Stolen Brazzers accounts cost as much as social security numbers on the Dark Web

The Dark Web boasts marketplaces where literally anything can be bought – from firearms and narcotics, to stolen credit cards and bank details. But in recent years, it’s become a place where you can purchase pilfered credentials to websites and online services, like Uber, Netflix … | Continue reading | 8 years ago

Reach Personal Branding William Arruda

Nice Branding Agency is a Branding and Marketing Agency with workplaces in Lakeland, Florida, and Nashville, Tennessee. Perhaps the best option to outline branding is to make it synonymous with model growth with this easy equation: Branding = Brand Development. Add your face to … | Continue reading | 8 years ago

Face-Off: Marvel Ultimate Alliance 1/2

A remaster that came out of nowhere, Marvel Ultimate Alliance and its sequel arrive on current-gen consoles (with a PC port of the sequel) but it's fair to say that the experience falls well short. The extent of the disappointment is as variable as the quality of the ports themse … | Continue reading | 8 years ago

Polar’s new fitness-focused M600 sport watch runs Android Wear

Polar, the Finnish company known for its heart rate monitors and fitness wearables, has just announced a new sports watch powered by Android Wear. | Continue reading | 8 years ago

Kleine Kugeln mit großer Wirkung / Stadtführungen in Oldenburg machen Spaß und stärken das Gemeinschaftsgefühl

Oldenburg Tourismus und Marketing GmbH: Oldenburg (ots) - Historie, Zahlen und Sehenswürdigkeiten - das sind die Dinge, die viele zuerst mit einer Stadtführung in Verbindung bringen. Doch eine Stadtführung in Oldenburg kann mehr bieten: Zum Beispiel sich spielerisch durch die Sta … | Continue reading | 8 years ago

Overwatch players divided over Summer Games loot boxes

There's an interesting debate rumbling within the Overwatch community right now, and it has to do with the new Summer Games loot boxes.Yesterday, Blizzard launched the Summer Games 2016 seasonal event for the popular online team shooter.The Olympics-themed event, set to run for t … | Continue reading | 8 years ago

How Far Away is The Next Global Financial Collapse?

Over the past few months, there has been a lot of speculation regarding a new financial crisis. For the time being, there seem to be several indicators of this looming threat, albeit no major shockwaves have occurred just yet. Zerohedge mentions how the biggest risk is “contagion … | Continue reading | 8 years ago

The Biggest Content Marketing Trends in 2017

Joe Pulizzi shares what’s on trend for content marketing now and in 2017, from writing to technology, and documented strategies – Content Marketing Institute | Continue reading | 8 years ago

Polar puts fitness ahead of style with its first Android Wear smartwatch

Polar is making a smartwatch for people who need more comprehensive fitness features than the basic step counting and heart rate monitoring you get with most Android Wear devices. The M600, priced at $329 and slated for release within the next few months, is an Android Wear watch … | Continue reading | 8 years ago

Trump’s Mental Fitness Taking Jabs From the Right

Donald Trump is facing some of the harshest criticism yet — from heavyweights in the conservative intelligentsia. Are questions about his state-of-mind and fitness for the presidency getting more serious? WSJ’s Jason Bellini has #TheShortAnswer. Photo: Getty | Continue reading | 8 years ago

How to create a simple Android notification

In this article, I’m going to show you how to get started with notifications by creating a very simple and straightforward notification that, when tapped, launches the user’s browser and boots up a website (bonus points if you can guess what that website is going to be!) | Continue reading | 8 years ago

Pokévision creator issues impassioned plea to Pokémon Go boss

The founder of much-loved, much-missed fansite Pokévision has penned an impassioned open letter to the boss of Pokémon Go, requesting that the developer listen to feedback from the game's fans.Pokévision creator Yangcheng Liu's open letter, addressed to John Hanke, head honcho of … | Continue reading | 8 years ago

Wenn man die Star-Wars-Musik vor John Williams' Haus spielt

Die beiden Musiker Bryce Harashi und Michael Mille sind Fans von Star Wars und stellten sich vor das Haus des Komponisten John Williams, um zu zweit das legendäre Filmthema anzustimmen. Handwerklich gut gespielt und tatsächlich lässt sich... | Continue reading | 8 years ago

