction. Like in Indonesia today, for example, where Uber inked a partnership with the country’s second largest taxi cab provider, Express Group, to allow its drivers to use the on-demand … | Continue reading | 7 years ago

Digital Marketing Challenges: 3 to Leave in 2016 and 3 to Tackle in 2017

Everyone likes to talk about new plans for 2017, but there's another aspect to getting ready for a new year – something that comes up when discussing budgets and long-term digital marketing challenges and strategies: What are we going to leave behind? Let's face it, some trends a … | Continue reading

@alltop | 7 years ago

"Schäm Dich!" CARE-Schreibwettbewerb geht mit Kerstin Gier und der lit.COLOGNE in die vierte RundeJunge Schreibtalente können noch bis zum 8. Januar 2017 Texte einreichen

CARE Deutschland-Luxemburg e.V.: Bonn (ots) - Vor Beginn der Weihnachtsferien ruft CARE junge Schreibtalente dazu auf, noch vor Einsendeschluss am 8. Januar 2017 beim vierten CARE-Schreibwettbewerb mitzumachen. In diesem Jahr heißt das Thema "Schäm Dich!". Wofür und warum schämen … | Continue reading | 7 years ago

Samsung Pay may launch in India next year

Even as India struggles in the aftermath of invalidation of much of its cash and shows interest in mobile wallets, top Silicon Valley companies haven’t jumped in on the opportunity yet with their epayment solutions. One company however seems interested now. SEE ALSO: India's futi … | Continue reading | 7 years ago