Why Whites and Asians Have Different Views on Personal Success

There’s a saying in China that it’s better to be the head of a chicken than the tail of a phoenix. The premise of the aphorism—it’s better to be over-qualified than under-qualified relative to one’s surroundings—is so widely accepted that similar versions of it exist across cultu … | Continue reading

@theatlantic.com | 7 years ago

Rebook bringt Turnschuhe für die ISS-Astronauten

Rebook hat einen neuen Sneaker. Ach! Nein doch, es ist etwas besonderes, denn der ist einzig und allein für Astronauten hergestellt, die auf einem kommenden Flug zur ISS dann gleich wesentlich stylischer aussehen dürften. Nur der Name ist... | Continue reading

@de.engadget.com | 7 years ago

Enormous and immersive 8K dome screen is a great alternative to VR

If you love the idea of virtual reality, but hate having to wear a headset, this is going to appeal to you.Japan's public broadcaster NHK has come up with an ultra high-definition immersive experience, featuring a rounded 8K projection dome screen that wraps around a moving seat. … | Continue reading

@mashable.com | 7 years ago

What the first 90 days of your long-term engagement with Nudge look like

We look at what the first few weeks of Nudge looks like, from implementation, resources & reports, to when you'll see initial campaign data flow through. | Continue reading

@giveitanudge.com | 7 years ago

CMWorld Interview: H&R Block’s Zerlina Jackson Explores Marketing in the Financial Sector

Marketers in financial industries are in the midst of a major digital transformation. Apps and mobile experience have become not a “nice to have” but a requirement from consumers. Additionally, financial institutions have started investing heavily in user experience for their web … | Continue reading

@toprankblog.com | 7 years ago

US lifts laptop ban for all remaining airlines and airports

 The U.S. has now lifted entirely a controversial ban on laptops in hand luggage for passengers flying to the country from the Middle East or via certain Middle Eastern airlines, with the Department of Homeland Security professing itself satisfied with “enhanced security measures … | Continue reading

@techcrunch.com | 7 years ago

Event TV: EE launches 4GEE Community Cinema Club

Mobile network brand EE is launching a 4GEE Community Cinema Club, in partnership with BAFTA, a film series which aims to bring outdoor cinema experiences to rural communities. | Continue reading

@eventmagazine.co.uk | 7 years ago

Blade Runner bekommt VR-Unterstützung auf Oculus und Gear VR 

Blade Runner 2049: Replicant Pursuit soll auf der Comic-Con am 21. July vorgestellt werden, aber es gibt jetzt schon einen Trailer für das VR-Spiel, das noch vor dem neuen Blade Runner Film auf den Markt kommen dürfte, denn es ist eine Serie... | Continue reading

@de.engadget.com | 7 years ago

Hochbetrieb in den ADAC-Auslandsnotrufstationen / Im Minutentakt Pannenfälle in ganz Europa / Schon jetzt acht Prozent mehr Hilferufe als im Vorjahr / 2016 rund 195.000 Kfz-Schadenfälle (FOTO)

ADAC SE: München (ots) - Die Reisewelle auf den Urlauberrouten nimmt weiter Fahrt auf und steuert am Wochenende auch im benachbarten Ausland seinem Höhepunkt entgegen. Für die ADAC-Auslandsnotrufstationen bedeutet dies noch mehr Arbeit - dort herrscht ... | Continue reading

@presseportal.de | 7 years ago

This transforming drone can fly like an airplane and spin like a seed

Small drones tend to come in two distinct varieties: the ones with wings, which are best for carrying loads over long distances; and the ones with rotors, which are more agile but less energy efficient. A few drone-makers have tried to combine both flight-modes into a single desi … | Continue reading

@theverge.com | 7 years ago

Neue Belvilla-Studie: So kochen Urlauber im Ferienhaus / Der Ferienhausspezialist Belvilla zeigt in einer repräsentativen Umfrage, wie kulinarisch Ferienhausurlaub wirklich ist (FOTO)

Belvilla Ferienhäuser: Hamburg (ots) - Es brodelt im Ferienhaus, könnte man meinen. Denn endlich ist genügend Zeit, sich etwas Leckeres zu kochen. Aber häufig bleibt die Ferienhausküche kalt. Dabei ist sie für fast 73 Prozent der Ferienhausurlauber ausschlaggebend für die ... | Continue reading

