Für all jene, die gerne Videos auf YouTube hochladen, sich aber ab und an nicht sicher sind, ob ein bestimmtes Objekt im Video wirklich gezeigt werden darf, gibt es jetzt die Möglichkeit vor der Veröffentlichung auf YouTube sich bewe... | Continue reading
Ubisoft is one of the world's biggest gaming companies, so the idea it could be targeted by a hostile takeover feels like an odd one.But that's exactly what's happening right now, as French conglomerate Vivendi gobbles up Ubisoft shares to gain ever more influence over the family … | Continue reading
After taking users into the sea and up to the top of Mont Blanc, Google has updated Street View with loads of breathtaking views inside some of the world’s most famous sports stadiums, arenas and tracks. Football fans can see what it’s like at the 40 yard line on the CenturyLink … | Continue reading
It could have been worse for all involved. In early 2006, the Interwebs were abuzz with talk of a little booklet William H. Swanson, the then Chairman and CEO of American defense contractor Raytheon, had authored. The spiral-bound booklet's title was Swanson's Unwritten Rules of … | Continue reading
OB1 CEO Brian Hoffman discusses the current infighting among bitcoin's developers and why he believes a change in thinking is needed. | Continue reading
21 Inc just announced that the 21 Bitcoin Computer is shipping to 32 countries across Europe. After last year’s $116M round, 21 Inc was flying high. But with big money comes big expectations. They did not disappoint with the release of the 21 Bitcoin Computer late last year. In … | Continue reading
Quickshipelectronics’ eBay store is currently selling the 32GB Samsung Galaxy Note 4 for just $319.99. That's quite a bargain. | Continue reading
Palma de Mallorca (ots) - Meliá erzielte 2015 ein Ergebnis vor Steuern von 101,6 Mill. Euro (+79%) / Erlös pro verfügbarem Zimmer wuchs um 15,1 Prozent, Ebitda kletterte auf 293... | Continue reading
More than 100,000 visitors flocked to Mobile World Congress (MWC) in Barcelona this week (22-25 February) to check out the latest in mobile technology from the likes of Samsung, T-Mobile and AT&T. | Continue reading
Sports retailer American Golf is to launch a new experiential show at Event City in Manchester this weekend (27-28 February). | Continue reading
Im Kampf um die vom FBI geforderte Hintertür in iPhones, hat Apple nun einen Antrag gestellt, der besagt, dass der erforderliche Antrag des FBI einen Bruch der Verfassung darstellt.Apple nennt das, was sie für das FBI basteln sollen, ei... | Continue reading
Grapeseed Extract Simply Supplements recently sent me some of their Grapeseed Extract to review. I’d heard good things about this supplement before, I’d even recalled hearing it’s praises on the news before so I was curious to see what all the fuss was about. Grape seed extract i … | Continue reading
There's been a lot of talk about Firewatch and its sub-par performance on PlayStation 4 over the past few weeks and with the recent release of patch 1.02, we felt it was time to take a closer look. Frame-rate issues may not seem like a big deal for a narrative-driven adventure, b … | Continue reading
Nintendo has lowered its annual profit forecast down from 50 billion yen to 33 billion (£316m to £208m).The reason for the reduction? Nintendo has sold less 3DS hardware and software than expected.The company has also been hit by a recent rise in the yen's value.Read more… | Continue reading
Viacom channel Nickelodeon is to host its Slimefest event in the UK for the first time. | Continue reading
Nintendo has slashed its profit estimate for the financial year by more than 50 percent amid slowing sales and a strong yen. In an announcement today [PDF], the Japanese firm lowered its net profit forecast from 35 billion yen ($310 million) to 17 billion yen ($151 million). Read … | Continue reading
Yesterday afternoon we noted that action in the bitcoin price seemed to have tightened up, and that as a result, we were going to tighten up the ranges we were trading (alongside our risk management and target parameters) to accommodate these conditions. The hope was, that by tig … | Continue reading
