This week's top online marketing news from @toprank featuring virtual reality marketing, lonely, unclicked Tweets and perfect headlines. | Continue reading
As the rumor mill continues to report that Apple supposedly is doing away with the headphone socket on its next-generation phones (more than 300,000 people already voiced their opinion), I found myself in a series of situations recently that illustrate exactly why the world isn’t … | Continue reading
Destiny's Hunter class took a big hit in the game's recent June update. Two of the three Hunter subclasses - Gunslingers and Bladedancers - were nerfed significantly in the latest round of sandbox changes - leaving some Hunter players miffed.Now, Destiny developer Bungie has expl … | Continue reading
Donald Trump praised the Scottish this morning for "[taking] their country back" in the UK's vote to leave the European Union. This is despite the fact that Scotland voted overwhelmingly to stay in the EU, with 62 percent of the population backing the Remain campaign. However, th … | Continue reading
Der Regisseur Gary Hustwit, der für die Design-Szene schon so wichtige Filme wie "Helvetica", "Objectified" und "Urbanized" gefilmt hat, plant sein nächstes Projekt. "Rams", ein umfangreiches Portrait des in Wiesbaden geborenen Produktdesigners... | Continue reading
So it looks as though the UK is set to leave the European Union, after its people voted in a slim, but important, majority on the side of the leave campaign. We have said a few times that bitcoin might play a part as a safe haven asset. On a few occasions over the past … Continue … | Continue reading
Counter-Strike: Global Offensive is not giftable during the ongoing Steam sale, Valve has confirmed.Valve launched the Steam Summer Sale yesterday and knocked 50 per cent off CS:GO. It wasn't long before people noticed the competitive multiplayer first-person shooter could not be … | Continue reading
Marketing can be a confusing field. Look at 12 of the vital elements every beginner should know. | Continue reading
Britain's decision to exit the EU has predictably shocked global currency markets. The pound has dropped around 10 percent against the dollar, a 30-year low as the market reacts to uncertainty over the UK's vote. While traditional currency markets react to the news, cryptocurrenc … | Continue reading
Virtual reality technology is amazing, but it has a long way to go. Even Google's VR boss admits that. | Continue reading
Frankfurt/Main (ots) - "Wir bedauern die Entscheidung der Briten gegen den Verbleib in der Europäischen Union, und wir respektieren sie zugleich. Fast 8 Millionen Europäer... | Continue reading
Stocks in Japan suffered their worst day in five years and the British pound plummeted to its lowest level in around 30 years after the U.K. voted to leave the European Union. Photo: Reuters | Continue reading
Pernod Ricard hosted its annual summer party at The View from The Shard on Wednesday (22 June). | Continue reading
A great social media marketer today and an awesome advertiser in the 1960s have much in common. David Ogilvy, the father of advertising, was famous for spending an inordinate amount of time on headlines. Why? Because that’s the line that people read the most, so it mattered a lot … | Continue reading
The Ethereum ecosystem is still in a state of flux after the attacks against The DAO. It has become apparent the goal is to execute either a soft or hard fork to resolve this situation. But Peter Todd argues that forking is not the right way to solve this situation. A lot of peo … | Continue reading
Die Entwicklung eines Automobils dauert Jahre und ist sehr aufwendig. Das Gleiche gilt für das dazugehörige Marketing. Wollte man Werbespots für ein neues Modell drehen, mussten bislang die Produktionsagenturen warten, bis der Autofabrikant... | Continue reading
Halo 5 gets the big Warzone Firefight update next week - and the full game will be free to download and play to coincide with the launch.Warzone Firefight,… | Continue reading
BitTorrent has been working to expand its portfolio of cloud services lately, from its Sync file storage and sharing app to its Live multichannel video broadcasting platform. Today, it’s launched BitTorrent Now, an ad-supported streaming service for music and video. It doesn’t ho … | Continue reading
The chairman of the Independent Film and Television Alliance (IFTA), the trade association representing the companies behind independent film and TV the world over, has described the United Kingdom's exit from the European Union as an event that is "likely to be devastating" for … | Continue reading
My hands-on time with Shadow Warrior 2 started innocently enough: a quick run-through of the controls from Flying Wild Hog's, Tadek Zielinksi before an introduction to the sequel's brand new level structure. "The first Shadow Warrior was a linear corridor shooter." Tadek explaine … | Continue reading
Event planners get to work with some really amazing event clients, and some really crazy clients! At the end of the day, it’s what makes event planning fun and keeps you on your toes. Here are 7 clients every eventprof will be able to identify. As an event planner, you have proba … | Continue reading
Infused waters seem to be the latest trend so I’m jumping on the bandwagon today with my most pretentious “recipe” yet! Rose, Lemon & Strawberry Infused Water. I am always happy to drink plain water but sometimes it’s nice to add a little flavour and if it helps you drink more, e … | Continue reading
When booking a ride with Uber, you know approximately how much you'll pay in the end, but not the exact amount. That's going to change soon: On Thursday, Uber announced it's expanding its upfront fares globally, meaning you'll know the exact price before you request your ride. Ub … | Continue reading that the system can't hear you. Only people can. And the problem is that people in the system are too often swayed to believe that they have no power over the system, that they are merely victims of it,... | Continue reading
