A Boutique Hostel, Cafe, and Event Space Nestled in a 1800’s Stone Building

The Native Hostel, Bar & Kitchen is a boutique hostel, bar, cafe, and event space designed for the epicurean traveler and locals alike. | Continue reading

@homeworlddesign.com | 7 years ago

Australia’s Living Room of Satoshi Lets Users pay BIlls With Bitcoin Cash

Finding use cases for Bitcoin Cash can be a bit problematic for the time being. That is often the case for a currency which only exists for a few days. Even though BCH has the Bitcoin name as well, few merchants accept it right now. Living Room of Satoshi is the first major compa … | Continue reading

@newsbtc.com | 7 years ago

How to Make Good Marketing Videos Even If You’re Camera Shy

Not a fan of yourself on video? Here are 5 alternatives to making marketing videos for your school without being on camera. | Continue reading

@schneiderb.com | 7 years ago

From ICOs to DCOs: The Dawn of Cleared Crypto Derivatives

What is the likely impact of cryptocurrency derivatives? Three lawyers speculate on the possible innovations to come. | Continue reading

@coindesk.com | 7 years ago

JetBlue’s customer service can now track you across every platform

We all love to complain about air travel. And thanks to technology, there are increasingly more places than ever to scream into the void. But the surfeit of technology platforms can make it difficult for airlines to track and address complaints. One airline thinks it has a soluti … | Continue reading

@theverge.com | 7 years ago

Why Liberalism Disappoints

In the summer of 1917, Walter Lippmann strutted into Washington as it prepared for war. Both he and his young country were ready to prove their worth as superpowers. He was 27 and newly married, recruited to whisper into the ear of Newton Baker, the secretary of war. Lippmann’s r … | Continue reading

@theatlantic.com | 7 years ago

When Silicon Valley Took Over Journalism

Chris Hughes was a mythical savior—boyishly innocent, fantastically rich, intellectually curious, unexpectedly humble, and proudly idealistic.My entire career at the New Republic had been spent dreaming of such a benefactor. For years, my colleagues and I had sputtered our way th … | Continue reading

@theatlantic.com | 7 years ago

John le Carré Goes Back Into the Cold

John le Carré’s triumph (and consequent burden) is that he created characters and language so evocative of the spy world that they became more real in readers’ minds than real people or events. This happens occasionally with books or movies: Our images of the old South are insepa … | Continue reading

@theatlantic.com | 7 years ago

Are Index Funds Evil?

If you’re like me, you’ve cheered the decades-long rise of index funds—investment vehicles that seem (these days) to be a rare case of financial innovation that actually helps regular people. By trying merely to match the market, not beat it—investing passively in stocks that mim … | Continue reading

@theatlantic.com | 7 years ago

Big in Venezuela: Bitcoin Mining

In Venezuela, home to some of the worst hyperinflation since the Weimar Republic, a Big Mac costs about half a month’s wages. Or rather, it did, until a bread shortage forced the burger off the menu. The annual inflation rate is expected to hit 1,600 percent. Life resembles an ol … | Continue reading

@theatlantic.com | 7 years ago


They face in opposite directions to reproduce. What a miner, pistoning in slowmotion through the underworld of the earth,engineering vents, channels, water flow,converting death and dearth,day in, night out. Each eyeless bodydigesting the soil, nursing birth.Cut in two, they doub … | Continue reading

@theatlantic.com | 7 years ago

What Was the Most Important Letter in History?

