WASHINGTON (By David Morgan for Reuters) — The Federal Aviation Administration on Wednesday said it would develop drone regulations allowing some unmanned aerial vehicles (UAV) to fly over people, an authorization eagerly sought by a range of industries including real estate and … | Continue reading
Instant Articles, meet Instant Ads. Facebook wants to give advertisers an immersive way to reach people without making them leave the social network. So today it officially launched its ad Canvas. When users click a Facebook ad, it opens a full-screen, rich media page inside of F … | Continue reading
After banning hoverboards from New York City's subways, trains, and busses last month, the Metropolitan Transportation Authority has begun rolling out new ads, first spotted by Gothamist, to make sure you get the message. The new ads make it clear that passengers cannot transport … | Continue reading
Does your marketing translate into business growth? When choosing a digital marketing agency, there are a questions to ask before making an investment. | Continue reading
It was earlier this month when famous groundhog Punxsutawney Phil predicted the arrival of an early spring. Now the first sign of an NBA thaw might be showing in Joe Johnson’s resolve to remain with the Nets. The 34-year-old swingman has begun talks with new Brooklyn general mana … | Continue reading
Another week of Vergecast and we have SO much to talk about. Mobile World Conference just wrapped up so Nilay, Dieter, and reporter Russell Brandom are here to analyze the coverage and discuss the continuing saga of Apple's fight with the FBI.Also, the Oscars are this Sunday so o … | Continue reading
Few bands could probably inspire a mobile role-playing game, but Iron Maiden has always been special. Since forming in 1975, the heavy metal group has created 16 studio albums, including The Book of Souls just last year. It was the 10th best-selling metal album in 2015. In total, … | Continue reading
Harebrained Schemes' upcoming action-roguelike Necropolis was slated for a March release on PC, but that's just been delayed until summer. That's the bad news. The good is that it will feature a simultaneous release on PS4 and Xbox One via a new publishing arrangement with Bandai … | Continue reading
Far Cry Primal is an incredible idea. You take the basic structure of a Far Cry game — with its huge, unpredictable open world filled with dangerous animals, weapon-wielding enemies, and plentiful natural resources — and then you set it in prehistoric times. Those gun-toting sold … | Continue reading
Barbados-based fintech firm Bitt Inc. has launched the Barbadian Digital Dollar, the Caribbean’s first blockchain-based digital money this week as a means to bring solutions to the unbanked in the region. In a marked effort to provide financial and banking solutions to its home c … | Continue reading
In a way, cooperative board games like Matt Leacock's Forbidden Island and Forbidden Desert [$6.99 (HD)] are peculiar animals because for most players, playing a competitive game means competing against other players rather than alongside them. And yet, there are fantastic moment … | Continue reading
Netflix is again testing how to best integrate teaser trailers into its user experience. At Mobile World Congress, the company talked about a test of autoplaying video trailers that would begin to play when users hovered over a title. But the company is also quietly testing a dif … | Continue reading
Telegram has just sailed past 100 million monthly active users and, aside from its well-known encryption creds, that might be because it’s genuinely helping the people who organize groups on its chat app. Its latest update offers silent messages for channel admins to use if they … | Continue reading
Using this data that your followers exchange through social media can help you better understand their buying behaviors | Continue reading
There's something's visibly missing in the first season of Syfy's space-opera series The Expanse. When a catastrophe strands a handful of working-class ice miners in a treacherous situation, most of them immediately look to their black female engineer for guidance, rather than to … | Continue reading
Analytics for Back office process improvement can help businesses gain new insights for better overall performance. | Continue reading
Subject–verb agreement in the English language is complicated. When you have to deal with tense, gender, number, irregular verb forms (Need I go on?), it can be quite the task to ensure that the subjects and verbs in your sentences agree. Assembling the pieces of this grammar puz … | Continue reading
Google will reportedly add a new hamburger menu into different sections found in Android N's settings, making it easier to jump between them. | Continue reading
Date: From 28/07/2016 to 29/07/2016"This conference gives the opportunity to meet other researchers in the same situation and sharing experiences. I also really enjoyed the interesting talks on the employability of PhDs." Emma Martín Rodríguez, Universidad Autonoma de Madrid, MSC … | Continue reading
Zumper, the Kleiner-backed apartment rental platform that launched at TechCrunch Disrupt SF 2012, has acquired PadMapper, the popular map-centric apartment rentals site that was once embroiled in a prolonged legal fight with Craiglist. The acquisition actually closed in January a … | Continue reading
Last fall, Mr. Nadella came to Washington and in a comprehensive speech the Microsoft CEO laid out Microsoft’s broad vision for security in the enterprise. Today, the company made a series of announcements in a lengthy blog post from Microsoft Chief Information Security Officer B … | Continue reading
The latest game by Australia-based Prettygreat, is, well, pretty great. Slide the Shakes [Free] is another free iPhone game which takes an incredible simple concept and executes on it flawlessly. Using a slingshot mechanic of sorts, all you do is slide shakes across a variety of … | Continue reading
YouTube is expanding upon its face-blurring feature that it first introduced in 2012, allowing YouTubers to easily blur moving objects.After uploading a video, you can access the new feature through the new Custom Blurring tool under Blurring Effects. You can draw a blurred box o … | Continue reading
YouTube is launching a custom blurring tool today that will let filmmakers blur out any object in their videos. The video platform has offered a face-blurring tool since 2012, but the revamped... | Continue reading
