Business Newsletters: Is Your Newsletter Still Relevant?

I am frequently asked if business newsletters are still relevant, or if blogs, social media, and videos have replaced them.  My response? When done well, a newsletter is very important for staying in touch with clients and prospects and a great way to build credibility and trust. … | Continue reading | 8 years ago

Online Marketing News: CEO Social Success, Influencers Love Instagram & Pinterest Video

This week's top online marketing news from @toprank featuring The keys to CEO social success, influencers love Instagram and Pinterest adds video. | Continue reading | 8 years ago

Verizon updates the Galaxy Note 7 before you’ve even unboxed it

Verizon has put out the August security patch for the Samsung Galaxy Note 7 on launch day, so you should have your first update before you've even set it up. | Continue reading | 8 years ago

Top five experiential stories of the week

A tie up between Absolut and Uber, Sarah Kay leaving Story Events and a forthcoming festival from Krug Champagne made it into the list of the most popular stories this week. | Continue reading | 8 years ago

Smak dzieciństwa. Racuchy z papierówek!

Od miesiąca walczymy w naszym ogrodzie z obfitością papierówek. Codziennie na mokrej trawie czekają na nas kolejne kilogramy to tzw. przerobienia. Są soki, kompoty, musy, szarlotki i czego tylko dusza zapragnie. Część jednak z przyjemnością rozdajemy sąsiadom i znajomym, bo papie … | Continue reading | 8 years ago

How Social Media Experts Get REAL Customers to Follow Them: 54 Tactics You Can Do Yourself

How do you grow a customer following on social media? In this guide we got the best social media experts to share their best tactics so you can try them out | Continue reading | 8 years ago

Airbus will selbstfliegende Taxis bauen und nächstes Jahr ähnliches testen

So wirklich genau weiß man nicht, was hinter dem Projekt selbstfliegender Taxis stecken soll, das Airbus angekündigt hat, aber natürlich will man den Stau umgehen, der viele Innenstädte plagt.Die so futuristisch aussehenden (nur... | Continue reading | 8 years ago

Malware Turns Servers into Cryptocurrency Mining Engines

A malware called Linux.Lady targets Redis servers that have been placed online without passwords and launches a cryptocurrency mining software, according to According to Dr. Web, a Russian software retailer, Linux.Lady uses Google’s Go programming language and targe … | Continue reading | 8 years ago

Over 30,000 People In India Use Bitcoin For Transactions

Moreover, retailers in India who sign up through Coinsecure are safe from any Bitcoin price volatility that may occur down the line. | Continue reading | 8 years ago

UKGC Declares Bitcoin as a Cash Equivalent, Allows Gambling with It

Residents of the United Kingdom now have something to cheer about, especially if they love online gambling. The recent amendments made to the gambling regulations by the United Kingdom Gambling Commission (UKGC) will allow people to gamble away their bitcoins on platforms license … | Continue reading | 8 years ago

ADAC und Berlin Linien Bus kooperieren / Clubmitglieder profitieren ab Dezember 2016 von Preisnachlass auf alle Tickets

ADAC: München (ots) - ADAC-Mitglieder reisen auch in Zukunft günstiger mit dem Fernbus. Ab dem 1. Dezember 2016 erhalten sie im Rahmen des ADAC-Vorteilsprogramms einen Preisnachlass von 20 Prozent auf alle Tickets beim neuen Fernbus-Kooperationspartner ... | Continue reading | 8 years ago

A love letter from augmented reality to Pokémon Go

The first half of 2016 has been all about virtual reality: The buzz around Oculus Rift, Sony’s Playstation VR, and HTC’s Vive have been lighting up the internet. VR is awesome and it’s ready for prime time. But now VR’s friendly brother AR stole the show – thanks to Pokemon Go, t … | Continue reading | 8 years ago

Mix and match wisely to avoid climate policy mess

AchievementsAn EU-funded project has made it easier to develop an effective mix of interlocking policies that will help the EU meet its climate change and energy targets. The methodology includes applying real-world analysis and modelling to policy instruments.Date: 19/08/2016 - … | Continue reading | 8 years ago

