On Wikipedia, all languages are not created equal; but that could be changing

On Wikipedia, not all languages are created equal. Tallying around 40 million entries in total and consuming around 30 terabytes of data, English dominates the online encyclopedia with more than five million articles. Swedish, which claims more than three million articles, is nex … | Continue reading

@venturebeat.com | 8 years ago

Global smartphone market shrinks, year over year

Worldwide sales of smartphones declined year over year, from Q1 2015 to Q1 2016, according to figures from analyst Strategy Analytics, which it says is the first time in the history of what it dubs the “modern smartphone market” that this has occurred. Read More | Continue reading

@techcrunch.com | 8 years ago

Transformation tourism

"I bought the diet book, but ate my usual foods." "I filled the prescription, but didn't take the meds." "I took the course... well, I watched the videos... but I didn't do the exercises in writing." Merely looking at something... | Continue reading

@sethgodin.typepad.com | 8 years ago

Video recordings of the Open Source Workshop now available

View them at http://opensourceworkshop.preforma-project.eu/video-recordings/ The video clips of all the presentations of the PREFORMA Open Source Workshop are now available on the event website. The workshop, hosted by the National Library of Sweden on April 7, 2016, featured key … | Continue reading

@digitalmeetsculture.net | 8 years ago

Spotify kauft CrowdAlbum, wird Flickr für Musiker

Der Streaming-Dienst Spotify hat CrowdAlbum gekauft (dafür brauchte das Unternehmen also das Geld). CrowdAlbum aggregiert Fotos und Videos, die bei oder um Konzerte herum von Fans aufgenommen wurden und den Künstlerinnen und Künstler... | Continue reading

@de.engadget.com | 8 years ago

DARPA's rocket-dodging armored vehicles inch closer to reality

US military agency DARPA is determined that the fighting vehicle of the future is all about mobility. Its Ground X-Vehicle Technology program (GXV-T) has long been dedicated to developing armored vehicles which are lightweight, responsive, and smart, able to autonomously detect a … | Continue reading

@theverge.com | 8 years ago

Why insiders think we'll see a new Xbox One at E3

We're less than three years into the life of Xbox One and PlayStation 4, yet reports abound about new versions of each.Digital Foundry has done an excellent job laying out the many details of Sony's upcoming, unannounced PlayStation 4K and how it will co-exist with PS4. But Micro … | Continue reading

@eurogamer.net | 8 years ago

Pinterest launches featured collections as international growth soars

Pinterest is growing like crazy. The company, which passed 100 million users last fall, now says most of its users are from outside of the United States — a significant milestone for the San Francisco-based startup. Now, the company is launching featured collections — curated col … | Continue reading

@mashable.com | 8 years ago

Hummus z pieczonym czosnkiem i harissą

Jechać czy nie jechać? pytam siebie, kiedy nadchodzi wtorek, a lodówka świeci pustkami. Weekendy to u nas zwykle czyszczenie wszystkich kuchennych zapasów. Patrzę na wazon lekko podsuszonych tulipanów i decyduję: jechać, kwiaty to przecież podstawa naszej egzystencji. Pod Halą Mi … | Continue reading

@whiteplate.com | 8 years ago

Use Bitcoin at Amazon, AliExpress, and More With a Free Unichange Bitcoin Debit Card

Bitcoin Press Release: Innovative Bitcoin exchange platform Unichange is pleased to announce the giveaway of free virtual Bitcoin debit cards that can be used at Amazon, AliExpress and more outlets. Starting today, Unichange launches its free giveaway of Unichange virtual debit c … | Continue reading

@newsbtc.com | 8 years ago

5 Hot Trends in Event Food and Beverage

This is a sponsored post written by Chef Christophe Luzeux, Executive Chef, Halifax Convention Centre. More information about Event Manager Blog’s sponsored posts. When they’re not busy satisfying their hunger for knowledge, collaboration, and business potential, delegates turn t … | Continue reading

@eventmanagerblog.com | 8 years ago

Home Learning Nutrition Courses + NCC £200 Giveaway!