Back in 2012, Youtube added a new feature that allows you to automatically blur all faces in a video. Today, it’s going a step further: you can now draw a rectangle around any object in a video and YouTube will then blur it and automatically follow it as it moves through a scene. … | Continue reading
Microsoft today announced the launch of multiple products that are meant to make companies more secure online. Perhaps the most compelling new feature is a more intelligent way to spot threats that could affect applications and data that companies are running on Microsoft Azure. … | Continue reading
Google today announced the launch of a smart feature people can use once they’ve uploaded videos to YouTube. Now you can draw a box around the thing you want to blur in a video, and YouTube will automatically keep that thing from being seen clearly, even as it moves elsewhere in … | Continue reading
For creators, reshooting a scene for the tiniest bloopers is one of the more annoying (and cost-consuming) aspect of filming. Today, YouTube wants to help fix that by letting you blur any part of the video before it makes it to the public Web. The concept isn’t entirely new – in … | Continue reading
The one thing we know about privacy and data security is that we have neither. Those words are more true every day and if a federal judge gets her way, the state of privacy throughout the world is about to get a lot worse.Apple is currently wrestling with the FBI and Department o … | Continue reading
Mark Zuckerberg just did a live video stream on Facebook (where else) from Berlin where he detailed plans to give 25 high-power GPU servers to European research labs in order to accelerate advances in intelligent computing. The Facebook AI Research (FAIR) Partnership Program star … | Continue reading
How can content creators stay inspired? These tips can help generate fresh perspectives and build positive creative habits. | Continue reading
If you want to crack the secrets of the universe or reverse quantum time you’re going to need a supercomputer. Why not make that supercomputer out of a bunch of Raspberry Pi boards? This Instructable shows you how but there’s a bit of a catch. Remember that Raspberry Pi boards ar … | Continue reading
Amplify, MCCGLC, Chillisauce and Touch Associates have all been named by the London Stock Exchange as Companies to Inspire Britain. | Continue reading
A trio of Resident Evil games is on its way to modern consoles. Today Capcom announced that Resident Evil 4, 5, and 6, will all be coming to the PlayStation 4 and Xbox One later this year. The games appear to be largely straight ports without much in the way of improvements for t … | Continue reading
When you think of using your favorite mobile app, what words come to mind? Convenient? Simple? Frictionless? Now, what if I change the context to buying something on mobile? Do those same qualities of ease still apply? For many consumers the answer is, unfortunately, nope. Not ye … | Continue reading
Honestly, who expected Nien Nunb? Who even is Nien Nunb? He's the "jowled, mouse-eyed native of Sullust" as Wikipedia puts it, who flew with Lando on the Millennium Falcon in the Battle of Endor in Return of the Jedi.The reason the Star Wars Battlefront community suspects Nunb an … | Continue reading
The Facebook Artificial Intelligence Research (FAIR) lab today announced a new partnership program that will benefit academic researchers in Europe. It’s not just that Facebook will work in lock step with the academics; Facebook will actually giving out 25 powerful servers powere … | Continue reading
Finland-based bitcoin broker Prasos has acquired a local bitcoin exchange to add to its range of services. | Continue reading
If you live in New York City and you ride the subway, you've probably seen those tall, skinny Help Point kiosks with the blue glowing light on top. On the surface, the intercom systems, which debuted in 2011, seem fairly straightforward: a red button for emergencies, a green butt … | Continue reading
Pay-to-win is a flawed concept, overused by critics of free-to-play games. It's true that to reach the top levels of many free-to-play games, you'll have to spend money. But these games are hardly a direct correlation between money spent and top players. And where do you draw the … | Continue reading
Before he worked on Civilization with legendary game designer Sid Meier, Bruce Shelley was a board game designer at companies such as Avalon Hill. He designed games on paper back in the 1980s and 1990s, and it was easier to keep revising until the game was right. That’s a lot lik … | Continue reading
SpaceX hat im Dezember eine Rakete auf den festen Boden zurückgeholt - eine Wasserlandung ist Elon Musks Weltraumfirma bisher aber nicht geglückt. Heute Nacht will sie es zum vierten Mal versuchen, nachdem der Start gestern wegen ungü... | Continue reading
Bitcoin price has lost direction. Ordinarily, this kind of price action can be described as merely corrective, but the chart shows several months of lower lows and, now again, a lower high. This analysis is provided by xbt.social with a 3-hour delay. Read the full analysis here. … | Continue reading
Tech companies like Amazon and Google have been aggressively advocating for drone delivery over the past few years. They wanted the Federal Aviation Administration to provide them with a set of rules they could test against, a safety standard they needed to meet in order to safel … | Continue reading
Cadillac's camera-based inside rear mirror shows up to 4X the viewing angle of a traditional mirror; you press a button to switch between camera and reflective mirror views. | Continue reading
VB WEBINAR: At a time when email volume has increased by almost 25 percent year over year, you simply can’t afford to not be testing and determining what will make your customers click. | Continue reading
ruf Reisen GmbH: Bielefeld (ots) - Der Jugendreisespezialist ruf ist auch in diesem Jahr Partner der Internationalen Tourismusbörse (ITB) in Berlin. In Halle 4.1 am Stand 107 präsentiert der Veranstalter sowohl dem Fachpublikum, als auch den Privatbesuchern neue ... | Continue reading
Capcom's announced PlayStation 4 and Xbox One ports of Resident Evil 4, 5 and 6.Resident Evil 6 comes out on 29th March and includes all the additional post-launch DLC (so, all the costumes originally only available through ResidentEvil.net).Resident Evil 5 follows in the summer, … | Continue reading