Influencer marketing has emerged as a mainstream marketing strategy for many B2C and B2B brands. Companies have increased their influencer marketing budgets, and digital marketing agencies say clients have embraced the strategy, according to the eMarketer, report Influencer M … | Continue reading
There's no doubting the value of content marketing for law firms. Read how attorneys and legal professionals are using the power of content creation to attract new leads to their practices. | Continue reading
It's important to choose and utilize the correct traffic sources for your lead generation campaigns; we can help. | Continue reading
This week's top online marketing news from @toprank: Mobile is Fruitful for Email, the Popularity of Influencer Marketing, and Digital Shopping Trends | Continue reading
Introduction This post is a continuation from a previous post called Unity; unit test for C, but in this post we are going to use FFF. FFF is one of the available mocking frameworks for C. In this example I will use CMake to configure the project and build it. All the code and co … | Continue reading
According to Umberto Eco, “We like lists because we don't want to die.” He says lists create culture: “The list is the origin of culture. It’s part of the history of art and literature. What does culture want? To make infinity comprehensible. It also wants to create order — not a … | Continue reading
Not in a marketing sense, but strategically, to yourself, your partners, your coaches, your investors: What is it for? When someone hires your product or service, what are they hiring it to do? Who (or what) are you trying to... | Continue reading
TL;DR There's no alternative to OSS but we need to improve how we're dealing with it. Hannes Preishuber recently wrote a blog post (in german language) about appreciation of work as well as quality and documentation of software nowadays. While I agree with Hannes that someone's w … | Continue reading
I previously described how adding native popovers and modal dialogs to Quip’s hybrid desktop apps helped them to blend in and avoid the “uncanny valley” of web-based apps that don’t quite feel right. Another area that we focused on was the experience of creating a new window, esp … | Continue reading
The United States government demanded that Apple weakens the security on iOS. Tim Cook, Apple’s CEO, replied.Rather than asking for legislative action through Congress, the FBI is proposing an unprecedented use of the All Writs Act of 1789 to justify an expansion of its authority … | Continue reading
tl;dr By now, everybody has heard that the FBI has issued a request (which is now being backed by a court order to comply) to Apple to provide software to unlock the iPhone 5c of one of the San Bernardino shooters. This is a massive request, with huge implications for everybody ( … | Continue reading
Identifier: H2020-LCE-2016-2017Pillar: Societal ChallengesOpening Date: Deadline: Tue, 16 Feb 2016 17:00:00 (Brussels local time)Modification Date: Tue, 16 Feb 2016Latest information: A total of 145 proposals were submitted in response to this call for the following 2016 RIA topi … | Continue reading
Torta di spinaci profumata al limone con crumble di pane di semola. | Continue reading
My own vague ideas about what 2016 should mean for me, have solidified.… Continue reading Three notions / plans for 2016 → | Continue reading
2016 IS&T International Symposium on Electronic Imaging (EI 2016) in San Francisco, California, 14-18 February 2016. Media Watermarking, Security, and … | Continue reading
2016 IS&T International Symposium on Electronic Imaging (EI 2016) in San Francisco, California, 14-18 February 2016. Media Watermarking, Security, and Forensics 2016 Robust smartphone fingerprint by mixing device sensors features for mobile strong authentication, Irene Amerini, … | Continue reading
Ben and James discuss winner-take-all dynamics and its implications for advertising, bubble talk, and venture capital. Plus, what Facebook and Marc Andreessen got wrong about Free Basics and India. This episode is sponsored by Wunder Capital. Make a good investment and do good at … | Continue reading
Introduction Why do you want to create your own compiler? To answer this question I have to give you some background. For Christmas I got a BeagleBone Black, perfect to learn ARM assembly. After a few weeks of doing the usual stuff I decided I wanted a bigger project to improve m … | Continue reading
Identifier: COS-CLUSTER-2015-3-02Pillar: More favourable conditions for business creation and growthOpening Date: Deadline: Thu, 31 Mar 2016 17:00:00 (Brussels local time)Modification Date: Tue, 9 Feb 2016Latest information: The submission session is now available for: COS-CLUSTE … | Continue reading
The book I’m going through, Programming Interviews Exposed, presents the Dining Philosophers Problem and their solution to the problem. Firstly, their explanation for their solution is weak because they do not describe the underlying principle they applied to prevent deadlocks. S … | Continue reading