"I think we are an outfit headed for extinction"

(So said Hemingway on seeing fake books in his fancy hotel room.) Of course we are. We always are. We're always headed down for the count. It's unsustainable. We corrupt our best stuff, don't take good enough care of each... | Continue reading | 8 years ago

Remember what joy felt like by watching Will Smith perform 'Summertime' on Colbert

Summer brings mosquitos, disgusting humidity, and the realization that Winter Is Coming — but that's okay, because it also brings "Summertime." It's only actually legal to play Will Smith's classic track between the months of June and August, but it must be bumped as often as pos … | Continue reading | 8 years ago

In pictures: Midori's Moshi Moshi event at Be At One

Midori melon liqueur hosted several events in London at the weekend celebrating Japanese culture, part of a UK-wide campaign for the drink. | Continue reading | 8 years ago

Xiaomi launches the ultra-affordable Redmi 3S in India

Xiaomi has launched its ultra-affordable Redmi 3S smartphone in India with a whopping 4,100mAh battery. | Continue reading | 8 years ago

Blackjack Promotions appoints account director

Blackjack Promotions, which provides experiential marketing, airport staffing and travel retail services, has hired Andy DeVito as account director, as the agency looks to push its 'end-to-end' service to clients. | Continue reading | 8 years ago

5 Events That Have Seen Massive Growth and What We Can Learn From Them

Some events are are meant to stay, they go from strength to strength, develop a cult-like following and will go down in the history books. Here we explore how five iconic music festivals, conferences and exhibitions – kings of events – have managed to achieve massive growth, live … | Continue reading | 8 years ago

The Biggest Threat to The Event Industry

The rest of 2016 and 2017 are set to be quite disruptive. Technology and political changes will shake up the event industry as we know it. Are you ready to embrace the change? I am not sure if you noticed but there is a lot going on in the world. The last 6 months have […]The pos … | Continue reading | 8 years ago

Weltrekord: Der längste Peitschenhieb aller Zeiten

Der YouTuber AdamCWM ist ein Cowboy wie er im Buche steht. Begeisterter Mundharmonikaspieler und talentierter Peitschenschwinger ist er. In seinem neusten Coup stellt er einen Weltrekord auf. Er bringt eine knapp 73 Meter lange Peitsche zum Knallen.... | Continue reading | 8 years ago

London-based City Pantry picks up £1.1M to grow office catering marketplace

London-based City Pantry, which operates an office catering platform to make it easier to order in food for staff and company meetings, has raised £1.1 million in new funding. The investment comes from Angel Co Fund, and The London Co Investment fund (both of which are part-funde … | Continue reading | 8 years ago

Activision battles to fix Marvel Ultimate Alliance's troubled ports

I loved the Marvel Ultimate Alliance Games. They were easy-going co-op fun that left this Marvel enthusiast smiling from ear to ear.So, it pained me to learn that the exciting current-gen ports of both Marvel Ultimate Alliance and Ultimate Alliance 2 launched in a bit of a mess.A … | Continue reading | 8 years ago

Bitcoin Price Watch; 600 Broke, Profit Taken!

So this morning we are going to go for something a little different. Over the last couple of weeks we have primarily been focusing on horizontal range bound trading, with a few breakout entries whenever we saw some volatility. This has been a decent strategy, and one that we are … | Continue reading | 8 years ago

Shower With Your Dad Simulator is equally fun and disturbing – but you’ll love it regardless

Perhaps you heard about it when it launched in September 2015, but in case you missed it – I feel it’s my duty to introduce you to what may be the most traumatizing game in history….. the Shower With Your Dad Simulator. Developed by Marbenx, it’s an equally fun and disturbing 8-b … | Continue reading | 8 years ago

Windows 10 Mobile's Anniversary Update to arrive on August 9th

Microsoft just delivered Windows 10 Anniversary Update for PCs and tablets this week, and now it's setting its sights on Windows-powered phones. While the Anniversary Update for Windows 10 Mobile doesn't bring many big new features, Microsoft says it's planning to launch the soft … | Continue reading | 8 years ago