@presseportal.de | 7 years ago

Slack courts developers with new tools as competition heats up

(Reuters) — Slack Technologies on Wednesday showcased new tools designed to make it easier for developers to build apps for the company’s workplace collaboration software. The developer conference was part of a major push by Slack to lure software developers into building special … | Continue reading

@venturebeat.com | 7 years ago

Coinbase Will Not Support the User-activated Hard Fork Blockchain due to Incompatible Bitcoin Ruleset

The Bitcoin scaling debate has taken yet another interesting turn. Coinbase has issued an official statement on the user-activated hard fork. More specifically, if the UAHF to increase the block size activates on August 1st, Coinbase will not support it. That is a rather surprisi … | Continue reading

@newsbtc.com | 7 years ago

For Professional Practices, Newsletters Top Social Media

An analysis by Social@Ogilvy, the social media arm of the ad agency powerhouse Ogilvy & Mather, has received abundant attention. It’s wise for professional practices to take note. | Continue reading

@wpicommunications.com | 7 years ago

The Man Who Blew The Door Off The Microbial World

A few years before Norm Pace revolutionized the study of life on Earth, he almost lost his own life.He’s best known as a microbiologist, but he’s also a die-hard spelunker. In the 1970s, he and a group of friends set out to explore a Mexican cave called Sumidero Yochib. It sits a … | Continue reading

@theatlantic.com | 7 years ago

Mit FRITZ! entspannt den Urlaub genießen (FOTO)

AVM GmbH: Berlin (ots) - Ab in die Ferien mit AVM - Alle Dokumente sicher dabei - Dank MyFRITZ! - Spart bares Geld - Die FRITZ!App Fon - Mit der FRITZ!App WLAN die nächsten Funknetze finden - Perfekter Reisebegleiter - Die FRITZ!Box 6820 LTE - ... | Continue reading

@presseportal.de | 7 years ago

Bitcoin Price Watch; Whatever Comes Our Way

The end of the week is almost here and there’s plenty in line for discussion today. Action in the bitcoin price throughout the week has been both good and bad in parts. Some elements of the European session have been very conducive to our intraday strategy and we’ve had a number … | Continue reading

@newsbtc.com | 7 years ago

Play Protect: Google schützt Apps auf Android besser

Man ist sich ja nie so ganz sicher, ob die Apps bei Android wirklich alle so clean sind wie sie vorgeben, denn nicht selten hört man von diverser Malware die sich so auf das eigene Smartphone schmuggeln könnte.Deshalb hat Google die Sicherheitsvorkehrungen... | Continue reading

@de.engadget.com | 7 years ago

Meet our Students: Samridhi Singhi

"I acquired the right ammunition"More than forty students from all around the world gathered in Trento during the first two weeks of July for the EIT Digital Summer School on Cybersecurity and Privacy, organized as part of the Digital...Samridhi Singhi | Continue reading

@eitdigital.eu | 7 years ago

Indian IT Trade Association Sets up Blockchain Special Interest Group

A new special interest group has been formed in India to investigate and promote blockchain technology domestically.Source | Continue reading

@coindesk.com | 7 years ago

Chinese brands have invaded Indonesia’s fast-growing smartphone market

 If you’re looking for a market with smartphone sales growth potential then India usually comes to mind, but the market is moving forward with much promise in Indonesia, the world’s sixth largest country. A new report from IDC shows that smartphones sales in the country accelerat … | Continue reading

@techcrunch.com | 7 years ago

Die 10 Top Familien-Campingplätze am Mittelmeer / 5-Sterne-Plätze in Italien, Kroatien, Frankreich und Spanien / Mit dem ADAC Campingführer zum perfekten Platz für jede Zielgruppe (FOTO)

ADAC SE: München (ots) - Ferien am Mittelmeer stehen bei Campern hoch im Kurs. Besonders beliebte Regionen sind unter anderem die Dalmatinische Küste in Kroatien, Katalonien in Spanien und Venetien in Italien. Welche Ausstattung die Urlauber auf den ... | Continue reading

@presseportal.de | 7 years ago

Behind the scenes: Chargemaster's Electric Vehicle Centre

Chargemaster has worked with experiential agency TRO to open the UK's first Electric Vehicle Experience Centre, which is based in Milton Keynes. | Continue reading