Have you ever wanted to study nutrition, for yourself or career? Healthy eating is a BIG thing right now and so many people are looking to better their health and learn more about food and nutrition. Plus, more people are investing in the help of dieticians and nutritional therap … | Continue reading

@wallflowergirl.co.uk | 8 years ago

You can now buy Steam games with Bitcoin

You can now buy games from Steam using Bitcoin.The cryptocurrency is now a payment method from within the Steam client.Bitpay, a Bitcoin payment processing company, Valve approached it about adding Bitcoin to Steam "because they were looking for a fast, international payment meth … | Continue reading

@eurogamer.net | 8 years ago

Samsung Pay customers can now withdraw cash from ATMs in South Korea

South Korean customers of the Woori Bank can now use Samsung Pay to withdraw cash from ATMs. The service will also be heading to 6 new countries in 2016. | Continue reading

@androidauthority.com | 8 years ago

Greg McAlinden joins Space as creative director

Space has appointed Greg McAlinden as its new creative director, joining from creative agency ODD. | Continue reading

@eventmagazine.co.uk | 8 years ago

Genius new Google Calendar feature chooses the ideal time for your meetings

Does 9:30 work? Yeah... wait, no. I've got a dentist appointment then. How about 12.30? Eh, got another meeting at that time. If you have a lot of conversations similar to the one above, you might appreciate a new Google Calendar feature, called Find a time.The feature, accessibl … | Continue reading

@mashable.com | 8 years ago

Die nächste Digitalkamera von Leica hat kein Display

Schon 2014 überraschte Leica zum runden Geburtstag mit einer unegwöhnlichen Kamera. Vor zwei Jahren feierte die M3 des deutschen Herstellers sechzigstes Wiegenfest, was damals in der "M Edition 60" mündete, einer digitale Edition des... | Continue reading

@de.engadget.com | 8 years ago

Bitcoin Price Watch; Here’s What’s on for Today’s Session

Just as we did last night, let’s kick things off with a chart. The chart below shows action in the bitcoin price across the last 48 hours or so, and has the levels that we outlined  last night being the ones to watch still overlaid. As you can see from the chart, having picked up … | Continue reading

@newsbtc.com | 8 years ago

Tinder Social gets a beating for outing users to Facebook friends

Well, this did not go as planned.On Wednesday, Tinder launched a pilot to test out a new feature, Tinder Social, which allows groups of friends to match with other groups of friends. Rolling out to a select test audience in Australia, the feature was immediately pilloried online … | Continue reading

@mashable.com | 8 years ago

Verizon implies striking workers are sabotaging its network

Earlier this month, Verizon employees initiated the largest strike in the US in four years. More than 30,000 workers joined picket lines protesting the telecom company's handling of contract negotiations. As the strike enters its third week, Verizon has suggested that striking wo … | Continue reading

@theverge.com | 8 years ago

Kurztrip-Trends im Mai: Bundesbürger fliegen am liebsten nach Mallorca / Viele Feste und kulturelle Events in ganz Europa laden zum Verreisen ein

TUI Deutschland GmbH: Hannover (ots) - Im Mai verreisen lohnt sich: Die Temperaturen werden milder und dank der vielen Feiertage können Reisewillige bei einem Kurztrip den ein oder anderen Urlaubstag sparen. TUI, Deutschlands führender Reiseveranstalter, zeigt, wohin es ... | Continue reading

@presseportal.de | 8 years ago

Neuer Reisetrend: "Essenswürdigkeiten" und "Sight-Tasting" / Streetfood Märkte: von Bio-Foodtruck bis Ice Cream Festival - mit lastminute.de einmal um die Welt geschlemmt (FOTO)

lastminute.de: München (ots) - Essenswürdigkeiten statt Sehenswürdigkeiten: Streetfood Märkte sind die leckere, hippe Alternative zum Restaurantbesuch auf Reisen. Und da nicht nur die Liebe durch den Magen geht, sondern auch das Reisen hungrig macht, hat ... | Continue reading

@presseportal.de | 8 years ago

Zupa krem marchewko-ananasowa z mlekiem kokosowym

Zupa marchewkowa to chyba najczęściej gotowana przeze mnie zupa krem! Mam na stronie już kilka przepisów na taki krem, najabrdziej lubię chyba te z dodatkiem imbiru i mleka kokosowego. Dzisiaj idę o krok dalej i dodaję do tych składników jeszcze sok ananasowy! Połączenie okazuje … | Continue reading

