A robotic glove developed in a partnership between NASA and General Motors (GM) for use on-board the International Space Station (ISS) has found a new purpose on Earth. Swedish med-tech company Bioservo Technologies has entered a licensing deal with GM that will see the RoboGlove … | Continue reading
Using computer simulations to model how virtual creatures evolve over time is a pretty standard research tool, but rarely does the process look — and sound — so strangely trippy. In the video above, you can see a number of soft-bodied animals going for a swim underwater. They've … | Continue reading
How long does it take to make up your mind about a presidential candidate? For me, it’s about a week of focused effort. That’s it. Yet I must endure almost two years of campaigning in the United States, with little of substance being said, and the noise being endlessly amplified … | Continue reading
Want to build credibility and become a great Guest blogger? In this article there 8 different ways to follow and become a great guest Blogger. | Continue reading
A few weeks ago, one of my students posted this in my Facebook mastermind group (emphasis mine): Let me start by saying that I applaud this woman for having the courage to step up, share her story, and ask for help so she can overcome this and move forward again. It’s actually pr … | Continue reading
Der Rüstungskonzern BAE Systems zeigt eine bemerkenswert frei drauf los fantasierte Vision der Waffenproduktion von Morgen: Eine "radikal neue" Maschinerie namens Chemputer soll es demnach ermöglichen, neue Waffensysteme mal eben im Labor... | Continue reading
We already knew that Apple faces some serious headwinds when it comes to iPhones sales this year. But a Wall Street Journal story this morning about the iPhone brought home to me just how many things are working against Apple. In a consumer column, Journal reporter Joanna Stern a … | Continue reading
Who needs galleries when you can just flip through a stack of artworks on your phone, swiping right when you like what you see and left when you don’t? The yes/no sifting mechanism popularized by dating app Tinder continues to oil the wheels of many a fledgling startup — such as … | Continue reading
The BLU Enegry XL promises three days of battery life thanks to its massive 5,000 mAh battery and 6-inch Full HD AMOLED display. | Continue reading
The German age-ratings board USK has listed an entry for The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt - Game of the Year Edition for PC, PS4 and Xbox One. Eurogamer has been told separately by a source that this game exists and will be released 26th August 2016.The listing can be seen on the latest … | Continue reading
Bethesda has put out an update for Fallout 4 that adds more than 300 new player names to Codsworth's vocabulary.When Fallout 4 came out last year Codsworth,… | Continue reading
Non-profit organization the Internet Watch Foundation (IWF) and blockchain start-up Elliptic have teamed up to tackle those using the cryptocurrency, Bitcoin, to buy child sex abuse images online, the two announced today. London-based blockchain startup Elliptic has created a uni … | Continue reading
Grafenstein Freizeit- und Tourismuswerbung GmbH: Berlin (ots) - Es gibt viele gute Gründe, Sri Lanka zu besuchen. Wir stellen fünf davon davor. Weil hier die bekannteste Gesundheitslehre der Welt entstand: Wo, wenn nicht in Sri Lanka, Geburtsstätte des Ayurveda, können Reisende d … | Continue reading
Google announced today that it has acquired Paris-based Moodstocks, a startup that has developed machine learning technology to bolster the image recognition features on smartphones. “We continue to pursue our machine learning and research efforts,” wrote Vincent Simonet, head of … | Continue reading
NewsA first-of-a-kind demonstration project that converts wave energy into electrical power, which could be a major step forward in the quest to find new sources of sustainable energy, will be built thanks to an EU loan of €10 million from the new InnovFin Energy Demo Project Fac … | Continue reading
Foreign and African companies continue to make moves as the tech sector continues its growth on the continent. Read More | Continue reading
Discover how the biggest brands are using Instagram to drive audience engagement and tips for improving your own efforts. | Continue reading
Kampfpreis-Spezialist Blu bringt ein Android-Smartphone der Mittelklasse mit einem bemerkenswert fetten Akku, der mit 5000 mAh für drei Tage Nutzung gut sein soll - womit es schon das zweite Gerät mit diesen Akku-Specs ist, dass uns dieser... | Continue reading
Alibaba has advanced its reach on mobile after it acquired one of China’s most prominent Android app stores, Wandoujia, in an undisclosed acquisition. Read More | Continue reading
Skład: (forma o średnicy 28 cm) 300 g mąki 50 g cukru pudru 200 g masła farsz: 350 g twarogu 1 jajko kobiałka świeżych malin do posypania: garść wiórków kokosowych lub bułka tarta A oto jak to zrobić: 1. Wszystkie składniki na ciasto zagniatamy i formujemy z nich kulę. Schładzamy … | Continue reading
Sharp just announced a Android One phone, the first for Japan - and seemingly the first for a developed market, to boot. | Continue reading
A motor-assisted glove designed to let astronauts carry out mechanical repairs without suffering muscle fatigue is making its way to Earth. The technology behind the RoboGlove, which was originally developed by NASA and General Motors in 2012, has been licensed to Bioservo Techno … | Continue reading
Two weeks after Twitter acquired Magic Pony to advance its machine learning smarts for improving users’ experience of photos and videos on its platform, Google is following suit. Today, the maker of Android and search giant announced that it has acquired Moodstocks, a startup bas … | Continue reading
Sezonowa zupa krem z bobu! Powstała na bazie zupy porowo-ziemniaczanej, jednej z najpopularniejszych zup na blogu. Wystarczy dodać do niej garść wcześniej ugotowanego i obranego bobu, zmiksować i gotowe! Pysznym dodatkiem będą czosnkowe grzanki oraz posypka z siekanego bobu z nat … | Continue reading
