AMD concluded the month of June by releasing the Radeon RX480 graphics card, which quickly shot up to the top of reviewers' recommendation lists for GPUs around the vital $200 to $250 bracket. Seemingly ahead of schedule, Nvidia is rushing out word of its anticipated response, th … | Continue reading
Millenial hearts all over the world are crying over an email that Microsoft sent out recently. My roommate received this email from a Microsoft recruiter today. — Patrick Burtchaell (@pburtchaell) July 6, 2016 The message was sent to a group of interns … | Continue reading
Amazon-owned Audible announced a new service called Channels today, one that differs from its typical audiobook business in offering more bite-size content from original content producers, as well as recordings of news stores from NYT, WSJ, The Washington Post and others. The ori … | Continue reading
The Amazon Echo is true confirmation of future tech’s true arrival. A smart device for the home designed around your own voice, the hands-free technology is a constantly-learning device which performs numerous tasks via spoken command. TNW Deals is excited to offer a fantastic Sm … | Continue reading
A major PC system upgrade awaits in The Ultimate PC Bundle, featuring 10 premium apps to sharpen your workflow, deliver system security and beef up your productivity. At 91 percent off from TNW Deals, supercharging your PC has never been more painless. Looking to speed up your ha … | Continue reading
If the only thing you like more than Chris Evans presenting Top Gear is a game of Cluedo in which you get to play as Mrs White, this will truly have been a devastating few days. Following suspiciously swiftly on the heels of Evans' departure, Cluedo's long-serving housekeeper is … | Continue reading
Sticking tiny robots into your body sounds fun but what happens when those robots run out of battery and start to explode? While this may not always be the case, it could happen. Luckily researchers at Hokkaido University’s Department of Chemistry have created a crystalline assem … | Continue reading
It's fair to say Pokémon Go has sent people wild again for the 20-year-old gaming franchise.The augmented reality mobile game became available for Australians and New Zealanders on Wednesday morning, as well as Americans later that evening, with grown adults back trying to "catch … | Continue reading
Fiona O'Leary, Studentin am Royal College of Art in London, hat ein feines Konzept für einen Schrift- und Farb-Sampler ausbaldowert und mit einem formal überzeugenden Prototyp realisiert: Spector heißt das orange Gerät, in dem eine... | Continue reading
The IFA 2016 consumer electronics trade show will take place in Berlin between September 2-7. Here are all the Android announcements you can expect to see. | Continue reading
G Data Software AG: Bochum (ots) - Sommer, Sonne, Sicherheit - egal ob am Strand oder in den Bergen, auch unterwegs wollen Urlauber online sein. 74 Prozent der Deutschen nehmen dafür ein Smartphone mit in den Urlaub ins Ausland, 31 Prozent ein Tablet - so das Ergebnis ... | Continue reading
These 5 tips will help attract more users to your blog by focusing on SEO, understanding Google algorithms, measuring performance and more. | Continue reading
HTC has a new budget device for the US market. The HTC Desire 530, launched at MWC 2016 in February, is coming stateside for $179. | Continue reading
Several Reddit users are complaining about a malware warning when visiting the Bitstamp website. Bitstamp is one of the biggest Bitcoin exchanges in all of Europe. By the look of things, there is a specific Trojan warning detected by Windows Defender. For now, it is anybody’s gue … | Continue reading
It’s a strange coincidence, hearing two different cast members of Mr. Robot describe Sam Esmail in these near-identically enigmatic terms. As the show’s creator, showrunner, and — as of season two, debuting in two weeks — director of its every episode, he exercises a degree of co … | Continue reading
When HTC announced its new Desire 530 smartphone at Mobile World Congress this year, it's telling that the device's stand-out feature was its paint job. The 530's low-end components won't turn any heads, but HTC hopes its "micro-splashed" exterior — the industrial equivalent of f … | Continue reading
Audible is expanding outside of audiobooks in a big way. It’s launching a new service today called Channels, which offers short-form news and podcasts for people who’d rather not listen slowly through an entire book.Channels will include spoken recordings of news from The New Yor … | Continue reading
AMPLIFY YOUR BRAND 2016 is a two-day learning event with a program filled with panels you won’t find anywhere else! Learn how to build your buzz and grow your brand in-person from experts, members … | Continue reading
UPDATE 8/7/16 3:32pm: Nvidia has just got in contact to reveal European and UK prices for the GTX 1060. We're looking at a base price of £239 for the card,… | Continue reading
Content - Which people and brands have the biggest impact on discussions about content marketing on Twitter? To find out, Onalytica looked at 410,454 tweets posted during a 90 day period. | Continue reading
These twelve ideas from marketing's foremost thought leaders are changing the face of the industry. | Continue reading
Watch the animated video for the term "USP" from our Content Marketing Glossary that helps you master content marketing terms. | Continue reading
Bitcoiners enjoy celebrating their so-called Bitcoin community. But, in the years since Bitcoin increased in price from $60 to $1,300, a lot has changed. Although still called the Bitcoin community by many today, the current state of Bitcoin resembles more closely an industry. Of … | Continue reading
