Weekend business update: Another $200m to Uber, MindMaze achieves unicorn status and more

The work week is over and for the most part, investment activity has halted for the weekend. A perfect time to play catch up with the state of the tech world. At Index we spend every day gathering news on tech companies from around the world so that there’s a convenient platform … | Continue reading

@thenextweb.com | 8 years ago

Fascism: Coming To A Blockchain Near You

In 1919, Benito Mussolini coined the term “fascism” to describe his political system and the world forever changed. Simply put, fascism was the blending of business and government. This is the system which could gain popularity in blockchain technology. In 2015, the technology an … | Continue reading

@cryptocoinsnews.com | 8 years ago

Twitter is outgrowing Facebook in one country: Japan

Facebook may be the go-to social network in many parts of the world, but in Japan, it seems users are preferring to stick with 140 characters or less. A new report by the Wall Street Journal indicates that Twitter is quickly outgrowing the likes of Facebook by approximately 10 mi … | Continue reading

@thenextweb.com | 8 years ago

EquiPay: “Reparations, One Meal At A Time”

EquiPay, a bill-splitting app that accounts for racial and gender income inequalities, is on its way to becoming a reality, after starting as a joke at Cultivated Wit’s Comedy Hack Day. With EquiPay, the idea is “reparations, one meal at a time,” so instead of splitting meals equ … | Continue reading

@techcrunch.com | 8 years ago

It’s time to rethink how in-game ads work

GUEST: 2015 marked the first time in history that more than half of the U.S. population were mobile phone gamers. Even as game investments and acquisitions fell sharply, 2015 was a great year for the mobile game market, with revenues up nearly 20 percent. And yet despite this gro … | Continue reading

@venturebeat.com | 8 years ago

Our interview with Sid Meier on the next 25 years of Civilization games

Sid Meier is the legendary designer behind many different computer games in a wide variety of genres, and he’s perhaps the only video game designer who can sell more copies by putting his name into the title of the game. Of all of his games, none has been as memorable and success … | Continue reading

@venturebeat.com | 8 years ago

It’s Time For Edtech Entrepreneurs To Throw Out Stale Business Models

We hear it again and again: The U.S. K-12 education system is in crisis. In its 2015 report, the National Assessment of Educational Progress, otherwise known as “The Nation’s Report Card,” revealed that just one-third of eighth graders and one-quarter of twelfth graders performed … | Continue reading

@techcrunch.com | 8 years ago

Witness the spectacle of Virgin Galactic’s SpaceShipTwo unveiling

Yesterday, Virgin Galactic showed off its new SpaceShipTwo vehicle, called the VSS Unity, in a flashy and slightly absurd ceremony at the Mojave Air and Spaceport in California. The company decked out one of the spaceport’s test hangars into something reminiscent of a night club … | Continue reading

@theverge.com | 8 years ago

Dronebox: Wenn Drohnen energieautark und ohne Piloten nisten

Die Singapurer Firma H3 Dynamics präsentiert eine Idee, die sofort einleuchtet: Ein High-Tech-Bienenkorb für Drohnen - oder vielleicht besser ein Nest, es passt ja nur eine rein - der irgendwo in die Wildnis gestellt werden kann und dann... | Continue reading

@de.engadget.com | 8 years ago

Morning shootaround — Feb. 20

VIDEO: Top 10 Plays from busy Friday night NEWS OF THE MORNING Lillard out-MVPs the MVP | Spurs bid Kobe adieu | Playoffs (PLAYOFFS?!) fading for Knicks | Mavs need more from Matthews No. 1: Lillard out-MVPs the MVP — It was offered as high praise, but when Golden State coach Ste … | Continue reading

@nba.com | 8 years ago

Placki jaglano kukurydziane z bakłażanem oraz mozzarellą

Blog about breakfasts. Recipes of delicious food for everyday mornings and for special occasions. | Continue reading

@codziszjemnasniadanie.pl | 8 years ago

Instagram now shows numbers of likes at 4 instead of 11. Can you manage?