Undertale fans are known for being a little pushy when it comes to ensuring their game receives the attention they feel it deserves, but this perhaps takes it to the next level.YouTuber MatPat, known for his popular game and film theory videos, recently met His Holiness, Pope Fra … | Continue reading
Am 1. Juli 2017 wird das kostenpflichtige Fernsehen in Full HD-Qualität via Antenne starten. Der Betreiber Media Broadcast hat bekanntgegeben, dass der Empfang von 20 privaten TV-Programmen über DVB-T2 69 Euro kosten wird. Der Service, der... | Continue reading
A new PlayStation 4 filing has emerged which looks like a Bluetooth wireless DualShock 4 adapter.PS4 consoles already have Bluetooth built in, so the document's existence points to a use for Sony's controller with over devices - such as a PC.Xbox 360 and Xbox One have long offere … | Continue reading
München (ots) - Deutsche Urlauber, die in Ländern mit Linksverkehr unterwegs sind, sollten sich auf einige Besonderheiten einstellen. Wer gegen das Linksfahrgebot verstößt,... | Continue reading
If it’s not organizing the world’s first VR porn festival, Japan is home to many weird creations. Look at that little dance at the end. Meet Otamatone, a friendly-looking, eighth note that doubles as a musical instrument. By pressing the note’s stem, sounds play from a speaker lo … | Continue reading
Verified Twitter account holders often get stick from other users due to that famous blue tick. The social media ego checkmark, if you will. Well, this tool will delight the frustrated majority who lack such social validation on Twitter. PostGhost tracks all the deleted tweets of … | Continue reading
And there's me thinking Battlefield 1 was spinning the clock back with its take on World War One. A never-released spin on Call of Duty that took Activision's first-person military shooter to the Roman Empire has been unveiled, with a detailed video showing us what could have bee … | Continue reading
No one says, "I'm going to be unfair to this person today, brutal in fact, even though they don't deserve it or it's not helpful." Few people say, "I know that this person signed the contract and did what they... | Continue reading
So, we have come to the middle of the week, and it seems like not much has happened from an intraday perspective in the bitcoin price today. This likely has something to do with the long weekend out of the US, but any hangover effect from Monday’s low volume should ease up at som … | Continue reading
It looks like Pokémon GO is finally launching in the Play Store, at least in some regions. | Continue reading
Most digital experiences miss delivering on the principles of user-centric design. Learn how to increase profits and customer happiness by delivering on UX. | Continue reading
Bereits zum dritten mal kürt die Foto/Video-Plattform für Drohnenpiloten Dronestagram die besten Bilder des Jahres, die dann durchaus sehenswert sind, aber auch die Frage aufwerfen, wie weit es mit der neuen Aerial-Ästhetik her ist, die... | Continue reading
As an event professional, you manage hundreds of tasks. It’s not surprising that increasing productivity is at the top of your to-do list. If you want to get the most out of your day, cross off these productivity myths that are holding you back. We all know that being productive … | Continue reading
Attendees are the heart of every event. Here are the 10 most common types of attendees we all know… and love. Attendees are important. Our guests should be on our minds during the whole event planning process. Every decision we make should be well thought out in terms of our part … | Continue reading
Summer pudding is a traditional British dessert made up of bread, soaked in the juice of summer berries. I’ve had the idea to make it into a smoothie flavour for a while now and the result is SO delicious! Don’t worry though – there is no bread in this smoothie. Instead, I’ve use … | Continue reading
Tax evasion through offshore accounts and shell companies remains a serious problem. The European Commission unveiled their plans to Clamp down on these practices moving forward. Clamping down on individuals and companies trying to avoid paying taxes is the primary objective righ … | Continue reading
Surprise! It looks like Pokémon Go, the much-anticipated augmented reality game backed by Nintendo, is coming to Android and iOS devices near you today. Read More | Continue reading
Starship Technologies — the maker of these adorable six-wheeled delivery robots — is partnering with services across Europe for a new set of real-life trials. The company's bots will be put to work in London and three other European cities, making deliveries for takeaway services … | Continue reading
Opodo Deutschland: Hamburg (ots) - Ohne die passende Lektüre zu verreisen ist für die Mehrheit der Bundesbürger undenkbar. 85 Prozent nutzen die Erholungszeit zum ausgiebigen Schmökern. Immer mehr Reisende bevorzugen dabei digitale Angebote. Ob E-Book-Reader, Tablet ... | Continue reading
lastminute.de: München (ots) - Mit dem Mund, mit der Nase, auf die Wange, einmal oder mehrmals. In welcher Form auch immer, im Schnitt verbringt ein Mensch 110.000 Minuten seines Lebens mit Küssen, der längste Kuss dauerte 58 Stunden, 35 Minuten und 58 Sekunden ... | Continue reading
US sunglasses brand Maui Jim is hosting a pop-up garden at this year's The Championships, Wimbledon tennis tournament. | Continue reading
EA's running a vote for who ends up on the cover of FIFA 17.Four footballers are competing to be on the cover of the game: Chelsea and Belgium star Eden Hazard, Real Madrid and Columbia forward James Rodriguez, Man Utd and France striker Anthony Martial, and Borussia Dortmund and … | Continue reading
Augmented-reality app Pokémon GO launched last night, but only in certain countries.However, anyone with an Android phone can download the game now, wherever they are, if they install its APK file.We've been playing Pokémon GO right here in sunny Brighton, England - despite the g … | Continue reading
Ein Brite baut seit vier Jahren an der XXL-Version eines Mikroprozessors, um zu zeigen, was sich so in den Chips abspielt, die unsere Rechner und Smartphones antreiben. Das Resultat seiner emsigen Basteltätigkeit heißt Megaprocessor und ist... | Continue reading