Die spektakulärsten Schluchten der Schweiz

Schweiz Tourismus: Frankfurt am Main (ots) - Adrenalin, Abenteuer und atemberaubende Ausblicke in den Alpen: Gerade an heißen Sommertagen bieten sich Wanderungen in Schluchten an. Unter dem Rhein hindurch führt der Weg der Roffla-Schlucht. Die Rosenlaui- und die ... | Continue reading | 8 years ago

Schlemmen auf der Grand Tour of Switzerland

Schweiz Tourismus: Berlin (ots) - Die neue Panoramastraße Grand Tour of Switzerland führt auf 1600 Kilometern durch die ganze Schweiz und passiert die schönsten landschaftlichen und kulturellen Sehenswürdigkeiten. Wer dabei auch die kulinarischen Schätze aufspüren ... | Continue reading | 8 years ago

Gletscher über alles! Neueröffnung des World Nature Forum, Besucherzentrum des Welterbes Swiss Alps Jungfrau-Aletsch

Schweiz Tourismus: Frankfurt am Main (ots) - Unglaublich groß, unglaublich schön: Der Aletschgletscher ist der mächtigste Eisstrom der Alpen. Und einer der beliebtesten, denn er ist einfach zugänglich und liegt optimal für ausgedehnte Wanderungen, Wintersport und ... | Continue reading | 8 years ago

Barrierefreier Aktivurlaub in der Schweiz

Schweiz Tourismus: Berlin (ots) - Lust auf Aktivurlaub? In der Schweiz steht dieses Vergnügen auch Menschen mit beeinträchtigter Mobilität offen. Sowohl im Sommer als auch im Winter gibt es zahlreiche Angebote, von gemütlichen Spaziergängen über aussichtsreiche ... | Continue reading | 8 years ago

Garantiert mit Haken: Das Angelparadies Schweiz

Schweiz Tourismus: Berlin (ots) - Die Schweizer Natur beeindruckt nicht nur mit aussichtsreichen Bergen, sondern auch mit einer Vielzahl an Seen und Flüssen. Die sind so schön, dass sie jede Menge Fische anlocken - und damit natürlich auch Angler. Der Blausee bei ... | Continue reading | 8 years ago

Das Samsung-Event in sieben Minuten

Falls ihr Samsungs Unpacked Event 2016 verpasst oder schlicht keine Nerven für lange Infomercials, aber trotzdem Lust auf große Bühne habt: Hier präsentieren wir euch das Event auf schlanke sieben Minuten zusammengeschnitten.Und,... | Continue reading | 8 years ago

Ciao Bella: Abschiedstournee von AIDAbella durch Südostasien (FOTO)

AIDA Cruises: Rostock (ots) - Das Beste kommt zum Schluss: Mit etwas Wehmut, unzähligen Erinnerungen und einer einmaligen Traumreise verabschiedet AIDA Cruises in der kommenden Wintersaison AIDAbella aus dem deutschsprachigen Raum. Den krönenden Abschluss von ... | Continue reading | 8 years ago

Yes, Final Fantasy 15 has a season pass

Final Fantasy 15 has a season pass, as you might expect. Now, we know what's in it.Overnight, the Final Fantasy 15 season pass was added to the Japanese PlayStation Store, and according to translation work done by Gematsu, it contains six pieces of downloadable content.Here's the … | Continue reading | 8 years ago

Ethereum Classic Price Technical Analysis – ETC Topping?