That's what people call successful decision making that happens without a narrative. Intuition isn't guessing. It's sophisticated pattern matching, honed over time. Don't dismiss intuition merely because it's difficult to understand. You can get better at it by practicing. | Continue reading
Microsoft announced that it’s killed off Project Astoria, its development tool for porting Android apps to Windows. The news doesn’t come as a surprise: the company put Project Astoria on hold back in November before it was even fully ready. In a blog post, Microsoft said: We rec … | Continue reading
Happy Friday! Here's two parkour people jumping around in Mario costumes.YouTube channel Dark Pixel mixes free-running and some nice 3D effects to turn this video of Mario and Luigi leaping about into something worth watching.Dark Pixel released an earlier take on the idea three … | Continue reading
Date: 26/02/2016The Hairy Cell Leukemia project, launched by the Institute of Hematology at the University of Perugia in Italy with funding from the European Research Council, is one of the world’s foremost initiatives to develop a targeted therapy for hairy cell leukaemia (HCL), … | Continue reading
Bislang sind alle davon ausgegangen, dass wir auf der nächsten Präsentation von Apple am 15. März ein neues iPad Air sehen werden. Nun hat die Gerüchteküche ein neues Thema. Laut 9to5Mac, in letzter Zeit mit sehr genauen Vo... | Continue reading
Herzlichen Dank zunächst an alle Leserinnen und Leser, die unserem Aufruf von letzter Woche gefolgt sind und ihre Fragen und Anregungen bereits eingebracht haben. Gerne möchten wir folgende Frage einer ganz jungen Leserin veröffentlichen: Ich mache gerade meinen Matura/-Abiturabs … | Continue reading
TÜV Rheinland AG: Köln (ots) - Wer in den Skiurlaub aufbricht, sollte seine Reise gut vorbereiten und insbesondere die Dachboxen auf dem Auto in aller Ruhe montieren. "Schlecht befestigte Boxen können bei unerwarteten Brems- und Ausweichmanövern schnell zu einem ... | Continue reading
ANALYSIS: If there’s one thing the world doesn’t need, it’s another social messaging app. From Facebook Messenger and Snapchat onto WhatsApp, Telegram, Viber, and beyond, it’s safe to say that most bases are covered. Right? Well, maybe. A new startup launched out of stealth in th … | Continue reading
Factorio, from indie outfit Wube, is a game ostensibly about designing, building and maintaining factories, but there's a whole lot more to it.After crashing on an alien planet, you must manually harvest resources to survive. But, as the gameplay video below explains, Factorio is … | Continue reading
Es gab schon ein paar Möglichkeiten Selbstmordwesten zu erkennen, bislang waren alle aber am Ende nicht geeignet um Attentäter aufzuspüren. R3 Technologies möchte dem nun abhelfen, denn es gibt tatsächlich seit 2003 eine At... | Continue reading
Nach einer knapp dreijährigen Pause ist Stuttgarts höchste Veranstaltungslocation erneut geöffnet. Aus Brandschutzgründen wurde der Fernsehturm am 27. März 2013 auf Anordnung der Stadt für Besucher geschlossen. Die Veranstaltungsebene des Turms in 144 Metern Höhe bietet Platz für … | Continue reading
CNC Technologies: Los Angeles (ots/PRNewswire) - Das Unternehmen, gegründet von den Branchenveteranen Alex Giuffrida und Ron Magocsi, wird Lösungen zur Luftraumüberwachung, Datenübermittlung und Terrorismusbekämpfung für Anwender weltweit zur Verfügung stellen CNC ... | Continue reading
Learning the river used to be a big deal. It's most of what a pilot did, I think, although pilot may be the wrong word in a trade that had a lot of idiosyncratic terminologies. Regardless: you learned the river, and a lot of what you learned about was underwater and invisible. Wi … | Continue reading
Nintendo needs to release a new system or get that mobile money rolling in soon because its current business is coming up short. The publisher revealed this morning in a financial filing on its site that it is expecting to generate 12.3 percent less in revenues for its fiscal 201 … | Continue reading
Es war eine große Neuigkeit, die eigentlich helfen sollte, Windows 10 Apps für Entwickler leichter zu machen, da es ihnen die Möglichkeit gab, Android Apps leicht auf Windows umzuarbeiten. Die etwas reduzierte Menge an Apps, die f&u... | Continue reading