Nürnberger Volksfest - größter Biergarten Frankens (FOTO)

Congress- und Tourismus-Zentrale Nürnberg: Nürnberg (ots) - Am 26. August beginnt das Herbstvolksfest am Dutzendteich, und bis 11. September bleibt Frankens größter Biergarten geöffnet. Rund 170 Geschäfte bevölkern den Festplatz, und mehr als 50 Ausschankstellen, Biergärten oder … | Continue reading | 8 years ago

Someone filmed a fake human sacrifice at CERN laboratory

Officials at the European Organization for Nuclear Research (CERN) have launched an internal investigation after someone filmed a fake human sacrifice ritual at its Geneva headquarters, home to the Large Hadron Collider (LHC). In the video, posted online this week, a group of peo … | Continue reading | 8 years ago

VR-High-End: Nokia Ozo wird radikal günstiger

Nokia vertreibt seit einiger Zeit die professionelle VR-Kamera Ozo. Im High-End-Sektor angesiedelt, zählen Disney oder auch die UEFA zu den bisherigen Kunden. Nun wurde die Ozo auch in China offiziell gestartet. Zu diesem Anlass hat Nokia die Preisschere... | Continue reading | 8 years ago

Ticwatch 2 team clarifies which apps its Kickstarter smartwatch will initially support

The team beyond Ticwatch 2, the Chinese smartwatch project that has crossed $1.5 million on Kickstarter, has clarified the apps and services its wearable device will initially support. Read More | Continue reading | 8 years ago

Wikiverse turns Wikipedia into a marvelous galaxy of knowledge – literally

If recklessly clicking through hundreds of Wikipedia entries at a time no longer does it for you, Wikiverse is about to become your new favorite way of browsing the internet’s richest encyclopedia. Built by Owen Cornec, it’s a Web-based interactive 3D map of Wikipedia that visual … | Continue reading | 8 years ago

In pictures: Transformers roadshow in Birmingham

Hasbro's Transformers summer tour arrived at Birmingham's Bullring shopping centre yesterday (18 August). | Continue reading | 8 years ago

Ben-Hur: Will Remake Be Better Than Past Films?

Three previous “Ben-Hur” films, the earliest which dates back to 1907, have made history for different reasons. Can the latest remake live up to their legacy? Mark kelly reports. Image: Everett Collection | Continue reading | 8 years ago

Zurich Rejects Initiatives in Switzerland by Refusing Bitcoin Payments

Zurich has taken the stance of refusing to allow bitcoin payments, going against the creativities throughout the country. | Continue reading | 8 years ago

8 Time Sucking Tasks and How To Streamline Them

Are you finding yourself spending too much time on certain jobs? If so, take a step back and see if you can streamline and speed up your daily tasks! “Never neglect details. When everyone’s mind is dulled or distracted, the leader must be doubly vigilant.” – Colin Powell An #even … | Continue reading | 8 years ago

Der größte CARAVAN SALON aller Zeiten (FOTO)

Messe Düsseldorf: Düsseldorf (ots) - Zum 55. Geburtstag der weltgrößten Messe rund um den mobilen Urlaub kann der CARAVAN SALON neue Rekordzahlen vorweisen. Dank einer zusätzlichen Halle ist der CARAVAN SALON DÜSSELDORF vom 27. August bis 4. September 2016 so groß ... | Continue reading | 8 years ago

Tickets to Startup and Hardware Alley at Disrupt London 2016 are now available

Listen up, startups in the U.K. and around the world. Disrupt London 2016 is right around the corner, and we’re happy to announce that tickets to display your company in Startup and Hardware alley are now available.You can get your hands on Startup and Hardware Alley tickets here … | Continue reading | 8 years ago

Pattern matching as a shortcut to growth

You have two choices when you want to move forward (grow a business, sell an idea, get a 'yes'): Have such an insight and deliver such innovation that people will choose to make a new decision, adopt a new habit... | Continue reading | 8 years ago

