Latest LG G5 video showcases the 360 CAM

LG has released a new video that shows off some of the features of its 360 CAM "Friends" accessory for the LG G5 smartphone. | Continue reading | 8 years ago

Chinese scientists genetically modify human embryos for the second time

Scientists in China have reported genetically modifying human embryos in what is only the second published experiment of its kind. Last year, a different team of Chinese researchers edited human embryos in an attempt to remove genes responsible for a dangerous blood disorder. In … | Continue reading | 8 years ago

ASIC and Singapore Collaborate on Fintech and Bitcoin Regulation

Bitcoin and Fintech are two areas where regulation will play a major role in the coming years. The Australian Securities and Investments Commission has reached out to the Monetary Authority of Singapore to make sure regulatory measures do not hinder the growth for Fintech and Bit … | Continue reading | 8 years ago

Sprache und nonverbale Kommunikation gehören zusammen

Nahezu 95 Prozent unserer Glaubwürdigkeit (nicht nur bei Präsentationen) hängt von Gestik und Haltung ab. Lesen Sie hier zwei Tipps wie Ihre Körpersprache authentisch rüberkommt. | Continue reading | 8 years ago

Why won’t LG sell the B&O Hi-Fi DAC module for the LG G5 in the U.S.?

The LG Hi-Fi Plus, also known as the Bang & Olufsen DAC module, which enhances the audio on the G5, will not be sold in the U.S. market. | Continue reading | 8 years ago

Blockchain Startup Stratumn Makes Inroads in France

Paris-based Stratumn, a blockchain developer platform that provides enterprise-grade tools for developers to leverage the features of public and permissioned blockchains into their applications has raised €600,000 in seed funding recently. The funding is a first of its kind for a … | Continue reading | 8 years ago

This Twitter bot made me the perfect Spotify playlist – and it’ll do the same for you

Bots are the tech story of the moment – and while some are designed to be helpful, and others have been just plain awful, Lazyset is simply perfect. The Twitter-based bot will send you a curated Spotify playlist based around the music style of any artist you Tweet over to it. I a … | Continue reading | 8 years ago

Sea Hunter: Erstes US-amerikanisches Drohnenschiff in Dienst gestellt (Video)

Es gibt Drohnen, die starten schnell gen Himmel, und es gibt Drohnen, die durchkreuzen die Meere. Sea Hunter, vergangene Woche in Dienst gestellt, ist das erste autonome Schiff der US-amerikanischen Marine. Das 40 Meter lange und rund 140 Tonnen sc... | Continue reading | 8 years ago

Google axes free Fiber option in Kansas City

Google's fiber-optic broadband service, Google Fiber, has grabbed headlines for offering gigabit Internet for as low as $70 per month, but it also has a 5Mbit/s, free option for users willing to pay for the installation fee. Recently, however, Google removed that option from the … | Continue reading | 8 years ago

Europe’s Octopus Ventures tops up early stage fund with further £100M

London-based VC firm Octopus Ventures has topped up its evergreen early stage startup investment fund with another £100 million, bringing the total backing the fund to more than £400 million. It says it plans to invest more than £75 million in early stage startups this year. Read … | Continue reading | 8 years ago

Codemasters picks up Driveclub developer Evolution Studios

Codemasters has picked up Evolution Studios - and in the process turned the once PlayStation-exclusive developer multiplatform.Last month Sony announced the closure of Cheshire-based Evolution Studios, leaving the future of Driveclub - and the jobs of its developers - in doubt.No … | Continue reading | 8 years ago

First Gears of War 4 trailer channels Sad Affleck

It wouldn't be a new Gears of War without a trailer with sad music. Aired during Fear the Walking Dead's season two premiere last night, the new Gears of War 4 trailer provides a past and present look at JD Fenix, son of soldier Marcus Fenix. Eerie flashbacks set the stage for th … | Continue reading | 8 years ago

Tech5 Spain: Subasta de Ocio is crowned Spain’s fastest growing tech startup

Last night, Subasta de Ocio, the company that lets you bid on the overcapacity of hotels, restaurants, and other leisure activities, won Tech5 Barcelona, becoming the fastest growing startup in Spain. After popping the champagne, Marc Zinck, CEO and co-founder of Subasto de Ocio … | Continue reading | 8 years ago

HTC 10 leaks in promotional video ahead of tomorrow’s event

HTC's next flagship smartphone is expected to be announced tomorrow, but a promo video for the device leaked online offers an early sneak peek. The video fits what we've seen from previous leaks, showing a handset that looks similar from the front to last year's iPhone-lookalike, … | Continue reading | 8 years ago

Bitcoin Price Watch; The Week Ahead

We are right at the beginning of a fresh week’s worth of trading in the bitcoin price, and it’s looking like we might get some interesting action going forward. Volume was pretty low across the weekend, but we still saw some volatility, and were able to get in and out of the mark … | Continue reading | 8 years ago

See Bitcoin change hands in real-time with this beautiful transaction visualizer

Unless you’re using cryptocurrencies already, it’s hard to know just how much Bitcoin changes hands online. A new WebGL project called Bitbonkers visualizes Bitcoin transactions from the blockchain using 3D shapes that land on a tile in space. The cubes represent blocks or collec … | Continue reading | 8 years ago

