Pulpeciki z indyka

Pyszne pulpeciki z indyka, które z pewnością wejdą na stałe do Waszego menu :-) Świetne na rodzinny obiad, lubiane przez dzieci jak i dorosłych. Delikatne i zdrowsze od tradycyjnych, bo w całości z chudego mięsa indyka. Polecam! | Continue reading

@kwestiasmaku.com | 8 years ago

Her Story makes its way to Android

Just over a year after it originally came out, acclaimed detective game Her Story is finally on its way to Android devices. Well, it's out now in fact. Since Her Story's release, it's won three BAFTAs and countless other accolades, and stands out as one of 2015's most interesting … | Continue reading

@eurogamer.net | 8 years ago

Gibt es jetzt endlich auch: Katamari Damacy als Textadventure

Vor zehn Jahren skizzierte jemand in seinem Live Journal eine Textadventure-Version des japanischen Kultspiels Katamari Damacy - das Spiel, in dem man als Ball durch die Welt rollt und die Welt an sich klebt.Dieses Textadventure gibt es jetzt auch... | Continue reading

@de.engadget.com | 8 years ago

Oculus Rift with next-day delivery spotted on Amazon UK

Oculus Rift is extremely hard to get hold of. The VR headset manufacturer has had parts supply and manufacturing problems that have severely restricted the number of headsets available to the extent that it still hasn't fulfilled all preorders made through its own website. (Its l … | Continue reading

@eurogamer.net | 8 years ago

Galaxy Note 7 reportedly launching August 2 with 3,600 mAh battery

Yet another leak puts the Samsung Galaxy Note 7 launch on August 2, but this time we get details on a 3,600 mAh battery. | Continue reading

@androidauthority.com | 8 years ago

Co-creation and Collaboration: Tricks and Tools for Event Planners

Event planners strive to get greater ‘buy-in’ and an emerging trend is to do this using co-creation and collaboration during the planning stages. Here are 6 steps to co-create and collaborate, with some useful tools and tricks to help. Are you an expert in what your attendees wan … | Continue reading

@eventmanagerblog.com | 8 years ago

Strawberry Cheesecake Mess (Raw)

I’ll be honest with you, this recipe was born out of a disaster. I had intended on making cheesecake jars but totally misjudged the amount of ingredients and the cheesecake ended up looking silly, only filling about a third of the jar. Whoops! But it was SO delicious and I didn’t … | Continue reading

@wallflowerkitchen.com | 8 years ago

Satya Nadella's rules for AI are more boring (and relevant) than Asimov's Three Laws

Isaac Asimov's Three Laws of Robotics (technically four) have been a stalwart of science fiction for decades. With recent advances in artificial intelligence, though, computer scientists and tech companies are beginning to seriously consider the rules we actually need to protect … | Continue reading

@theverge.com | 8 years ago

Bitcoin Price Watch; Scalp Profits Ahead

Sometimes, short, sharp movements can offer up nice quick turnaround trades for our intraday strategy to take advantage of. After a week of two of strong fundamental shifts, and some technical highlights, we decided to batten down the hatches yesterday evening and tighten things … | Continue reading

@newsbtc.com | 8 years ago

A dollar more (vs. a dollar less)

Consider a race to the top. How can Lyft possibly compete with Uber? Scale is often the secret to a commodity business, and if Lyft races to be ever cheaper than Uber, the only possible outcome doesn’t look good. It's... | Continue reading

@sethgodin.typepad.com | 8 years ago

Jaguar devises virtual reality Wimbledon experience

Jaguar has launched an experiential zone using virtual reality at London Waterloo, with the aim of bringing its sponsorship of Wimbledon to life. | Continue reading

@eventmagazine.co.uk | 8 years ago

Studie zu deutschen Autofahrern im Ausland: Internationale Spitzenwerte bei Reisevorbereitung, Image - und Bußgeldern

Enterprise Rent-A-Car: Eschborn / London (ots) - - Deutsche sind laut Studie von Enterprise Rent-A-Car im internationalen Vergleich die erfahrensten Autofahrer im Ausland und bereiten sich mit am intensivsten auf Auslandsfahrten vor - Franzosen, Spanier ... | Continue reading

