How Mayo Clinic Dominates Social Media

Lee Aase, Director of the Mayo Clinic Social Media Network, joins the Social Pros Podcast to share his successful approach to maximizing one-to-one customer journeys across all social touchpoints, both internal and external, in a strictly regulated industry. | Continue reading | 8 years ago

Apple Pay now works at ExxonMobil gas stations

ExxonMobil today said it would start accepting Apple Pay as a form of payment at around 6,000 ExxonMobil gas stations around the U.S, something that Apple CEO Tim Cook had said was coming during the company's first quarter earnings call.However, these Apple Pay payments won't be … | Continue reading | 8 years ago

Watch a total solar eclipse tonight at 8:38PM ET

A total solar eclipse can be seen from Earth today, blotting out the Sun over Southeast Asia and parts of the Pacific Ocean. The eclipse will first occur just west of Malaysia early local time on Wednesday morning, according to NASA. The sight will then become visible farther and … | Continue reading | 8 years ago

99designs has a new logo (that it got in a meta crowdsourcing contest)

Prepare your eyes for yet another tech logo redesign – this time from 99designs, a design crowdsourcing website. The new 99designs logo is now more straightened out, getting rid of the square that once separated the “99” from “designs.” CEO Patrick Llewellyn says the new wordmark … | Continue reading | 8 years ago

7 conversion optimization trends to stay ahead of the game

The ever-increasing competition on the web has forced marketers to be more creative in their content marketing endeavors than ever before in order to drive conversions. In fact, conversion optimization has now become a must. Conversion rate optimization is one of the most crucial … | Continue reading | 8 years ago

4 ways to deck out your flat with smart technology

Your flat is your happy place, your safe zone and the oasis that awaits at the end of a long, hard day — even if your bedroom only fits a bed and a dresser.Living in a small space doesn't mean that you have to sacrifice a sleek aesthetic and connected home technologies, however; … | Continue reading | 8 years ago

Soundcloud: Alison Moore wird Chief Revenue Officer

Die kriselnde Musikplattform Soundcloud bekommt in der Management-Etage neue Verstärkung. Alison Moore wird neuer Chief Revenue Officer und soll den Werbe-, Abo und Marketingmarkt für die Berliner Firma betreuen. Kürzlich machte die... | Continue reading | 8 years ago

Square launches payments in Australia, its first country expansion in nearly three years

It’s been almost two years since Square expanded its mobile payments service into a new country — it most recently hit Japan, its first foray outside of North America, in May 2013 — but this week it went Down Under with a long-awaited launch in Australia. Read More | Continue reading | 8 years ago

Studiosus legt Nachhaltigkeitsbericht 2015/2016 im neuen Berichtsstandard GRI G4 vor

Studiosus Reisen: München (ots) - Kurz vor dem Start der Internationalen Tourismusmesse ITB Berlin legt Studiosus seinen Nachhaltigkeitsbericht 2015/2016 vor. Der Report des europäischen Marktführers für Studienreisen ist im Internet unter ... | Continue reading | 8 years ago

UK spy chief calls for tech sector co-operation to combat “abuse of encryption”

The director of UK spy agency, GCHQ, has urged closer co-operation between governments and the tech sector to end what he dubbed the “abuse of encryption”, describing it as a “moral problem” which democratic societies must grapple with in order to strike a balance between securit … | Continue reading | 8 years ago

First Click: I think I'll switch back to CDs

I’ve been traveling a lot lately and it’s made listening to music tricky. Without a stable mobile connection, I’ve frequently found myself locked out of my own music. I pay for Spotify and I download albums to my phone, but for some reason, the app often demands a working data co … | Continue reading | 8 years ago CEO: Industry Standoff Poses Serious Risk to Future of Bitcoin

Much of the bitcoin industry no longer shares the same vision and are not likely to pragmatically compromise to avert a serious risk facing the industry. That was the impression of Peter Smith, CEO of, at the recent Satoshi Roundtables, writing in Medium. Smith, in … | Continue reading | 8 years ago

The French finally embrace delivery food

First it was Coke and McDonald's, then it was Starbucks and doggy bags. Now, Parisians have begun to embrace yet another mainstay of American cuisine: delivery food.A slew of food delivery apps and startups have sprung up across the French capital in recent months, and they're im … | Continue reading | 8 years ago