Legendäre Mac-Kollektion wird versteigert

Der New Yorker Laden Tekserve war seit 29 Jahren eine bekannte Anlaufstelle für alles rund um den Computer. Nun musste der Laden schließen und versteigert sein Inventar. Darunter befindet sich auch eine exquisite Mac-Sammlung aus dem shopinternen... | Continue reading | 8 years ago

Microsoft is open sourcing PowerShell and bringing to Linux and OS X

Furthering its mission to work more closely with the developer community, Microsoft is open sourcing PowerShell and making it available on Linux and Mac OS X. PowerShell is the company’s task-based command-line shell and scripting language built on the .NET Framework for running … | Continue reading | 8 years ago

Pim van Boesschoten - Issue #35

Saw this SXSW talk 'Fuck Drop Downs' by Golden Krishna & Eric Campbell and i guess i'm part of the 0.3 percent of the globe that found that very very funny indeed. Bought the book 'The Best interface is No Interface' and am currently reading and enjoying it. It's not a new me … | Continue reading | 8 years ago

Pim van Boesschoten - Issue #35

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Pim van Boesschoten - Issue #35

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India to have 730 million internet users by 2020 and it is already living in a 'Post-PC' era

Steve Jobs probably didn't have India in mind when in 2010 he made his ambitious claim about the arrival of post-PC era. Though Jobs was hoping the iPad — or the tablet category, in general — would replace bulky desktops and laptops, the world's second most populous nation has em … | Continue reading | 8 years ago

Lisk Blockchain Applications Platform Announces the Launch of Lisk Nano

August 18, 2016, Berlin, Germany – The decentralized blockchain application development platform Lisk has announced the launch of Lisk Nano. Lisk Nano is a lightweight, simple, and fully responsive client software that enables users to access the basic functionalities of the plat … | Continue reading | 8 years ago

Uber India allows booking without app, requesting rides for others

Uber has introduced two new features which allows users in India to book a cab without using the app, and order a ride for their friends or family. | Continue reading | 8 years ago

Graffiti artists are turning swastikas into adorable animals

Ibo Omari’s war against swastikas began earlier this year, when a man walked into his Berlin graffiti store and asked for a few cans of spray paint. The man had been playing with his son at a nearby playground and noticed a huge Nazi flag painted on an adjacent wall. The father w … | Continue reading | 8 years ago

Final Fantasy 15's £190 Ultimate Collector's Edition doesn't include season pass

Final Fantasy 15's Ultimate Collector's Edition doesn't include the game's season pass, Square Enix has confirmed.The Ultimate Collector's Edition, which costs £189.99, includes SteelBook, a Kingsglaive: Final Fantasy 15 Blu-ray disc, and even an exclusive Noctis Play Arts Kai Fi … | Continue reading | 8 years ago

Communist and cultural effects on tech communities

This is my second visit to Tirana for the OSCAL conference, an annual celebration of open source technology in Albania’s capital. Aside from excellent content, the conference stands out for a couple of reasons. Most attendees and organizers are under 30, and the gender divide is … | Continue reading | 8 years ago

Urlaubspiraten-Umfrage zeigt: Zwei Wochen Malediven sind der ideale Traumurlaub (FOTO)

HolidayPirates GmbH: Berlin (ots) - Das Reiseportal befragte rund 1.000 User zum Thema Traumreise Viele Deutsche machen genau einen Jahresurlaub und diesen meist im Sommer - für mehr Auszeit ist entweder die Zeit oder das Geld knapp. Die Urlaubspiraten haben daher ... | Continue reading | 8 years ago

Koktajl brzoskwiniowy

W lecie moje koktajle odzwierciedlają sezonowość owoców. Na początku wakacji wykorzystywałam truskawki, teraz u ich schyłku warto sięgnąć po brzoskwinie. Do takiego śniadaniowego koktajlu (który oczywiście jest mimo wszystko tylko częścią pełnego, pożywnego śniadania) dodaję częs … | Continue reading | 8 years ago