Back in my day, the mark of a successful Instagram post had a number on it – specifically, 11 or higher. This week, that changes, because the number has dropped down to four. In an extremely minor update, Instagram will now show a number count for photos with at least four likes  … | Continue reading

@thenextweb.com | 8 years ago

Bitcoin Price Parabola

Join our community of 10 000 traders on Hacked.com for just $39 per month. Bitcoin price is picking up the pace and has covered almost $20 in some exchange charts. Fibonacci ratio targeting shows there is at least another $20 of upside in the tank. This analysis is provided by xb … | Continue reading

@ccn.com | 8 years ago

Improve your video marketing with Facebook’s new metrics

Facebook has updated its metrics interface for videos, allowing marketers to dig deeper into their analytics. Here are our highlights of the major changes. | Continue reading

@brafton.com | 8 years ago

7 pillars of awesome game design

What makes an awesome game? Is it the characters, the plot, the world it’s set in, or just how many weapons you have at your ialoisposal? The games that have stood the test of time never rely on only one factor – they use a combination of distinct elements to ensure a gamer keeps … | Continue reading

@thenextweb.com | 8 years ago

Japanese rapper Kohh has bars — and Legend of Zelda samples

Kohh's "If I Die Tonight" has all the vocal whoops, yelped choruses, and dark, minimalist beats you'd expect from a trap track in 2016, with a dash of 1998 — a Legend of Zelda sample. The song starts with Navi — Ocarina of Time's fairy helper — yelping "hey, listen!" Anyone who e … | Continue reading

@theverge.com | 8 years ago

Content Marketing Trends in 2016 [Infographic]

With advancements in artificial intelligence and other technologies, understand the trends to watch out for in this content marketing infographic. | Continue reading

@marketingprofs.com | 8 years ago

Poly könnte ein alltagstauglicher Exoskelett-Handschuh werden

Es gibt zwei verschiedene Typen von Exoskelett-Handschuhen: Sie erleichtern entweder das Hantieren mit schwerem Werkzeug oder machen das einfache Greifen nach Gegenständen überhaupt erst möglich. Im Fachbereich Biorobotik der Seoul N... | Continue reading

@de.engadget.com | 8 years ago

How Indian e-commerce will pan out

2015 was a busy year for the Indian e-commerce industry. Many companies have joined the battle for a share of the e-commerce market. There are many e-commerce companies that were launched in the last year and many more that closed shop over the same period. Some of the newly laun … | Continue reading

@thenextweb.com | 8 years ago

Hey Retailers: Want to Boost Sales Conversion? Build a Mobile App

Perhaps the best piece of evidence that a given marketing technology has reached maturity and broad-based consumer acceptance lies in its ability to drive conversion actions at every stage of the buying cycle. According to Criteo’s Q4 2015 State of Mobile Commerce report, mobile … | Continue reading

@alltop | 8 years ago

What I learned from my entire outfit of wearable tech

Everything from my hat to my underwear contained some form of tech.Fashion and tech have a complicated relationshipWhile it's becoming clear the two are destined to be soul mates — more designers are collaborating with tech companies to create products and are integrating digital … | Continue reading

@mashable.com | 8 years ago

(Over) Hyped? How interested are you in the Samsung Galaxy S7 and LG G5?

On the eve of two major Android smartphone launches, let's take a look at just how hyped you are (or aren't) as a result of the lake of leaks for each! | Continue reading

@androidauthority.com | 8 years ago

10 creative ways families can use Slack

Swedish developer and nerd dad supreme, Peter Fjallstrom recently published a list of all the ways his family uses Slack, the integrated messaging system that claims to end email. Fjallstrom uses code hacks to ping his children's locations and add items to his family’s online gro … | Continue reading

@mashable.com | 8 years ago

We Now Return You To Your Regularly Scheduled Cyberpunk Dystopia

Apple will lose this battle with the US government. Maybe not this year, or next, but soon enough, and for the rest of our lives. It is folly to pretend otherwise. Most ordinary people, and most powerful people, don’t care about abstruse theoretical arguments against back doors a … | Continue reading

@techcrunch.com | 8 years ago

Rainmaker Rewind: New Mini-Series: Things I Love/Things I Hate

Confessions of a Pink-haired Marketer host Sonia Simone launched her new mini-series: Things I Love / Things I Hate and the first episode can’t be missed. | Continue reading