Clayborne Carson, founding director, the Martin Luther King, Jr., Research and Education InstituteMartin Luther King Jr.’s “Letter From Birmingham Jail” was little-noticed in April 1963, when his colleagues in the civil-rights movement stitched it together from the fragments he’d … | Continue reading

@theatlantic.com | 7 years ago

How to Cut in Line

Waiting in line is a scourge of modernity. According to David Andrews’s book, Why Does the Other Line Always Move Faster?, it wasn’t common until the Industrial Revolution synchronized workers’ schedules, causing lines that gobbled up lunch hours and evenings. Given that American … | Continue reading

@theatlantic.com | 7 years ago

The Identity Crisis of an American Abroad

A “twenty-something life crisis,” and a writing fellowship, sent the journalist Suzy Hansen from New York to Istanbul in 2007. There she got swept up in a bigger crisis, one likely to sound familiar these days. It “was about my American identity,” she writes. “Confusion over the … | Continue reading

@theatlantic.com | 7 years ago

How Women Lived Under Soviet Rule

Before stepping onto the stage, Svetlana Alexievich left me with her grayish-beige leather coat, as unfashionable as the rest of her. We had met by chance in March at a literary festival in Austria where the 2015 Nobel Prize winner in literature—a stocky woman in her late 60s, ba … | Continue reading

@theatlantic.com | 7 years ago

The Joke Has Died With Wet Hot American Summer: Ten Years Later

Part of the pleasure of watching Wet Hot American Summer: First Day of Camp, the 2015 prequel series to David Wain’s cult comedy film, was the sheer absurdity of its existence. A parody of the endless march of revivals and off-brand sequels thrown at audiences, the show took the … | Continue reading

@theatlantic.com | 7 years ago

The Conversation

Telling Lola’s Story“Lola’s Story” (June), by the Filipino American journalist Alex Tizon, quickly became the most-read story on TheAtlantic.com and garnered many emotional responses from people around the United States and around the world, particularly in the Philippines. Tizon … | Continue reading

@theatlantic.com | 7 years ago

Intel kündigt X-Series an

Intel hat gestern die X-Series offiziell vorgestellt, Desktop-Prozessoren mit bis zu 18 Kernen. Die neuen CPUs sollen ab September verfügbar sein: Es sind die Prozessoren, die zum Beispiel Apple im iMac Pro verbauen könnte. Angekündigt... | Continue reading

@de.engadget.com | 7 years ago

Carmageddon: Crashers out now on Google Play

Carmageddon: Crashers will put you in the driver’s seat of a wrecking ball on wheels that you’ve built and customized yourself. | Continue reading

@androidauthority.com | 7 years ago

Chinese e-taxi giant Didi grows its global footprint with Careem partnership

Chinese ride-hailing giant Didi Chuxing (Didi) has made a strategic investment in Careem, a rival service that’s popular in parts of the Middle East, Africa, and Asia. The investment — for an undisclosed amount — represents part of a broader partnership that will see the duo “sha … | Continue reading

@venturebeat.com | 7 years ago

Lexus sponsors BBC Good Food's Feast event

Lexus, the luxury car marque, is sponsoring BBC Good Food's upcoming festival Feast. | Continue reading

@campaignlive.co.uk | 7 years ago

Die HBO-Hacker melden sich Chef-Mails und einer Lösegeldforderung zurück

Nach dem Bekanntwerden des Hacks in die HBO-Server melden sich der oder die Hacker zurück*: Am Montag wurden interne Mails und mehrere Dokumente zur HBO-Erfolgsserie Game of Thrones veröffentlicht inklusive einer detaillierten Zusammenfassung... | Continue reading

@de.engadget.com | 7 years ago

Read Google CEO's email to staff about anti-diversity memo

Google employee James Damore has been reportedly fired for “perpetuating gender stereotypes.” The senior software engineer authored a 10-page “manifesto” condemning Google’s diversity efforts and claiming men are biologically more predisposed to working in the tech industry than … | Continue reading

@theverge.com | 7 years ago

There's a huge dock to go with LG's leaked tablet

LG’s latest tablet, called the GPad X2 8.0 Plus, has been revealed after a support page was posted for the device on T-Mobile’s website. Probably the most formidable thing about the tablet is its massive optional dock, aptly called the Gpad Pack Plus that’s a stand with stereo sp … | Continue reading

@theverge.com | 7 years ago

Lawmakers Want to See Bitcoin Become an Official Currency in Australia

Two Australian lawmakers have formed a parliamentary group to push government to better accommodate cryptocurrency and blockchain. | Continue reading