@presseportal.de | 8 years ago

Umfrage: Terror schreckt Reisende überwiegend nicht ab

fromAtoB GmbH: Aachen (ots) - Über die Hälfte lässt sich bei ihrer Reiseplanung von Anschlägen nicht beeinflussen Die Krawalle und der Terror rund um die EM in Paris beeinflussen über die Hälfte (55 Prozent) aller Deutschen nach eigenen Angaben nicht bei ihrem ... | Continue reading

@presseportal.de | 8 years ago

Let's look at some of the history behind Battlefield 1

DICE's decision to go back to WWI for its latest Battlefield looks to have been complemented by a wealth of historical research and a neat line in authenticity, as chronicled by a recent and quite fascinating video detailing all the real-life artifacts that have made their way in … | Continue reading

@eurogamer.net | 8 years ago

Google Doodle features eminent Australian indigenous rights leader

On what would have been Eddie Mabo's 80th birthday, Google Australia has featured the Australian indigenous rights campaigner as Wednesday's Google Doodle.Born in the Torres Strait Islands in northern Australia, Mabo's name is synonymous with the native title movement, which saw … | Continue reading

@mashable.com | 8 years ago

Why tipsheets?

Why tipsheets?: Service stories get read, shared, used and acted upon. Tipsheets move further and faster on social media. | Continue reading

@wyliecomm.com | 8 years ago

From McCall’s to Buzzfeed

From McCall’s to Buzzfeed: Social media listicles descend from 1890s women’s magazines. Learn the history of service journalism. | Continue reading

@wyliecomm.com | 8 years ago

Microsoft shifts one million of those £129 Xbox One Elite controllers

Microsoft's made its one millionth Xbox One Elite controller.Xbox boss Phil Spencer tweeted a picture of the millionth Xbox One Elite controller, which carries a special inscription.Now, we're not talking about a million sold, here. More likely, we're talking a million shipped. B … | Continue reading

@eurogamer.net | 8 years ago

Dieser Fraktalgenerator fraktiert euer Gehirn

Dieser Video-Feedback-Generator funktioniert ganz, ganz prinzipiell so, wie das alte Analogspiel mit der Videokamera, die mit einem Bildschirm verbunden ist, den sie aufnimmt. Leicht verzögert wird das Bild dargestellt, das die Kamera leicht verzögert... | Continue reading

@de.engadget.com | 8 years ago

This is what Calvin and Hobbes comics look like in 3D

As a kid, I’d developed a reflex action that saw me flip instantly to the comics page in the morning paper to read the daily Calvin and Hobbes strip. You can imagine my pure and unadulterated joy when I discovered massive anthologies of Bill Watterson’s funny, insightful creation … | Continue reading

@thenextweb.com | 8 years ago

Sony has nearly 21m PlayStation Plus subscribers

Sony has nearly 21m PlayStation Plus subscribers on its books.In an investor relations report released today, Sony said PlayStation Plus has an impressive 20.8m paid subscribers.That's across multiple devices - not just on PlayStation 4, which has cracked the 40m install base sin … | Continue reading

@eurogamer.net | 8 years ago

In the time it took you to read this title 7,257 Tweets were sent

In the time it took you to read the title of this post 7,257 Tweets were sent. In the time it took you to read the past two sentences 2.916 photos were uploaded to Instagram. Want more? How about this: since you started reading this article 439.880 google searches were done. Ever … | Continue reading

@thenextweb.com | 8 years ago

This is the OnePlus smartwatch that never got made

OnePlus CEO Carl Pei has revealed designs for the OnePlus smartwatch the company decided to scrap last year. | Continue reading

@androidauthority.com | 8 years ago

Twitch makes cheering exchange rate clear: one penny per bit for streamers

Twitch announced Monday that users would soon be able to “cheer” their favorite streamers — in the form of expendable emoji purchasable with real-world money. Details were rather scarce so I pressed them — and then, almost certainly unrelated to that, the company provided more de … | Continue reading