@eventmagazine.co.uk | 7 years ago

Unfall im Ausland: Was ist zu tun? / Vorsicht beim Ausfüllen des europäischen Unfallberichts: Er hat unterschiedliche Beweiskraft in unterschiedlichen Ländern (FOTO)

HUK-COBURG: Coburg (ots) - Der Tritt auf die Bremse kommt zu spät: Ein lautes Krachen, ein heftiger Ruck, schon ist der Unfall passiert und die Urlaubslaune verflogen. Wen dieses Schicksal - noch dazu im Ausland - ereilt, sollte wissen: Wie verhält man sich am ... | Continue reading

@presseportal.de | 7 years ago

5 lessons small business should learn from recent cyber attacks

If the recent cyber attacks have taught us anything, it is that most people are dangerously unprepared for them. Cyber security should be at the forefront of virtually every industry yet it is often treated as an afterthought. Small businesses are in a particularly disadvantaged … | Continue reading

@thenextweb.com | 7 years ago

What the GOP Doesn't Understand About Its Own Voters

The Senate Republican health-care bill has been repeatedly crushed in a slow-motion collision between the party’s historic ideology and the interests of its modern electoral coalition. Yet congressional Republicans appear determined to plow right through the wreckage.Even as the … | Continue reading

@theatlantic.com | 7 years ago

How 'I Do' Became Performance Art

There’s a ritual that takes place, several times, during each 22-minute episode of the reality-show juggernaut Say Yes to the Dress. A bride-to-be, who will typically arrive at Kleinfeld’s Manhattan wedding emporium with friends and family in tow, will first introduce the group ( … | Continue reading

@theatlantic.com | 7 years ago

Toward dumber

If you want to reach more people, if you're measuring audience size, then the mantra of the last twenty years has been simple: make it dumber. Use clickbait headlines. Short sentences. Obvious ideas. Little nuance. Don't make people uncomfortable or...        | Continue reading

@sethgodin.typepad.com | 7 years ago

Here's how Dragon's Dogma: Dark Arisen Remastered looks

Dragon's Dogma is headed to PlayStation 4 and Xbox One for the first time this year in the scaly, fire-breathing shape of a new, remastered version.Dragon's Dogma: Dark Arisen Remastered, to give this version its full title, now has a 5th October release date in Japan.Dark Arisen … | Continue reading

@eurogamer.net | 7 years ago

Amstel to open ice-bath pub in London

Beer brand Amstel, part of the Heineken company, will open a Cold Tub Pub in London next week, to celebrate the Prudential Ride London cycling event. | Continue reading

@eventmagazine.co.uk | 7 years ago

Not again: Hackers steal $32 million worth of Ethereum

Ethereum has become a top target for hackers. The promising cryptocurrency that's also a platform for decentralized applications has skyrocketed in value over the last six months (though it also had a serious drop in price in the last couple of weeks). But hacker attacks and thef … | Continue reading

@mashable.com | 7 years ago

LinkedIn launches Linked Lite app in India; to be rolled out in over 60 countries soon

LinkedIn Lite aims to make the platform more easily accessible to the growing population of mobile internet users in India. | Continue reading

@androidauthority.com | 7 years ago

Microsoft verlagert Produktion des Surface Hub nach China

Die US-amerikanische Tageszeitung The Oregonian – aus Portland, Oregon – berichtet, dass Microsoft die Produktion des Surface Hub nach China verlegt. Das überaus erfolgreiche Prestige-Produkt der hauseigenen Surface-Linie war bislang... | Continue reading

@de.engadget.com | 7 years ago

People Trust Cryptocurrencies over Gold, Says Wall Street 'Dean of Valuation'

A renowned finance expert has issued new comments on the valuation and possible impact of bitcoin and cryptocurrencies.Source | Continue reading

@coindesk.com | 7 years ago

OnePlus has fixed the scary glitch that restarted phones when dialing 911

Emergency averted. Following reports from concerned users experiencing abrupt reboots when dialing the emergency hotline 911 from their all-new OnePlus 5 handsets, the Chinese phonemaker has managed to promptly patch the glaring bug. “We have been in touch with the customer and h … | Continue reading

@thenextweb.com | 7 years ago

Das Boot is getting a VR game

Okay, stop everything. Das Boot is headed to VR. The legendary German U-boat movie from 1981 is resurfacing as a TV series in late 2018, and Remote Control Productions will be developing what sounds like the prototype for a virtual reality game in parallel.Seeing that the movie i … | Continue reading