@copyblogger.com | 8 years ago

Virgin Galactic unveils its new spaceship VSS Unity, as the push to ‘make space accessible’ continues

Richard Branson’s Virgin Galactic has officially unveiled its new SpaceshipTwo, a space plane designed to take commercial customers into suborbital space. Unveiled at a packed event in Mojave, California, Professor Stephen Hawking officially named the new vehicle Virgin Spaceship … | Continue reading

@venturebeat.com | 8 years ago

6-Minuten-Hoverboard jetzt auf Kickstarter für läppische 10.000 Dollar

Das ArcaBoard vergisst man so schnell nicht. Es ist ein richtiges Hoverboard, das selbst in den Promovideos so wackelig flog, dass man an seiner Echtheit eigentlich keine Zweifel haben konnte. Ganz bestimmt aber am gesunden Menschenverstand seiner... | Continue reading

@de.engadget.com | 8 years ago

Leaked HTC A16 images could show the company's next mid-range offering

Earlier this week we had our second look at what could be HTC's next flagship smartphone, the One M10, and now we might know what its next mid-range device looks like too. Serial leaker Evan Blass tweeted six images of a phone he identified as the HTC A16. Although he provided no … | Continue reading

@theverge.com | 8 years ago

ITB Berlin: Flüchtlingsfrage im Fokus der Reisebranche

Die Flüchtlingsthematik beschäftigt seit vielen Monaten nicht nur die Politik, sondern auch die Reisebranche. Der ITB Berlin Kongress vom 9. bis 13. März greift die unterschiedlichen Facetten der Thematik in mehreren Diskussionsrunden und Vorträgen auf. Bei den ITB Desintation Da … | Continue reading

@events-magazin.de | 8 years ago

Google is removing ads from the right-hand side of search results

Google is switching up how it displays ads on desktop searches, removing them from the right-hand side of results and putting them only at the top and bottom of the page. The change was first reported by The SEM Post with Google later confirming the move to the publication. Usual … | Continue reading

@theverge.com | 8 years ago

Volvo will auf Autoschlüssel verzichten, der Kunde bleibt aber König

Volvo will schon bald komplett schlüssellose Autos verkaufen. Ab 2017 sollen die Kunden mithilfe einer Smartphone-App und Bluetooth sowohl die Autotüren öffnen und schließen als auch den Motor starten können. Die App kann... | Continue reading

@de.engadget.com | 8 years ago

Do You Chase Butterflies?

Remember the sunny feeling you had as a child when you chased butterflies? If you do that in business, you're begging for trouble. I... | Continue reading

@blog.themightycopywriter.com | 8 years ago

Archos kündigt Diamond 2 Plus und Diamond 2 Note an

Archos hat angekündigt, neben dem 50d Oxygen zwei weitere günstige Android-Smartphones nach Barcelona zum MWC mitzubringen. Das Diamond 2 Plus (oben) und das Diamond 2 Note (nach dem Break) kosten 300 und 350 Euro (UVP) und kommen im Mai... | Continue reading

@de.engadget.com | 8 years ago

7 Interesting Ways to Use Video For Your Next Event

Video has quickly become one of the best ways to market events and engage attendees. As event managers we have to step up to the plate and become comfortable using and creating video content. Here are 7 interesting ways you can integrate and expand upon your video content. 1. Pro … | Continue reading

@eventmanagerblog.com | 8 years ago

This Week in Content Marketing: Brands Create More Content with Less Engagement

The boys talk Myspace’s acquisition, Twitter’s opt-in feed change going “full Facebook”, and more, plus rants, and raves – Content Marketing Institute | Continue reading

@contentmarketinginstitute.com | 8 years ago

Virgin Galactic tauft SpaceShipTwo mit Milch statt Schampus

Nachdem der SpaceShipTwo-Prototyp VSS Enterprise im Oktober 2014 bei einem Testflug abstürzte und einer der beiden Piloten ums Leben kam, wurde es ruhig um Virgin Galactic. Jetzt aber hat sich das kommerzielle Raumfahrt-Unternehmen von Richard... | Continue reading