@techcrunch.com | 8 years ago

LG partners with Selfridges to launch theatre initiative

Department store Selfridges and consumer electronics brand LG have joined forces to devise an in-store theatre to mark the 400th anniversary of the death of William Shakespeare. | Continue reading

@campaignlive.co.uk | 8 years ago

Freizeitspaß für Familien - Gibt's den auch kostenlos? (FOTO)

Deutsche Bahn AG: Hamburg/Berlin (ots) - Fast jede vierte Familie kennt keine kostenlosen Angebote für Kinder - Gemeinsame Erlebnisse mit der Familie sind in der Freizeit am wichtigsten - Kinder fahren im Fernverkehr der Deutschen Bahn kostenlos mit Ob in den ... | Continue reading

@presseportal.de | 8 years ago

A.I. robot's blinking capability malfunctions after too much eye contact

Even robots need a day off.Jia Jia, China's most famous humanoid robot, who has the ability to blink and nod, malfunctioned on Sunday after a tedious day of work.According to CCTV News, the lifelike Jia Jia was somewhat of a celebrity at the Summer Davos Forum, an event that's pa … | Continue reading

@mashable.com | 8 years ago

Sensation: Riesiges Helium-Feld gefunden

Geologen der Durham und Oxford University und ein Helium-Unternehmen haben ein riesiges Helium-Reservoir im großen afrikanischen Grabenbruch in Tansania gefunden: In der Region Rukwa sollen 1,5 Milliarden Kubikmeter abbaubares Helium lagern. Das... | Continue reading

@de.engadget.com | 8 years ago

The English Version of Kairosoft's 'Pocket Arcade Story' Has Just Hit The App Store

A few months ago, Kairosoft released a pair of interesting new titles worldwide, one based on managing a train station, and the other putting you in charge of your own arcade. They were both cool simulation games in their own ways, but there was a catch to those versions: they on … | Continue reading

@toucharcade.com | 8 years ago

Verkauf des europäischen Retail-Geschäfts von megabus

megabus.com: Perth, Schottland (ots) - Stagecoach Group plc ("Stagecoach") gibt bekannt, dass das Unternehmen gestern einen Vertrag über den Verkauf des Retail-Geschäfts von megabus Europe an die Flixmobility GmbH ("FlixBus") geschlossen hat. Der Vertrag umfasst ... | Continue reading

@presseportal.de | 8 years ago

Near-perfect wings from dinosaur times discovered in amber

A pair of wings found encased in amber suggest that the plumage of modern birds has remained almost unchanged from some of their dinosaur-era ancestors, according to scientists. In a new study published in the Nature Communications journal this week, researchers say that the wing … | Continue reading

@theverge.com | 8 years ago

LG has a new app that lets you control your smartphone from your PC

VPInput, a new app from LG, lets you control your LG G5, G4, or V10 from your PC or Mac. | Continue reading

@androidauthority.com | 8 years ago

Bose wants kids to learn about sound by assembling a Bluetooth speaker themselves

There are all kinds of tools and services to help kids learn to code these days – but what if your child is more interested in building gadgets? The audio experts at Bose have released the BoseBuild Speaker Cube, a system designed to help kids understand how sound works as they a … | Continue reading

@thenextweb.com | 8 years ago

Bettensteuer auf Mallorca tritt in Kraft: Wie Urlauber trotzdem sparen

billiger-mietwagen.de: Köln (ots) - Das Parlament in Palma de Mallorca hat entschieden: Ab Freitag, 1. Juli 2016, muss jeder Balearen-Urlauber eine Bettensteuer bezahlen, die pro Übernachtung und Person berechnet wird. Davon betroffen sind die Inseln Mallorca, Menorca, ... | Continue reading

@presseportal.de | 8 years ago

Das Geld ist da, das Projekt ist da…

…der Fahrplan ist da, jetzt machen wir es!“ wurde Salzburgs Bürgermeister Heinz Schaden gestern in einer Reihe von Lokalmedien zitiert. Sätze wie diesen hört man in letzter Zeit selten, Schaden wird sich dessen wohl bewusst sein. Es geht um den Neubau des Paracelsusbades, das nac … | Continue reading

@tp-blog.at | 8 years ago

What’s on my Android – My setup and must have apps

Lanh talks about how he usually sets up his Android device and the apps that he always has to have no matter what the device! | Continue reading

@androidauthority.com | 8 years ago

Pinterest erkennt jetzt Objekte in Fotos ...

