Skyrim total conversion mod Enderal gets a release date, looks great

It is made from The Elder Scrolls 5: Skyrim parts but its story, its setting and its mechanics are all built anew - the free total conversion mod Enderal is finally ready to be released."The German version will be activated on July 1-3rd," tweeted maker SureAI (via Reddit). "The … | Continue reading | 8 years ago

Woman wins $10,000 judgment against Microsoft for forced Windows 10 upgrade

Microsoft's Windows 10 upgrade policies have been controversial, but one woman managed to hold the company accountable for issues associated with the process. A $10,000 judgment won't hurt the company financially, but could it serve as a wake-up call? | Continue reading | 8 years ago

‘Brexit’ Continues to Rock Asian Markets

Asian markets continue their roller-coaster ride after last week’s 'Brexit' vote, with the Chinese yuan falling to its weakest level against the U.S. dollar since late 2010. Photo: AP | Continue reading | 8 years ago

#prideforeveryone: Google startet Kampagne zur Pride Parade

Google hat eine neue Initiative gestartet. #prideforeveryone heißt die Kampagne und engagiert sich für die LGBTQ-Szene weltweit. In 25 Ländern werden dafür 360-Grad-Kameras auf Reisen geschickt, um die Pride-Paraden zu dokumentieren.... | Continue reading | 8 years ago

How Following Your Bliss Can Lead to Better Business

Pat Solomon, filmmaker and director, joins the Business of Story Podcast to shine a light on how story is inherent in all humanity, the high purpose of the journey, and the storyteller that is inside all of us. | Continue reading | 8 years ago

FW: How Chemistry Is Rescuing Our Audio History from Melting

bisa fwd from nra - apols x posting| | |Date: Sun, 26 Jun 2016 18:40:18 -0500From: pakurilecz@GMAIL.COMSubject: How Chemistry Is Rescuing Our Audio History from MeltingTo: ARCHIVES-NRA@JISCMAIL.AC.UKOur cultural history is crumbling. Not because of bad educa … | Continue reading | 8 years ago

Bitcoin Exchange Raises $16 Million in Ongoing Series A

A bitcoin exchange startup based in Singapore has raised $16m in new funding as part of an ongoing Series A. | Continue reading

@CoinDesk | 8 years ago

In pictures: Absolute hosts event to mark release of Absolute Mix

Vodka brand Absolute celebrated the launch of Absolut Mix, a limited edition bottle, with an event at London's Groucho Club. | Continue reading | 8 years ago

Vivo X7 images, specs, and software leak ahead of launch

Just six months after the launch of the X6, Vivo is ready to unveil the next generation in the series, the Vivo X7. Here's what to expect. | Continue reading | 8 years ago

HTC’s Cher Wang apologizes for poor performance, announces VR subsidiary

HTC chairwoman Cher Wang has apologized to shareholders for a close to half-billion dollar loss, announcing a new VR subsidiary to help save the company. | Continue reading | 8 years ago

Ghostbusters in hyper reality, Game of Game of Thrones Finale, and more in the week ahead

Game of Thrones season six might be over, but our Game of Game of Thrones finale spectacular is still to come. Verge entertainment editor Emily Yoshida was no doubt up all night preparing the final recap for our extremely unofficial fantasy league. Look for it later today.ISTE 20 … | Continue reading | 8 years ago

As They Like It

All the world’s a stage, and all the men and women merely players. As You Like It , Act II, Scene VII As Adrian Segar says in The Powe... | Continue reading | 8 years ago

Südkorea: Smartphones bekommen eigene Verkehrsschilder

In der südkoreanischen Hauptstadt Seoul sollen Smartphone-Nutzer und Autofahrer an fünf Verkehrsbrennpunkten zukünftig durch spezielle Verkehrsschilder vor potenziellen Gefahren gewarnt werden. Dass die intensive Nutzung von Telefonen... | Continue reading | 8 years ago

Scare the shit out of your friends/co-workers with

Here’s a service that’s very fitting to put some life into your dull Monday morning. lets you put up a Windows or OSX Update Screen on your friends and co-workers computer screens. It was launched a couple of months ago, and it is a miracle nobody at the TNW office … | Continue reading | 8 years ago

What We Learned About Convergence at #ThinkContent 2016

Here's what we learned from marketers on a mission of convergence at NewsCred's ThinkContent 2016 event. | Continue reading | 8 years ago

Animation Throwdown mobile card game mashes up Family Guy, Futurama, and other TV shows

Animation Throwdown is a new collectible-card mobile game that, for the first time, mashes up the characters and worlds of American Dad, Bob’s Burgers, Family Guy, Futurama, and King of the Hill. Fox Digital Entertainment and Kongregate, GameStop’s mobile and web games publishing … | Continue reading | 8 years ago

A quiet Sunday spent hacking Google CEO Sundar Pichai’s social media

A "security group" making a name for itself by hacking high-profile tech figures and celebrities has just claimed another scalp: Google CEO Sundar Pichai. | Continue reading | 8 years ago