@coindesk.com | 7 years ago

8 #Hoteltech Trends Disrupting Hospitality and Tourism

Room service? There’s an app for that. Consumer demands are changing and hoteltech is responding. Here we look at 8 hoteltech trends currently disrupting hospitality and tourism. For many years, the process of booking into a hotel and accessing its benefits during a stay has rema … | Continue reading

@eventmanagerblog.com | 7 years ago

car2go verzeichnet Rekordentwicklung in Nordamerika (FOTO)

car2go Group GmbH: Stuttgart / Austin, Texas (ots) - car2go baut seine weltweite Marktführerschaft aus. Das Tochterunternehmen der Daimler AG bietet nicht nur in Europa erfolgreich stationsfreies Carsharing an, sondern auch in Nordamerika - und verzeichnet dort eine ... | Continue reading

@presseportal.de | 7 years ago

The Trump Show Never Ends

HUNTINGTON, W.V.—Every day brings new drama, but the Trump Show’s themes remain the same. He’s come to tell his people that everyone else is wrong and they are right.“The change you voted for is happening every single day,” he proclaims, underscoring each syllable with a raised h … | Continue reading

@theatlantic.com | 7 years ago

Wembley Cup with EE returns for third year

EE is hosting top YouTube and international football stars in a tournament that will culminate at Wembley Stadium for a third year. | Continue reading

@eventmagazine.co.uk | 7 years ago

Does the U.S. Military Need a Space Corps?

The U.S. military hasn’t added a new uniformed service in 70 years, when the Air Force was created in the aftermath of World War II.If Congress gets its way, that will soon change.In a bipartisan vote last month, the House of Representatives approved legislation that would direct … | Continue reading

@theatlantic.com | 7 years ago

When Britain and France Almost Merged Into One Country

On June 16, 1940, with Nazi Germany on the brink of crushing France, British prime minister Winston Churchill and French undersecretary of defense Charles de Gaulle met for lunch at the Carlton Club in London. These two great symbols of patriotism and national independence made a … | Continue reading

@theatlantic.com | 7 years ago

Neue Bilder vom Google Pixel 2 und ein Video zum LG V30

Ein etwas skurril anmutendes Video macht derzeit die Runde, dass das LG V30 in Aktion zeigt. Die Rückseite des Telefons ist aus Glas, einen Hauptaugenmerk bei der Entwicklung scheint LG auf die Kamera gelegt zu haben: Die ist jedenfalls der Star... | Continue reading

@de.engadget.com | 7 years ago

Dal 2 settembre le domande per sussidi a famiglie in condizioni economiche disagiate

modulo sia pon CHE COS’È E COME FUNZIONA Il Sostegno per l’Inclusione Attiva (SIA) è una misura di contrasto alla povertà che prevede l’erogazione di un sussidio economico alle famiglie in condizioni economiche disagiate, nelle quali siano presenti persone minorenni, figli disabi … | Continue reading

@comunespoleto.gov.it | 7 years ago

U.S. Army halts use of DJI drones due to concerns over ‘cyber vulnerabilities’

(Reuters) — The U.S. Army has ordered its members to stop using drones made by Chinese manufacturer DJI because of “cyber vulnerabilities” in the products. An Aug. 2 Army memo posted by sUAS News and verified by Reuters applies to all DJI drones and systems that use DJI component … | Continue reading

@venturebeat.com | 7 years ago

Yes, you can still jump into haycarts in Assassin's Creed Origins

Ubisoft has revealed an extended section of side-mission gameplay from Assassin's Creed Origins. There's pyramid looting, eagle scouting, sneaking and fight… | Continue reading

@eurogamer.net | 7 years ago

YouTube: Smartphone-Apps bekommen eigenen Chat

Wann ist eine App und der angeschlossene Service besonders erfolgreich? Wenn User immer mehr Zeit in der App verbringen. Weiß auch Google und verpasst der YouTube-App nun einen eigenen Chat und neue Features, um Videos mit Freunden und Bekannten... | Continue reading