@de.engadget.com | 8 years ago

Courage is what it takes to stand up and speak; courage is also what it takes to sit down and listen

In my Weekend Update Newsletter I share great content I found this past week. | Continue reading

@schneiderb.com | 8 years ago

Watch: Let's play Street Fighter 4 and 5 simultaneously

We've produced hundreds of platform comparisons over the last nine years, but few that concentrate exclusively on the differences between one franchise entr… | Continue reading

@eurogamer.net | 8 years ago

13 painful fundraising mistakes to avoid at all costs

There’s a lot to balance when you’re raising money for your startup. When is the right time? How much do you try to raise? Who do you bring to the meeting with investors? To help you avoid the mistakes that will cost you millions, I asked 13 entrepreneurs from YEC the following q … | Continue reading

@thenextweb.com | 8 years ago

The realest thing in our lives

Are the stories we invent. We live with these stories, we remind ourselves of them, we perfect them. And, happily, if you don't like the story you're telling yourself, you can change it. | Continue reading

@sethgodin.typepad.com | 8 years ago

Relacja z warsztatów

Warsztaty to ta część mojej pracy, która należy do najprzyjemniejszych rzeczy. Lubię je prowadzić, wiem, że zawsze spotkam podczas nich wiele wspaniałych osób. Kiedy IKEA zgłosiła się do mnie z pytaniem o pomysł na wykorzystanie ich Kuchni Spotkań zaproponowałam konkurs, podczas … | Continue reading

@whiteplate.com | 8 years ago

Microsoft, Samsung und Intel wollen Standard für Internet der Dinge

Mehrere Großkonzerne haben sich zu einer neuen Allianz zusammengeschlossen, um einen Standard für das Internet der Dinge (IoT) durchzusetzen. Das Ziel der "Open Connectivity Foundation", kurz OFC: Milliarden vernetzter Haushaltsgerä... | Continue reading

@de.engadget.com | 8 years ago

Tesla Motors Finally Owns Tesla.com

Tesla.com is now in the hands of Elon Musk. Stu Grossman owned the domain since 1992 but it mostly sat unused. As of February 19, 2016, it redirects visitors to TeslaMotors.com and all is right with the world. The story goes that Grossman bought the domain because of his affinity … | Continue reading

@techcrunch.com | 8 years ago

Google hat elf Milliarden Euro am Fiskus vorbeigeschleust

Die Gruppe der 20 führenden Industrie- und Schwellenländer (G20) will vermehrt gegen internationale Firmen vorgehen, die legale Steuerschlupflöcher nutzen. Dazu gehört auch Google. Das ist bekannt, aber heute präsentieren d... | Continue reading

@de.engadget.com | 8 years ago

Looking for Michael Bay: The Video Game

Did you know that Michael Bay is making another Transformers? Number five in the series is being prepped right now. This fact can be a little confusing if you are under the misapprehension that critical feedback, from critics and public alike, are the main influencers when it com … | Continue reading

@eurogamer.net | 8 years ago

The Legal Marijuana Industry Needs Bitcoin Badly

Legal marijuana has been having banner year after banner year since various states have legalized the sale and consumption of the plant and its derivatives starting back in 2012 within Colorado and Washington. It should be noted that the process of marijuana’s status as a demoniz … | Continue reading

@cryptocoinsnews.com | 8 years ago

Apple vs. FBI: A timeline of the iPhone encryption case

The Apple vs. FBI controversy going on right now is quite a techno-political drama. At the core of it is a topic that isn’t so simple — encryption — and it’s all unfolding very rapidly, from so many corners of the Internet. Some people have come up with a snarky shorthand for the … | Continue reading

@venturebeat.com | 8 years ago

We're Streaming iOS Games Live on Mobcrush [RPGs On Saturday Mornings With Shaun!]

We're streaming live on Mobcrush right now. There's a couple different ways you can watch the stream, and they all work equally well and it's really just a matter of personal preference as to which method you prefer. The easiest way to watch is just watching the embedded player r … | Continue reading

@toucharcade.com | 8 years ago