Lese- und Hörempfehlung: In the Dessert

"Wie ein Fehler in der Zuweisung von Internet-Adressen zu geographischen Orten einen zufälligen Bauernhof in Kansas in eine digitale Hölle verwandelte", heißt grob übersetzt dieses hübsche Gespann aus einem langen Lesetext... | Continue reading | 8 years ago

Net-Zero House Designed for Outdoor/Indoor Summer Living – Sonoma Residence

Sonoma Residence is a net-zero house designed by San Francisco-based Turnbull Griffin Haesloop Architects. Passive cooling strategies ... | Continue reading | 8 years ago

Low-Fat Vegan Strawberry Muffins (Gluten-free Option)

Continue reading | 8 years ago

Galaxy S7 and Galaxy S7 Edge updated with touch improvements

Samsung is updating its Galaxy S7 and Galaxy S7 Edge smartphones with new touch screen improvements and a fix for skewed photo elements. | Continue reading | 8 years ago

The Tactical Runner 'Fear the Walking Dead: Dead Run', Based on the AMC Show, is Out Now

A couple of days ago we wrote about the imminent reveal of a game based on the Fear the Walking Dead series. We were wondering which way the game would go, since there are numerous iterations of zombie games on the App Store. Well, the game dropped on the App Store, and as you ca … | Continue reading | 8 years ago

3 fitness tech hacks to get you the body you want

Ok so if you’re like me, you’ve used more than a few fitness apps over the years, with limited success. The thing is, that while data’s good, algorithms aren’t everything – if you’ve run 25 miles this week but aren’t feeling any benefits then what’s the point? Amazon is well-know … | Continue reading | 8 years ago

LG predicts a solid first quarter: up 66% from a year ago

LG has shared its earnings guidance for Q1, 2016, expecting a massive 65.5% increase in operating profit over the same period last year. | Continue reading | 8 years ago

Our software must get better

“That’s good enough, let’s move on” Lots of things could be better (cars, buildings, candy, etc.) but we understand that the cost of pushing through to the next level is prohibitive. It might be because, as in the case of... | Continue reading | 8 years ago

7 apps that will help you survive a trip to outback Australia

Yes, there are plenty of travel apps out there, but occasionally you might journey to regions where getting from A to B is more important than finding the city's best croissant.Travelling in outback Australia can be immensely rewarding, but your typical smartphone options won't n … | Continue reading | 8 years ago

Internationales Ranking: Flughafen München ist der beste deutsche Airport 2016 / Berlin schneidet im internationalen Vergleich des Online-Reiseportals eDreams schlecht ab

eDreams: Hamburg (ots) - Der Flughafen München (MUC) setzt sich im internationalen Airport-Vergleich des Online-Reiseportals eDreams durch. Als bester deutscher Flughafen belegt er Rang fünf. Auch Frankfurt Airport (FRA) auf Platz elf und Düsseldorf Airport ... | Continue reading | 8 years ago

Indyk gotowany z zielonym groszkiem

Delikatny filet z indyka gotowany w lekkim sosie, bez konieczności podsmażenia mięsa. Danie dobre dla dzieci jak i osób na diecie. Groszek dodajemy na koniec gotowania mięsa, można go też zastąpić marchewką i groszkiem. | Continue reading | 8 years ago

Content is king, but context is god

Gary Vaynerchuk is the co-founder and CEO of Vaynermedia. He’ll  be speaking at TNW Europe in Amsterdam this May, alongside 130 other top-flight speakers. It’s no secret that we are living in an era where everybody is a media company. This is something I have said time and time a … | Continue reading | 8 years ago

Accenture and Expedia to activate at Millennial 20/20

Accenture and Expedia are among the brands activating at Millennial 20/20, which is taking place from 13-14 April at Victoria House in London. | Continue reading | 8 years ago

Quantum Break UK's best-selling boxed game

Quantum Break is the UK's best-selling boxed game.While Remedy's action shooter is out on Windows 10 and Xbox One, sales tracked by Chart-Track are for the Xbox One version only. Chart-Track does not include download sales in its report.Quantum Break only just beat Codemasters' D … | Continue reading | 8 years ago

Simulierte Sonne: Airbus hat einen Plan gegen Jet Lag

West is Best, East is Beast heißt die alte Vielfliegerregel: Wer in Richtung West fliegt, also der Sonne hinterher, der hat weniger schlimmen Jet Lag, als der, der der Sonne entgegen fliegt. Aber der Flugzeughersteller Airbus schlägt ein... | Continue reading | 8 years ago

Langley's Gin to host pop-up bar at Badminton Horse Trials

Langley's Gin has opted for a pop-up bar and raised viewing deck at this year's Badminton Horse Trials, which are taking place from 4-8 May. | Continue reading | 8 years ago

Auf die inneren Werte kommt's an / Aktuelle Bookatable-Umfrage: Das Interior im Restaurant ist heutzutage sehr wichtig; Gäste bevorzugen ein elegantes oder minimalistisches Design (FOTO)