@de.engadget.com | 7 years ago

Rainbow Six Siege's next patch is enormous, but it makes loading matches faster

It's not often big publishers warn their customers about the size of an upcoming patch, but that's exactly what Ubisoft has done with Rainbow Six Siege.In a post on the Rainbow Six website, Ubisoft revealed the size of its upcoming season three patch for the various platforms the … | Continue reading

@eurogamer.net | 7 years ago

Zahl des Tages: 50 Prozent der Deutschen sichern sich vor dem Auslandsurlaub mit einer zusätzlichen Reisekrankenversicherung ab

CosmosDirekt: Saarbrücken (ots) - Jeder Zweite hat im Urlaub eine Zusatzpolice im Gepäck Umgeknickt beim Stadtspaziergang? Die regionale Küche nicht vertragen? Auf Reisen krank zu werden, ist gleich doppelt ärgerlich: Denn wer sich im Ausland in medizinische ... | Continue reading

@presseportal.de | 7 years ago

Who Invented the Internet? And Why? [video]

The internet is such a crucial tool in our daily lives today that we hardly remember that it hasn't been here forever. | Continue reading

@digitalinformationworld.com | 7 years ago

SegWit's Likely Lock-In: What Today's Milestone Means for Bitcoin

SegWit is on par to lock-in today. Miners are embracing the scaling upgrade, but there's still time before users are able to take advantage. | Continue reading

@coindesk.com | 7 years ago


How much does it cost you in tolls to drive across town? In most cities, the answer is nothing. How much does it cost you to take a bus or subway across town? In most cities, if it's available at...        | Continue reading

@sethgodin.typepad.com | 7 years ago

Travis Kalanick kehrt nicht als Uber-Geschäftsführer zurück

Die Seifenoper um den kontroversen Uber-Geschäftsführer Travis Kalanick hat endlich ein Ende gefunden: In einer Mail an die Mitarbeiter teilte Mitgründer Garret Camp mit, dass Kalanick "trotz der Gerüchte nicht als Geschäftsführer... | Continue reading

@de.engadget.com | 7 years ago

Leaked image shows what the iPhone 8 might look like in a case

It's official: The iPhone 8 is the most thoroughly leaked iPhone ever. The rumors have been flying for longer than a year. We've seen cases and mock versions of the phone. Recently, Apple screwed up by revealing numerous secrets about the upcoming phone in HomePod's firmware. And … | Continue reading

@mashable.com | 7 years ago

10 best couples apps for Android

Mobile phones can be helpful to us personally. They can also help make things easier for you couples out there. Here are the best couples apps for Android! | Continue reading

@androidauthority.com | 7 years ago

Mega Man Legacy Collection 2 review — more great games in another OK package

REVIEW: I’m a big Mega Man fan, so I’m always happy to have a collection of these 2D platformers available on the newer systems. Mega Man Legacy Collection 2, out today, contains Mega Man 7 through 10 for PlayStation 4, Xbox One, and PC. These are the remaining numbered titles in … | Continue reading

@venturebeat.com | 7 years ago

Hellblade: Senua’s Sacrifice review — an insane quest in a nightmare world

REVIEW: Hellblade: Senua’s Sacrifice is both great and terrifying, taking the player on a journey into madness. In the game from British game studio Ninja Theory, the Celtic warrior Senua struggled with inner demons locked in a battle over her mind, and she carries a sword that m … | Continue reading

@venturebeat.com | 7 years ago

6 Things To Do When You Inherit a Struggling Event

Inheriting a struggling event is a challenge or a burden depending on your attitude. But with a couple of steps you can launch a much different, more successful happening. You hear it in sports franchises all the time–how will the new coach turn things around? You hear it on a co … | Continue reading

@eventmanagerblog.com | 7 years ago

Learn how to sell and build a customer base on the web — and pay any price you want

It’s important to get your online messaging just right, which you’ll be ready to do after you pick up the User Engagement & Marketing coursework bundle. | Continue reading

@thenextweb.com | 7 years ago