Through several articles in this blog, I have tried to support the importance of physical activity and exercise in our life. More specifically, in one of my previous articles I tried to show the enormous impact of electronic smart devices … Continue reading → | Continue reading
HKPK (RFC7469) is a standard that tells browser to cache a certain TLS certificate’s signature, and validate that future visits use that certificate (or a defined backup). I intended on enabling this on my servers, but since letsencrypt renews your certificates every few months, … | Continue reading
Making your own sugar-free alternative to icing sugar is super easy! I like to use xylitol as it's natural and tastes just like regular sugar. | Continue reading
6 months ago I bought an 80 series Toyota Land Cruiser and the time since has been doing the car up in preparation for a trip around Australia. Since its release the 80 Series Land Cruiser has earned itself a reputation as a dependable and an almost unbeatable machine off… | Continue reading
Hi there! What kept me busy this week:AI assistants are coming for sure but where do they get their information from and who controls that. If we'll be relying on those AI curators as a filter on the overload of information what does that mean for net neutrality... | Continue reading
Introduction Unity is one of the available frameworks to create unit tests for C. In this example, I will use CMake to configure the project and build. All the code and configuration files used in this post are available in this repo in GitHub. Can you do unit test in C? And what … | Continue reading
I’ve worked at Google since 2004. I’ve worked on the Go programming language team since 2012. You can find my posts and talks on Go at You can find my old MIT home page at | Continue reading
TL;DR Hard Disk space can only be replaced with more Hard Disk space Disclaimer: If you're doing things wrong described here you'll loose your data - create a backup first! Nowadays it's casual to use VMs for development environments. It's also casual that projects grow and you r … | Continue reading
Sette semplici idee per arricchire la tavola dei vostri bambini e regalare loro un Carnevale giocoso e colorato. | Continue reading
With Rails 5 soon to be released, many developers are planning to further explore Action Cable and add stateful features to their web applications via WebSockets. In this article we will highlight some points worth discussing when deploying such features. When we use HTTP, scalin … | Continue reading
File: PDF Size: 569.47 Kb | Continue reading
Una semplice e veloce torta salata con porri e speck perfetta per un brunch o un pranzo in ufficio. | Continue reading
Back in August, I’ve decided to leave SoundCloud. This wasn’t an easy decision. A bit more than four years ago I had the opportunity to join a mission-driven startup as one of its early engineers, and eventually lead the organisation as it grew from 20 to more than 120 engineers. … | Continue reading
We're using the Docker eco system now for a while in development and production. As you may know, the Docker eco system not only consists of the Docker engine (client and server), but it also provides Docker Machine and Docker Compose. While Docker Compose makes linking container … | Continue reading
Newer versions of Linux Mint use MintX as the default login screen greeter. By default it comes with a predefined collection of images. These display in the background and change periodically in a slide show type format. The default images are great but I wanted to add a personal … | Continue reading
TRANSLATIONS: 中文 (36氪) | 中文 (虎嗅) At the end of 2014, I wrote about the trends I noticed in UI design in apps in China. It was a surprising hit, receiving hundreds of thousands unique views the following week, and multiple translations into Chinese as well as Russian and Korean. I … | Continue reading
tl;dr Facebook/Parse announced that they are shutting down the popular Back-end-as-a-Service. While opinions are certainly going to vary as to why, I thought it an interesting situation to examine and, upon reflection, comment. As I read the post, a couple of things immediately c … | Continue reading
A casual & irreverent conversation with K.K. Barrett, an Academy Award-nominated production designer whose credits include Her & Where the Wild Things Are. | Continue reading
If you're using Chrome on Ubuntu in a VMware Workstation VM it is likely, that it has been crashing after being in the background for a while. Sometimes it also kills the VM entirely. For me the solution was to disable hardware accelartion completely - the performance isn't that … | Continue reading
If you got a kid and an ipad, check out Metamorphabet. Yes it's in english, and yes its a few bucks, but it's so damn nicely animated. Or if you just don't, check out the rest in the list of nice kids apps. | Continue reading