alltours flugreisen gmbh: Düsseldorf (ots) - Die alltours Unternehmensgruppe schafft zusätzliche Bettenkapazitäten in der Sommersaison auf Gran Canaria. Die rund 180 Bungalows im allsun Hotel Esplendido (4*) auf Gran Canaria wurde in den vergangenen Wochen umfangreich ... | Continue reading
I learnt everything I know about history from Civilization, which I played for hours on end on my Amiga back in the early nineties.Now, high school students in North America can do the same - except in school.Developer Firaxis is working with GlassLab to create CivilizationEDU, a … | Continue reading
Stella Artois, the official beer of The Championships, Wimbledon, will be taking consumers back to Victorian London at its immersive theatre experience from 7 to 10 July. | Continue reading
Der Videodienst YouTube hat in seiner Geschichte schon einige Livestreams gesendet. Der Sprung von Felix Baumgartner aus dem Weltall, neuerdings das Festival Coachella und so weiter und so fort. Nun wird der Livestream für jeden User möglich... | Continue reading
Prime Minister David Cameron said he would resign after the U.K. voted to leave the European Union. He said a new leader will be in place by October. Photo: Getty Images | Continue reading
If you've been waiting for the right moment to pick up your favorite VR title this year, now might be the perfect time. | Continue reading
TÜV Rheinland AG: Köln (ots) - Wer mit dem Auto auf Urlaubsreise geht, sollte bereits im Vorfeld darauf achten, welche Dokumente wie ein ausreichend gültiger Personalausweis oder Reisepass mitzuführen sind. "In Europa reicht in der Regel die deutsche Fahrerlaubnis. ... | Continue reading
This week, Alderac Entertainment Group announced it would cease production on collectible card game Doomtown: Reloaded. On paper this means that, after October 2016, there will be no new expansions released for the cowboy card game set in the weird west town of Gomorrah. In pract … | Continue reading
Sportswear brand Under Armour is helping UK tennis champion Andy Murray prepare for Wimbledon by providing a secret tennis court hidden underground. | Continue reading
Kaum gehen die ersten richtig heißen Sommertage hier los, startet die Gaming-Plattform Steam ihre große Sommeraktion. Bis zum 4. Juli werden tausende von Spielen mit teils großen Rabattierungen verkauft. Darunter Blockbuster wie GTA,... | Continue reading
Years ago, I was working on a project that needed to be adaptive. Essentially, the software needed to learn and get better at a frequently…Continue reading on JavaScript Scene » | Continue reading
We have 1.67 million followers on Twitter. But sometimes I miss the days when we only had a hundred thousand followers. Back when we had around a hundred thousand followers we would share a link and get 10,000 clicks, within minutes. We still get a fair amount of traffic, but the … | Continue reading
Singapore-based Quoine, the startup offering a bitcoin exchange and other cryptocurrency-related services, announced today that it has secured a total of $16 million in a series B round.Following a series A round when the company raised $2 million from several angel investors bac … | Continue reading
Invnt, the global brand communications agency owned by Time Inc, has hired Tracy Thompson-Harte as director of strategic accounts. | Continue reading
München Tourismus: München (ots) -Der Münchner Festival Sommer ist für die Münchner und die Gäste aus aller Welt ein Erlebnis. Sportevents, Musik, Tanz und Feuerwerk laden ein zum Mitfiebern, Mitfeiern und Genießen. Höhepunkte zum Ende des Festival-Sommers im ... | Continue reading
Struggling to come up with a great idea for an app? Here are some strategies you can use to encourage some inspiration. Including brainstorming, hashing out ideas and using thought experiments. Also includes a healthy dose of neuroscience! | Continue reading
Nach rund fünf Jahren hat Apple sein Thunderbolt Display aus dem Sortiment genommen. Die Restbestände werden noch veräußert, also wer noch unbedingt den Bildschirm bei sich auf dem Schreibtisch stehen haben möchte, sollte sich... | Continue reading
In der 2. Auflage ist heuer das „Handbook of Lowcost Airlines“ unter der Ägide der Herausgeber Sven Gros und Achim Schröder im ITD-Verlag erschienen. „Dieses Buch verbindet das Fachwissen erfahrener Luftfahrtexperten und erklärt entscheidende Entwicklungen im Low-Cost-Segment und … | Continue reading
Artists beware! AI is coming for your paintbrush too… A new iOS app, called Prisma, is using deep learning algorithms to turn smartphone photos into stylized artworks based on different artwork/graphical styles. Snap or choose your photo, select an ‘art filter’ to be applied and … | Continue reading
On the face of it, Mighty No. 9 shouldn't be causing PlayStation 4 or Xbox One any problems. After all, it's a simplistic Unreal Engine 3-based side-scroller, and despite its humble origins as a Kickstarter-funded project, this should be a fairly easy win for Keiji Inafune and hi … | Continue reading
The global finance markets are slipping on Friday after the UK public voted to leave the EU, but there is one currency that is reveling in the uncertainty of the Brexit result: bitcoin. Read More | Continue reading
Bitcoin is becoming increasingly used in the Gambling Industry and every day new casino sites are starting to accept the digital currency. BetChain is one of the newest bitcoin-based casinos and one of the best-paying Bitcoin Casinos in the whole Bitcoin gambling ecosystem. The s … | Continue reading
Since April, Uber has been rolling out a new way to display fares for UberX rides in the US and India. The latest version of the app asks for your destination and shows you the cost of your trip before you hop in the cab; this feature will soon roll out in other countries too. Th … | Continue reading
Rising from the deep, specs for the smaller of (potentially) two HTC Nexus devices have been spotted. All aboard: set sail for the "Sailfish". | Continue reading