Key Highlights Ethereum classic price after climbing higher found sellers against Bitcoin and traded lower. There is currently a bullish trend line formed on the hourly chart of ETC/BTC (data feed via Simplefx), which is acting as a support area. There is a chance of a minor dip … | Continue reading | 8 years ago

15.2% of Android devices are now running Marshmallow

Google has updated its Android distribution chart for August, and while KitKat is still in the lead, Marshmallow’s presence has increased to 15.2%. | Continue reading | 8 years ago

Archos 50c Platinum geht an den Start

Was folgt auf Power und Neon? Natürlich Platinum. Archos erweitert die 50c-Smartphone-Reihe heute um genau dieses Modell und bringt es für 99,99 Euro in den Handel. Erhältlich in blau, ist das Telefon mit einem 5"-Display (720p) ausgestattet,... | Continue reading | 8 years ago

Virgin Galactic hat jetzt eine Raumschiff-Lizenz

Virgin Galactic ist dem Ziel, ein Anbieter für Weltraumtourismus zu werden, einen Schritt näher gekommen: Das Office of Commercial Space Transportation der US Federal Aviation Administration (FAA-AST) hat dem Unternehmen soeben die Betriebslizenz... | Continue reading | 8 years ago

Mit GEO SPECIAL Kanadas Westen entdecken (FOTO)

Gruner+Jahr, GEO Special: Hamburg (ots) - - Aktuelle Ausgabe ab heute im Handel erhältlich - Große Klappkarte bietet über 200 Tipps und Links Weite, Ruhe und großartige Natur - so erklären Kanada-Fans ihre Leidenschaft für das Land zwischen Pazifik und Atlantik. GEO ... | Continue reading | 8 years ago

Nike to host running tour as part of London sports festival

Sports brand Nike and fitness provider Frame are collaborating to celebrate the opening of Nike's new King's Boulevard shop in King's Cross. | Continue reading | 8 years ago

China’s futuristic elevated bus allows traffic to pass under it

Buses are cool, except for the fact that they’re huge and take up way more space on the road than other vehicles. Wouldn’t it be great if we could transport just as many people in something with a smaller footprint? That’s exactly what China has done. It’s currently testing a fut … | Continue reading | 8 years ago

8 Social Media Habits That Make You Look Stupid

Just like athletes train hard to make it to the Olympics and win that gold medal, business owners should realize using social media is like the Olympics where you don’t want to be a wash-out. No one remembers the name of those that don’t make it to the Olympics and win a medal, s … | Continue reading

@alltop | 8 years ago

Aushilfe in Nachbars Garten - Umfrage: In der Urlaubszeit wechseln sich viele mit den Nachbarn bei der Versorgung der Blumen und Pflanzen auf Balkon und Garten ab

Baierbrunn (ots) - In der Urlaubszeit bauen Deutschlands Hobbygärtner auf nachbarschaftliche Solidarität. Wie eine repräsentative Umfrage im Auftrag des Gesundheitsmagazins... | Continue reading | 8 years ago

Trampolines didn't need to be Internet-connected, but here we are

Nothing can be left unconnected in the Internet of Things-era, not even your trampoline.While you might think of it as a pretty inanimate item — a mat stretched over a bunch of springs — the Australian company Springfree Trampoline is taking its products online and turning them i … | Continue reading | 8 years ago

With 10,000 smartscooters sold, Gogogo powers up a rental service with Bosch in Berlin

Gogoro’s electric smartscooter is pretty snazzy… but unless you live in Taiwan, chances are you haven’t actually seen one in person. The scooters require a network of battery-swapping terminals to work as intended, so they’re shipping out one country at a time — and so far, “one … | Continue reading | 8 years ago

Gogoro starts an electric scooter-sharing program in Berlin

Gogoro is bringing 200 of its stylish all-electric scooters to Berlin. Starting today, anyone over 21 with a valid driver’s (or motorcycle) license will be able to rent one of the scooters as part of a new scooter-sharing program. Gogoro — which was created by former HTC chief in … | Continue reading | 8 years ago

How to Build an Email Marketing List Quickly for Your Blog

This is a complete guide to building and Email Marketing List. Refer all the points and start building and email marketing list quickly for your blog. | Continue reading | 8 years ago

Apple Smart Keyboard für iPad Pro jetzt auch in Deutsch

Gestern zeigten wir einen neuen Werbespot, in dem Apple das iPad Pro zum vollwertigen Computer stilisiert. Offensichtlich war er ein Vorbote auf eine lange erwartete Produkterweiterung: Seit heute bietet Apple die Tastaturhülle für die beiden... | Continue reading | 8 years ago