A new study from Binghamton University suggests your smartwatch might not be as secure as you’d think – and it might be giving away your ATM PIN code. According to the researchers, the danger comes from the motion sensors embedded in wearable devices like smartwatches and fitness … | Continue reading
Hundreds of years from now, today’s DVDs, web servers, and flash drives will all be long dead. But one copy of a music video — for alternative rock band OK Go’s song "This Too Shall Pass" — could still be playing. The Rube Goldberg-inspired video is part of a 202-megabyte cache o … | Continue reading
Hier kommt ein Standard, an den man sich wohl gewöhnen muss: Universal Flash Storage (USF) sollte/könnte/dürfte die allgegenwärtigen SD-Speicher ablösen, was toll ist, weil UFS deutlich höhere Schreib- und Leseraten bringt,... | Continue reading
A few weeks ago new rumors emerged that Apple might kill the headphone jack in its next iPhone, and the tech sphere did its damnedest to convince Apple it's a mistake. The Verge's Nilay Patel made an excellent case for why this move would be user-hostile and stupid, citing the in … | Continue reading
A study conducted by Google reveals the complex relationship between online and in-store shopping and dispels three common myths. Check out our infovideo. | Continue reading
BERLIN — Mojahed Akil is 26 years old and he’s already running a successful tech startup: the first app he launched has been downloaded over 40,000 times on Android alone. He’s also a Syrian refugee.Back in his native Aleppo, Akil ran a small company which developed mobile applic … | Continue reading
A lot of companies focus on content marketing strategy without ever thinking about execution. That's a mistake. Here's why. | Continue reading
Events organiser Upper Street Events has promoted Sally Bent to the role of research and development director, where part of her role will involve talking to brands about partnering on new show and experiential ideas and launches. | Continue reading
Didi Chuxing, the taxi booking app that is beating Uber in China, has added a number of safety features to its service including an SOS button for its 300 million registered users. Read More | Continue reading
When you start building Android apps you will need to choose the IDE and language you want to use. Here are 10 options to help you make your choice. | Continue reading
Encrypted comms company Silent Circle is being sued by its former joint venture hardware partner, Geeksphone, for not paying part of a previous agreed sale price for buying out the latter’s share in the joint venture — and lurking at the heart of the dispute are flopped sales of … | Continue reading
Jesse Noyes, Senior Marketing Leader, joins the Content Pros Podcast to discuss the evolution of content marketing, the makeup of the modern CMO, and content velocity versus volume. | Continue reading
The relation between Bitcoin and Russian authorities can be described as turbulent at best. While the Government, as well as the Central Bank of Russia, are not open to the use of Bitcoin or any other currency in their territory, they have a different outlook towards the underlyi … | Continue reading
Is immutability becoming the next overhyped blockchain buzzword? Bitcoin pundit Chris DeRose discusses in his latest op-ed. | Continue reading
Satya Nadella bounded into the conference room, eager to talk about intelligence. I was at Microsoft’s headquarters in Redmond, WA, and the company’s CEO was touting the company's progress in building more intelligent apps and services. Each morning, he told me, he puts on a Hol … | Continue reading
Spend less time planning and more time creating with these 50 social media templates. These free resources are designed to help you do more with less. | Continue reading
DKV Deutsche Krankenversicherung AG: Düsseldorf (ots) - Dass die Waage nach dem Urlaub oft mehr anzeigt als vorher, wissen viele aus eigener Erfahrung. Im aktuellen DKV-Report gibt ein knappes Viertel der Menschen an, sich im Urlaub ungesünder zu ernähren als zuhause. Die gute .. … | Continue reading
Chinese tech giant Alibaba has launched the OS’Car RX5, a rugged-looking SUV that’s connected to the internet and powered by the company’s YunOS, allowing it to offer passengers a host of futuristic features. For starters, it can recognize the driver by their smartphone or smartw … | Continue reading
This morning, visual learning platform Lifeliqe, announced a strategic partnership with HTC to become their provider of educational virtual reality (VR) content for the Vive. Lifeliqe already has many other interesting, non-VR learning products and concepts in market with over 15 … | Continue reading
As virtual reality (VR) experiences become more prevalent and impressive, are we using VR for VR's sake, asks Momentum Worldwide's Francesca Elliott. | Continue reading
Die B2B-Plattform Expert Market hat ein weltweites Standort-Ranking für IT-Unternehmen und Start-ups erstellt, das auf Parametern basiert, die das Geschäftsumfeld (Zugang zu Risikokapital, Lohnkosten, Branchen-Konzentration, etc.), aber auch... | Continue reading
What better way to attract more visitors to a site than by giving money away, which is exactly what blockchain social media platform Steemit did over the Independence Day weekend to its users. | Continue reading
International School of Management (ISM): Dortmund (ots) - Ganz gleich ob alleine, zu zweit oder mit der Familie: Die Sommerferien sind traditionell die beliebteste Zeit zum Reisen. Gewandelt haben sich allerdings die favorisierten Reiseziele der Urlauber, denn die gesellschaftli … | Continue reading
Blog about breakfasts. Recipes of delicious food for everyday mornings and for special occasions. | Continue reading
Here's a piece of advice: Whether you're an individual or a multibillion dollar company, never start any sort of event invite with the words "Hey Bae."Especially if you're unsure what "bae" means. SEE ALSO: Microsoft broke an age-old rule with Windows 10 updates and paid the pric … | Continue reading