ITB 2016: L'TUR greift mit neuem Budget-Tarif bei Schnäppchenjägern an

LTUR: Baden-Baden (ots) - Die L'TUR Tourismus AG startet zur Internationalen Tourismus-Börse (ITB) in Berlin eine Angebotsoffensive: Der Kurzfrist-Spezialist hat seine neue Produktlinie L'TUR Budget unternehmensweit ausgerollt, um damit ab sofort auf ... | Continue reading | 8 years ago

Video: Zwei Großmütter und ein Lamborghini

Denkt man an typische Autoklischees, dann sind alte Damen in einem Lamborghini bestimmt nicht das, was einem als erstes in den Kopf kommt. In diesem Video bekommen zwei rüstige Großmütter den Schlüssel für einen solchen i... | Continue reading | 8 years ago

Marshmallow lands for the T-Mobile HTC One M8, LG G Stylo, and Verizon M8

Android 6.0 Marshmallow is heading out the HTC One M8 on T-Mobile and Verizon networks, and the T-Mobile LG G Stylo is also receiving an update. | Continue reading | 8 years ago

Von der Schweinebucht-Invasion bis in die Gegenwart: ZDFinfo-Reihe "Geheimes Kuba" mit vier neuen Folgen (FOTO)

ZDFinfo: Mainz (ots) - Fortsetzung von "Geheimes Kuba" mit den neuen Folgen 5 bis 8: ZDFinfo bietet am Freitag, 11. März 2016, einen über vierstündigen Doku-Abend, an dem von 20.15 Uhr bis weit nach Mitternacht die facettenreiche Geschichte des karibischen ... | Continue reading | 8 years ago

500 Startups’ latest move in Asia is a $10M micro-fund in Vietnam

500 Startups is continuing its efforts to tap on Asia’s fast-growing startup scene after the U.S.-headquartered VC firm announced a $10 million fund in Vietnam. Read More | Continue reading | 8 years ago

UK’s Atom Bank makes first acquisition, Grasp, to hone its youth-focused user experience

A day after Finnish oline bank Holvi got acquired by BBVA, here comes yet more consolidation in Europe’s fintech landscape. Today, Atom Bank — a still stealth, online-only startup, coincidentally also backed by BBVA — announced its first acquisition: Grasp, a design and developme … | Continue reading | 8 years ago

Ciasto marcepanowo-czekoladowe z suszonymi wiśniami

Najlepsze ciasta to takie, które można zrobić wcześniej, zjeść kawałek, zawinąć w ściereczkę, a potem o nich zapomnieć na dzień lub dwa, kiedy znów przyjdzie na nie ochota. Tak jest właśnie z tym czekoladowo-marcepanowym wypiekiem, które smakuje lepiej dzień, dwa po upieczeniu, … | Continue reading | 8 years ago

Das macht eine Location erfolgreich

Der Schweizer Venue Experte Roger Büchel, COO der international tätigen Habegger Group und zuvor Geschäftsleiter für den Bereich Venue Service, hat für festgehalten, was für ihn eine erfolgreiche Eventlocation ausmacht.Wichtig für Büchel ist, dass die Location eine … | Continue reading | 8 years ago

Ford’s latest self-driving car patent sounds a little dangerous

Car manufacturer Ford announced earlier this year that it was ramping up its self-driving car testing. What it didn’t mention was that the company is at least looking into the idea of turning those vehicles into mobile movie theaters. Yes, Ford has filed a patent for an “Autonomo … | Continue reading | 8 years ago

ITB 2016: TUI erwartet starkes Jahr für Spanien und Griechenland

TUI Deutschland GmbH: Hannover (ots) - TUI Deutschland-Chef Ebel: "Touristik wächst. Bin positiv gestimmt für die Saison" / Trend zu Klassikern: Portugal, Italien und Kroatien mit kräftigem Buchungsplus / Mauritius beliebt auf der Fernstrecke / Türkei wird von ... | Continue reading | 8 years ago