E-Bike-Genuss im ****Hotel Schwarzer Adler im Tannheimer Tal - BILD

Hotel Schwarzer Adler: Das schönste Hochtal Europas entdecken Gäste des ****Hotel Schwarzer Adler in Tannheim bei individuellen E-Bike-Touren mit Rundum-Service. Tannheim (ots) - "Wer einmal den Fahrtwind auf einem E-Bike genossen hat, der möchte dieses Erlebnis immer ... | Continue reading | 8 years ago

Twitter hat im letzten halben Jahr 235.000 Accounts wegen Terrordacht gesperrt

Soziale Kommunikationsmedien wie Twitter setzen eigentlich stark auf Werte wie Meinungsfreiheit. Bei Terrorismus hört der Spaß aber dann auf und so hat Twitter bekannt gegeben, dass alleine in den vergangenen sechs Monaten 235.000 Accounts... | Continue reading | 8 years ago

30 Tonnen Rembrandt: Sandige Kunstmeisterwerke an Hollands Küste / Sandskulpturen-EM in Zandvoort, noch bis 1. November zu besichtigen (FOTO)

Niederländisches Büro für Tourismus & Convention (NBTC): Köln (ots) - Die Promenade des niederländischen Küstenorts Zandvoort schmücken noch bis zum 1. November 2016 sieben große Sandskulpturen. Die Kunstwerke aus jeweils knapp 30 Tonnen Sand entstanden im Rahmen der Europameiste … | Continue reading | 8 years ago

Ethereum Classic Price Technical Analysis – Final Target Achieved

Key Highlights Ethereum classic price traded further lower against Bitcoin, and formed a new low below 0.0028BTC. This week’s long followed bearish trend line on the hourly chart of ETC/BTC (data feed via Simplefx) acted as a barrier and pushed ETC down. My final target hit recen … | Continue reading | 8 years ago

TÜV Rheinland: Gefälschte Markenartikel können mit Schadstoffen belastet sein / Beim Urlaubs-Shopping auf Kennzeichnungen achten

TÜV Rheinland AG: Köln (ots) - Für viele ist der Sommerurlaub auch eine Schnäppchenjagd. Vorsichtig sollten Urlauber aber bei gefälschten Markenartikeln, wie zum Beispiel Textilien und Schuhen, sein. Zwar ist sind die Produkte günstig, doch oftmals finden sich in der ... | Continue reading | 8 years ago

Next Apple Watch will not be iPhone-independent, report says

If you're hoping for an Apple Watch that can function pretty much on its own, even when your iPhone's not present, you'll likely have to wait a little longer. According to a Bloomberg report, which quotes people familiar with the matter, Apple has tried to integrate a cellular ch … | Continue reading | 8 years ago

The US will soon no longer control the internet’s domain name system

For nearly two decades, the Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers (ICANN) has been administered by the US National Telecommunications and Information Administration, which means that the American government has been in control of a global database of addresses for m … | Continue reading | 8 years ago

Global: PG Exhibits launches experiential marketing division

Colorado-based PG Exhibits has launched boutique experiential marketing division PGXM, to leverage large scale productions overseen by a team dedicated to experiential. | Continue reading | 8 years ago

Fight E-Corp in Telltale fashion with Mr. Robot:1.51exfiltratiOn, out now on Google Play

Walk a mile or two in the shoes of Mr. Robot's Elliot Alderson and see if you have the guts to abed the biggest cybercrime in history. Mr. Robot:1.51exfiltrati0n.apk is out now on Android and its free of ads. | Continue reading | 8 years ago

Samsung Galaxy Note 7 Teardown

Die konstruktiven Zerstörungskollegen von iFixit haben sich das neue Samsung Galaxy Note 7 vorgenommen und gepflegt auseinander genommen. Dabei wurden diverse versiegelte Komponenten gefunden, die die Wasserfestigkeit mit IP68 bewerkstelligen. Weitere... | Continue reading | 8 years ago