Bookatable GmbH & Co.KG: Hamburg (ots) - Ein stilvolles Ambiente und ein schöner Einrichtungsstil - was nach einem Werbeversprechen klingt, ist das A und O für jedes Restaurant. Denn: Gäste möchten sich im Restaurant wohlfühlen und 08/15-Inneneinrichtung überzeugt die ... | Continue reading | 8 years ago

Texan gunmaker comes under fire for NES Glock

A Texan manufacturer has come under fire for making a Nintendo Entertainment System-themed handgun.Precision Syndicate was criticised after it posted pictures of a Glock modified to look like a NES Zapper to social media.Comments posted to the company's Facebook page expressed co … | Continue reading | 8 years ago

Gruppenflüge zu Veranstaltungen: Erfolgsfaktor ist die logistische Umsetzung

Ein Flug (Charter oder Linie) zu Ihrem Event steht und fällt mit der logistischen Umsetzung. Die richtige Fluglösung ausgearbeitet zu haben, ist wichtig. Jedoch ist am Ende der entscheidende Faktor, wie die Flüge qualitativ umgesetzt und ... | Continue reading | 8 years ago

Bericht: Samsung Galaxy Note 6 bekommt einen Iris-Scanner

9To5Google meldet, dass die kommende Iteration des Note-Smartphones von Samsung mit einem Iris-Scanner ausgestattet sein wird. Die benötigte Kamera werde aktuell in einer Forschungsniederlassung des Konzerns in Indien getestet und sei mit dem... | Continue reading | 8 years ago

New HTC 10 leak lets loose specs and pics

New leaks have emerged just before the HTC 10 officially surfaces. Purported hardware pics and specs within: is this going to be your next device? | Continue reading | 8 years ago

Barrio Soho to deliver tasting event with Herradura Tequila

London venue Barrio Soho is set to host a chilli and tequila tasting event with Mexican spirit brand, Herradura Tequila on 25 April. | Continue reading | 8 years ago

Gears of War 4 trailer channels daddy Fenix

Gears of War 4 has a release date - 11th October - and now it has a teaser trailer that sets the scene.Gears of War 4 is set 25 years after Gears of War 3, and as such stars Marcus Fenix's son, JD. The trailer fuses JD's fight against a new enemy with a scene taken from his child … | Continue reading | 8 years ago

Hitachi’s new customer service robot can tell when you need help shopping in stores

It’s only a matter of time before the friendly face behind the counter at your local grocery store is replaced by that of a robot. Last week in Tokyo, Hitachi unveiled a new humanoid robot, the EMIEW3, that’s aimed at automating customer service in stores and public facilities. T … | Continue reading | 8 years ago

Zupa porowo-ziemniaczana z zielonym groszkiem

Ostatnio ulubiona zupa moich dzieci. Zmiksowana na krem i podawana z grzaneczkami. Powstała na bazie znanej i lubianej zupy krem porowo-ziemniaczanej. Zielony groszek stanowi tutaj świetne uzupełnienie smaku, polecam! | Continue reading | 8 years ago

Das Honor 5X bekommt Android 6 als Beta-Version

Honor setzt bei großen Versionssprüngen von Android weiterhin auf Beta-Tests und User-Feedback. Nachdem Android 6 aka Marshmallow nun endlich für das Honor 7 am Start ist, kommt nun das erst seit rund zwei Monaten verfügbare Ho... | Continue reading | 8 years ago

“Pull Me to Life” Is a Drawer That Change the Color When it Is Pulled

“Pull me to life” is an end result of my project ‘Movement’. I imagined what if all object at my room are alive. | Continue reading | 8 years ago

In pictures: L'Oréal offers free styling sessions at London pop-up

L'Oréal Paris teamed up with agencies Rare Breed and Ocean Outdoor to deliver a styling station experience at Westfield London last week (4-10 April). | Continue reading | 8 years ago

Sprint probably passing on the Priv

The Now Network has - via a Twitter reply - just confirmed that it no longer plans to release the BlackBerry Priv. | Continue reading | 8 years ago

Now that’s a suitor! The Daily Mail talks to private equity firms as it FLIRTS WITH YAHOO BID

The parent company of U.K. tabloid Daily Mail may make a bid for Yahoo’s news and media businesses. According to the WSJ, the Daily Mail and General Trust (DMGT) has held discussions with several private equity firms to partner on an offer. Read More | Continue reading | 8 years ago

7 Practical Tips to Make Your B2B Content More Appealing

In B2B marketing, great content can be the difference between success and failure. If you can get people to read and reply to your emails, blog, and social media posts, then you are far more likely to win these people’s hearts. According to recent findings by Hubspot, 9 out of 10 … | Continue reading

@alltop | 8 years ago

BlackBerry now wants to make affordable Android phones, but will anyone care?

In an effort to avoid becoming irrelevant in the ever-growing smartphone business, BlackBerry is turning to Android for its next device launches this year. CEO John Chen told Abu Dhabi-based The National in an interview the company is working on two mid-range Android handsets, on … | Continue reading | 8 years ago