Skype opens the door to the Middle East with real-time Arabic translation

Skype Translator is still in preview mode after around a year and a half in beta – and four years in development – but the team has announced a new milestone for its real-time natural language processing tool as Arabic goes live on the service. Along with Chinese, Arabic is one o … | Continue reading | 8 years ago

How Social Media Can Drive Success on Your Content Marketing Roadtrip

Discover best practices and tips for ensuring your social media and content marketing efforts are working together like a well-oiled machine. | Continue reading | 8 years ago

LUXURY DREAMS - Maximum Private Travelling / Berliner Reiseveranstalter realisiert individuelle Urlaubsträume / Erster Flagship-Store eröffnet am 9. März 2016 in Berlin (FOTO)

Luxury Dreams: Berlin (ots) - Mit seinem Maximum Private Travelling - Konzept setzt sich der Berliner Reiseveranstalter LUXURY DREAMS klar vom Urlaub von der Stange ab. Gegen den Trend des schnellen und einsamen Online-Bookings setzt das Team von LUXURY DREAMS ... | Continue reading | 8 years ago

Internationale Tourismusbörse Berlin / ITB: Hannover präsentiert sich ganz persönlich (FOTO)

Hannover Marketing und Tourismus GmbH: Hannover (ots) - Die Hannover Marketing und Tourismus GmbH wirbt im Umfeld der Internationalen Tourismusbörse (ITB) in Berlin mit Insider-Tipps, Blicken hinter die Kulissen, Urbanität, Veranstaltungen und Naturerlebnissen. Hannover inside: E … | Continue reading | 8 years ago

2016: Das Reisejahr der Extreme / Reisebuchungen zwischen Boom und Delle - Jetzt entscheiden lohnt sich

DER Touristik: Frankfurt/Köln (ots) - Das Touristikjahr 2016 wird als Jahr der Extreme in die Geschichte eingehen. Wie eine Analyse der DER Touristik ergab, liegen die Buchungen der Reiseländer zwischen regelrechtem Boom und vorsichtiger Zurückhaltung. "Das ... | Continue reading | 8 years ago

Antiquitätenschau: Teenager von heute probieren Windows 95 aus

Als Ergänzung zur genauso erfolgreichen wie amüsanten Konfrontationsserie Kids react haben die Fine Brothers ein weiteres Format nach dem gleichen Strickmuster ausgeheckt, in dem Teenager von heute Technik von Vorgestern vor die Nase geha... | Continue reading | 8 years ago

Free Star Wars Battlefront March content drop arrives

A free content drop has landed for Star Wars Battlefront. It's dubbed the March Update and is rolling out now on all platforms (although it isn't available for us in the UK on PlayStation 4 yet).In the update are a new single-player/co-op Mission and a new multiplayer map.The new … | Continue reading | 8 years ago

Inception to acquisition: The role of PR in a startup exit

At the end of 2015, Oracle acquired a DevOps startup out of Austin named StackEngine. While this acquisition by the 800 pound gorilla in Silicon Valley might have been a surprise to many, getting on Oracle’s radar wasn’t just dumb luck. In fact, it was exactly the opposite of luc … | Continue reading | 8 years ago

Netzwerk für nachhaltige Events

Grüne Veranstaltungen dienen nicht nur dem Umweltschutz: Das Expertennetzwerk “events für morgen” setzt auf erlebbare Nachhaltigkeit und zukunftsorientierte Konzepte. Das Netzwerk bietet neben der Umsetzung von nachhaltigen Veranstaltungen auch Schulungen an, die Mitarbeiter befä … | Continue reading | 8 years ago

T-Mobile BOGOF Galaxy S7 & S7 Edge launch offer leaked

A leaked document suggests that T-Mobile is preparing a buy one get one free offer for the Galaxy S7 and S7 Edge, starting on March 11th. | Continue reading | 8 years ago

Kasza gryczana smażona z dynią, jarmużem i serem feta

Kolejne zdrowe, wegetariańskie danie, które można zabrać na lunch do pracy. Bardzo lubię połączenie dyni i jarmużu, w tej potrawie również świetnie się sprawdziło. Jeśli polubiliście stir-fry z suszonymi pomidorami, szpinakiem i serem feta, koniecznie zróbcie kolejny krok i przyg … | Continue reading | 8 years ago