@kwestiasmaku.com | 8 years ago

LG's G5 has so far only contributed to growing mobile losses

Good news and bad news out of South Korea's two electronics giants today. Samsung, buoyed by its new Galaxy S7, is reporting improved profits for the past quarter, while LG's mobile division sunk deeper into the red with a $168 million loss. The primary cause for LG's increased e … | Continue reading

@theverge.com | 8 years ago

Nintendo selling off majority stake in Seattle Mariners baseball team

After 26 years, Nintendo is winding down its ownership of the Seattle Mariners baseball team.Back in 1992, Nintendo president Hiroshi Yamauchi stepped bought commanding 55 per cent interest in the squad - which is local to Nintendo of America's Redmond HQ - to save it from being … | Continue reading

@eurogamer.net | 8 years ago

Hurry up! Uber will start charging you if the driver waits over 2 minutes

It's time to pack your things and jump on that Uber vehicle, because they will start charging you extra if they have to wait around for you. | Continue reading

@androidauthority.com | 8 years ago

Sony's PSN is making more money than all of Nintendo

Sony's PlayStation Network made more money than all of Nintendo during the last financial year.The difference was pointed out this morning by Twitter user Z… | Continue reading

@eurogamer.net | 8 years ago

DPF Manager: new release ready to download!

DPF Manager e-News, April 2016 After the redesign phase, a new version of the DPF Manager is available. Version 2.0 includes many new functionalities and improvements and is now ready to be downloaded on the PREFORMA Open Source Portal. Everybody is invited to download the DPF Ma … | Continue reading

@digitalmeetsculture.net | 8 years ago

Netflix and the BBC are working on an animated Watership Down series

Fresh off a star-making turn as Finn in The Force Awakens, John Boyega's next big role will be as a small bunny. Boyega will play Bigwig the rabbit in a four-part animated adaptation of seminal children's book Watership Down being developed by Netflix and the BBC. Alongside Boyeg … | Continue reading

@theverge.com | 8 years ago

DP-X1: Der HighEnd-Walkman von Onkyo läuft mit Android

Mit dem DP-X1 lanciert Onkyo einen PMP, der sich vor allem an diejenigen richtet, denen MP3-Qualität für ihre Musik nicht ausreicht. Ab Juni soll das Gerät in Deutschland verfügbar sein. Preis: 799 Euro. Wer unterwegs unter gar... | Continue reading

@de.engadget.com | 8 years ago

Suddenly, things are looking up for Warriors again

OAKLAND, Calif. -- The camera captured Stephen Curry on the bench midway through the second quarter. The image flashed on the video board high above the court, the crowd cheering even a sighting of Curry in street clothes. He looked up to see what the commotion was about and resp … | Continue reading

@nba.com | 8 years ago

Event TV: Budweiser Budvar to sponsor Manchester's Spinfest

Budweiser Budvar has partnered with pub group New World Trading Company to sponsor the Spinfest music event, which is set to take place on Sunday (1 May). | Continue reading

@campaignlive.co.uk | 8 years ago

Coinbase is finally letting you instantly buy Bitcoin with a debit card

Anyone who has been a long-time user of Coinbase knows that the cryptocurrency startup hasn’t exactly always made it easy to buy Bitcoin. In the early days you had to link your U.S bank account, verify it via two small deposits, and still wait up to five days for the Bitcoin to b … | Continue reading

@techcrunch.com | 8 years ago

Tourism Ireland to unveil 10 carved Game of Thrones doors

Tourism Ireland has teamed up with HBO to create an ongoing campaign around season six of Game of Thrones, which premiered on Monday (25 April). | Continue reading

@eventmagazine.co.uk | 8 years ago

Augsburg experimentiert mit Ampeln für Smartphone-Junkies

Schon ewig nichts mehr gehört aus Augsburg, der Stadt der Fugger. Schade eigentlich. Denn im Südwesten Bayerns wird auf die Handy-Sucht von immer mehr Menschen reagiert. Die Augen immer auf das Display gerichtet, Kopfhörer auf, ganz... | Continue reading

@de.engadget.com | 8 years ago

Samsung announces Q1 2016 earnings: revenue up 7.7% YoY, profit up 12%

Samsung has released its Q1 2016 earnings and things look quite good. Smartphone and component sales lead the charge as displays took a hit. | Continue reading