Bei Pinterest kann man jetzt auch mit Fotos einkaufen, maschinelles Lernen und fortschrittliche Bilderkennung machen's möglich. Geht so: Einfach in der App ein Bild auswählen und den Objekterkennunsmodus aktivieren. Im Bild werden dann mit... | Continue reading

@de.engadget.com | 8 years ago

Huaweis MateBook: Wirklich schön aber zu problematisch

Details können ein an sich ganz guten Eindruck schnell zunichte machen. Für unsere Kollegen von Engadget US so geschehen bei Huaweis MateBook: ihnen zufolge ein schönes aber grundsätzlich fehlerhaftes Produkt. Es sei leicht, dünn... | Continue reading

@de.engadget.com | 8 years ago

A System Shock remake is in the works and you can try the demo right now

Most fans of 90s games will fondly remember System Shock as one of the seminal releases of its time, blending nuanced storytelling with thrilling horror and action in a richly detailed cyberpunk setting. Now, Nightdive Studios is set to resurrect the classic title with a remake. … | Continue reading

@thenextweb.com | 8 years ago

Sony is working on a robot that can 'form an emotional bond' with people

Sony has announced plans to develop a robot "capable of forming an emotional bond with customers." And no, it's not talking about the Rolly. At the company's corporate strategy meeting this morning in Tokyo, CEO Kaz Hirai said that a new robot-focused organization within Sony was … | Continue reading

@theverge.com | 8 years ago

Facebook-Dementi: Keine Kuppelei durch Standortdaten

Facebook schlägt nach eigener Aussage doch keine Personen aus der Umgebung eines Nutzers als potenzielle Freunde vor. Nach einem Meldung bei Fusion.net vom Montag, wonach das Unternehmen Menschen einander anhand von Standortdaten empfiehlt, dementiert... | Continue reading

@de.engadget.com | 8 years ago

How Brexit Affects Asian Investments: By the Numbers

Asian companies with strong ties to the U.K. are bracing for uncertainty after Britain’s vote to leave the European Union. Here are the key numbers. | Continue reading

@live.wsj.com | 8 years ago

Ethereum Price Technical Analysis – Trend Line Proved Worth

Key Highlights Ethereum price dived sharply intraday against the US dollar and moved below the $12.00 area. Yesterday’s highlighted bearish trend line on the hourly chart (data feed via Kraken) of ETH/USD acted as a perfect barrier and pushed the price down. The price failed to b … | Continue reading

@newsbtc.com | 8 years ago

Take a snapshot

Count what counts: How to get your piece of the ROI on communications. Learn. 5 tools for linking your communication efforts & organization’s success. | Continue reading

@wyliecomm.com | 8 years ago

Make the link

Going up! How to tie communications to your organization’s business success. How can you get credit for your organization’s success? It takes measurement. | Continue reading

@wyliecomm.com | 8 years ago

Measure results like Angela Sinickas

How to earn a Gold Quill: Angela Sinickas, the Diva of Diagnostics, shares her award-winning entry. Learn world-class measurement from her example. | Continue reading

@wyliecomm.com | 8 years ago

UK has fastest mobile internet while US lags behind, says report

In a bad week for Britain in the news, the UK can at least take solace in its average mobile connection speeds, which — according to a new report from content delivery network Akamai — are the best in the world. The company's latest State of the Internet report claims that Britis … | Continue reading

@theverge.com | 8 years ago

Akamai: global average connection speed up 12 percent, bye bye IPv4

CDN network Akamai published today its quarterly “State of the Internet” report for the first quarter of 2016. The report examines global internet speeds, which are going to be more relevant than ever for live-sports aficionados in the summer of the Rio Olympics games. Global ave … | Continue reading

@techcrunch.com | 8 years ago