10 Things Venues Hate About Event Planners

Here are 10 things that we often do as #eventprofs that drive our venue partners super-crazy. We #eventprofs are a little blind when it comes to noticing our mistakes. We see the mistakes that others make but we’re not so perceptive when it comes to our own. And while they may no … | Continue reading | 8 years ago

How to Build a Great Newsletter Subscriber List

It takes effort to build a newsletter subscriber list. And once you have built a list, it takes effort to keep the subscribers. It’s far easier to lose subscribers than to get them. | Continue reading | 8 years ago

Veeqo acquires London-based parcel delivery startup ParcelBright

Veeqo, the Wales-headquartered company that offers e-commerce inventory software, has acquired London-based parcel delivery startup ParcelBright to bolster its shipping features. Terms of the deal remain undisclosed, though I understand the acquisition includes ParcelBright’s tec … | Continue reading | 8 years ago

OnePlus paid $300,000 to get phones into House of Cards

Samsung, Sony, Apple, Microsoft, LG, and others regularly use product placement to get their phones into movies and TV shows. While established companies have long used this as a method to improve brand recognition, a number of Chinese companies are now using product placement in … | Continue reading | 8 years ago

Galaxy S7 shipping in India on March 18, pre-orders get a free Gear VR

The Galaxy S7 and Galaxy S7 Edge will ship to customers in India starting on March 18, starting from Rs. 48,900. | Continue reading | 8 years ago

Amazon's first live show debuts online tonight

Amazon is launching its first live online show today, and it will be available for free to all users. The show, called Style Code Live, is a 30-minute, daily fashion and beauty program that will be streamed Monday through Friday at 9PM ET. As first reported by Variety, the show w … | Continue reading | 8 years ago

Google Photos unterstützt die Live Photos der aktuellen iPhones

Facebook unterstützt sie, Tumblr auch. Die "Live Photos", die sich mit der aktuellen Generation von Apples iPhones schießen lassen, können also bereits auf zwei wichtigen Plattformen geteilt werden. Mit Google kommt jetzt ein dritte... | Continue reading | 8 years ago

Let’s Encrypt’s free security certificates have been used 1 million times

Let’s Encrypt’s SSL certificate service launch marked a milestone for the open Web last year when it became the first major service to offer valid certificates for free. Now, just a few months past general availability, the group has passed more than 1 million issued certificates … | Continue reading | 8 years ago

How to Make Progress on Meaningful Work

“Of all the things that can boost emotions, motivation, and perceptions during a workday, the single most important is making progress in meaningful work. And the more frequently people experience that sense of progress, the more likely they are to be creatively productive in the … | Continue reading | 8 years ago

JM Bullion Announces Discounted Precious Metals for Bitcoin Users

Bitcoin and precious metals are often referred to in the same breath, as both types of investment vehicle seem to share similar traits. Neither Bitcoin nor gold has any intrinsic value, yet they appear to be well-liked by investors all over the world. For those Bitcoin enthusiast … | Continue reading | 8 years ago

Amazon is creating a new virtual reality platform

Amazon is creating a new virtual reality platform, a job posting on employer evaluation site GlassDoor has indicated. The posting, spotted by UploadVR, calls for a senior software development manager for a new virtual reality team. The posting doesn't specify exactly what the suc … | Continue reading | 8 years ago

Transparent for Chrome reveals changes made to news articles

If you’ve ever come across a news article and wondered if there’s more to the story, you’ll find Transparent quite handy. This Chrome extension reveals the changes made to articles on several prominent news sites, highlighted and color coded on the same page so you can tell at a … | Continue reading | 8 years ago

Mit dem Livestream dabei sein

Vom 9. bis 12. März 2016 findet die ITB Berlin statt. Zur Messe gehört wie immer auch ein vielseitiges Rahmenprogramm. Wer nicht live vor Ort mit dabei sein kann, hat die Möglichkeit die Sessiones des ITB Future Days, ITB Hospitality Days, ITB Marketing and Distribution Days, ITB … | Continue reading | 8 years ago

Neff named as Big Feastival presenting partner

Household appliance brand Neff has been announced as presenting partner of the The Big Feastival, the IMG-produced food and music festival fronted by Jamie Oliver and Alex James. | Continue reading | 8 years ago