@androidauthority.com | 8 years ago

Apple starts deploying Carekit for health apps

Apple begins rolling out Carekit, its mobile software framework for health apps, today.Apple announced the open-source software development platform last month with the aim to make it easier for developers to build health apps on iOS devices.Starting today, Carekit will integrate … | Continue reading

@techcrunch.com | 8 years ago

Pinterest rolls out its version of trending topics called Featured Collections

Pinterest has begun rolling out a way to highlight local and trending ideas from across its site. Every day, the company’s editors along with local brands, celebrities, and influencer will curate popular pins, users, boards, and searches within Featured Collections. This dedicate … | Continue reading

@venturebeat.com | 8 years ago

Balderton Capital promotes Bernard Liautaud to new role of Managing Partner

As Europe’s tech startup ecosystem continues to grow up, so does the venture capital that underpins it. London’s Balderton Capital has promoted long-standing General Partner Bernard Liautaud, who joined the firm in mid-2008, to the newly created role of Managing Partner. In other … | Continue reading

@techcrunch.com | 8 years ago

Apple dives straight into health care with release of first CareKit apps

Today, Apple announced the release of the very first apps made using CareKit, an open software platform that lets developers create iPhone apps that can help people manage various medical conditions and share information with their doctors. Among the four apps released today is o … | Continue reading

@theverge.com | 8 years ago

Goofy slapstick replaces the run-and-gun action in the Ratchet & Clank movie

Unusually for an animated movie aimed at younger viewers with a full global theatrical release, Ratchet & Clank isn't available to watch in 3D. This is… | Continue reading

@eurogamer.net | 8 years ago

Steam Level Up! Bitcoin Accepted

Gaming and digital distribution platform Steam will now accept bitcoin payments from users around the world, a feature enabled by bitcoin payment processor BitPay. Save up and splurge during the next Steam Sale with Bitcoin! | Continue reading

@ccn.com | 8 years ago

Sony earnings show PlayStation performing well as Xperia drags

Sony just posted its earnings for the 2015 financial year; the company's revenue was down 1.3 percent to ¥8.1 trillion (about $71.7 billion), but net profit grew 666.7 percent to ¥304.5 billion ($2.7 billion) and operating profit was up 329 percent to ¥294.2 billion ($2.6 billion … | Continue reading

@theverge.com | 8 years ago

Philips' Hue app gets way better with an overhauled design and new features

Philips' Hue app has always been a little rough around the edges, but today that changes as Philips releases an update that both overhauls how it looks and adds in much-needed features to make the system far more useful.The app looks significantly nicerThe new app looks colorful … | Continue reading

@theverge.com | 8 years ago

Hallo, iPhone 7 Pro

Das japanische Magazin MacFan hat schematische Zeichnungen veröffentlicht, die Abmaße und Features der schon seit längerer Zeit heiß diskutierten Pro-Variante des iPhone 7 zeigen sollen. Dass Apple im September neue Smartphone... | Continue reading

@de.engadget.com | 8 years ago

Elon Musk’s OpenAI wants you to train your AI bots with Atari games

Last December, Tesla CEO Elon Musk teamed up with Y Combinator president Sam Altman and former Google Brain Team scientist Ilya Sutskever to launch OpenAI, a $1 billion non-profit organization dedicated to furthering our understanding of artificial intelligence with a promise to … | Continue reading

@thenextweb.com | 8 years ago

Hostelworld fragt: "Möchtest du nacktbaden gehen?"

Hostelworld: London (ots/PRNewswire) - Einige Dinge können nur in einem Hostel passieren und Hostelworld (http://www.german.hostelworld.com) will genau das beweisen und Hotelgäste dazu einladen, nackt baden zu gehen. Mit Erfolg? (Photo: ... | Continue reading

@presseportal.de | 8 years ago

Hiring to win: Why it’s easier to fix a broken product than a broken team

SPONSORED: This sponsored post is produced by TreasureHunt Studios. We’ve learned a lot at TreasureHunt leading to the launch of our first game Boomie Blast — but the biggest lesson we learned about making better games has nothing to do with game development per se. It’s somethin … | Continue reading

@venturebeat.com | 8 years ago