@eurogamer.net | 7 years ago

PRET A DINER gastiert in Frankfurt

Kofler & Kompanie GmbH: Frankfurt/Berlin (ots) - Neues Konzept, neuer Style, neue Location: das internationale Premium-Cateringunternehmen Kofler & Kompanie lädt von 8. - 30. September 2017, rund um die Internationale Automobil Ausstellung, zur Pop-up Dinner Experience ... | Continue reading

@presseportal.de | 7 years ago

Confessions of a Government Special Events Coordinator

In this series we present real-life confessions from people working in the event industry. These uncensored, frank insights tell it “like it really is”. Some details have been changed to respect the anonymity of the confessor and ensure maximum honesty can be upheld. As a Governm … | Continue reading

@eventmanagerblog.com | 7 years ago

Microsoft unveils a Cortana-powered thermostat

 The latest addition to the smart thermostat space is a product that includes Microsoft’s Cortana virtual assistant.We’re all familiar with the rise of the internet-enabled thermostats, thanks to the development of companies like Nest, and now Microsoft is entering the space afte … | Continue reading

@techcrunch.com | 7 years ago

Studie: Die Deutschen geben ihr Geld am liebsten für Reisen aus / Immer mehr über 50-Jährige wollen sich eine Urlaubsreise gönnen

easyCredit: Nürnberg (ots) - Drei von vier Deutschen wollen in den kommenden zwölf Monaten Geld für Urlaub ausgeben. Bei den 50- bis 79-Jährigen stieg die Reiselust im Vergleich zum Vorjahr sogar um neun Prozentpunkte an und liegt aktuell beim Durchschnitt ... | Continue reading

@presseportal.de | 7 years ago

Julia Roberts ist Hauptdarstellerin der neue Amazon-Serie "Homecoming"

Amazon hat die Produktion einer neuen Serie in Auftrag gegeben, mit Julia Roberts in der Hauptrolle. Gleich zwei Staffeln sollen zunächst von "Homecoming" produziert werde. Der Stoff basiert auf dem gleichnamigen Podcast, prominent besetzt mit... | Continue reading

@de.engadget.com | 7 years ago

MIT Shares Theory On Why Some Neighborhoods Evolve

Why do some neighborhoods evolve and gentrify while others don’t? This fascinating story is about a joint research program between MIT and Harvard to identify what causes urban change. | Continue reading

@rohitbhargava.com | 7 years ago

Google takes on Android malware head-on with Play Protect

In an effort to keep Android users safe from malware on their phones, Google is rolling out its Play Protect security features to all devices running Google Mobile Services 11 and up. Google says it’ll automatically scan apps from the Play store that are installed on your phone t … | Continue reading

@thenextweb.com | 7 years ago

Tasker’s latest update brings a revamped UI, icons, themes, and more

The popular customization app for Android now adheres to Google's Material Design and throws in hundreds of icons and a few themes for good measure. | Continue reading

@androidauthority.com | 7 years ago

DASH/USD and LTC/USD Technical Analysis July 20, 2017

Hello and welcome to News BTC’s Market Outlook July 20. DASH/USD DASH rally during the day on Wednesday, slicing through the $170 level. We still have quite a bit of resistance above though, and it looks like we are starting to roll over little bit. With this being the case, it’s … | Continue reading

@newsbtc.com | 7 years ago

6 Rookie Mistakes To Avoid With Event Radio

This is a sponsored post written by James Miller, Managing Director with Brentwood Communications. More information about Event Manager Blog’s sponsored posts. On top of everything else a busy event planner has to think about, a key logistical hurdle to overcome is – how do you k … | Continue reading

@eventmanagerblog.com | 7 years ago

Receipt Bank raises $50 million to help bookkepers automate data extraction from invoices

Receipt Bank, a fintech startup that helps companies automate elements of their bookkeeping, has raised $50 million in a series B round of funding from Insight Venture Partners. Founded out of London in 2010, Receipt Bank targets accountants, bookkeepers, and small businesses wit … | Continue reading

@venturebeat.com | 7 years ago

There's a lot to love about Absolver's martial arts-fuelled combat

Absolver could be one of the rare genuine progressions in the fighting game genre. Like most fighting games, Absolver requires patience, thought and meticulous timing to succeed. But at the heart of the third-person brawling is an interesting and unique combat deck system that le … | Continue reading

@eurogamer.net | 7 years ago