Nintendo has cut its operating profit forecast for the current financial year by 34 percent, following a third-quarter sales slump and a recent surge in the yen's value. The Japanese gaming company had previously expected to make an operating profit of ¥50 billion in the year end … | Continue reading
According to Moz.com, consumers spend just under 4 minutes on any web session. On the other hand, Monetate says that typical conversion rates lie between 1 and 5 percent. What this implies is that you have very little time to leave an impression on a web visitor. We know that you … | Continue reading
Apple hires plenty of interns all year round, but one particular new addition revealed this week caught the eye given the company’s current position opposing a controversial order to enable the FBI to access a locked iPhone. Read More | Continue reading
The executive director of the Wikimedia Foundation — the group that maintains Wikipedia — has resigned, shortly after leaked documents suggested the nonprofit organization was quietly building a "transparent" search engine to compete with Google. Lila Tretikov's resignation was a … | Continue reading
Bad news for owners of the Nissan LEAF and eNV200 electric vehicles: the NissanConnect EV app (formerly called CarWings) has been disabled due to security concerns.See also: Sorry, Tesla: The world’s fastest electric car is made in... Croatia?Nissan deactivated the app on Wednesd … | Continue reading
Humans have played cards since the 9th century Imperial China, and we might keep doing it even when we upload our brains into virtual reality. Oculus VR, the Facebook subsidiary working on the Rift virtual reality head-mounted display, is teasing a new card battler. In a message … | Continue reading
Key Highlights Ethereum price after spiking one final time above the $6.50 level found sellers and started to move down. The highlighted bullish trend line on the hourly chart (data feed via Kraken) was broken to take the price down intraday. The price is currently trading near t … | Continue reading
Bitcoin Price Key Highlights Bitcoin price had previously been moving above a rising trend line on its 1-hour time frame but a downside break recently occurred. This could mean that a short-term reversal is in the cards for bitcoin, but a pullback might take place first. Technica … | Continue reading
The Honest Company has built a loyal following among millennial mothers with their eco-friendly baby, personal care, home and health products. eMarketer spoke with Chris Thorne, CMO of The Honest Company, about how the lifestyle brand works to engage with millennial mothers and d … | Continue reading
Smartphones are increasingly the digital device of choice for many consumers in Germany, according to research from Bitkom. | Continue reading
More than a quarter of US CEOs said they plan to increase spending on advertising over the next 12 months, according to research. Marketing and sales promotion is another area they’re focusing on. | Continue reading
Internet users in South Korea are losing faith in traditional media, according to longitudinal research. Trust in digital channels, meanwhile, is holding steady. | Continue reading
Many consumers prefer traditional methods, like a phone, to communicate with a company. But according to November 2015 research, the phone can also be the most frustrating customer service channel. | Continue reading
According to a survey on statista, it is estimated that 2016 will mark approximately 2.13 billion social media users, globally. Hence, which social media marketing tactics should be opted to reach a large number of audiences? Read on to know about the relevant answers. | Continue reading
At a loony debate tonight filled with yelling and schoolyard attacks, CNN asked a few of the remaining Republican candidates if they would side with Apple or the FBI in the government's fight to hack an alleged terrorist's iPhone. They're all on team FBI, and it was a mess.Marco … | Continue reading
Google today announced a few enhancements for the Google Play Developer Console, which Android app developers can use to monitor the usage of their apps. Now developers have an easy way to see the most common themes that end users mention in their app reviews. Google bubbles up t … | Continue reading