Video-Premiere: Drohnenrace auf AIDAprima / Drohnen zeigen das neue Flaggschiff aus abenteuerlichen Perspektiven

AIDA Cruises: Rostock (ots) - Das neue Flaggschiff von AIDA Cruises, AIDAprima, wird erneut Schauplatz von spektakulären Szenen: Zwei Racing-Drohnen liefern sich ein rasantes Rennen quer durch das Schiff. Das Video ist ab heute auf den Social-Media-Kanälen und ... | Continue reading | 8 years ago

A look at the Daredevil game the world never saw

Daredevil is now a well-known part of the Marvel universe, thanks mostly to the popular Netflix show.But, as the latest Unseen64 video explains below, we could have gotten a big open world game starring Daredevil all the way back in 2003, for the PlayStation 2.Daredevil the game … | Continue reading | 8 years ago

Reiseverkehr nimmt Fahrt auf / ADAC-Stauprognose für das Wochenende 1. bis 3. Juli (FOTO)

ADAC: München (ots) - Mit der zweiten Reisewelle aus Bremen, Niedersachsen, Sachsen-Anhalt und Thüringen nimmt der Sommerreiseverkehr richtig Fahrt auf. Reisende müssen viel Geduld aufbringen, denn die Staus auf den Autobahnen werden nun immer zahlreicher ... | Continue reading | 8 years ago

Remarketing Best Practices from Elizabeth Marsten of CommerceHub

Learn what Elizabeth Marsten of CommerceHub shared as best remarketing practices from her recent presentation at MNSearch Summit. | Continue reading | 8 years ago

Der Deutschen liebste Promi-Urlaubsbegleitung: Günther Jauch und Helene Fischer

PAYBACK GmbH: München (ots) - Über 1.000 PAYBACK Kunden geben Auskunft - Angela Merkel im Mittelfeld, Thomas Müller vor Jogi Löw, Schlussfeld: Gigi Hadid und Horst Seehofer Die Ferienzeit steht an und PAYBACK hat gemeinsam mit American Express die reiselustigen ... | Continue reading | 8 years ago

Incipio übernimmt Skullcandy

Die Kopfhörer von Skullcandy geben immer wieder Anlass zu aufgeheizten Design-Diskussionen. Will man oder man nicht mit diesem zum Teil bizarr aussehenden Teilen durch die Stadt laufen? Der Marke hilft diese Debatte, das Unternehmen ist durchaus... | Continue reading | 8 years ago

Don't tug on capes, share them

Shannon Weber decided that there wasn't enough love, recognition or connection in her world, so she did something about it. When she finds an unsung (don't say 'ordinary' hero) she makes them a cape. Caping people, catching them doing something... | Continue reading | 8 years ago

Resident Evil 7 won't be a supernatural ghost story

Resident Evil 7's lead developers have reassured fans the full game won't be a ghost story, despite the recent playable demo and announcement trailer sugges… | Continue reading | 8 years ago

Hover Camera is a personal drone for selfie lovers

If you’re done with selfie sticks and are looking for what comes next in the narcissistic world of self-photography, look no further than Hover Camera, a new “personal” drone that gives you a different — more aerial — view of you and your life. Read More | Continue reading | 8 years ago

The Langham, London gibt Eröffnung neuer Suiten und Apartments zum 1. Juli 2016 bekannt

The Langham: London (ots/PRNewswire) - The Langham, London ist erfreut, die nächste Phase seiner Weiterentwicklung mit dem Abschluss des Baus mehrerer neuer Suiten, Apartments und Zimmer bekannt geben zu dürfen, die rechtzeitig zum Sommer 2016 eröffnen sollen. ... | Continue reading | 8 years ago

How to Create Powerful Podcasts for Content Marketing

Why should podcasting become part of your content marketing strategy? Here are 8 actionable tips to help you bring your podcasts to life. | Continue reading | 8 years ago

China Yuan Devaluation Following Brexit; More Opportunities for Bitcoin?

Tthe Brexit impact on the Yuan devaluation cannot be denied. Economic instability is the last thing our society needs right now. | Continue reading | 8 years ago

Google’s own smartphone to arrive this year – The Telegraph

Google will ship its own smartphone by the end of the year, sources told The Telegraph. But does this report add up? | Continue reading | 8 years ago

Torbjorn's turrets being nerfed in Overwatch - but only on console

Torbjorn's turrets are being significantly nerfed in Overwatch - but only on console (PlayStation 4, Xbox One).In a Reddit comment, game director Jeff Kaplan said the damage Torbjorn's turrets do on console will be reduced by 30 per cent. This will happen mid-to-late July.Wrote K … | Continue reading | 8 years ago

10 innovations that show how much we've grown since 2013

A lot has changed since 2013.Three years ago, it was hard to image the tech and tech-habits that are now normal today. These innovations have become intrinsic parts of our lives today and have changed so much – from the way we pay for groceries to the way we stay fitWe decided to … | Continue reading | 8 years ago

Amerikaner klagt gegen Gerichts-Algorithmus

Soll man einen Algorithmus entscheiden lassen, wie hoch die Wahrscheinlichkeit ist, dass ein Straftäter wieder straffällig wird - und danach das Strafmaß bestimmen? Eric Loomis meint nein und wehrt sich in einem Berufungsverfahren gegen... | Continue reading | 8 years ago

FIFA Ultimate Team players reckon they've proved chemistry is broken

The FIFA community reckons it's exposed a "chemistry glitch" that proves a long-running theory about Ultimate Team handicapping.Users on the FIFA subReddit have picked apart the way the football game works and believe they've proved a troubling glitch that might have been a part … | Continue reading | 8 years ago

Battlefield 4 is getting a fresh lick of paint

Coming up to three years after its release, DICE continues to tweak and fine-tune Battlefield 4, with an all-new user interface that will make it easier for players to partner up in squads and to find maps and modes. The new UI is coming to Battlefield 4, Battlefield Hardline and … | Continue reading | 8 years ago

China launches new Long March 7 rocket in preparation for planned space station

China's Long March 7 rocket launched successfully for the first time this weekend, the second in a trio of new boosters the country will use to launch and supply its planned Tiangong-3 space station. The 53-meter-tall Long March 7 carried a number of small satellites into orbit a … | Continue reading | 8 years ago

Audience Engagement: The Content Secret of The Audience of One

Continue reading | 8 years ago

Brexit result: Event students share their views

Event management students have spoken to Event about the issues now facing them following Britain's decision to leave the EU. | Continue reading | 8 years ago

Microsoft still believes hand tracking is the future of PC input

Microsoft wants to move beyond the keyboard and mouse to power the interfaces of the future. While the software maker has been investing in voice recognition and augmented reality scenarios, Microsoft's research division has made some significant progress with hand tracking. Rese … | Continue reading | 8 years ago

Google will launch its own phone this year, report says

Since 2010, Google has showcased the stock Android experience with its line of Nexus phones and tablets, the latest of which are the Nexus 5X and the Nexus 6P. But those phones aren't actually manufactured by Google. The company has employed an ever-changing lineup of smartphone … | Continue reading | 8 years ago

Nachhaltigkeit und authentische Erlebnisse bei Ausflügen gefragt / TUI baut weltweites Ausflugsprogramm aus / Neu: Ausflüge bereits vorab im Reisebüro buchbar

TUI Deutschland GmbH: Hannover (ots) - Authentische Reiseerlebnisse und Begegnungen mit der lokalen Bevölkerung sind für immer mehr Urlauber ein wichtiges Kriterium. TUI baut daher das Angebot an nachhaltigen Ausflügen, die unter dem Label "TUI Collection" angeboten ... | Continue reading | 8 years ago

This week in patents: IBM saves your marriage, eBay helps with chores, and more

This week, the US patent office issued 5,409 patents. Each patent adds a little something new to the human knowledge base. As we cannot list all six thousand, the PatentYogi team has selected the five most interesting patents. 1. eBay makes laundry easier Patent number: US 201601 … | Continue reading | 8 years ago

Rolls-Royce will Schiffsroboter in die Weltmeere setzen

Rolls-Royce denkt nicht nur über retrofuturistische, autonome Autos nach, sondern auch über ferngesteuerte und autonome Schiffe. In einem Weißbuch skizziert Rolls-Royce die Zukunft der Warenseefahrt: Über die technischen Vorbedingungen,... | Continue reading | 8 years ago

11 Easy Strategies to Meet Event Deadlines

Event lead times are getting shorter. How do you cope with them and where can event planners cut corners when time is running out? Event planners make a name for themselves on their ability to exceed client expectations. Sometimes taking on an event with a short lead time is a go … | Continue reading | 8 years ago

Facebook or SEO: Which is Better? [INFOGRAPHIC]

I love this infographic which attempts to determine which is better: Facebook or SEO. | Continue reading | 8 years ago

Neuer Trend: Wintererholung in den Bergen

TUI Deutschland GmbH: Hannover (ots) - TUI baut Angebot für Wintersportler und Wintergenießer um 20 Prozent aus / Erstes TUI Blue in Österreich / Neu: Chaletdörfer und 100 Euro für Stammkunden / Fortsetzung der TUI Schneegarantie Neuen Studien der Tourismusforschung der ... | Continue reading | 8 years ago

Greek Pasta Salad with Almond Feta (Vegan + GF)

I’ve stated before that I’m not a salad sort of person. Meaning I’m not a fan of the stereotypical salads made up of mostly leaves. The ones that so many people seem to think vegans live on. But lettuce and I don’t really get on so when it comes to salads, they’re a no-go. Instea … | Continue reading | 8 years ago

What's going on with Zelda: Breath of the Wild's rupees?

Back at E3, Nintendo told us that Zelda: Breath of the Wild's rupee currency works a little differently.For starters, you won't find any rupees by slicing l… | Continue reading | 8 years ago